Project setup for modular .Net MVC application -

Consider an MVC4/EF5 project:
Creating a web application which will have 3 modules.
Based on the customer license, we will enable or disable 1-3 of the modules.
Each of the modules will deal with a handful of common tables (Users, Company, etc).
Each of the modules will deal with tables specific to their functionality (PO's, Timesheets, etc)
An admin portal, admin users in a seperate table from regular users.
data passed to views using view models
eventually there will be a JSON service for exposing parts of the applications functionality.
There will be multiple deployments of this application with slight customization (beyond just enabling/disabling each of the three modules).
The Plan so far:
Separate dll for Model
Separate dll for each Module/Functional area.
Separate dll for the ViewModels
Separate dll for admin portal
Seperate dll for the web service
Is anything gained by a seperate dll for ViewModels?
Tips for managing multiple variations of the same application, with regards to project organization, and source control?
Should there be a separate dll for authentication (membership and role providers)?
Any other thoughts? (Sorry for the open ended/loaded question, maybe I should remove this one)

My advice:
Don't try to solve your problems with Source Control. Unless you are
really good with branching/merging and very very disciplined. I'd
recommend one code base that is pulled together with Di/IoC
DI/IoC lots and lots of it - Look at Autofac and the Mutli-tenancy
extra. Keep everything loosely coupled as much as possible
Testing - TDD as everything needs to be loosely coupled lots of testing - look at Autofixture/AutoMoq
Extension points galore - layers of re-direction are your friend as
everyone will want different implemenations. Our core architectural elements
is a CQRS light style - Commands, Command Validators, Queries, and
Domain Events
Keep everyone on the same database structure (unless you go NoSQL
Use Onion Architecture - Make 3 projects, Web
(MVC5/WebAPI/ViewModels), Infrastructure (all the technical stuff
Repository implemenations etc), Domain Layer
Then make projects per client with overrides - e.g. Custom
ITimeSheetCalculator etc
Include ViewModels in Web Project - Look at per tenant ViewModel
mappings if required. Use AutoMapper
Look at stuff like VirtualPathProvider EmbeddedVirtualPath provider
so you can put views CSS in client DLL
Create an Ambient Configuration file that defines what is turned on per tenant. Feature toggles will be required. Especially during dev for features not yet complete
Find yourself a canary - a client you can work with on a beta version who you trust and can give good feedback
For security look at using Claims Based Identity - comes baked into MVC5. Makes it easier to have different security rules pre tenant etc
If you are working with multiple clients and they all want different
features/or same feature but implemented differently you need get the strongest person you can get to gather requirements. You can't do traditional Scrum and have developers etc and work directly with all the clients. You need someone in your company acting as proxy product owner who will take ownership of the problem of getting all clients to agree on general features
Consider Azure has lots of nice features we have used. Easily allows scale up and down.
Good luck


What are n-tier architecture scope in web-application?

I've found out n-Tier web application concept like following categories:
1- Database (including database business and table or store procedures and all database stuff)
2- Web. Data (including entities and repositories)
3- Web. Model (including not entities some simple model can transfer to client)
4- Web. Business (in some application is admitted it is not mandatory but it includes some functionality such as how to calculates things)
5- Web. Service (including web API on SOAP restful application)
6- Web. Security (it includes some custom security as you wish but it is not mandatory)
7- Web. Client (including client-side functionalities like jquery, mvvm and some other like authentication, securities implemented in UI)
8- Web. Extension (including extra helper methods and wrapper objects)
9- Web. Handler (including all handler and modules)
These layers could be placed on different projects they could be implemented by MVC or even by of course with the same concept.
I was wondering if my understanding was right or not? or got any better idea? Could you expand them more or are they limited and enough?
Please guide me what are standards about them?
Did you look MyPrettyCMS Framework in codeplex ?
It's exactely that...
In the next release, it includes Web API and Web API OData Handling.
If you want to follow the developer group, find the Linked in group : myPrettyCMS Happy Contributors Associates
N-tier concept is wider than just listing the exact tiers. This concept helps to divite your application to manageble and isolated levels, which you could change, re-design, substitute without breaking and re-writing the entire application. The number of tiers could vary depending on technology stack you use.
read more here:
You should try looking into the XWA architecture if your primary concern is web applications.
XWA architecture builds atop the concepts know from the MVC and PCMEF.

Most appropriate web framework for multi-tenant / multi-template SAAS application

I'm building a new SAAS application and was looking for some advice on the most appropriate framework to use. I realize that no single framework will likely be able to do all this, but I thought I'd ask the community and try to find one that solves the hardest problems.
Single code source. (each customer will have either a subdomain, or a distinct domain, but everyone should be running off the same code base and same servers)
Should be able to update the programming source once and have all the tenants pick it up
Session information should either be kept in a cached store, or just in cookies (no shared state)
Multi-tenant database functionality built in. (Based on the domain used to reach the application, the framework should automatically use the database connection information assigned to that domain)
Each customer/domain may have their own template for the web pages. Templates need to be assignable on a per-customer basis and kept outside the application code
Security and rapid prototyping is more important than speed
There will be a lot of CRUD type screens, so simple built in functionality for this is desired
I have pretty lengthy Java and PHP experience, but would only consider PHP as a last resort for this. My Scala, Python and Ruby experience is a bit rustier, but I would not mind coming up to speed if they offer a significant advantage. I've looked at the Play! Framework and like it (fulfills #1, #2,#6 very well), but the multi-tenant aspects are not very strong. I've done several projects using Grails and it handles everything except #3 and #5, and can be hacked to do the rest.
I would say that the third point is rather independent of grails/play/whatever in general. If you need a shared cache there is a multitude of providers for this and there are plugins for most of them in Grails.
The multi-tenancy in grails is pretty mature and much less intrusive than the solution from the blogpost in Sebastiens answer. Whether or not you use single tenancy (multiple databases) or multi tenancy is more or less transparent to your code and most of the headaches are abstracted away. Do be aware that you need to do some smart indexing (like including the tenant id in a multi column index etc) to not get very sad speeds when your data starts to grow.
As for externalized views, you can either slap them in the database or symlink them into your webapp and just keep them in separate numbered folders. Then from the tenant plugin, you can use TenantUtils.getCurrentTenant() and simply render from the appropiate folder "/" + (tenantID ?: "default") + "/whatever/view/path". This way, layouts etc can be shared across tenants if you so please and you simply put tenant specific stuff in the tenant specific folders.
You can probably do this in play too, or , but I don't see anything hindering you from doing this just fine in Grails.
My $0.02 on this question.
Actually Play! fits well to what you'r looking for.
Read this post:
It works great. You can even make this filter work so that you can expose the crud module to customers and they'll only get their own data...
For very large applications, sharding seems not supported yet (no hibernate shards handled yet i think).
There's a multidb plugin to work with multiple db, but it seems not working very well yet...
I've heard that Grails' Multi-Tenant plugin offers some good tooling for several different methods of multi-tenancy.
"Each customer/domain may have their own template for the web pages.
Templates need to be assignable on a per-customer basis and kept
outside the application code"
I assume you mean they each have their own layout/skin. There are several techniques to execute this:
You could manually assign layouts based on tenant. <meta name="layout" content="${tenantName}/main" />
Write your own tenancy aware LayoutDecoratorMapper and override the default GrailsLayoutDecoratorMapper in sitemesh.xml
Figure out how to override and enhance Some internal tools dynamically resolve views(per tenant) or resources (GrailsViewResolver, GrailsConventionGroovyPageLocator, GrailsResourceLoader, etc.)
In PHP you can use Innomatic Platform for building multi-tenant (isolated databases) applications:

ASP.NET MVC - Where does the Authentication Layer go?

I have an MVC solution setup like this, with three 'projects'.
Web (MVC Project, Views, Controllers, ViewModels)
Models (Domain Objects)
Persistence (nHibernate Mapping, SessionFactory)
I need to begin building the repositories, and was going to start with the Authentication Model. Basically following the default MVC template, have an IMembershipService and an IFormsAuthenticationService and related classes (using custom code, not built in authentication providers).
My question is ...where should this go? My Repositories will need access to both my Domain objects and my Persistence Layer. However I keep reading that any kind of 'coupling' means it is a bad design. So I am hesitant to create a fourth project for the Repositories/Services that references the Models/Persistence ...but I can't really find any other way to do it logically.
This is very subjective.
Do what makes sense to you and your team.
I throw them in with the rest of my Repositories. I mean a User is pretty central to any application right? Does a User own anything? If so then isn't he an root?
Repositories are part of the domain.
Tension will always exist between reducing assembly references and minimizing number of projects. That is, you can make each assembly reference fewer dependencies by breaking up functionality into more fine-grained assemblies; however, excessive division of a project into many assemblies requires more effort to manage.
Another point worth mentioning is that authentication has a couple sides to it. One is managing the model around Users, Roles, Permissions, etc. - this is a domain concern. The other is interfacing with the context of execution (whether this is an ASP.Net app, WinForms, etc.) - this is an infrastructure concern. Consequently, I end up with a small service in my MVC project or WinForms project that performs functions like setting Forms Authentication cookies, or setting the current thread principal, etc.
The Separated interface pattern says that your models and repository interfaces should be in a seperate assembly, apart from the GUI and the actual repository implementation. This is to be able to switch implementations later on and to be able to simplify testing.
I would have no problem with putting the interfaces along with the repository interfaces and the actual implementation in the mvc project or the repository project. It's quite easy to move stuff later on if you use a IoC container.

Where to put "domain services" in your domain model project

I've been working with S#arp Architecture but this can probably be applied to any DDD architecture (Domain / Core, Application Services, Infrastructure, and Presentation).
There are many ASP.NET MVC examples that show the controller operating on the domain model through repository interfaces. In fact, the S#arp Architecture tutorial has the StaffMembersController referencing IStaffMemberRepository where it calls FindAllMatching (implemented in the repository). The StaffMember entity, also in the domain/core layer, looks like a data bag with properties and minimal validation on the properties.
Let's say you have a controller that is getting bloated with things that look like business concerns. After reading Microsoft's "Designing Business Entities" chapter in Microsoft's Application Architecture Guide, I believe these concerns could be called "Domain Services".
I want to put these domain services in the domain/core layer but I'm not sure where they should go. Should I create a services folder in the domain/core project that hosts interfaces with an implementations folder underneath it? That seems like a good approach, but I want to see how others have handled this.
What you're calling Domain Services in your question are what I would call Application Services. This kind of confusion over the three different types of service (application, domain and infrastructure) is what lead to the term "Tasks" being used in Who Can Help Me? (instead of application services).
Broadly speaking, I see domain services as actions/behaviours within the domain that don't belong to any single entity - this is pretty much as described in the Evans DDD book. Application services are more of an orchestration layer/facade over the domain that allows an application to interact with the domain without needing to know the full detail about how it works.
So I believe you need an application services layer to remove the bloat from your controllers. This is the approach that's shown in WCHM and it's the one I now follow in my apps.
In terms of where they should live - I'd send to say you should have them in their own project. If you're being purist about it, the contracts should also live in their own assembly, which means that if you like, you can remove all knowledge of the domain from your controllers. However, the WCHM approach places the contracts in the Domain project, and allows the controllers to have knowledge of the entities. Some people complain about this but it's basically just a compromise.
Hope this helps
Personally, I'm not a fan of how S#arp Architecture (at least, in their demo projects) has the controllers talk directly to the repositories. My $0.02 is that the domain services should be the interface between controllers and repositories. The repositories exist strictly to abstract away the database (e.g., so that you can replace it with, say, LINQ to Objects during testing). The domain services implement your business logic. You want to be able to test those without connecting to a database, or having to mock out your entire session.
An example that I think gets this right is the MVC project developed in Mark Seeman's book, Dependency Injection in .NET.
We built a real world ecommorce platform based on Sharp Architecture and created a demo project that showcases the architecture we put in place. This added the ViewModels, Mappers & a Task layer which helps separate concerns. This is going to form the core architecture of Sharp Architecture v2.0
See for more details.

"inheriting" ASP.NET MVC sites from a common template app? (multi-tenancy)

We're building about 10 ASP.NET MVC sites which have a common set of features (and corresponding URLs, Routes, Controllers, Actions, and Views). The sites will also all share a base set of domain objects (e.g. users, companies) and base attributes on those objects (e.g. name, address, etc.).
But each site will also be highly customized and extended from the base. For example, our site for large, public companies will have "Subsidiary" and "Stock Symbol" fields on the Company domain object, while our site for startups will have a "Venture Firm" and and "Funding" attributes. Look and feel will also vary considerably, although we're trying to keep HTML as consistent as possible (modulo extra form fields for extra domain object attributes, etc.). We'll also be overriding images sparingly, so we can, for example, re-use the same button graphics across sites.
Anyway, we're trying to figure out how best to factor and architect things so that we can reuse as much code and as many tests as possible without limiting our freedom to add per-app attributes and vary the UI between apps.
I'm familiar with how to handle limited-customization multi-tenancy like you find in StackOverflow/SuperUser/ServerFault (or MSDN/TechNet for that matter), where the UI is a little different and the data model is more-or-less identical. But when the models and UI are very different (but inherit from a common base), I'm less sure how to proceed.
I'm less worried about operational issues, since we'll probably be running each site in a separate appdomain and hosting them on separate databases. I'm more worried about reducing long-term code maintenance costs, increasing agility (e.g. easy to add new features to the base without breaking derived apps), and realizing short-term dev-/test-cost savings as we build our 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. site.
I'm looking both for high-level guidance and suggestions, but also concrete suggestions for how to make that guidance real using modern ASP.NET MVC practices.
I realize this is a very general question, but for starters I'm looking for both high-level guidance as well as concrete tips-n-tricks for how to apply that guidance with ASP.NET MVC, including things like:
recommendations where to split base/derived across Visual Studio projects
source control tips to avoid forking
database schema tips (FWIW, our databases are all small-- under 10K rows per table, so dev/test cost is more of an issue than DB perf)
tips about re-using Controllers/Views/etc. corresponding to the "base" model attributes, especially re-using UI for things like "new customer" forms which will have a mix of base and derived attributes.
Anyone have good advice for how to architect a multi-tenant app like this?
Here's what we do, and it works pretty well for about 8 sites currently.
Define a core MVC project for your Controllers, ViewModels, HttpApplication, routes, etc. This will compile into a DLL and compromise the bulk of your site.
Create a basic set of default views, scripts, images, etc. for your site. These will server as defaults for your individual sites.
Per client, create any custom controllers, routes, etc that you'll need in a project that compiles to another dll.
Also per client, recreate any views, scripts, images that you'll want to use.
To make the above steps work together you'll need to write a little glue. The first piece of glue is a custom view engine. You'll want to customize the standard view engine to first look for views in your client-specific folder, and then the default folder. This lets you easily override the default layout per client.
The second method of getting everything working is to have your core application load the routes, controllers, etc from your client specific assembly. To do this I use the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) to expose a single Register method. Calling this method on my client assembly code registers the routes and any other client-specific needs.
Here's a general view of what my site folder structure looks like, with SiteContent being checked for views first:
- AppContent
- AppContent/Static
- AppContent/Static/Images
- AppContent/Static/Scripts
- AppContent/Static/Styles
- AppContent/Views
- AppContent/Views/Shared
- SiteContent
- SiteContent/Static
- SiteContent/Static/Images
- SiteContent/Static/Scripts
- SiteContent/Static/Styles
- SiteContent/Views
- SiteContent/Views/Shared
- web.config
- Global.asax
I have helpers that I can use like SiteImage and AppImage for use in my views. Also, I make each of my client sites use certain specific names for their master pages, that I don't ever define in my AppContent defaults.
I realize this is a rough overview, but it is working well enough for us right now.
I'm involved in a similar type of "suite" of projects currently which is focused on allowing customers to apply for products online but have very similar requirements for what information to collect, where the only differences are around product specific pieces of information or slightly different legislative requirements.
One thing that we have tried to do is create pages (model, view and controller combinations) that are reusable in themselves, so any application can use the page to capture information but redirect to the next page which may be different depending on what type of product is being applied for. To achieve this we are using abstract base controllers in the form of the template method pattern that contain basically all the required controller logic (including action methods with their applied action filters) but then use abstract methods to do the specific stuff such as redirecting to the next page in the process. This means that the concrete implementation of the controller used by specific application page flows may contain only one method which returns a RedirectToActionResult corresponding to the next page in the flow.
There is also quite a bit of other stuff that handles going backwards and those kinds of navigational things, but with the help of action filters you can get it set up that you don't have to worry about it once you get it up and working.
There are also base model objects which contains common functionality, be it validation logic or state persistence logic.
The data captured during the application process is persisted in database as xml serialized model objects which can then be pulled out and de-serialised once the application is completed and spat out in whatever format to whatever system the backend operations staff use to process applications.
The implications of this is that we have a project structure that consists of a base dll that contains top level abstract classes, interfaces and utility classes as well as html helpers, action filters etc. Then we have mvc projects which contain the concrete implementations of the base controllers, models etc as well as the views and masterpages.
The hardest thing is sharing views and I don't think we have properly got this sorted yet. Although with MVC 2.0 containing Areas I think this will become less of an issue but I haven't had a good play with it yet. (see Scott Gu's post on 2.0:
One thing I have POCed that looks like it will work is using a base MVC project to contain common views and then extending the default view engine to search that project on the web server when looking for a view to render (which is quite easy to do). Areas though is a far nicer solution.
As for source control, we are using svn and I think you are reasonable in being concerned about branches. It is not something that we have had to deal with yet, but we are probably going to go with git as it seems to make the process of branching and merging much less painful.
Not sure whether this helps you much but I would definitely recommend keep in mind abstract controllers and models, and also look at how you can use html helpers and and partial views to group similar pieces of functionality.
Mike Hadlow goes into good detail on how to accomplish this:
One way to do this is to use branching in a source control system.
The main branch is for the common functionality. You then have a branch for customization and can merge changes out to the customization or back to the main branch.
