UIKitExtension file not including in UI7Kit (iOS) - ios

I am testing UI7Kit from this link.
After i download source code , i try to run it.
However the following file is not including.
#import <UIKitExtension/UIKitExtension.h>
Anyone who have experienced about UI7Kit and how can find that source code?

Out of curiosity I cloned the repository and it also gave me the error on build. So I did a google search for the class name and found this project, which you need to clone and reference in the project: https://github.com/youknowone/FoundationExtension
Edit: Upon further reading I realize what the problem is. You need to use CocoaPods to install the necessary framework I mentioned above: https://github.com/youknowone/UI7Kit#how-to-run-test-app


No such module found when importing SQLite in Xcode

I am trying to import SQLite into an app in Xcode. The version of this app was originally developed using SQLite from the following link (not SQLite3).
The library has worked in previous iterations, but now I get an error that says "No such module SQLite" when I try to import the library at the top of the file I want to use it.
I have followed the instructions on the gitHub page and still have trouble with the library. One thing that I notice is that in the file explorer the SQLite.framework files are highlighted in red. I believe this is the source of the problem however, I don't know how to fix this.
File Picture:
Import Error:
It looks like you want to include SQLite into your ReadySetFit project? If so, what you really need to do is to follow the instructions under the "Installation" section found on the GitHub repo's main page. I'm a fan of Cocoapods (because all you'd need to do then is add a Podfile to the folder containing your ReadySetFit project), but there's also SwiftPackageManager or Carthage.
Along with the instructions in the SQLite github repo main page (or README.md), here's a tutorial on how to add a Podfile to your project.
I hope this helps!

How to insert framework into repo lib create by CocoaPods?

I had a framework named TCXXXXX.framework can only be added to project by manual.
In addition, I had created a Share repo by CocoaPods's command pod lib create STShare.
I had try to add TCXXXX.framework and TCXXXX.bundle into STShare's Classes document. However, it work wired. TCXXXX.framework and TCXXXX.bundle changed to a document view in Xcode( The bundle and framework icon just disappeared).
By the way, it couldn't build succeed because STShare couldn't found the class in TCXXX.framework.
I want to know how to add framework to STShare repo by manual?
Sorry, I answer by myself. (Too much time for answer, and I found by myself)
I can fulfill the requirement by specify s.framework line in STShare.podspec file.

JSQMessages with Parse - Installation issue

I'm looking to implement JSQMessages into my existing Xcode project.
I tried using CocoaPods but was unable to fix all the errors. I got so far as to only having an error with the Parse-lib not being found but after having no luck getting rid of it (had to do with the debug-iphoneos) I gave up and uninstalled all of the CocoaPods and returned to having my project with only Parse.
I read on the github page that you can install it manually just by putting the folder for JSQMessage and JSQSystemSoundPlayer into your folder project but I have not been able to figure that one out. So my question to you guys is if anyone knows the exact procedure of doing it manually, because simply putting them in your project folder and importing them both into my bridging file wasn't successful and Xcode gave me an error that it wasn't able to find the headerfiles.
First, I would recommend you to look on this library for implementing chat
It could be installed via cocoapods or by dragging source of the library to your project.
On my experience working with JSQMessages, it's too buggy when you have a lot of messages in the chat

Integrating CocoaLumberjack into iOS Project via Drag-and-Drop

I'm trying to integrate CocoaLumberjack into my iOS project by dragging-and-dropping the Lumberjack.Xcode file into my project. That works fine, but now my project has 9 new targets. I don't need all of that overhead. So my question is, how do I cut down on the number of targets to just the needed stuff for iOS?
It seems every time I drag over only the mobile project that it is missing needed files. Upon my research, it seems that there are no up-to-date tutorials related to integrating Lumberjack specifically to iOS, which seems like a tool that would be commonly used so that is odd. Being new to all of this, it is troublesome and I would love some help.
Other information: I'm doing a manual installation since Cocoapods is not an option for me. I am following their Installation Guide:
Installation Guide
The very first line in the manual installation guide is
git submodule add git#github.com:CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack.git
I do not want to add yet another submodule to my project, so I'm dragging and dropping Lumberjack.Xcode into my project.
Before I learned how to use CocoaPods, I used to just clone the repo and copy all of the .h and .m files into my project, ensuring they're added to the correct target.
The only issue you have to make sure to avoid is missing one or more files. Not 100% sure with CocoaLumberjack, but I'd look at just adding everything from here:
Instead of adding it as a submodule, you can simply clone the repo and add it to your project. The rest of the instructions remain the same. So replace the line you quoted above with:
git clone git#github.com:CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack.git
rm -r CocoaLumberjack/.git/
Then follow the rest of the instructions in the install guide.
Instructions from CocoaLumberJack

New relic iOS framework, header not found

I am using New Relic in my iOS app. In my original xcode-project things work as expected. When I check out the project from Git on another computer (or the same computer at another location), I am unable to find NewRelic.h. I get the following error when I try to build:
'NewRelicAgent/NewRelic.h' file not found
The framework is added to Git, and I use several other third party frameworks that work without problem. If I remove the New Relic import the rest of the project work as expected. In the non-functioning version that I check out, I have even tried to remove New Relic and re-add the framework, but this produces the same error.
I have searched the project for any absolute search paths, but it seems like there are none. I would like some advice on how to make xcode find the file.
This actually looks like a problem with xcode. A few users found a very simple fix that's outlined here: Why are static library headers not found?
Should be as simple as renaming the folder that contains the .xcodeproject.
I had this error when following their install instructions and imported the framework in the precompiled header. When importing it in the app delegate (which they explicitly state you should NOT do with the new version) everything works. Might be something with XCode6.1. Don't know.
