Dynamic source for JQuery UI Autocomplete - jquery-ui

I am currently working on a interface which requires an autocomplete of locations.
The list of locations is currently obtained via an AJAX call to a JSON object which is generated dymanically from a URL which has a search parameter of at least three characters.
Is there a way (im guessing most likely using an on key up), to populate the autocomplete by making an ajax call using the input current value and then returning these values in the autocomplete selection, rather than relying on jquery to create the autocomplete list from its source.
What I have currently appears to be inefficient and doesn't work as you might expect (for some reason the autocomplete only appears after four characters).
function buildAutoComplete(fieldId) {
var inputValue = $("#" + fieldId).val()
var resultsList = []
if(inputValue.length > 2) {
get("/location?prefix=" + inputValue,inputHit,inputMiss);
function inputHit(result) {
for(var i=0; i<result.length; i++) {
resultsList[i] = result[i].display_text
$("#" + fieldId).autocomplete({
source: resultsList
function inputMiss() {
$("#originField").keyup(function() {

It turns out I was going about this completely the wrong way.
The autocomplete API which I knew allowed a remote source automatically includes a URL parameter of term, of the input value.
So the resulting code looks like
minLength: 3,
source: "/location"
All it needed was the code at the back of the source to look for the parameter 'term' rather than 'prefix'.
Considerably more stable with a less complex and smaller code base.


best_in_place retains original values after update

I'm using best_in_place to do in-page editing of a table of data
in a ruby-on-rails app. The in-place editing works, but I have a
corner case that fails. A pair of items in the row (device_name,
generic_name) must be unique. If they are not unique, the server-side
code passes back a set of names with a changed generic_name to make
the pair unique. I use the following coffeescript to update the
jQuery ->
"ajax:success", (event, d) ->▫
return if ! d?
data = JSON.parse(d)
if ! data.dpoint?
item_to_edit = "#best_in_place_full_dpoint_" + data.dpoint.dpoint_id + "_generic_name"
This code works (IE it properly updates the page with the server-supplied
new generic name) , but if I then click back in the 'generic_name'
field, (to go into edit mode), the default edit text changes back
to what it was at the very beginning (page download time). I have
experimented with setting many different page elements to the new
generic name, including all of the following:
$(item_to_edit).attr('data-bip-original-content', data.dpoint.generic_name)
$(item_to_edit).attr('data-bip-value', data.dpoint.generic_name)
$(item_to_edit).attr('original-value', data.dpoint.generic_name)
$(item_to_edit).attr('bipValue', data.dpoint.generic_name)
$(item_to_edit).attr('bipvalue', data.dpoint.generic_name)
All to no avail. I have poked around in the dom trying to find where the original
value might be stored, but haven't found anything other than these.
Any ideas?
Try it
$(document).ready(function () {
/* Activating Best In Place */
var old_value;
$(document).on('change', '.not_abort', function (e) {
old_value = e.target.value;
$(document).on('ajax:error', '.not_abort', function (e) {
e.target.innerHTML = old_value;
$(e.target).data('bipOriginalContent', old_value);
best_in_place #device_name, :email, class: 'not_abort'

Knockout mapping is not updating my model

I'm having trouble with a knockout model that is not binding on a subscribed update. I have a C# MVC page that delivers a model to the template which is parsed to Json and delivered raw as part of a ViewModel assignment for ko.applyBindings. I have a subscription to an observable that calls a method to perform an update of the viewModel's data. Irrelevant stuff pulled out and renamed for example usage:
var myViewModel = function (data) {
var self = this;
self.CurrentPage = ko.observable();
self.SomeComplexArray= ko.observableArray([]);
self.Pager().CurrentPage.subscribe(function (newPage) {
self.UpdateMyViewModel= function (newPage) {
var postData = { PageNumber: newPage };
$.post('/Article/GetMyModelSearchByPage', postData, function (data) {
ko.mapping.fromJS(data, {}, self);;
When I perform logging, I can see all of the data, and it all looks correct. The same method is used to produce both the initial model and the updated model. I've used this technique on other pages and it worked flawlessly each time. In this case however, I'm looking for it to bind/update SomeComplexArray, and that's just not happening. If I attempt to do it manually, I don't get a proper bind on the array I get blank. I'm wondering if there is something obvious that I'm doing wrong that I'm just flat out missing.
Edit: I don't know that ko.mapping can be pointed to as the culprit. Standard model changes are also not affecting the interface. Here is something that is not working in a bound sense. I have a p element with visible bound to the length of the array and a div element with a click bound to a function that pops items off of SomeComplexArray. I can see in the console log that it is performing its function (and subsequent clicks result in 'undefined' not having that function). However, the p element never displays. The initial array has only 2 items so a single click empties it:
<p data-bind="visible: SomeComplexArray().length === 0">nothing found</p>
<div data-bind="click: function() { UpdateArray(); }">try it manually</div>
-- in js model
self.UpdateArray = function () {
Edit 2: from the comment #Matt Burland, I've modified how the pop is called and the manual method now works to modify the elements dynamically. However, the ko.mapping is still not functioning as I would expect. In a test, I did a console.log of a specific row before calling ko.mapping and after. No change was made to the observableArray.
I created a test of your knockout situation in JSFiddle.
You have to call your array function without paranthesis. I tested this part:
self.UpdateArray = function () {
It seems to be working on JSFiddle side.
I'm not really sure why, but it would seem that ko.mapping is having difficulty remapping the viewmodel at all. Since none of the fields are being mapped into self my assumption is that there is an exception occurring somewhere that ko.mapping is simply swallowing or it is not being reported for some other reason. Given that I could manually manipulate the array with a helpful tip from #MattBurland, I decided to backtrack a bit and update only the elements that needed to change directly on the data load. I ended up creating an Init function for my viewModel and using ko.mapping to populate the items directly there:
self.Init = function (jsonData) {
// More stuff below here not relevant to question
The primary difference here is that the ko.mapping.fromJS result needed to be called as a function before the observableArray would recognize it as such. Given that this worked and that my controller would be providing an identical object back during the AJAX request, it was almost copy/past:
self.UpdateMyViewModel= function (newPage) {
var postData = { PageNumber: newPage };
$.post('/Article/GetMyModelSearchByPage', postData, function (data) {
This is probably not ideal for most situations, but since there is not a large manipulation of the viewModel occurring during the update this provides a working solution. I would still like to know why ko.mapping would not remap the viewModel at the top level, but in retrospect it probably would have been a disaster anyway since there was "modified" data in the viewModel that the server would have had to replace. This solution is quick and simple enough.

Event listener for multiple elements - jQuery

In the ASP MVC page I'm currently working on, the values of three input fields determine the value of a fourth. Zip code, state code, and something else called a Chanel Code will determine what the value of the fourth field, called the Territory Code, will be.
I just started learning jQuery a couple weeks ago, so I would first think you could put a .change event that checks for values in the other two fields and, if they exists, call a separate method that compares the three and determines the Territory code. However, I'm wondering if there is a more elegant way to approach this since it seems like writing a lot of the same code in different places.
You can bind a callback to multiple elements by specifying multiple selectors:
$(".field1, .field2, .field3").click(function() {
return field1 +
field2 +
If you need to perform specific actions depending on which element was clicked, another option would be to create a function which performs the actual computation and then invoke that from each callback.
var calculate = function() {
return field1 +
field2 +
And then invoke this function when on each click:
$(".field1").click(function() {
// Perform field1-specific logic
$(".field2").click(function() {
// Perform field2-specific logic
// etc..
This means that you do not repeat yourself.
This works for me
jQuery(document).on('scroll', ['body', window, 'html', document],
Adding another possibility, just in cased this may help someone. This version should work on dynamically created fields.
$("#form").on('change', '#Field1, #Field2, #Field3', function (e) {
console.log('something changed');

JQM - Inject dynamic content at load time only

I'm trying to dynamically populate a select tag at load time (latest jQM version) using a custom template filling function.
If the fn is called in the "pagebeforechange" event, the select tag is properly initialized. Since this event is called on every page transition, I thought of moving the fn to the 'pageinit' event. This does not work, presumably because the DOM is not yet fully available. How can I coerce jQM to inject content in a page only once? Currently, I am using a kludge. There surely must be a smarter way. Thanks for any suggestions.
$(document).bind('pageinit', function () {
InitSelTagTest("#selActTag", "tplTag"); // Does not work.
$(document).bind("pagebeforechange", function (e, data) {
if ($("#selActTag").children().size() === 0) {
InitSelTagTest("#selActTag", "tplTag"); // Kludge, but it works
function InitSelTagTest(el,tpl) { // Append all tags to element el
var lstAllTags = JSON.parse($("#hidTag").val()); // Create tag array
// Retrieve html content from template.
var cbeg = "//<![" + "CDATA[", cend = "//]" + "]>";
var rslt = tmpl(tpl, { ddd: lstAllTags }).replace(cbeg, ").replace(cend,");
$(el).html(rslt).trigger("create"); // Add to DOM.
In response to Shenaniganz' comment, it seems that the "pagebeforecreate" event could do the trick ie.
$("#pgAct").live("pagebeforecreate", function () {
// Populate tag select. Works. Traversed only once.
InitSelTag("#selActTag", "tplTag");
I'm not sure I fully understand your question but I'll throw a few things out there and you let me know if I can extend further.
To make something trigger only once on page load you can try to implement a regular JQuery $(document).ready(function(){}) aka $(function(){}) for the exact reason why JQuery Mobile users are told not to use it. It triggers only once on DOM load. Further pages don't trigger it because they're being switched via Ajax.
Other than that, on regular dynamic content loading you take a look at the following example I put together for someone else earlier:

autocomplete of words in the middle (jQuery UI)

Anyone know good sample code using jQuery UI's autocomplete widget that can autocomplete words in the middle of a text box, not just autocomplete of the word at the end only?
I'm using the jquery UI autocomplete widget for a component that supports entry of multiple tags. It's like like stack overflow's tag editor, but simpler: no fancy formatting in the autocomplete dropdown, no "tag" background images in the edit box. I started with the jQuery UI Autocomplete Multiple sample and modified it.
It's working OK, except autocomplete doesn't work for tags in the middle of a multi-tag string. For example, if I type C Fortran and then put the caret right after C and type +, I'd expect to see C++ in the autocomplete list but instead I see Fortran again.
Here's the code so far: http://jsfiddle.net/WCfyB/4/
This is the same problem described by autocomplete in middle of text (like Google Plus), but the problem in that question was simpler because he could rely on an empty # in the text to signal when to show the autocomplete. In my case, I can't just rely on the text-- I actually need to find out where the caret is and autocomplete for the word where the caret is.
I could build this myself using caret or another plugin, but was wondering if there was already a jQuery-UI-based sample online that I could use without re-inventing another wheel, especially if there are browser-specific corner cases to worry about. Ideally, it'd behave like this: whenever the user places the caret inside or at the end of a tag (where tags are always separated by 1+ spaces), autocomplete is shown for that tag. Know a good sample?
I don't know of any examples like this, but here's something that you could start with:
var availableTags = [ ... ];
function split(val) {
return val.split(/ \s*/);
function extractLast(term) {
return split(term).pop();
.bind("keydown", function(event) {
// don't navigate away from the field on tab when selecting an item
if (event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.TAB
&& $(this).data("autocomplete").menu.active) {
minLength: 0,
source: function(request, response) {
var results = [],
selectionStart = this.element[0].selectionStart
term = extractLast(request.term.substring(0, selectionStart));
if (term.length > 0) {
results = $.ui.autocomplete.filter(availableTags, term);
focus: function() {
return false; // prevent value inserted on focus
select: function(event, ui) {
var terms = split(this.value.substring(0, this.selectionStart));
terms.pop(); // remove the current input
terms.push(ui.item.value); // add the selected item
this.value =
$.trim(terms.join(" ") + this.value.substring(this.selectionStart)) + " ";
return false;
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/WCfyB/7/
The major caveat here is that the selectionStart method does not work in IE. You can replace those function calls with one of those plugins you mentioned in your question.
