Flurry Analytics from Corona SDK - How do you log event parameters? - coronasdk

Code below create event logs instead of event parameters with Flurry.
eventParams = {}
eventParams["key"] = value
analytics.logEvent(EVENT_NAME, eventParams)
How do you log event parameters in Flurry from Corona SDK?

Since Flurry doesn't officially support Corona SDK, please reach out to support#flurry.com indicating your complete platform details and API key of the App and Flurry SDK version being used. We will get back to you.
I work in the support team at Flurry.


Firebase Cloud Notification shows 0 opens 0 clicks

I have integrated Firebase Cloud Notifications for Push Notifications in my iOS App written in Swift.
Although, the notifications are working as expected and I can see the Number of Deliveries, It doesn't show the Open Count and Click Count.
I have searched for similar questions on StackOverflow but none of them has been answered yet.
As you can see in the screenshot below, the number of sends is being tracked but not Open Count or other things.
Any Help is Appreciated.
We had a similar issue and it was caused by the missing Firebase Analytics library.
Documentation for iOS:
Step 4: Add Firebase SDKs to your app
4. Choose the Firebase libraries you want to use.
If Google Analytics is enabled in your Firebase project, make sure to add
FirebaseAnalytics. For Analytics without IDFA collection capability, add
FirebaseAnalyticsWithoutAdId instead.
Documentation for Android:
Step 4: Add Firebase SDKs to your app
// Add the dependency for the Firebase SDK for Google Analytics
implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-analytics'
Google Analytics also has a setup guide in the Admin UI (Admin - Property - Data Streams, select the stream, click "SDK Setup Instructions"):

Firebase iOS SDK - proper way to do utm attribution for Push Notifications

Have a client that is using "session_start" event to track conversions across 3 platforms on a Web+App property.
For app links and deep links, this works perfectly. Clicking a universal link opens the app and fires the SESSION_START with utm attribution.
For push notifications, this is ok on web and ok on Android (not sure how at this point, but that's another story). But on iOS, SESSION_START is not fired with attribution.
Considering using custom NOTIFICATION_OPENED event, and attaching attribution parameters there.
SDK does not support modifying or hijacking the SESSION_START event.
What is the correct way to attach attribution to a push notification?
Simply put - by default Firebase iOS SDK does not support this out of the box immediately whereas the Firebase Android SDK does, because Android SDK fires through FCM and immediately hooks into the Dynamic Links functionality (I think) which supports utm tags out of the box for attribution, whereas Firebase iOS SDK hooks into APNS instead.
We have solved this issue thusly
disable swizzling (FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled to false in .plist)
hook into the following AppDelegate functions
but in particular, call handleopenurl(url) from application(_:open:options:), passing in the url extracted from your chosen push notification provider from the keyvalue pairs. In the case of Localytics, the deep link is found in ll_deep_link_value
Hope this helps future sleuths. As I'm not the actual developer, some details above may not be 100% accurate so please leave a correction if you do find one.
In general, if combining multiple push notifications and analytics providers, avoid using automagic integrations like FB Swizzling, and Localytics auto init.

Firebase Analytics compliance with ATT on iOS 14.5

If you're using Firebase analytics in your iOS Firebase project, starting in iOS 14.5 do you need to present a prompt asking User for app Tracking permission? From Firebase docs they say that Impact if IDFA is not accessible for Google Analytics:
Analytics event logging, event reporting, and conversion measurement are unaffected, but attribution is impacted if IDFA is not accessible. To learn more about Google’s response to iOS 14, see our blog post.
After reading the blog post its still not clear to me if I need to present the prompt or not?
If you want to track conversions in firebase or google analytics supporting of IDFA is required.
For CocoaPods you use two types of pod:
pod 'Firebase/Analytics'
pod 'Firebase/AnalyticsWithoutAdIdSupport'
The last pod doesn't use IDFA and you shouldn't use ATTrackingManager request to user otherwise should.
If you use FirebaseAnalytics only to track user activity (custom and system events) use AnalyticsWithoutAdIdSupport and don't show ATTrackingManager prompt.
Firebase Analytics does not track the user's personal information, most of the information is metadata about the app itself and its usage time. The key difference is you cannot target a specific user and track them as an individual, rather find in general how often users fullfill a specific task.

Google map api + node.js realtime backend + ios

I'm new google map, so im not really sure how to start. I have few questions that Im currently confused right. I'm trying to build an application similar like uber
1) Google maps comes with and SDK, and how exactly am i going to make it in real-time, for example there are two guys with GPS, how does Guy A can see Guy B moving in reatime, do i need to use node.js + socket.io to make it work? or the SDK itself already handled that.
To start with, Google Maps SDK for IOS automatically handles access to the Google Maps servers, map display, and response to user gestures such as clicks and drags.
Please note of the following when using the Google Maps SDK for iOS in your application:
You need to comply with the Terms of Service and ensure that your app complies with applicable laws. Note that when using the SDK, your application name and version, authentication information and a cross-application anonymous identifier is automatically sent with each request.
You must include the attribution text as part of a legal notices section in your application which can be obtained by making a call to [GMSServices openSourceLicenseInfo].
Developing an application with the SDK requires the following: (1) Xcode 6.3.0 or later. and (2) iOS SDK 8.0 or later.
And for the implementation part, this SO post - how to track real time position using google map API? gives out the steps needed which could help.

After update Facebook IOS SDK generated dialogs we are consistently getting CAPTCHA's

After Facebook IOS SDK update, our app generates a message "A Link in Your Post Might Be Unsafe" and then "Security Check Failed" when our user try to post to Facebook from the app. We never had this before Facebook SDK update. Are there any peculiarities in Facebook SDK update that we should take into account to avoid this situation in future?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Best regards,
Awem Games
Can you post an example of the full url that is blocked? That way we can check what is happening.
There can be various reasons why the content you want to share is blocked. This is very unlikely linked to using a new SDK. It can be due to having testing; is that URL shared a very high amount of times since testing the new SDK?
You can use the following form to appeal for any blocked content: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/244560538958131
