I am having an array of CLregions and this is my code:
NSArray *_regionArray;
NSArray *_geofences_regions;
... in the ViewDidLoad
_geofences_regions = [self buildGeofenceData];
- (NSArray*) buildGeofenceData {
NSString* plistPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"regions" ofType:#"plist"];
_regionArray = [NSArray arrayWithContentsOfFile:plistPath];
NSMutableArray *geofences = [NSMutableArray array];
for(NSDictionary *regionDict in _regionArray) {
CLRegion *region = [self mapDictionaryToRegion:regionDict];
[geofences addObject:region];
return [NSArray arrayWithArray:geofences];
- (CLRegion*)mapDictionaryToRegion:(NSDictionary*)dictionary {
NSString *title = [dictionary valueForKey:#"title"];
CLLocationDegrees latitude = [[dictionary valueForKey:#"latitude"] doubleValue];
CLLocationDegrees longitude =[[dictionary valueForKey:#"longitude"] doubleValue];
CLLocationCoordinate2D centerCoordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(latitude, longitude);
CLLocationDistance regionRadius = [[dictionary valueForKey:#"radius"] doubleValue];
return [[CLRegion alloc] initCircularRegionWithCenter:centerCoordinate
In the following code, the property identifier is not found on object of type id.
Why is that? Shouldn't _geofences_regios[i] return a CLRegion?
/*check for region*/
CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate = [bestLocation coordinate];
for (int i=0; i<[_geofences_regions count]; i++) {
if ([_geofences_regions[i] containsCoordinate:coordinate]) {
[self.delegate locationManager:self regionEntered:_geofences_regions[i].identifier ];
/end checking for region/
Please answer on the above question, do not suggest me of using other delegate methods like didEnterRegion.
That's because the object returned by the array, by default is of type id that doesn´t have an identifier attribute, you can do a cast to avoid the error:
[self.delegate locationManager:self regionEntered:((CLRegion*)_geofences_regions[i]).identifier ];
I am inserting some annotations that are coming from a json server, but I wanted to check if the annotation is already on the map, if so, does not add it again. For they are being added on each other , have someone help me solve this problem?
my code:
// adiciona produtos ao mapa
- (void)adicionaAnnotationsNoMapa:(id)objetos{
NSMutableArray *annotationsPins = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (NSDictionary *annotationDeProdutos in objetos) {
CLLocationCoordinate2D location;
AnnotationMap *myAnn;
myAnn = [[AnnotationMap alloc] init];
location.latitude = [[annotationDeProdutos objectForKey:#"latitude"] floatValue];
location.longitude = [[annotationDeProdutos objectForKey:#"longitude"] floatValue];
myAnn.coordinate = location;
myAnn.title = [annotationDeProdutos objectForKey:#"name"];
myAnn.subtitle = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"R$ %#",[annotationDeProdutos objectForKey:#"price"]];
myAnn.categoria = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", [annotationDeProdutos objectForKey:#"id_categoria"]];
myAnn.idProduto = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", [annotationDeProdutos objectForKey:#"id"]];
[annotationsPins addObject:myAnn];
[self.mapView addAnnotations:annotationsPins];
You can iterate through annotations already on MkMapView and see if they are already there:
NSArray * annotations = [self.mapView.annotations copy];
for (NSDictionary *annotationDeProdutos in objetos)
// Check if annotation in annotations are duplicate of annotationDeProdutos.
// You can match using name.
Or the other way if you only want to show annotations from single server call:
[self.mapView removeAnnotations: self.mapView.annotations];
// Now add from JSON response.
You can do this for each of your annotations:
if(![self.mapView.annotations containsObject: myAnn]) {
[self.mapView addAnnotations: myAnn];
I solved the problem with this code :
// adiciona produtos ao mapa
- (void)adicionaAnnotationsNoMapa:(id)objetos{
NSMutableArray *annotationsPins = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (NSDictionary *annotationDeProdutos in objetos) {
CLLocationCoordinate2D location;
AnnotationMap *myAnn;
myAnn = [[AnnotationMap alloc] init];
location.latitude = [[annotationDeProdutos objectForKey:#"latitude"] floatValue];
location.longitude = [[annotationDeProdutos objectForKey:#"longitude"] floatValue];
myAnn.coordinate = location;
myAnn.title = [annotationDeProdutos objectForKey:#"name"];
myAnn.subtitle = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"R$ %#",[annotationDeProdutos objectForKey:#"price"]];
myAnn.categoria = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", [annotationDeProdutos objectForKey:#"id_categoria"]];
myAnn.idProduto = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", [annotationDeProdutos objectForKey:#"id"]];
if (self.mapView.annotations.count <1) {
[annotationsPins addObject:myAnn];
} else {
__block NSInteger foundIndex = NSNotFound;
[annotationsPins enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(AnnotationMap *annotation, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
CLLocation *loc1 = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:location.latitude longitude:location.longitude];
CLLocation *loc2 = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:annotation.coordinate.latitude longitude:annotation.coordinate.longitude];
if ([loc1 distanceFromLocation:loc2] <= 1.0f) {
foundIndex = idx;
*stop = YES;
if (foundIndex != NSNotFound) {
[annotationsPins addObject:myAnn];
[self.mapView addAnnotations:annotationsPins];
I am having trouble showing pins on a map loading coordinates, title and subtitle from parse.com.
Here is my code. Is there any logical wrong? I get only the third row in the db showing, instead of all five that I have at the parse.com.
for(int i = 0; i<objects.count; i++)
int raknare = 1;
PFObject *tempObject = [kundUppgifter objectAtIndex:raknare];
PFGeoPoint *geoPoint = [tempObject objectForKey:#"CLAT"];
PFGeoPoint *geoPoint2 = (PFGeoPoint *)geoPoint;
NSString *cname = #"CNAME";
NSString *ctown = #"CTOWN";
kundUppgifter = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:objects];
objects = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:cname,ctown,geoPoint,nil];
NSMutableArray * locations = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
Annotation * myAnn;
myAnn = [[Annotation alloc]init];
CLLocationCoordinate2D location;
double longitude;
double latitude;
latitude = geoPoint2.latitude;
longitude = geoPoint2.longitude;
location.latitude = latitude;
location.longitude = longitude;
geoPoint.latitude = latitude;
geoPoint.longitude = longitude;
myAnn.coordinate = location;
myAnn.title = [tempObject objectForKey:#"CNAME"];
myAnn.subtitle = [tempObject objectForKey:#"CTOWN"];
[locations addObject:myAnn];
[self.myMapView addAnnotations:locations];
NSLog(#"geopoint is a pfobject with latitude %f, and longitude %f kundnamn %#,stad %#,", latitude, longitude, cname, ctown);
NSLog(#"%#", cname);
NSLog(#"%#", objects);
Happy if you can help!
for(int i = 0; i<objects.count; i++)
int raknare = 1;
PFObject *tempObject = [kundUppgifter objectAtIndex:raknare];
This code inside of your loop will make raknare == 2 every iteration of the loop. You want to use the i variable you set to pull from -objectAtIndex: like this
for(int i = 0; i<objects.count; i++)
// This gives you a different object each iteration of the loop
PFObject *tempObject = [kundUppgifter objectAtIndex:i];
How can i sort the array based on distance from current location and show in tableview .when i use below code for sorting am not getting any proper results ,am getting the array with random distance.can any one guide me for solve this issue
// Determine distance between current location and geofence location
[distance_array removeAllObjects];
NSMutableDictionary *dict=[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
CLLocation *pinLocation;
CLLocation *userLocation;
for (int i=0; i<[self.geofences count]; i++) {
//dict =[self.geofences objectAtIndex:i];
CLLocationDegrees firstLat = [self.currentLatitude doubleValue];
CLLocationDegrees firstLong = [self.currentLongitude doubleValue];
CLLocationDegrees secondLat = [[[self.geofences objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:#"lat"] doubleValue];
CLLocationDegrees secondLong = [[[self.geofences objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:#"lon"] doubleValue];
pinLocation = [[CLLocation alloc]
userLocation = [[CLLocation alloc]
CLLocationDistance distance = [pinLocation distanceFromLocation:userLocation]/1000;
//current distance is NSNumber
CLLocationDistance kilometers = distance /1000;
// or you can also use this..
distanceString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat: #"%.1f Km", kilometers];
NSLog(#"sa: %#", distanceString);
[distance_array addObject:distanceString];
[dict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:distance] forKey:#"newdistance"];
NSLog(#"distance array: %#", distance_array);
// Sorting the Geofence-Location depends on distance from current location
NSSortDescriptor * sort = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:#"newdistance" ascending:YES];
NSArray *sortDescriptors = [NSArray arrayWithObject:sort];
sortedArray = [self.geofences sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:sortDescriptors];
My out put is
distance array: (
"0.2 Km",
"0.4 Km",
"0.2 Km",
"0.6 Km",
"0.7 Km",
"1.0 Km",
"0.3 Km"
Thanks in Advance,
// Determine distance between current location and geofence location
[distance_array removeAllObjects];
NSMutableDictionary *dict=[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
CLLocation *pinLocation;
CLLocation *userLocation;
for (int i=0; i<[self.geofences count]; i++) {
//dict =[self.geofences objectAtIndex:i];
CLLocationDegrees firstLat = [self.currentLatitude doubleValue];
CLLocationDegrees firstLong = [self.currentLongitude doubleValue];
CLLocationDegrees secondLat = [[[self.geofences objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:#"lat"] doubleValue];
CLLocationDegrees secondLong = [[[self.geofences objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:#"lon"] doubleValue];
pinLocation = [[CLLocation alloc]
userLocation = [[CLLocation alloc]
CLLocationDistance distance = [pinLocation distanceFromLocation:userLocation]/1000;
//current distance is NSNumber
CLLocationDistance kilometers = distance /1000;
// or you can also use this..
distanceString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat: #"%.1f km", kilometers];
NSLog(#"sa: %#", distanceString);
[distance_array addObject:distanceString];
[dict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:distance] forKey:#"newdistance"];
NSLog(#"distance array: %#", distance_array);
// Sorting the Geofence-Location depends on distance from current location
sortedArray = [distance_array sortedArrayUsingSelector:#selector(compare:)];
CLLocationDistance is double type, while you are saving it as integer type. So you will loose some precision. Instead use `[NSNumber numberWithDouble:].
This will sort in ascending order, for descending order return NSOrderedAscending in place of NSOrderedDescending and vice-versa.
-(CLLocationDistance )distanceOfCurrentPosition:(CLLocation *)userLocation WithPosition:(NSDictionary *)postition{
CLLocationDegrees secondLat = [postition[#"lat"] doubleValue];
CLLocationDegrees secondLong = [postition[#"lon"] doubleValue];
CLLocation *pinLocation = [[CLLocation alloc]
CLLocationDistance distance = [pinLocation distanceFromLocation:userLocation]/1000;
CLLocationDistance kilometers = distance /1000;
return kilometers;
CLLocationDegrees firstLat = [self.currentLatitude doubleValue];
CLLocationDegrees firstLong = [self.currentLongitude doubleValue];
CLLocation *userLocation = [[CLLocation alloc]
[_geofences sortUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(NSDictionary *position1, NSDictionary *position2) {
CLLocationDistance distanceWithPosition1 = [self distanceOfCurrentPosition:userLocation WithPosition:position1];
CLLocationDistance distanceWithPosition2 = [self distanceOfCurrentPosition:userLocation WithPosition:position2];
if (distanceWithPosition1> distanceWithPosition2) {
return NSOrderedDescending;
}else if(distanceWithPosition2 > distanceWithPosition1){
return NSOrderedAscending;
return NSOrderedSame;
NSLog(#"Order :%#",_geofences);
Try these for sort your array
-(NSArray *)sortArray:(NSArray *)arrayForSort forKey:(NSString *)key
return [arrayForSort sortedArrayUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(id obj1, id obj2) {
if([obj1 isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]] && [obj2 isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]])
return [[obj1 objectForKey:key] compare:[obj2 objectForKey:key]];
return NSOrderedSame;
Just call it your case
self.geofences = [self sortArray:self.geofences forKey:#"newdistance"];
Have a nice day :)
Now I loop through one Array at once and calculate distance like this:
- (void)calculateDistance
ann = [dict objectForKey:#"Blue"];
for(int i = 0; i < [ann count]; i++) {
NSString *coordinates = [[ann objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:#"Coordinates"];
double realLatitude = [[[coordinates componentsSeparatedByString:#","] objectAtIndex:1] doubleValue];
double realLongitude = [[[coordinates componentsSeparatedByString:#","] objectAtIndex:0] doubleValue];
// Calculating distance
CLLocation *pinLocation = [[CLLocation alloc]
CLLocation *userLocation = [[CLLocation alloc]
CLLocationDistance distance = [pinLocation distanceFromLocation:userLocation];
// Adding distance to dictionaries
if (distance > 1000) {
NSString *dist = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.2f km.", distance/1000];
NSMutableDictionary *inDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
inDict = [ann objectAtIndex:i];
[inDict setValue:dist forKey:#"Distance"];
NSString *dist = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%4.0f m.", distance];
NSMutableDictionary *inDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
inDict = [ann objectAtIndex:i];
[inDict setValue:dist forKey:#"Distance"];
My data structure is:
How to loop through all Array's at once? I have Array which contains all my Array's named "resultArray", but this code doesn't work:
ann = [dict objectForKey:resultArray];
NSLog(#"%#", resultArray);
2013-05-05 10:57:03.643 testApp[5708:907] (
I guess you want to enumerate through the keys stored in resultArray and calculate the distance and add that calculated values to it.
- (void)calculateDistance
//Enumerates through resultArray
for (NSString *key in resultArray) {
//ann array is considered as an instance of NSMutableArray
ann = dict[key];
for(int i = 0; i < [ann count]; i++) {
NSMutableDictionary *inDict = [ann[i] mutableCopy];
NSString *coordinates = inDict[#"Coordinates"];
NSArray *coordinateComponents = [coordinates componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
double realLatitude = [coordinateComponents[1] doubleValue];
double realLongitude = [coordinateComponents[0] doubleValue];
// Calculating distance
CLLocation *pinLocation = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:realLatitude
CLLocation *userLocation = [[CLLocation alloc]
CLLocationDistance distance = [pinLocation distanceFromLocation:userLocation];
// Adding distance to dictionaries
if (distance > 1000) {
NSString *dist = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.2f km.", distance/1000];
[inDict setValue:dist forKey:#"Distance"];
NSString *dist = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%4.0f m.", distance];
[inDict setValue:dist forKey:#"Distance"];
//Inserting the modified values to the main array
[ann replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:inDict];
ann = [dict objectForKey:resultArray];
for(NSArray *colourArray in ann)
for(NSDictionary *itemDictionary in colourArray)
NSLog(#"Coordinates = %#",[itemDictionary objectForKey:#"Coordinates"]);
NSLog(#"Name = %#",[itemDictionary objectForKey:#"Name"]);
NSLog(#"Address = %#",[itemDictionary objectForKey:#"Address"]);
Hope it will help you .
So I have the following code block, which is supposed to iterate over an array of JSON objects and place MKPointAnnotations on a map:
for(id jsonObject in dataArray)
NSLog(#"%d",[dataArray count]);
NSDictionary* jsonDictionary = jsonObject;
MKPointAnnotation *point = [[MKPointAnnotation alloc] init];
NSString *lat = [jsonDictionary objectForKey:#"latitude"];
NSString *lon = [jsonDictionary objectForKey:#"longitude"];
point.coordinate.latitude = [lat doubleValue];
point.coordinate.longitude = [lon doubleValue];
[map addAnnotation:point];
However, the two lines:
point.coordinate.latitude = [lat doubleValue];
point.coordinate.longitude = [lon doubleValue];
are giving me an "Expression is not Assignable" error. I can't for the life of me figure it out. I've tried to make a CLLocationCoordinate2D object and assigning that, but it doesn't work either.
This should work:
CLLocationCoordinate2d coordinate = ...
MKPointAnnotation* annotation = [[MKPointAnnotation alloc] init];
annotation.coordinate = coordinate;
[mapView addAnnotation:annotation];
It works in an existing app, just checked the code and the app.
Check this answer as well: https://stackoverflow.com/a/15162092/1032151