Button Highlighting and Scroll Issue in Phonegap - jquery-mobile

I am New to Phonegap Development, I am Using jQuery mobile to create my UI. I have two Issues here,
Response of button for touch event is very slow. Why..?
I have Created a form with some elements like 2 Inputs text type, 2 Button one after another.
M problem is when I click on input, the keyboard popup makes the page move up, that's OK but when I press the keyboard resign button, the page stay little up.
Can you please help me out..!
and how to Optimize the responsiveness of JQuery mobile UI. I have completely avoided the images.

First, you can follow this link to remove the delay (300ms) from the click event.
And for the second one, i hope you are facing this issue for android. if so, then you need some changes to be done on the AndroidManifest.xml
Use below android property in application tag,
Will look something like
<application android:icon="#drawable/icon" android:label="#string/app_name"
This should resolve your issue.


IOS native controls invisible/hidden in PWA

We have a PWA (web app) that the user can add to the homescreen to make it look more like an app. Some users have reported a strange issue that only seems to appear on IOS sometimes when the following step has been made.
Open the app from the homescreen
Use the app for a while
Put it into background
Turn off the screen for a while
Turn the screen back on and put the app to foreground again
The bug is that nothing seems to happen when you click on a select or date input control. First I thought that there was some overlay in the app that was blocking the ui controls but the elements receive focus on click, but not options are shown.
Now it really becomes strange. When I tried to click a little bit under the select input an option was selected. The same thing occured with a time select. If I first clicked on the timeselect input control and then a little bit under, it updated the time.
So, the controls seems to be there but nothing is visible on the screen. I have only been able to reproduce this on my own once but multiple users have been reporting the same thing. The only way to work around the bug is to restart the app.
It seems to be for all native safari controls that shows some kind of modal/popover.
I've did an indepth investigation on this select dropdown problem and posted an issue at bugs.webkit.org: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=238318
It's a problem with dropdowns of several components (such as select, input file/date/month) where either the animation to have the dropdown appear or disappear seems to get stuck. You can sometimes see the dropdown being tiny and very transparent (if you zoom into a screenshot) and sometimes you'll be able to select an option even though you don't see the dropdown.

Issue with openning PDF in iOS 11.3 Using PWA

I've used Vuejs and Framework7 in my PWA. I want to open a remote PDF file in my PWA and also it's important to me that users be able to back to my PWA after opening PDF. I did this using :
window.open(pdf_url, "_blank");
And it works fine for iOS > 12 and after opening pdf file there is an "OK" button for closing pdf.
But for example in iOS 11.3 there is no button and user has to use home button to close PWA.
I tried to solve problem using iframe but I can show only first page of the pdf.
Is there any way to fix this issue?
You can resolve this issue by doing some tricks (for any device without back button):
if you use iframe, you can set height manualy with overflow scroll, and I think this will resolve issue (dependence of style or lib dependency, so that may be not work).
you can add back button to your navbar, or Toolbar to let user click on it to back to previous page. (I prefer this solution).
you can render pdf in popup nested of normal html page, and then you can customize popup component by handling back button, or handling close by dropback overlay.
I use second and third point in real project and its work fine...
This is sample close button code used in popup:
'<p>'+ i18nextHelper.i18next.t('Exit From PDF') +'</p>'
Note: You can also customize height page for pdf page only, and add normal button bellow it, or by add absolute positioning button above PDF, but I think if you use second or third point will be best.
Good luck.

Disable overscroll in iOS in ionic 2

We have an Ionic2 project. Ionic (on iOS) creates a Safari browser. Safari allows for what I call "overscroll". This is when you can scroll beyond the top or bottom of the page and the page snaps back.
One of our pages has a small signature pad. If a user tries to sign with their finger, they instead scroll the screen. The page content is small enough that it shouldn't be scrollable, but the overscroll causes the page to move.
We just want to disable the blasted overscroll.
Really all of our Ionic projects suffer from this drawback in some form or another, but this is the first project where it blatantly breaks functionality. In other cases it's just an annoyance.
Is anyone familiar with how to disable this overscroll? Whether through ionic, a cordova plugin, or the HTML itself.
If I have understood you correctly then this is actually really easy to do.
Just add no-bounce to your <ion-content> element.
<ion-content no-bounce>

Automatic hover triggered on element with FastClick like implementation on iOS 8.1

I have created a simple FastClick implementation. Issue I will be describing occurs with FastClick but since it seems more like a browser bug, i decided to create non-FastClick version to represent the issue.
Test this on iOS device or simulator running iOS 8.1 or up.
at least iOS 8.1 or up
A simple page with two buttons with active and hover states.
touchend handler that creates a synthetic click event and disables the original click event.
Steps to reproduce:
On the device or simulator,
Click on the first button
Click on the second button that removes itself from DOM on click
The hover state of first button gets triggered.
Why is this annoying?
Because of this weird behaviour, combination of FastClick and Single page application leads to some button randomly being hovered on navigation. Which is definitely unwanted behavior.
I am already considering removing all the hover styles from touch devices. But if I could actually target the problem itself, which is getting rid of the random hover from happenning, that would be great.
Any attempt to shed some light on this will be highly appreciated. :)

The infamous "sticky" :hover on iPad - how does Google fix it?

I have unfortunately stumbled on the issue where, on iPad, a pop-up menu summoned by way of :hover does not disappear from the screen when the user touches an empty area of the page.
The problem is the same described here:
Hover Behavior on Desktop vs iPad
The menu is part of a template I bought, namely:
But... wait a minute... it WORKS on the template's home page? And only on that page -- it doesn't work on any other page of that same template.
I was able to track the behavior down to the point where I found that the reason why it works is the following: initializing a Google map makes the menu behave properly. Just the simplest of maps, with the default options.
Now my question to the experts is: what is that Google does in the map initialization code in order to fix the :hover behavior?
Thank you very much in advance for your help!
Well, can't tell what is that Google does, however the solution is documented in mobile Safari developer's reference.
For a click event to be generated on an area of the document, there must be a click handler attached. For example, clicking on a div will generate a click event only if an onclick="void(0)" handle is presente:
Clicking here triggers event in mobile Safari
