Jenkins - Build Pipeline - Display more text on Job Names - jenkins

I have a Jenkins Build Pipeline similar to the screenshot below:
Im just wondering is it possible to display the full job name?
As you can see from the screenshot the full name is not displayed at present,
There does not seem to be any settings in Jenkins/Build Pipeline plugin to allow longer names,

The latest version of the Build Pipeline plugin resolves this issue, see:
Ensure Jenkins and the Build Pipeline are on the most up to date versions


Jenkins job - no options found under pipeline section

I have started learning Jenkins recently.
I installed docker on a server which I created on AWS server and using docker I have installed Jenkins.
I wanted to test a Hello pipeline stage by creating new item, but when I go to the pipeline tab I cant see any options like pipeline script or pipeline script from SCM . I have installed git plugin and pipeline plugin also seems to be installed successfully. I am not able to continue my study further. I will be really thankful if someone can help me here.
In reality the pipeline plugin is not just one plugin but a bunch of 6 to 8 plugins. So you may want to install all the pipeline related items in your available plugins section of Manage Jenkins. Once this is done, a reboot of Jenkins is required for the changes to take effect. Here are some of them:

How to fetch Upstream build number in Jenkins 2.103

I tried installed Parameterized Build Plugin, but it doesn't shown in Jenkins Configure Page.
We are executing a Pipeline project with the script.
I am using Jenkins ver. 2.103.
I have two projects A and B.
A is parent project.
B is child project.
B needs A Last successful build number.
I have tried a couple of solutions on StackOverflow and other forums but no luck.
because I am using Jenkins Pipeline no plugins works for me .
I used Shell script to update latest succesful build number to a file and use the same in other job.
Share file data between jobs.

How to disable a Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline project

I've been creating a few Multibranch Pipeline projects in Jenkins and now
I've "upgraded" to use a GitHub Organization project.
How do I disable the old Multibranch Pipeline projects?
I don't see any Disable button anywhere.
Here is a screenshot of what I mean:
Since I can't add a screenshot to a reply, I'm editing my question to include the screenshot to show I have the latest version of the Pipeline Plugin installed, 2.16:
If you are using a recent version of the Pipeline Job plugin (I am using version 2.25 from Sep 5, 2018) and you do not see the disable option, then you can still disable the job by appending /disable to the URL of the job.
You would need to be logged in as a user who has access to
write/configure builds. And if the build is Pipeline Multibranch you
still won't see the disable button. If that's the case, you can append
/disable to the project URL to disable it.
Append /disable to the end of Job URL. Then Jenkins will redirect you to a page where you can Post. Same applies for /enable too
Go into the configuration page for the multi branch pipeline. Under the Branch Sources, in the Properties section, add a property, and select "Suppress automatic SCM triggering".
The Multibranch plugin I installed is 2.21. No "Disable" option is available (at least I didn't see it). I did the following to disable the multibranch pipeline:
Open the pipeline -> Configure -> uncheck Periodically if not otherwise run under Scan Multibranch Pipeline Triggers
You are not seeing the disable option may be because you are using an older version of pipeline job plugin. The feature to disable job was added in version 2.11 released in May 2017. Refer change log of pipeline job plugin and try updating your plugin to latest.
For multi branch pipeline specific branches can be disabled in Project > Configure > Branch Sources > Exception

Jenkins Pipeline - Why does the Pipeline option not show up

I have Jenkins Jenkins ver. 2.82 running and would like to use the Pipeline function when creating a new job. But I dont see this listed as option. I can only choose between free-style Project, maven Project, external Project and multiconfigruation. How can I use the Pipeline option, as for example explained here: . I tried to find a solution, but yet I was not successfull. Any help is very much appreciated.
You need to install the Pipeline plugin.

How to show SVN revision in Jenkins Build Pipeline Plugin instead of job number?

I am using the Jenkins Build Pipeline plugin.
Do you know how to show the SVN revision in Jenkins Build Pipeline Plugin instead of job number?
I have seen in screenshot of old versions of this plugin that it showed SVN revision sometimes.
Is it a change into the plugin, or some parameter to add?
You can use the "Build Name Setter Plugin" to set the name of the build, but this is not respected by the Build Pipeline plugin. At present it is hard coded to use the build revision number, so you can not at present configure it.
As reference, you can see this in the source code on
on line 319
<j:if test="${from.isShowPipelineParameters()}">
I would also like to see the plugin respect the display name of the build as set by the Build Name Setter plugin. There's an open issue for this feature on the Build Pipeline plugin Google code page.
I dug a bit deeper into the source code and it seems that some changes have been made after the 1.3 release. The relevant commit is Hopefully this functionality will be rolled out in the next release.
