UIActionSheet missing background in iOS7 - ios

EDIT: This is intended behavior, but that was not obvious from the UI Transition Guide from Apple. I found a much better example here: http://iosandmacbuddy.wordpress.com/2013/07/30/ios-7/
In iOS7, the background has disappeared from my UIActionSheet. I know the UIActionSheetStyle constants are no longer used, but I wasn't using them before! In the UI Transition Guide (Page 45), the sample appears like this:
Mine, however appears without the grey background box, instead appearing as floating buttons with no background:
Am I misunderstanding and the grey box on the guide is the view behind the UIActionSheet? (and therefore my behavior is expected)

Honestly there is nothing wrong with that.
It looks perfectly fine to me.


UIPopoverController with UIVisualEffectView over UISplitViewController - background is not getting blurred on iPhone 6 plus

I am trying to display a popover controller over UISplitViewController.
The popover is displayed correctly. However, the visual effect view, which I have added to it, is not being displayed correctly on iPhone 6 plus (the background is not getting blurred). Here is the result which I am getting:
I have no clue how to resolve this issue.
The most similar question I was able to find is this. However, none of the solutions worked for me.
I have also tried modifying the presentation styles but it does not help as well. Setting the background for popover to clearColor also doesn't help...
I have uploaded a project to GitHub which you can find here.
Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions!
This is the normal behaviour, if you want to blur the background while the popup is presented, you should use UIPresentationController and it's delegates.
You can find the documentation here and a top notch tutorial here.
Here you will find an example of what you're trying to achieve.

Cordova navbar bigger in iOS 6

Working with Cordova and Ionic at the moment and trying to make an app as backwards compatible as possible (which is going surprisingly well) except I have stumbled upon one small issue.
The navbar after iOS 7 is bigger in that it covers the background of the status bar as well, as seen below.
So when I load the app on a phone running iOS 6 or earlier, the status bar doesn't get resized, the whole page just gets moved down, hiding some of the content in the footer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm probably missing something simple.
If I'm understanding correctly, then you need to add padding like this:
document.body.style.marginTop = "20px";
This should make the navbar view correctly.
See this - http://coenraets.org/blog/2013/09/phonegap-and-cordova-with-ios-7/

Wrong color in UIImageView

It looks like UIImageView (or the underlying UIView is changing my colors.
iPad simulator is on the left side, and on the right side is the same view from IB.
I have same effect on UITableViewCell, and on other views in the application. What's the problem, and how to deal with it?
It looks on a real iPad just like on a simulator.
My guess would be that it has something to do with this, though I'm not too sure what it does. You might wanna try playing around with it and see what you get.
You need not to care about how it appears in the IB. The actual appearance you can see is in Device only.
Even the simulator and the Device may give different appearance of the images.
Well, I've found out (by looking at jpeg sources using Dropbox iPad app) that the problem actually goes deeper into that: StackExchange post.
That solved my question. It still looks differently in IB and on device, but it's now pretty close to what I get in Photoshop.

How to replace the "checkered" background shown during orientation changing in Mobile Safari (iPad)?

I am developing a small web application optimized for iPad (using mainly javascript & CSS quirks and hacks). However, there is an issue that I just can not find or come up how to resolve.
The thing is that if I change the orientation of the iPad, during the rotation animation a transparent ("checkered") background is shown in the places that were not rendered in previous orientation. One guy on forums.macrumors.com posted an excellent screenshot illustrating this behavior. The thing is, since my application has a rather dark look and & feel, this checkered background showing during the rotation seems to be awkwardly out of place.
However, this guy's screenshot was for the iPhone - that said, and considering that stackoverflow.com is more programming-focused, I thought I'd ask if anyone struggled with and, hopefully, successfully resolved this issue.
Safari displays the checkered background when the rendering can't keep up (try scrolling really fast). As far as I know there is no way of changing the pattern.

How to make a glowing bar effect in iOS like the one used when personal hotspot is on?

I'd like to use this effect (not necessarily blue) when I'm synching my app to my server. I've searched the interwebs and apple dev forums but to no avail.
Another way to do this (though it gives you very little control over how the double status bar looks) is to simulate an audio session. See the following question & answer: SBStatusBarController instance
There is no way to do this nicely as Apple does this. There are two ways to do at least something close to this:
You can try to set status bar style to UIStatusBarStyleBlackTranslucent and plea a little bit with background images under the status bar that will affect a color a little bit.
You can take a look through the code by following links — http://www.cocoabyss.com/uikit/custom-status-bar-ios/ and https://github.com/myell0w/MTStatusBarOverlay/ this two code samples implements an overlay above the status bar that fools a user. Achieved result maybe pretty close to what you show in your screenshot.
