NSURLRequest: Does it implicitly delete cookies? - ios

Here's a really simple question. I just ran into an error where I needed to clear a cookie manually.
What happened was, I'm using the GTMOAuth2 library for authentication. This library presents a web-view to collect user credentials. And then all subsequent requests are done via regular HTTP, where we add the received oauth token into the header.
My colleague working on the back-end told me that one of these subsequent non-UIWebView requests asks me to clear the header. Of course for the web-client this would just work, but not on mobile.
For HTTP, I'm using the nice light-weight BBHTTP library - a little objective-C wrapper for cURL. So this got me thinking: Do regular, vanila NSURLRequests have seam-less Cookie integration, or would I have the same behvior where I need to clear the cookie manually there too?


Is it possible to use recaptcha with auth0 in some way to avoid having a user to sign in but still have a token?

I have an app, client side, that uses auth0 for accessing the different API's on the server. But now I want to add another app, a single page app, I'm going to use VueJs, and this app would be open "ideally" w/o a user having to sign in, it's like a demo with reduced functionality, I just want to check that the user is not a robot basically, so I don't expose my API in those cases.
My ideas so far:
- Somehow use recaptcha and auth0 altogether.
- Then have a new server that would validate that the calls are made only to allowed endpoints (this is not of my interest in the question), so that even if somehow the auth is vulnerated it doesn't leave the real server open to all type of calls.
- Pass the call to the server along with the bearer token, just as if I was doing it with my other old client app.
Is this viable? Now I'm forcing the user to validate, this is more a thing about UX (User-experience), but I'd like a way to avoid that. I'm aware that just with auth0 I can't do this see this post from Auth0, so I was expecting a mix between what I mentioned.
I'm sticking to validating in both cases, but I'm still interested to get opinions over this as future references.
At the end, with the very concept of how auth0 works that idea is not possible, so my approach was the following:
Give a temporary authenticated (auth 0) visitor a token which has restricted access level, then pass the request to a new middle server, the idea is to encrypt the real ids so the frontend thinks it's requesting project A123456etc, when indeed it's going to get decrypted in the middle server to project 456y-etc and given a whitelist it will decide to pass the request along with the token to the final server, the final server has measures to reduce xss and Ddos threats.
Anyway, if there's a better resolve to it I will change the accepted answer.
You could do a mix of using recaptcha for the open public, then on the server side analyse the incoming user request (you can already try to get a human made digital fingerprint just to differentiate with a robot-generated one) and the server (more a middle server) makes the call to you API (and this server has limited surface access)
What we normally do in these situations (if I got your issue correctly) is to create two different endpoints, one working with the token and another one receiving the Recaptcha token and validating it with Google servers.
Both endpoints end up calling the same code but this way you can add extra functionality in a layer in the 'public' endpoint to ensure that you are asking only for public features (if that cannot be granted just modifying the interface).

Box API OAuth2: multiple redirect_uris, long lasting refresh token

I have two questions about Box's Oauth2 API in a testing environment.
Is it possible to have multiple redirect_URI addresses? I'd like to use one address for production (e.g., https://my_site.com/box_redirects_here), one for ongoing development (http://localhost:8000/box_redirects_here) and one for automatic UI tests (http://localhost:8001/box_redirects_here). As far as I could see, the only way to do that would be to create three different Box applications - is there an easier way? BTW, both Dropbox and Google Drive do support multiple redirect URIs.
I have a set of automatic tests that I'd like to run a few times a day. The challenge I'm facing is that every time I run these tests, my refresh_token is invalidated, and I can't use it again - which means I can't run the same set of tests a few hours later without manually getting a new token. One solution would be to save the refresh token, for example in a file, so I could reuse it across testing sessions. But:
It's really cumbersome.
if different developers are running these tests from different machines with no common file system that doesn't really work.
Again, for whatever reason this doesn't seem to be an issue with Google Drive or with Dropbox.
This is not currently possible, and I agree that would be nice.
Your best option is to save the access/refresh token pair to a file or a database (in the event that there's no common filesystem.) The OAuth2 spec grants implementers wide latitude on how they issue refresh tokens, if they issue them at all (I don't think Dropbox does.) While Box's implementation makes integration testing a bit challenging, I think that it ultimately hews most closely to the spec's recommendations.
For your first question, you might be able to get close to what you want by using the redirect_uri query parameter. Although you won't be able to supply an arbitrary redirect URI, you can give one that has the same base URL as the redirect URI in your app console.
From the OAuth tutorial:
Wildcard redirect_uri values are also accepted in the request as long as the base url matches the URI registered in the application console. A registered redirect_uri of https://www.myboxapp.com can be dynamically redirected to https://www.myboxapp.com/user1234 if passed into the request redirect_uri parameter.
For your second question, John is right - Box invalidates a refresh token after it has been used. Although this can be annoying, it's also more secure.

How should I secure my SPA and Web.API?

I have to implement a web site (MVC4/Single Page Application + knockout + Web.API) and I've been reading tons of articles and forums but I still can't figure out about some points in security/authentication and the way to go forward when securing the login page and the Web.API.
The site will run totally under SSL. Once the user logs on the first time, he/she will get an email with a link to confirm the register process. Password and a “salt” value will be stored encrypted in database, with no possibility to get password decrypted back. The API will be used just for this application.
I have some questions that I need to answer before to go any further:
Which method will be the best for my application in terms of security: Basic/ SimpleMembership? Any other possibilities?
The object Principal/IPrincipal is to be used just with Basic Authentication?
As far as I know, if I use SimpleMembership, because of the use of cookies, is this not breaking the RESTful paradigm? So if I build a REST Web.API, shouldn't I avoid to use SimpleMembership?
I was checking ThinkTecture.IdentityModel, with tokens. Is this a type of authentication like Basic, or Forms, or Auth, or it's something that can be added to the other authentication types?
Thank you.
Most likely this question will be closed as too localized. Even then, I will put in a few pointers. This is not an answer, but the comments section would be too small for this.
What method and how you authenticate is totally up to your subsystem. There is no one way that will work the best for everyone. A SPA is no different that any other application. You still will be giving access to certain resources based on authentication. That could be APIs, with a custom Authorization attribute, could be a header value, token based, who knows! Whatever you think is best.
I suggest you read more on this to understand how this works.
Use of cookies in no way states that it breaks REST. You will find ton of articles on this specific item itself. Cookies will be passed with your request, just the way you pass any specific information that the server needs in order for it to give you data. If sending cookies breaks REST, then sending parameters to your API should break REST too!
Now, a very common approach (and by no means the ONE AND ALL approach), is the use of a token based system for SPA. The reason though many, the easiest to explain would be that, your services (Web API or whatever) could be hosted separately and your client is working as CORS client. In which case, you authenticate in whatever form you choose, create a secure token and send it back to the client and every resource that needs an authenticated user, is checked against the token. The token will be sent as part of your header with every request. No token would result in a simple 401 (Unauthorized) or a invalid token could result in a 403 (Forbidden).
No one says an SPA needs to be all static HTML, with data binding, it could as well be your MVC site returning partials being loaded (something I have done in the past). As far as working with just HTML and JS (Durandal specifically), there are ways to secure even the client app. Ultimately, lock down the data from the server and route the client to the login screen the moment you receive a 401/403.
If your concern is more in the terms of XSS or request forging, there are ways to prevent that even with just HTML and JS (though not as easy as dropping anti-forgery token with MVC).
My two cents.
If you do "direct" authentication - meaning you can validate the passwords directly - you can use Basic Authentication.
I wrote about it here:
In addition you can consider using session tokens to get rid of the password on the client:

HttpSession without cookie

I have an application a the moment which for a particular set of reasons will be interacting oddly with the hosting server.
The application is to be accessed through a larger portal and can be encapsulated within the portal display, however it makes extensive use of AJAX requests which are not intercepted by the portal. These requests are made directly to the hosting server, however I am seeing a problem.
When the first ajax request is made (a little way into the application flow) the Ajax request is not carrying with it the JSessionId cookie (obviously as it's sending this to a different server than it received it from)
Is there a good grails way to find the session the AJAX call should be interacting with. I have tried setting grails.views.enable.jsessionid to true, but this only works if the browser is not accepting cookies.
Create a hidden form input value that has the jsessionid in it on the page you send back to the portal on the first request. Then read that form variable, and set the cookie in your javascript code that makes the AJAX request.
I'm guessing seeing that this already works, cross-site scripting isn't an issue? AJAX requests to domains other than that which the main page originated from will be blocked by the browser.
The most reliable way will be for you to set up your own "cookie" and pass that along with the requests.
It sounds like you are running into issues due to the portal and it's cookies and then having to continue that "session" onto a different server. Your application needs to simply handle it's own sessions itself in order to prevent getting stomped on by the "normal" cookies.
The idea is essentially to create a session token when the portal makes a request from to your application, and then the subsequent AJAX calls your application makes back to it's own server should include that token. You can then easily associate that token with the session you need to be using.
If you are looking to make it a bit more robust and handle it above the level of your application, you can leverage the fact that Grails is built on Spring MVC deep down and override the default session handler to pick up on whatever mechanism you decide to go with. I'm not sure of exactly how to do this with Grails, but I've done similar things on Spring MVC projects and it isn't too tough once you get your head wrapped around the various injection points of the framework.
It isn't ideal, since there is now a fair bit more complexity, but in theory, the benefits of the portal are outweighing the added complexity required for traditionally "handled" things like sessions and expiring them, etc.

Using OAuth securely in JavaScript to save bandwidth

I want the users of my website to use Dropbox to store their files. I will be using OAuth 1.0 for this purpose. I can't use OAuth 2.0 as Dropbox only supports OAuth 1.0.
If I completely implement the authorization and file retrieval/storage at the server-side it will cost me a lot of bandwidth for the file storage/retrieval. I thought of completely shifting this to JavaScript for saving the bandwidth. However, in that case the consumer secret will be exposed to the world causing security issues.
To prevent the consumer secret exposure I have thought of performing the request_token, authorize and access_token phases at the server-side. Then pass the necessary parameters to JavaScript which will then handle storage and retrieval of files.
Is this a good idea? Or can you see any problems in it?
I think it makes perfect sense.
As long as you make absolutely sure that none of your keys/secrets appear anywhere in your JavaScript code, and make absolutely sure to only persist keys/secrets for the duration of the session you should be safe.
EDIT: You can of course persist the access token to Dropbox server side beyond the scope of the session. That way you can reuse the same access token across several sessions.
I've encountered the same issue, the only thing is if the endpoint, in your case Dropbox, supports CORS, aka returns ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN permitting the browser to post to it. Otherwise you could post via a FORM but i dont think you'll be able to read the response.
FYI i've wrapped this into a clientside library, take a look at http://adodson.com/hello.js/ and serverside OAuth1 shim https://npmjs.org/package/oauth-shim
