How to scroll UITableView in Storyboard editor of Xcode 5? - ios

Storyboard had great feature to design tables of static cells.
Until XCode 5 is was possible to compose long list of cells and scroll the table to edit them.
With XCode 5 the scrolling simple stopped working - instead of scrolling the table, now it scrolls entire the storyboard.
Did anyone solved this problem?
I'm completely stuck with my long tables of static cells...

In the storyboard view uncheck Under Top Bars with the problematic scroll view selected.
This allowed me to scroll all the way down.
This only occurred in one of my views, so still not sure what it happens.

I just tried it in my XCode 5. After selecting one of the other not covered table cells I am able to scroll down to the other hidden table cells. Does this work for you too?
Similar post, maybe this helps you too:
Can't scroll to the bottom of a long Static TableViewController in XCode 5 Interface Builder to edit the cells below the fold

Here are the steps that I have found to work:
Select the TableViewController in the Document Outline (view to the
left of the Storyboard).
Click on the Status Bar (or somewhere along the top) of the
TableViewController so that the entire TableViewController is
selected in the Storyboard View.
Use the scroll wheel on your mouse or the "2-finger scroll" on the
The scroll bars on the side of the Storyboard View only seem to move the storyboard around.
It also only seems to work if the mouse pointer is hovering over the TableViewController.
Using Xcode 5.0.2 (5A3005)


UICollectionView within UITableViewCell with Swipe

I am using Xcode 7.1 and Swift 2.1 version.
I am looking for something as shown in the picture
Here in the left screen (Before Swiping), I have a UITableView in which there are certain cells in which I have to implement a right swipe functionality.Now when I swipe right the one coming from right must be a UICollectionView as shown in right picture (After Swipe) as there can be many options (a,b,c,d,e....). So they should be in some scroll view like UICollectionView.I searched a lot and found some libraries like
They provide array of UIButton or a single Button with image or text. We can add multiple buttons but they will shrink accordingly.
I want something called a UIView in which I can place UICollectionView and make its datasource accordingly with fixed size cells as shown in the picture.Any source or link for the same is highly appreciable.

iOS app shifted right and can't view full table

I'm having trouble setting a layout for my iOS app. The entire app is shifted right for some reason as you can see by the label and buttons which are in the middle of the scroll view.
I also can't seem to display the entire table. In the screen shot below "another Item" is supposed to have a checkmark and it is only visible if I shift the table in Main.storyboard far to the left where the actual label for the cell item is half visible.
I have a scroll view inside of the view controller and then a label and three buttons as well as a table view with table view cells.
Thanks to Lucas for the answer
Are you using Auto Layout with that storyboard? Looks like you might not have set your constraints up properly. You might also want to take a look at Xcode's new View Debugging functionality.

XCode 6 Table View cell running off the screen

I have a table view cell inside of a view controller in Xcode storyboard. The cell is formatted 'Right detail' with a Title on the left and Subtitle on the right. It looks like the cell is too wide for the screen - and the Subtitle information has rolled off the side of the screen. I'm on Xcode 6. The table view looks like this
But it should look like this
Is there some formatting option I could check so that the information fits neatly in the table view screen? Thanks for any advice.
Open the resolve layout issues tab at the bottom right, above where the debug panel goes and select Reset to suggested constraints with your tableview selected. If that doesn't work then you'll need to constrain the right side of your tableview to the superview manually, this can be done by control dragging (like an IB connection) from the superview to the tableview and selecting the appropriate constraint in the scene hierarchy to the left of your storyboard editor.

Xcode Amount of rows in table through Storyboard

I am new in IOS and Xcode (v4) so I am trying some things up. I have created a view controller to which I have included some toolbar items, a navigation item and a tableview. I am using the storyboard to build the interface. My table view is consisted of static cells. My problem is that in the table view I am trying to increase the rows from 4 to 6 but they will not show up in the storyboard (it is shown to the scenes on the left though). Plus I can't find a way to make them appear. Can anyone explain me why is this happening?
Also in the UITableView is there a scrollbar object integrated in case rows overcome screen size?
Thank you in advance.
You want to see your fifth and sixth cell in storyboard means select your tableview and scroll u able to see. In Simulator also u can scroll ur table view to see the cells.The thing is if u designing in 3.5 inch screen means the available width and height is 320 * 480. In that top 64 for navigation bar and status bar.

Adding a UIScrollView to an existing UIView in Storyboard

I build an app using storyboards and I want to embed one of the view in a UIScrollView. Therefore to do so, I drag an drop the UIScrollView directly in the storyboard. I then adapt it size and position.
After that I select all my items and drag and drop them into the UIScrollView. My problem is that all my items' positions get messed up: they all align in the center of the UIScrollView so I have to reposition them myself.
Is there any way I can keep the same layout?
Thanks a lot for your help!
One way is to select the view, then go to editor -> embed in -> scroll view.
For more complex things, temporarily disable autolayout, create a new empty viewcontroller, copy/paste all your subitems there, do your voodoo with your scrollview, paste them back when it's done.
