iOS 7 gets me a different CGSize width and height - ios

I have a problem on my app on iOS 7
I calculate my label size using:
CGSize constraint = CGSizeMake(275, 141);
CGSize size;
size = [_rtLabelQuestion.plainText sizeWithFont:[UIFont fontWithName:#"KGWhattheTeacherWants" size:intFont] constrainedToSize:constraint lineBreakMode:NSLineBreakByTruncatingTail];
and then place my label frame using:
_rtLabelQuestion.frame = CGRectMake(aLabelTemp.frame.origin.x, aLabelTemp.frame.origin.y, size.width + 2 , size.height + 10);
But on iOS 7 width and height of my CGSize is always smaller from exactly intFont pixels, i've been working on that 2 days and no solution, please help, thank you !

The size: you pass in to -[UIFont fontWithName:size:] is the point size of the font.
The size you get back from -[NSString sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode:] is the actual size of the laid out glyphs from the string.
If you want a given string to be a specific size, in a specific face, you will probably have to do a Newton's-method type iteration where you change the point size you're passing in until the laid out size is close enough to what you want. (I would not expect such an operation to be fast in the general case, BTW.) It might look something like this:
NSString* theString = #"FOOBAR";
CGSize constraint = CGSizeMake(275, 12);
CGFloat desiredHeight = 12.0;
CGFloat pointSize = desiredHeight;
CGFloat actualHeight = 0;
do {
CGSize size = [theString sizeWithFont: [UIFont fontWithName:#"Helvetica" size: pointSize] constrainedToSize: constraint lineBreakMode:NSLineBreakByTruncatingTail];
actualHeight = size.height;
CGFloat ratio = actualHeight / desiredHeight;
pointSize = pointSize / ratio;
} while (fabs(actualHeight - desiredHeight) > 0.01);
PS: -[NSString sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode:] is deprecated in iOS7. Compiler tells me to use -boundingRectWithSize:options:attributes:context:] instead. Using the new recommended method, it might look like this:
NSString* theString = #"FOOBAR";
CGSize constraint = CGSizeMake(275, 12);
CGFloat desiredHeight = 12.0;
CGFloat pointSize = desiredHeight;
CGFloat actualHeight = 0;
NSStringDrawingContext* ctx = [[NSStringDrawingContext alloc] init];
do {
CGRect br = [theString boundingRectWithSize: constraint options: 0 attributes: #{ NSFontAttributeName : [UIFont fontWithName:#"Helvetica" size: pointSize] } context:ctx];
actualHeight = br.size.height;
CGFloat ratio = actualHeight / desiredHeight;
pointSize = pointSize / ratio;
} while (fabs(actualHeight - desiredHeight) > 0.01);

Try using ceil to ensure you round up to an integer:
_rtLabelQuestion.frame = CGRectMake(aLabelTemp.frame.origin.x, aLabelTemp.frame.origin.y, ceil(size.width) + 2 , ceil(size.height) + 10);

CGSize viewwidth;
viewwidth=[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size;
this will help you to get device current resolution using cgsize.
viewwidth.width or viewwidth.height
as above u can use it. and also as below code
rightslide=[[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0, viewwidth.width, viewwidth.height)];


boundingRectWithSize not replicating UITextView

My requirement in a project is that the font size of the UITextView should decrease according the content of the UITextView. So i am trying to do estimate the size of the text using boundingRectWithSize.
The problem is that the font size I get is a bit too big and some part of the text does get clipped.
My Function :
float fontSize = self.maximumFontSizeInPoints;
self.font = [self.font fontWithSize:fontSize];
CGSize tallerSize ;
CGSize stringSize ;
if (fontSize <= self.minimumFontSizeInPoints) // it just won't fit
return NO;
fontSize -= 1.0;
self.font = [self.font fontWithSize:fontSize];
NSMutableParagraphStyle *paragraphStyle = [[NSMutableParagraphStyle alloc] init];
[paragraphStyle setLineBreakMode:NSLineBreakByWordWrapping];
NSDictionary *attributes = #{ NSFontAttributeName: self.font, NSParagraphStyleAttributeName : paragraphStyle };
tallerSize = CGSizeMake(self.frame.size.width,self.frame.size.height-16);// the 16 is given because uitextview adds some offset
stringSize = [text boundingRectWithSize:CGSizeMake(self.contentSize.width,CGFLOAT_MAX) options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin | NSStringDrawingUsesFontLeading attributes:attributes context:nil].size;
}while(stringSize.height >= tallerSize.height);
if ([self.onTextChangDelegate respondsToSelector:#selector(onTextChangDelegate)]) {
[self.onTextChangDelegate onTextChanged:text];
return YES;
I ran into the same issue when trying to do the same thing.
The issue is how UITextView run's its line-breaks compared to boundingRectWithSize. You can read more details here:
But you can actually calculate the exact size! There are basically two properties of a UITextView that you'll need to take into account in order to get correct size estimates. The first is textContainer.lineFragmentPadding, the second is textContainerInset.
First, textContainer.lineFragmentPadding: You may have noticed that your sizing is generally always off by 10px, this is because the systems default value is 5px. When you're calculating your estimated size, you'll need to subtract this value from the size you're checking against and add it back when you have your final value.
Second, textContainerInset. This is a UIEdgeInset that you'll need to add back to your final calculated value to match the systems.
This is code based on how I solved the issue:
- (CGSize)sizeThatFits:(CGSize)size
CGFloat lineFragmentPaddings = self.textContainer.lineFragmentPadding * 2;
CGFloat horzPadding = self.textContainerInset.left + self.textContainerInset.right + lineFragmentPaddings;
CGFloat vertPadding = + self.textContainerInset.bottom;
size.width -= horzPadding;
CGRect boundingRect = [attributedText boundingRectWithSize:size options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin context:nil];
size = boundingRect.size;
// I found through debugging that adding 0.25 rounded
// matches sizeThatFits: identically. Not sure why…
size.width += horzPadding + 0.25;
size.height += vertPadding + 0.25;
size = CGSizeRound(size);
return size;
Note, CGSizeRound is just a custom function I wrote that rounds the width and height of the CGSize to the nearest 0.5.
For comparison, if you create a second UITextView, and make sure the textContainer.lineFragmentPadding and textContainerInset are the same, you should see the values almost identical to the nearest 0.5.
And to your question about calculating a proper pointSize, this is some pseudo code for that:
CGFloat pointSize = 64;
CGFloat minPointSize = 32;
CGFloat decrementor = 4;
CGFloat padding = self.textContainerInset.left + self.textContainerInset.right + lineFragmentPaddings;
CGFloat actualWidth = self.maxTextViewSize.width - padding * 2;
CGRect boundingRect = CGRectZero;
BOOL isValidPointSize = NO;
do {
if (pointSize < minPointSize) {
pointSize = minPointSize;
boundingRect.size.height = self.maxTextViewSize.height;
isValidPointSize = YES;
} else {
NSDictionary *defaultAttributes = [self.customTextStorage defaultAttributesForPointSize:pointSize];
NSAttributedString *attrString = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:string attributes:defaultAttributes];
boundingRect = [attrString boundingRectWithSize:CGSizeMake(actualWidth, 1024) options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin context:nil];
// is the height to big?
if (boundingRect.size.height > self.maxTextViewSize.height) {
// reduce the point size for next iteration of loop
pointSize -= decrementor;
// passes height test
else {
isValidPointSize = YES;
} while (!isValidPointSize);
return pointSize;
Again, the above is pseudo code based on my implementation (not meant for just drop in replacement for what you have). Hope this helps!
try like this
UITextView *textViewObj;//initialise textview.
textViewObj.autoresizesSubviews = NO;
textViewObj.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingNone;
This is really working in swift,get original height of textview.. try this
size = cellQueue.contentLbl.sizeThatFits(CGSizeMake(cellQueue.contentLbl.frame.size.width,CGFloat(MAXFLOAT))) cellQueue.heightConstraintContentLbl.constant = size.height

Autoadjust content of UILabel

I have already determined the bounds of UILabel. Single line, 2-3 words. I have to change the font size. What is the best solution to adjust the content into strongly determined rectangle programmatically?
Set the minimum font scale of the label
_myLabel.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = YES;
_myLabel.minimumScaleFactor = 0.5f;
Use Autoshrink property in your XIB (or programmatically) and set minimum Font Size and your text will be adapted to the space. But with a minimum font.
I found the solution to check the sizes manually. The other solutions are working improperly. May be this code will help to somebody. Here the code to solve:
-(void) autoResizeLabel: (UILabel*) label withMaxWidth:(CGFloat)mw withMaxHeight:(CGFloat)mh
CGFloat fontSize = 1.f;
CGFloat outSize = fontSize;
CGFloat mDelta = 30.f;
CGFloat delta = 1.f;
BOOL activated = NO;
BOOL broken = NO;
for (float fSize = fontSize; fSize < fontSize + mDelta; fSize += delta)
CGRect r = [label.text boundingRectWithSize:label.frame.size options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin attributes:#{NSFontAttributeName:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:fSize]} context:nil];
CGFloat width = r.size.width;
CGFloat height = r.size.height;
if (mw <= width || mh <= height)
if (activated)
outSize = fSize - delta;
broken = YES;
activated = YES;
if (activated && !broken) outSize = fontSize + mDelta - delta;
[label setFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:outSize]];

iOS drawing text in a given width

I am looking for a way of finding the correct font size in order to draw text onto a map at the correct width (which changes as the user zooms in and out of the map). I used to use the following code:
+(float) calulateHeightFromMaxWidth:(NSString*)text withMaxWidth:(float)maxWidth withMaxFontSize:(float)maxFontSize{
CGFloat fontSize;
[text sizeWithFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:maxFontSize] minFontSize:1 actualFontSize:&fontSize forWidth:maxWidth lineBreakMode:NSLineBreakByTruncatingTail];
return fontSize;
This method always returned the correct answer, however sizeWithFont is depicted in iOS 7 and I cannot find a replacement that will return the font size after given it a width. I have found many posts on this site that will give you the width after you have specified a size but I cannot find the opposite (sizeWithAttributes:). I am trying to avoid a solution which involves looping through different font sizes till I find one that fits, as this method could be called 100's maybe 1000's times a draw.
Take a look at [NSString boundingRectWithSize:options:attributes:context:] You can pass MAXFLOAT for both height and width of the parameter size to get the actual size of the text.
EDIT: here's some code that calculates the ideal font size fairly efficiently, using the non-deprecated method:
+(float) calulateHeightFromMaxWidth:(NSString*)text withMaxWidth:(float)maxWidth withMaxFontSize:(float)maxFontSize{
// The less exact you try to match the width, the fewer times the method will need to be called
CGFloat textWidthMatchDelta = 10;
CGFloat fontSize = maxFontSize;
CGFloat minFontSize = 0;
// If drawing a single line of text, omit `|NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin`.
NSUInteger textOptions = NSStringDrawingTruncatesLastVisibleLine|NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin;
while (YES) {
CGRect textRect = [text boundingRectWithSize:CGSizeMake(maxWidth, MAXFLOAT)
attributes:#{NSFontAttributeName : [UIFont systemFontOfSize:fontSize]
CGFloat textWidth = CGRectGetWidth(textRect);
if (textWidth > maxWidth) {
maxFontSize = fontSize;
fontSize /= 2.0f;
} else if (textWidth + textWidthMatchDelta < maxWidth) {
minFontSize = fontSize;
fontSize = minFontSize + (maxFontSize - minFontSize) / 2.0f;
} else {
return fontSize;

Calculate Font Size to Fit Frame - Core Text - NSAttributedString - iOS

I have some text which I am drawing into a fixed frame via an NSAttributedString (code below). At the moment I am hard coding the text size to 16. My question is, is there a way to calculate the best fit size for the text for the given frame ?
- (void)drawText:(CGContextRef)contextP startX:(float)x startY:(float)
y withText:(NSString *)standString
CGContextTranslateCTM(contextP, 0, (bottom-top)*2);
CGContextScaleCTM(contextP, 1.0, -1.0);
CGRect frameText = CGRectMake(1, 0, (right-left)*2, (bottom-top)*2);
NSMutableAttributedString * attrString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:standString];
[attrString addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName
value:[UIFont fontWithName:#"Helvetica-Bold" size:16.0]
range:NSMakeRange(0, attrString.length)];
CTFramesetterRef framesetter = CTFramesetterCreateWithAttributedString((__bridge CFAttributedStringRef)(attrString));
struct CGPath * p = CGPathCreateMutable();
CGPathAddRect(p, NULL, frameText);
CTFrameRef frame = CTFramesetterCreateFrame(framesetter, CFRangeMake(0,0), p, NULL);
CTFrameDraw(frame, contextP);
Here is a simple piece of code that will figure out the maximum font size to fit within the bounds of a frame:
UILabel *label = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
label.text = #"Some text";
float largestFontSize = 12;
while ([label.text sizeWithAttributes:#{NSFontAttributeName:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:largestFontSize]}].width > modifierFrame.size.width)
label.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:largestFontSize];
The only way I can see this being possible is to have a system that runs the size calculation then adjusts the size and repeats until it finds the right size.
I.e. set up a bisecting algorithm that goes between certain sizes.
i.e. run it for size 10.
Too small.
Size 20.
Too small.
Size 30.
Too big.
Size 25.
Too small.
Size 27.
Just right, use size 27.
You could even start in hundreds.
Size 100.
Too big.
Size 50.
A little trick helps to make use of sizeWithAttributes: without the need of iterating for the right result:
NSSize sampleSize = [wordString sizeWithAttributes:
#{ NSFontAttributeName: [NSFont fontWithName:fontName size:fontSize] }];
CGFloat ratio = rect.size.width / sampleSize.width;
fontSize *= ratio;
Make sure the fontSize for the sample is big enough to get good results.
The currently accepted answer talks of an algorithm, but iOS provides calculations for an NSString object.
I would use sizeWithAttributes: of the NSString class.
Returns the bounding box size the receiver occupies when drawn with the given attributes.
- (CGSize)sizeWithAttributes:(NSDictionary *)attributes
Source: Apple Docs - NSString UIKit Additions Reference
EDIT Misinterpreted the question, so this answer is off the mark.
Even more easy/faster (but of course approximate) way would be this:
class func calculateOptimalFontSize(textLength:CGFloat, boundingBox:CGRect) -> CGFloat
let area:CGFloat = boundingBox.width * boundingBox.height
return sqrt(area / textLength)
We are assuming each char is N x N pixels, so we just calculate how many times N x N goes inside bounding box.
You could use sizeWithFont :
[myString sizeWithFont:[UIFont fontWithName:#"HelveticaNeue-Light" size:24]
constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake(293, 10000)] // put the size of your frame
But it is deprecated in iOS 7, so I recommend if working with string in UILabel :
[string sizeWithAttributes:#{NSFontAttributeName:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:17.0f]}];
If you are working with a rect :
CGRect textRect = [text boundingRectWithSize:mySize
CGSize size = textRect.size;
You can set the UILabel's property adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth to YES as per Apple's documentation
Here is code which will do exactly that: calculate optimal font size within some bounds. This sample is in context of UITextView subclass, so it's using its bounds as a "given frame":
func binarySearchOptimalFontSize(min: Int, max: Int) -> Int {
let middleSize = (min + max) / 2
if min > max {
return middleSize
let middleFont = UIFont(name: font!.fontName, size: CGFloat(middleSize))!
let attributes = [NSFontAttributeName : middleFont]
let attributedString = NSAttributedString(string: text, attributes: attributes)
let size = CGSize(width: bounds.width, height: .greatestFiniteMagnitude)
let options: NSStringDrawingOptions = [.usesLineFragmentOrigin, .usesFontLeading]
let textSize = attributedString.boundingRect(with: size, options: options, context: nil)
if textSize.size.equalTo(bounds.size) {
return middleSize
} else if (textSize.height > bounds.size.height || textSize.width > bounds.size.width) {
return binarySearchOptimalFontSize(min: min, max: middleSize - 1)
} else {
return binarySearchOptimalFontSize(min: middleSize + 1, max: max)
I hope that helps.
Here is my solution in swift 4:
private func adjustedFontSizeOf(label: UILabel) -> CGFloat {
guard let textSize = label.text?.size(withAttributes: [.font: label.font]), textSize.width > label.bounds.width else {
return label.font.pointSize
let scale = label.bounds.width / textSize.width
let actualFontSize = scale * label.font.pointSize
return actualFontSize
I hope it helps someone.
I like the approach given by #holtwick, but found that it would sometimes overestimate what would fit. I created a tweak that seems to work well in my tests. Tip: Don't forget to test with really wide letters like "WWW" or even "௵௵௵"
func idealFontSize(for text: String, font: UIFont, width: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
let baseFontSize = CGFloat(256)
let textSize = text.size(attributes: [NSFontAttributeName: font.withSize(baseFontSize)])
let ratio = width / textSize.width
let ballparkSize = baseFontSize * ratio
let stoppingSize = ballparkSize / CGFloat(2) // We don't want to loop forever, if we've already come down to 50% of the ballpark size give up
var idealSize = ballparkSize
while (idealSize > stoppingSize && text.size(attributes: [NSFontAttributeName: font.withSize(idealSize)]).width > width) {
// We subtract 0.5 because sometimes ballparkSize is an overestimate of a size that will fit
idealSize -= 0.5
return idealSize
Apple doesn't provides any method to find out a font size which fits the text in a given rect. Idea is to find out an optimal font size which perfectly fits the given size based on BinarySearch. Following extension tries different font sizes to converge to a perfect font size value.
import UIKit
extension UITextView {
#discardableResult func adjustFontToFit(_ rect: CGSize, minFontSize: CGFloat = 5, maxFontSize: CGFloat = 100, accuracy: CGFloat = 0.1) -> CGFloat {
// To avoid text overflow
let targetSize = CGSize(width: floor(rect.width), height: rect.height)
var minFontSize = minFontSize
var maxFontSize = maxFontSize
var fittingSize = targetSize
while maxFontSize - minFontSize > accuracy {
let midFontSize = (minFontSize + maxFontSize) / 2
font = font?.withSize(midFontSize)
fittingSize = sizeThatFits(targetSize)
if fittingSize.height <= rect.height {
minFontSize = midFontSize
} else {
maxFontSize = midFontSize
// It might be possible that while loop break with last assignment
// to `maxFontSize`, which can overflow the available height
// Using `minFontSize` will be failsafe
font = font?.withSize(minFontSize)
return minFontSize
This is the code to have dynamic font size changing by the frame width, using the logic from the other answers. The while loop might be dangerous, so please donot hesitate to submit improvements.
float fontSize = 17.0f; //initial font size
CGSize rect;
while (1) {
fontSize = fontSize+0.1;
rect = [watermarkText sizeWithAttributes:#{NSFontAttributeName:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:fontSize]}];
if ((int)rect.width == (int)subtitle1Text.frame.size.width) {
subtitle1Text.fontSize = fontSize;
Here's a method that seems to work well for iOS 9 using UITextView objects. You might have to tweet it a bit for other applications.
* Find the height of the smallest rectangle that will enclose a string using the given font.
* #param string The string to check.
* #param font The drawing font.
* #param width The width of the drawing area.
* #return The height of the rectngle enclosing the text.
- (float) heightForText: (NSString *) string font: (UIFont *) font width: (float) width {
NSDictionary *fontAttributes = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: font
forKey: NSFontAttributeName];
CGRect rect = [string boundingRectWithSize: CGSizeMake(width, INT_MAX)
options: NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin
attributes: fontAttributes
context: nil];
return rect.size.height;
* Find the largest font size that will allow a block of text to fit in a rectangle of the given size using the system
* font.
* The code is tested and optimized for UITextView objects.
* The font size is determined to ±0.5. Change delta in the code to get more or less precise results.
* #param string The string to check.
* #param size The size of the bounding rectangle.
* #return: The font size.
- (float) maximumSystemFontSize: (NSString *) string size: (CGSize) size {
// Hack: For UITextView, the last line is clipped. Make sure it's not one we care about.
if ([string characterAtIndex: string.length - 1] != '\n') {
string = [string stringByAppendingString: #"\n"];
string = [string stringByAppendingString: #"M\n"];
float maxFontSize = 16.0;
float maxHeight = [self heightForText: string font: [UIFont systemFontOfSize: maxFontSize] width: size.width];
while (maxHeight < size.height) {
maxFontSize *= 2.0;
maxHeight = [self heightForText: string font: [UIFont systemFontOfSize: maxFontSize] width: size.width];
float minFontSize = maxFontSize/2.0;
float minHeight = [self heightForText: string font: [UIFont systemFontOfSize: minFontSize] width: size.width];
while (minHeight > size.height) {
maxFontSize = minFontSize;
minFontSize /= 2.0;
maxHeight = minHeight;
minHeight = [self heightForText: string font: [UIFont systemFontOfSize: minFontSize] width: size.width];
const float delta = 0.5;
while (maxFontSize - minFontSize > delta) {
float middleFontSize = (minFontSize + maxFontSize)/2.0;
float middleHeight = [self heightForText: string font: [UIFont systemFontOfSize: middleFontSize] width: size.width];
if (middleHeight < size.height) {
minFontSize = middleFontSize;
minHeight = middleHeight;
} else {
maxFontSize = middleFontSize;
maxHeight = middleHeight;
return minFontSize;

How to resize UITextView text which fit on its frame after scale?

i do following code after scale uitextview but its not given me exact result
UITextView *textView = (UITextView *)[mainView viewWithTag:10];
int newFontSize,oldFontSize;
oldFontSize = textView.font.pointSize;
newFontSize =((textView.frame.size.height * textView.frame.size.width) * oldFontSize) / (textView.contentSize.height * textView.contentSize.width);
double olddistance = sqrt(pow((textView.frame.origin.x - (textView.frame.origin.x + textView.contentSize.width)), 2.0) + pow((textView.frame.origin.y - (textView.frame.origin.y + textView.contentSize.height)), 2.0));
double newDistance = sqrt(pow((textView.frame.origin.x - (textView.frame.origin.x + textView.frame.size.width)), 2.0) + pow((textView.frame.origin.y - (textView.frame.origin.y + textView.frame.size.height)), 2.0));
float scale = newDistance/olddistance;
float newWidth = scale * textView.contentSize.width;
float newHeight = scale * textView.contentSize.height;
self.frame = CGRectMake(self.frame.origin.x,self.frame.origin.y, newWidth+40, newHeight+40);
if (textView.font.pointSize * scale < 10)
textView.font = [UIFont fontWithName:textView.font.fontName size:10];
self.frame = CGRectMake(self.frame.origin.x,self.frame.origin.y, textView.contentSize.width,textView.contentSize.height);
textView.font = [UIFont fontWithName:textView.font.fontName size:textView.font.pointSize * scale];
I have once made a text view which resizes itself to exactly fit all the text in.
What you need is to provide the text and the width of your text view.
Here is the code:
-(CGSize) sizeForString:(NSString *)string WithWidth:(CGFloat)width {
CGSize size = [string sizeWithFont:[UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:16]
constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake(width, MAXFLOAT)
return size;
The function returns the proper size for your text view, therefore, you may adjust the text view accordingly.
