I am facing issues when displaying an in-app purchase alert inside my app.
When the user has to enter its App Store's username and password, in landscape mode on the iPhone/iPod Touch (works fine on the iPad), username and password fields get overlapped in iOS 7.
Is this an iOS 7 bug? How can I know if it's been reported to Apple already?
I made a login with Apple on my login screen, and I made an if statement to check if the platform is iOS to show it in iOS devices.
The problem is when I run the app on the iOS simulator the button shows up, but when I run the app on a real device the button does not show up.
if (Platform.isIOS)
My app rejected by App Store because it doesn't have apple login button so I added "sign in with apple" button
Here is the issue;
When I debug my app on simulator, apple login button is showing and working as you see but when I debug it on a real device it's not showing.
I uploaded the app and tried via Testflight. Still same issue, that button is not showing.
Where exactly am i going wrong?
Can you check your device os version? ASAuthorizationAppleIDButton available in ios 13 and more.
I am using AWS device farm for testing purpose.
There is password Text field in 1 view controller.
In iPhone SE when I click and type on Password field, It shows nothing(not even cursor) but when I click on login Code is able to take password from field.
It does not happen with iPhone 11. iPhone 11 shows '•' (black dot) and cursor.
I am not able to reproduce this on iPhone SE simulator.
Both iPhone SE and iPhone 11 has iOS 13.1.3.
We need some more info before getting an answer, what IOS versions are the SE and 11? if that's different, that might be your issue.
We're making a game that runs in landscape orientation. When running on iOS 11, we noticed that when requesting a payment the IAP prompt shows now as a portrait payment sheet (instead of a popup, like it used to on prior iOS versions).
Is it possible to display this new payment sheet in landscape orientation? I've searched Apple's documentation, but the only reference I could find to this new behavior is a passing mention in a WWDC 17 video (https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2017/303/ around 8:30). Also, when testing on the sandbox environment, the payment confirmation shows using the old popup.
We are using TouchID for our iPad app, which supports both Portrait & Landscape orientation.
According to our understanding, the TouchID authentication dialog doesn't support Landscape orientation, which is still fine; however, upon turning the screen to landscape mode, the TouchID dialog remains in portrait mode, but the viewcontroller also fails to rotate to landscape! Besides, the statusbar rotates to landscape mode, giving an ugly look.
We have observed the similar behavior on iTunes too. Please advice if this is the standard behaviour or is there any other way to solve the issues.
I have same problem in my app. It seems that Touch ID dialogue prevents view controller under from getting information about device rotation. I tested it on App Store - tried to buy app. When dialogue appeared on dialogue rotate, App Store didn't react to device rotation.
Tested on iOS 10.2 (14C92)