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We write user stories in the standard prescribed As a X I want to Y so that Z.
Now with the popularity of BDD and Gerkhin language format for specifying requirements, does anybody has experience in switching their user stories into gerkhin format. Have you found it easier and intuitive to elicit requirements from the business in this format, and have you experienced any benefits in doing so?
You still start each feature with As an X I want a Y so that Z in Gherkin. However this is commonly turned around so that its benefit is its most prominent aspect,
e.g. from
Feature: Some terse yet descriptive text of what is desired
In order to realize a named business value /*Z*/
As an explicit system actor /*X*/
I want to gain some beneficial outcome which furthers the goal /*Y*/
Once you’ve completed this section the rest of the Gherkin feature is the more recognisable Given When Then section, but these are simply examples that highlight the functionality of your feature. They exist with your feature definition, not instead of it.
For more details have a good read through
I would continue writing User Stories in the 'As a ... I Want ... So That ...' format and write your Acceptance Criteria using Gherkin.
Throughout my experience with Agile, I have noticed that there is no fixed rule that works for all situations and all teams. The concept of agile is to move away from unnecessary formalism and changes such as these would rather take away from the real agile concept (my POW!)
All the while writing user stories, its more of an evolutionary thing then being fixed. With every new team you have to try and test what works for them. 'Dont fix what aint broke' so if your current user stories are having some problems, point out and go through the problems during a retrospective meeting. Try to follow the changes recommended and agreed to by the team. You would end up getting better user stories.
User Stories already have a simple defined format
As a <Type of User>
I want <To perform some action>
So that <I receive some value>
The Gherkin format (Gherkin is a type of cucumber used to make pickles) is typically used for documenting Acceptance Criteria in software like the Cucumber test automation tool. Get it? Gherkin format used in Cucumber?? Gherkin format uses a Given...When...Then... statement.
Gherkin Format:
Given <A Certain scenario>
When <I perform some action>
Then <I receive some result>
In my experience Acceptance Criteria is written in many different formats from bullet lists to comma separated lists and run-on sentences. As such Gherkin format provides a standard way to describe Acceptance Criteria while preventing complex or compound Acceptance Criteria with its simplified format
Using the simple Gherkin format for Acceptance Criteria has another interesting side benefit. Since Acceptance Criteria must be simple and to the point in this format each detail must be documented in its own Given...Then...Then statement. As such when we begin to look at the number of Gherkin statements for a particular User Story as the number of statements gets beyond 15 or 20 its a sign that our User Story may be an Epic or Feature masquerading as a User Story. That is to say we should slice the User Story into smaller User Stories with less Gherkin Acceptance Criteria statements for each User Story.
See the related posts below on the ProDataMan blog for more details...
What makes a good User Story
Acceptance Criteria - Are we done yet?
Definition of Done
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am looking for an engine that does AI text summarization based on the concept or meaning of the sentence, I looked at open-source projects like (ginger, paraphrase, ace) but they don't do the job.
The way they work is that they try to find synonyms for each word and replace with the current words, this way they generate alot of alternatives to a sentence but the meaning is wrong most of the times.
I have worked with Stanford's engine to do something like highlights to an article and based on that extract the most important sentences, but still this is not abstraction, its extraction.
It would also make sense that the engine I'm looking for learns over time and results are improved after each summary.
Please help out here, your help is greatly appreciated!
I don’t know any open source project which fits your requirements about abstraction and a meaning as I assume.
But I have an ideas how to build such engine and how to train it.
In a few words I think we all keep in mind some Bayesian-network like structure in our minds, with helps us not only to classify some data, but also to form an abstract meaning about text or message.
Since it is impossible to extract all that abstract categories structure from our mind I think it’s better to build mechanism which allow as to reconstruct it step-by-step.
The key idea of the proposed solution is in the extraction of meaning of a conversation using approaches which easier in operation with it from an automated computer system. This will allow creating the good level of illusion of real conversation with another person.
Proposed model supports two levels of abstraction:
First of them, less complex level consists in the recognition of groups of words or a single word as a group which related to the category, instance or to the instance attribute.
Instance means instantiation from the general category of the real or abstract subject, object, action, attribute or other kind of instances. As an example – concrete relation between two or more subjects: concrete relations between employer and employee, concrete city and country where it’s situated and so on.
This basic meaning recognition approach allows us to create bot with ability sustain a conversation. This ability based on recognition of basic elements of meaning: categories, instances and instances attributes.
Second, the most complicated method based on scenario recognition and storing them into the conversation context with instances/categories as well as using them for completion some of recognized scenarios.
Related scenarios will be used to complete the next message of the conversation as well as some of scenarios can be used to generate the next message or for recognizing meaning element by using of conditions and by using meaning elements from the context.
Something like that:
Basic classification should be entered manually and with future correction/addition of the teachers.
Words from sentence in conversation and scenarios from sentence can be filled from context
Conversation scenarios/categories can be fulfilled by previously recognized instances or with instances described in future conversation (self-learning)
Pic 1 – word detection/categorization basically flow vision
Pic 2 – general system vision big picture view
Pic 3 - meaning element classification
Pic 4 – basically categories structure could be like that
Hi all I'm doing the edx course and in this answer I get an error
So if any of you knows the correct answer please tell me why I get an error, if I select all options as true.
Which of the following are true about user stories? Select all that apply.
They should describe how the application is expected to be used
They should have business value
They do not need to be testable
They should be implemented across multiple iterations of the Agile lifecycle
From the SaaS textbook:
The BDD version of requirements is user stories, which describe how the application is expected to be used. They are lightweight versions of requirements that are better suited to Agile. User stories help stakeholders plan and prioritize development. Thus, like BDUF, you start with requirements, but in BDD user stories take the place of design documents in BDUF.
User stories came from the Human Computer Interface (HCI) community. They developed them
using 3-inch by 5-inch (76 mm by 127 mm) index cards, known as “3-by-5 cards.” (We’ll see other examples of paper and pencil technology from the HCI community shortly.) These cards contain one to three sentences written in everyday nontechnical language written jointly by the customers and developers. The rationale is that paper cards are nonthreatening and easy to rearrange, thereby enhancing brainstorming and prioritizing. The general guidelines for the user stories themselves is that they must be testable, be small enough to implement in one iteration, and have business value.
Therefore, the answer to:
Which of the following are true about user stories? Select all that apply.
They should describe how the application is expected to be used
They should have business value
They do not need to be testable
They should be implemented across multiple iterations of the Agile lifecycle
is (1) and (2).
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I can think of quite a few components that need to be created when authoring a web application. I know it should probably be done incrementally, but I'd like to see what order you usually tackle these tasks in. Layout your usual order of events and some justification.
A few possible components or sections I've thought of:
Stories (i.e.
Integration tests (Rspec, Cucumber, ...)
Functional tests
Unit Tests
Javascript functionality
The question is, do you do everything piecemeal? (one story, one integration test, get it passing, move onto the next one, ...) OR complete all of one component first then move onto the next.
I'm a BDDer, so I tend to do outside-in. At a high level that means establishing the project vision first (you'd be amazed how few companies actually do this), identifying other stakeholders and their goals (legal, architecture, etc.) then breaking things down into feature sets, features and stories. A story is the smallest usable piece of code on which we can get feedback, and it may be associated with one or more scenarios. This is what Chris Matts calls "feature injection" - creating features because they are needed to support stakeholder goals and the project vision. I wrote an article about this a while back. I justify this because regardless of how good or well-tested your code is, it won't matter if it's the wrong code in the first place.
Once we have the story and scenarios, I tend to write the UI first, followed by the classes which support it. I wrote a blog post about a real-life example here - we were programming in Java so you might have to do things a bit differently with Rails, but the principles remain. I tend to start writing unit tests when there's actually behaviour to describe - that is, a class behaves differently depending on its context, on what has already happened before. Normally the first class will indeed be the controller, which I tend to populate with static data just to get the UI into shape. I'll write the first unit tests to help me get rid of that static data.
Doing the UI first lets me get feedback from stakeholders early, since it's the UI that the users will be interacting with. I then start with the "happy path" - the thing which lets the users do the most valuable thing - followed by the exceptional cases, validation, etc.
Then I do my best to persuade my PM to let us release our code early, because it's only when the users actually get hold of it to play with that you find out what you really did wrong.
I'm just starting with BDD and I'm trying to build a small app, so I can see it working in a real environment, but I'm having trouble deciding what should be a feature. I'm building a tiny shop.
I decided that "Compare products" will be a feature and "User can checkout as guest" will be one, but to get to that, I first need to list products.
My question is, should "There should be a list of products" be a feature?
It should probably be a feature, but try wording it from a user's point of view. What does this list of product offer him?
User should be able to get an overview of offered products
User should be able to order and reorder products on name, price, availability.
It's pretty hard to begin doing BDD. The only thing that helps feeling confident in your abilities and the whole approach is to write test scenarios and the code that executes them. I would suggest you not to make already complex and confusing situation harder. Pick whatever task that you need to implement, open a blank text file and try to explain using simple sentences the behavior. Every sentence should start with one of three keywords: given, when and then. Using your favorite BDD framework write the code that will parse these sentences and stimulate the application to get into the start state (given), execute some commands (when) and assert the transitioned state (then). Application code may start from mere mocks. Replace gradually those mocks with gradually built code and grow your application with higher confidence and quality levels.
User story is a feature. Something that can be expressed in format:
As role
I would like to do something
So that goal
As user
I would like to be able to compare products
So that I can select a product satisfying my needs in a best way
As guest
I would like to checkout my shopping cart
So that I can complete the purchase
Each feature have to be confirmed by a series of Given-When-Then scenarios of course.
You're basically asking what is a feature. Think about it, you have a story, a story describes a feature you (or other people involved) want for your app. Usually it has the form of: As a user I want to view list of products. You may add notes to this story, in order to make it more clear. But then comes the specific behaviour (that eventually you will test against) - there are infinite number of behaviours that conform to this story (think about view of products and the many ways to present them). Your focus, in BDD, is on finding the behaviour that suite your app needs (I use app and not user, because sometimes you should decide for the user) - by talking to as many people as you can, by trying stuff out and iterating it over.
It's like going from top to bottom - always trying to focus on behaviour - being more specific as you go. If you think about it, given a behaviour (meaning a set of tests) there is an infinite number of implementations. That's why the focus of BDD is to truly understand the behaviour by experimenting and talking - there is always a degree of freedom.
More important would be to figure out what the user wants to do with the list of products?
the feature would be providing something valuable to the user.
so in your case it would be
Choose a product to view from a list of products
Choose x products to compare from a list of products
I would classify a feature as a minimum useful set of stories that deliver some coherent (business) value.
for BDD framework see
To determine, if a requirement is an explicit feature / user story, you could use the guidelines of task based design / documentation (e.g. Such concepts acknowledge that a user of a system wants to achieve a specific result. Usually, to know something (such as: which products are available) is only a step in the process of purchasing / selling / building / etc.
A good starting point in BDD is to write the topics you would use as chapters in your user manual. These topics are usually the features you are going to provide in your software solution.
A nice framework that supports such an approach of specification-by-example is Concordion ( Please have a look at the description of “acceptance tests in plain English” (
What would be an intelligent way to store text, so that it can be intelligently parsed and translated later on.
For example, The employee is outstanding as he can identify his own strengths and weaknesses and is comfortable with himself.
The above could be the generic text which is shown to the user prior to evaluation. If the user is a Male (say Shaun) or female (say Mary), the above text should be translated as follows.
Mary is outstanding as she can identify her own strengths and weaknesses and is comfortable with herself.
Shaun is outstanding as he can identify his own strengths and weaknesses and is comfortable with himself.
How do we store the evaluation criteria in the first place with appropriate place or token holders. (In the above case employee should be translated to employee name and based on his gender the words he or she, himself or herself needs to be translated)
Is there a mechanism to automatically translate the text with the above information.
The basic idea of doing something like this is called Mail Merge.
This page seems to discus how to implement something like this in Ruby.
A google search gave me this -
I don't know much about this library, but it looks like what you need.
This is a very broad question in the field of Natural Language Processing. There are numerous ways to go around it, the questions you asked seem too broad.
If I understand correctly part of your question this could be done this way :
#variable{name} is outstanding as #gender{he/she} can identify #gender{his/hers} own strengths and weaknesses and is comfortable with #gender{himself/herself}.
#name is outstanding as #he can identify #his own strengths and weaknesses and is comfortable with #himself.
... if gender is the major problem.
I have had some experience working with a tool called Grammatica, when building a custom user input excel like formula parsing and evaluation engine. It may not be to the level of sophistication you're looking for but it's a start. This basically uses many of the same concepts that popular code compiler parsers employ. It's definitely worth checking out.
I agree with Kornel, this question is too broad. What you seem to be talking about is semantics for which RDF's and OWL can be a good starting point. Read about modeling semantics using markup and you can work your way up from there.