Custom Voice When we call - ios

I don't know if i am exceeding the limitations of expecting something at this level.
Can i have a CustomVoice when i call someone.
For Eg.: if I Press a Button CallUser which would make a call to the specified number, when the user accepts/receives the call, he/she should be able to hear/listen a Custom Voice in the form of some message, kind of stuff, but i wont be speaking a word.
Please let me know if i am not clear.
Feedbacks Welcomed.
Thank You.
Best Regards.

No, as a developers on iOS you can not interact with the telephone. So you will not be able to have some kind of text to speech engine to do the call for you.
You might be able to do this if you develop your own VOIP client, since then you have full control over the call.


iOS - How to find/debug a system function in contacts app

The title might be weird but I try my best to explain my concern.
Upfront: I have little knowledge in programming but I'm willing to learn and understand this whole topic.
I would like to know how I can get an inside look into a function of Apples "Contacts" App or better a function this app provides.
E.G: If you enter a new contact with mobile phone number or email address and you save the inputs, the contacts app automatically responds if this user is able to receive Facetime calls. A new slider appears like a dropdown and you can chose to call via Facetime.
My approach is to have a script where I can enter the number/email and to get a response if Facetime is available or not.
I'm not asking for someone to give my a code example or something. I'm just interested how to approach this task. I would appreaciate if someone can give my a hint in the right direction.
Thank you.

Anatomy of a SMS lead alert

I would like to design the SMS referral link for a lead alerts application. (So the pro would receive the SMS message on their device with a link to click through to the job request details.) I'd like to make it secure and scalable. The link below arrives in the SMS as a shortened URL. That much I understand. does something similar and I'd like to know what the strategy is behind each segment in the URL (or your best estimation). Can someone help me understand?
Here is an example: (Thanks
Twilio developer evangelist here.
First of all, this isn't really a question for Stack Overflow. This is a place for asking questions about code that doesn't work in order to get it to work.
Having said that, the more I looked at the URL as I was commenting on this question, the more I feel I worked out. This is my idea of what the URL is saying.
Here's the URL again:
The random string in the URL, 3fd55669-d7cf-4655-892e-252080c34a79, looks like it is the identifier for the project itself. It's long and random, like a uuid, so it would be hard to guess, but can uniquely identify the project.
The email is presumably the email address of the pro that the SMS was sent to, so that the return on sending SMS projects to them can be measured.
The referrerSource is then used to measure how each of their referring sources is performing.
The only parameter that is impossible to really guess at is the c. Removing it (in fact, removing any or all of the query parameters) didn't change the result of loading the page. This implies that it is just another tracking parameter.
Hope that helps.

Vicidial direct call in my web app

I need to implement direct call feature via vicidial in my web application.
Let me explain the flow to better understand what I need to do. user would be able to login in vicidial via a webpage of my app. then can call on any number by entering number.
Is there any doc or wiki available to implement this feature. Guidance in simple steps would also be appreciating.
Thanks in advance :)
We implemented something like that using a product called WombatDialer that offers good APIs and is quite easy to set up (well, easier than ViciDial).
See for an API reference.

Using Telprompt:// to make a call (editing message)

I have a pretty simple question with perhaps a difficult answer.
Is it possible to edit the message that is thrown when you use "telprompt".
My priority is that i want to make a call and that after that call i want to return to the app itself instead of the Apple phone app.
But when i use a webView or the telprompt method it throws a message. I guess this is for safety reasons which is fine.. But the message only displays a phonenumber and two buttons. I want to add a name or something here.
Is this possible? How?
Thanks in advance.
No, you cannot. Period.
(chit chat chit chat to reach characters limit)

Rails sms, email and voice messaging framework

Is there a framework built in rails that lets me do something like send a message and then based off of user preferences automatically determine whether a text message, voice message or email message should be sent (or any combination of the 3 options)?
Also, if there is a framework like this, does it have support for receiving text messages or email messages and taking actions?
I know this is a big ask. The reason I am asking is because I have started implementing a system like this and am considering making it open source but I am curious if there is anything out there like this already that I should learn from first before publishing my system.
A full blown framework? No.
A helper library that does 95.2% of what you're looking for? Yes.
Using the Twilio gem - - you can send SMS or Voice with a handful of lines of code. You don't need to know their mobile carrier either, you can just send the SMS/Call for pennies per message/minute.
If you need a hand with it, I'm happy to help. You can reach me at keith #
