UIAlertView addSubview in iOS7 - ios

Adding some controls to UIAlertView was deprecated in iOS7 using addSubview method. As I know Apple promised to add contentView property.
iOS 7 is released now and I see that this property is not added. That is why I search for some custom solution with ability to add progress bar to this alertView. Something for example similar to TSAlertView, but more ready for using in iOS 7.

Here is a project on Github to add any UIView to an UIAlertView-looking dialog on iOS7.
(Copied from this StackOverflow thread.)

It took me only 1 day to create my own alert view that looks exactly like Apple's
Take a screenshot of Apple's alert for reference (font sizes, spacings, width)
Create a xib with title, message, custom view and tables for buttons (Apple uses tables instead of UIButton now, default table cell is good enough). Note you need 3 button tables: two for left and right buttons (whenever the number of buttons is 2), another one for the other cases (one button or more than 2 buttons).
Implement all the methods from UIAlertView on your custom alert.
Show/Dismiss - you can create a specific modal window for your alerts but I just put my alerts on top of my root view controller. Register your visible alerts to a static array. If showing the first alert/dismissing the last, change tint mode of your window/view controller to dimmed/to automatic and add/remove a dimming view (black with alpha = 0.2).
Blurred background - use Apple's sample code (I used opaque white)
3D dynamic effects - use Apple's sample code (5 lines of code). If you want a nice effect, take a slightly bigger snapshot in step 5 and add inverse animators for alert background and foreground.
Both blurred background and the paralax effect sample code can be found in "iOS_RunningWithASnap" WWDC 2013 sample code
Paralax effect:
UIInterpolatingMotionEffect* xAxis = [[[UIInterpolatingMotionEffect alloc] initWithKeyPath:#"center.x"
type:UIInterpolatingMotionEffectTypeTiltAlongHorizontalAxis] autorelease];
xAxis.minimumRelativeValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:-10.0];
xAxis.maximumRelativeValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:10.0];
UIInterpolatingMotionEffect* yAxis = [[[UIInterpolatingMotionEffect alloc] initWithKeyPath:#"center.y"
type:UIInterpolatingMotionEffectTypeTiltAlongVerticalAxis] autorelease];
yAxis.minimumRelativeValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:-10.0];
yAxis.maximumRelativeValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:10.0];
UIMotionEffectGroup *group = [[[UIMotionEffectGroup alloc] init] autorelease];
group.motionEffects = #[xAxis, yAxis];
[self addMotionEffect:group];
The blurred background is the only complicated thing. If you can use an opaque color instead, use it. Otherwise it's a lot of experimenting. Also note that blurred background is not a good solution when the background is dark.
For the show/dismiss animationg, I am using the new spring animation method:
void (^animations)() = ^{
self.alpha = 1.0f;
self.transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
self.alpha = 0.0f;
self.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(0.5f, 0.5f);
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.3
completion:^(BOOL completed) {
//calling UIAlertViewDelegate method

I wrote a full implementation of UIAlertView that mimics the complete UIAlertView API, but adds the contentView property we've all wanted for so long: SDCAlertView.
(source: github.io)

For those who love simple and effective methods with out having to write lines of code. Here is a cool solution without using any other private frame works for adding subviews to ios 7 alert views,i.e.
[alertView setValue:imageView forKey:#"accessoryView"];
Sample code for better understanding,
UIImageView *imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(180, 10, 85, 50)];
UIImage *wonImage = [UIImage imageNamed:#"image.png"];
[imageView setImage:wonImage];
//check if os version is 7 or above
if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) > NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_6_1) {
[alertView setValue:imageView forKey:#"accessoryView"];
[alertView addSubview:imageView];
Hope it helps some one,thanks :)

For IOS7
UIAlertView *alertView1 = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:#"Enter Form Name"
otherButtonTitles:#"Ok", nil];
alertView1.alertViewStyle = UIAlertViewStyleSecureTextInput;
UITextField *myTextField = [alertView1 textFieldAtIndex:0];
[alertView1 setTag:555];
[alertView1 show];

There wont be UIAlertView with custom views in iOS7, nor contentView which Apple changed its mind about, so addSubview is impossible now in UIAlertView.
A good alternative will be SVProgressHUD, according to many threads in Apple's forum.
There is officially no addSubview nor subclassing for UIAlertView in iOS7.
The UIAlertView class is intended to be used as-is and does not
support subclassing. The view hierarchy for this class is private and
must not be modified.
Other good alternatives:
ios-custom-alertview by wimagguc

You can find simple solution without extra classes here
It is based on setting accessoryView for ordinary UIAlertView.

PKAlertController (https://github.com/goodpatch/PKAlertController) is great library. I tested a lot of similar libraries and just this satisfied all my requirements.
Why it is cool:
Supports custom view
Supports iOS7
It is view controller
It behaves and looks like native alert view, including motion effects
Similar interface like in UIAlertController


UIImageView disappear in iOS 7 but presented well in iOS 6

So strange since some of the photos not displayed in iOS 7 but displayed well in iOS 6.
I've both normal & #2x & -568#2x.
It happens with IBOutlet UIImageView and also when I subclass UIAlertView.
For example:
alert = [[UIAlertTrapAlarm alloc] initWithCameraType:camType andFrame:[UIScreen mainScreen].bounds];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:CreateDistance object:nil userInfo:dictionary];
[alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(#"not_exists", nil)];
[alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(#"exists", nil)];
[alert show];
[alert changeMessageBox:distance description:trapDesc type:trapTypeString];
[alert showHideExistsNotExistsButtons:camType];
[alert showHideButtons];
// alert.imageViewBackground.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"allert1"];
[alert.imageViewBackground setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"allert1.png"]];
[alert setNeedsDisplay];
[alert.screenView setNeedsDisplay];
I forgot to mention all subviews in my subclass UIAlertView not showing.
Well you can check your Interface builder if you use Xcode 5 , there is option for viewing your Xib as 7.0 to later or 6.0 to earlier like this. See if your UIImageView is at correct place when you see it as iOS 7.0 to later. If you can't see your UIImageView then my answer might help.
I have had this problem few days ago , when I switch between iOS 6 to iOS 7 then some views became invisible and Interface builder showed garbage values at attribute inspector , like position (-680 , 675 ) , W/H (0,0) something like this. I solved this problem by unchecking AutoResizing masks of right and bottom. That solved my issue.
You can try if your problem is something similar. Because without more detail information about your codes and others , it's hard to give you a exact solution.
From that one line of code my guess is that your setting the background image in code while you set the foreground image in Interface Builder.
Try using
alert.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"allert1"];

iOS alert banner/label?

I apologize if this question is very basic. I have been googling around but can't seem to find the api/reference for a drop down alert banner/label (I do not know the proper term for this), therefore I am posting here.
This: The label/banner which has "Please enter valid email address" in it.
So here a my questions:
What is the proper term for this (alert banner? notification? label?)
I am trying accomplish similar functionality to what is shown in the image, so basically if any field is invalid, the "label/banner" expands from underneath the navigation bar with the message in it:
If this is just a UILabel, what is the simplest way of adding the expand animation?
If it is something built in, since I have seen bunch of apps do it for alerting, please let me know what its called.
Have a look here, I'm sure you will be able to find something to suite your needs.
The basic idea is that its simply a UIView that you animate down from the top of the screen (at the very basic). You can get a lot fancier by adding gradients, touch recognizers to dismiss it, etc. But pretty much to get the base line functionality you would just do something like this:
//Create a view to hold the label and add images or whatever, place it off screen at -100
UIView *alertview = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, -100, CGRectGetWidth(self.view.bounds), 100)];
//Create a label to display the message and add it to the alertView
UILabel *theMessage = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, CGRectGetWidth(alertview.bounds), CGRectGetHeight(alertview.bounds))];
theMessage.text = #"I'm an alert";
[alertview addSubview:theMessage];
//Add the alertView to your view
[self.view addSubview:alertview];
//Create the ending frame or where you want it to end up on screen, in this case 0 y origin
CGRect newFrm = alertview.frame;
newFrm.origin.y = 0;
//Animate it in
[UIView animateWithDuration:2.0f animations:^{
alertview.frame = newFrm;
Check out my project - it might be just the thing you're looking for.
For easier control over animating the alert, you can embed your custom view in a UIStackView and simply show/hide it in an animation block. That way will significantly reduce the amount of code needed to animate the visibility of the alert.

ToolTips in iOS through native UI Controls?

How do I create tooltips or something similar in iOS, without using any third party classes? I have a UIButton that I'd like to have a tooltip popup for a few seconds or until it's cleared. I have seen third party classes and libraries, but want to know if natively it's supported. I also want to show an arrow popping up from where the tooltip is coming from. I've seen some UIActionSheet Popups have this arrow.
Well I ended up using the third party tooltip CMTopTipView afterall. It's relatively low overhead, just a header and implementation. Modified it slightly to account for ARC. Here is what I did:
#import "CMPopTipView.h"
CMPopTipView *navBarLeftButtonPopTipView;
- (void) dismissToolTip
[navBarLeftButtonPopTipView dismissAnimated:YES];
- (void) showDoubleTap
navBarLeftButtonPopTipView = [[CMPopTipView alloc]
initWithMessage:#"DOUBLE Tap \n to view details"] ;
navBarLeftButtonPopTipView.delegate = self;
navBarLeftButtonPopTipView.backgroundColor = [UIColor darkGrayColor];
navBarLeftButtonPopTipView.textColor = [UIColor lightTextColor];
navBarLeftButtonPopTipView.opaque = FALSE;
[navBarLeftButtonPopTipView presentPointingAtView:catButton1
inView:self.view animated:YES];
navBarLeftButtonPopTipView.alpha = 0.75f;
NSTimer *timerShowToolTip = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:5.0
selector:#selector(dismissToolTip) userInfo:nil repeats:NO];
If you are on iPad you could use UIPopoverView. You also have the UIMenuController to work with for 'popover' like functionality on iPhone or iPad: tutorial. Beyond that you could just make your own UIView subclass to do this but then you'd have to handle the arrow yourrself.
Well what I ended up doing was relatively simple. I ended up using UIActionSheet with no Buttons just a text. Then used a showFromRect from a coordinate plane where the UIButton was in self.view.
UIActionSheet *popup = [[UIActionSheet alloc]
initWithTitle:#"DOUBLE Tap \n to view details."
delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:#"Cancel"
destructiveButtonTitle:nil otherButtonTitles: nil];
[popup sizeToFit];
popup.tag = 9999;
CGRect myImageRect = CGRectMake(240.0f, 605.0f, 30.0f, -40.0f);
[popup showFromRect:myImageRect inView:self.view animated:YES];
I may just suck it up and use CMPopTipView (third party control) to adjust it's size and opacity and fading alpha.
I saw that some of you is using CMPopTip, great "library".
Cool way!
Just a few things, if you use that in iOS7, you have some deprecation.
New use of the text deprecated part (this is an example)
NSMutableParagraphStyle *paragraphStyle = [[NSMutableParagraphStyle alloc] init];
paragraphStyle.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByWordWrapping;
paragraphStyle.alignment = self.titleAlignment;
[self.title drawInRect:titleFrame withAttributes:#{NSFontAttributeName:self.titleFont,NSParagraphStyleAttributeName:paragraphStyle}];

UIAlertView with 3 textfields and 3 labels overlap each other

I'm trying to create an UIAlertView with 3 TextFields and 3 Labels.
But with my current code they just go over each other, I've tried to change the frame of the AlertView and I've tried to use the CGAffineTransform but they both didn't work.
Here's my code:
UIAlertView *myAlertView = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:#"Sign in" message:#"\n\n\n\n\n" delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:#"Stop" otherButtonTitles:#"Sign in",nil];
UILabel *customerIdLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(20, 55, 65, 21)];
customerIdLabel.tag =1;
customerIdLabel.text = #"Customer id: ";
[myAlertView customerIdLabel];
UITextField *customerIdField = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(89, 50, 160, 30)];
customerIdField.tag = 2;
customerIdField.placeholder = #"Fill in your customer id";
[myAlertView customerIdField];
And then there's two more combinations of those.
Here's the transform that I've tried:
CGAffineTransform myTransform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(1.0, 0.5f);
[myAlertView setTransform:myTransform];
And this is what I get:
I'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to use UIAlertViews like that. You're supposed to set the title, message, etc and use the [alertview show]. The documentation seems to be pretty clear that it is an as-is class.The UIAlertViewStyle may be something you can look at, but the options are 1 text field, 1 secure field, or a username and password field.
Your best option is to use a new UIViewController and use the presentViewController:animated:completion: call.
I get around this by not changing UIAlertView but add a clear view on top of it when it is showing (you can pad with spaces) and add the textfields there at the correct location (note when rotation occurs). Then, let the tap go through the view to the UIAlertView. This has gone through Apple in 3 apps in the store.
Before the new SDK in xcode 5 you where able to add subviews to an alert view but that doesn't work anymore. I had to update an app because of that nasty code. Is better to use uipopovercontroller for ipad or show a UIView or even present a viewcontroller for either ipad or iphone.

UIActionSheet with an Image

For God's sake somebody tell me how to add a picture on an UIActionSheet.
I am adding it, but can't force the sheet to restretch its height, so the Subview would fit.
var sheet = new UIActionSheet ("Sheet with a picture");
sheet.AddButton ("Pick New Picture");
var subView = new UIView(new RectangleF(20,100,280,200)){
BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromPatternImage(Picture)};
sheet.AddButton ("Cancel");
sheet.CancelButtonIndex = 1;
I've tried to change contentMode of subView and the sheet. Didn't work. What am I doing wrong?
Picture should fit between buttons, or fit on the sheet somehow through any other way around
I know this sounds really stupid, but the easiest solution I found is to add a few dummy buttons (to preserve space) and then on top of them add the UIImageView accurately defining the frame coordinates.
var sheet = new UIActionSheet ("");
sheet.AddButton ("Discard Picture");
sheet.AddButton ("Pick New Picture");
sheet.AddButton ("Cancel");
sheet.CancelButtonIndex = 2;
// Dummy buttons to preserve the space for the UIImageView
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
sheet.Subviews[i+4].Alpha = 0; // And of course it's better to hide them
var subView = new UIImageView(Picture);
subView.ContentMode = UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectFill;
subView.Frame = new RectangleF(23,185,275,210);
// Late Steve Jobs loved rounded corners. Let's have some respect for him
subView.Layer.CornerRadius = 10;
subView.Layer.MasksToBounds = true;
subView.Layer.BorderColor = UIColor.Black.CGColor;
UIActionSheet doesn't support customization of this type. You can subclass UIActionSheet and muck with the default layout (override layoutSubviews, call the super implementation, then move things around). If you do this, there's no guarantee your sublcass will work in future versions of iOS if Apple changes the framework implementation.
The other alternative is to find or implement an alternative class that does what you want.
Actually it is quite easy and you don't need a hack:
Change the size of the UIActionSheet AFTER calling showInView (or showFromTabBar, etc), like they do in this example.
You might have to change the Frame instead of the Bounds, in my experience the action sheet is not moved to the right position if you change the Bounds.
On the iPad this doesn't work unfortunately. But there you can use a UIPopoverController. (Tip: you can use 0 for the UIPopoverArrowDirection if you do not want arrows).
This is Agzam's answer, but refreshed for most recent objc and without the background button hack, as suggested by Marcel W. it is shorter and possibly cleaner.
UIActionSheet *actionSheet = [[UIActionSheet alloc] init];
actionSheet.actionSheetStyle = UIActionSheetStyleAutomatic;
actionSheet.title = #"some text";//here type your information text
actionSheet.delegate = self;
[actionSheet addButtonWithTitle:#"Button 1"];
[actionSheet addButtonWithTitle:#"Button 2"];
[actionSheet setCancelButtonIndex:1];
//it is up to you how you show it, I like the tabbar
[actionSheet showFromTabBar:self.tabBarController.tabBar];
//here lays the trick - you change the size after you've called show
[actionSheet setBounds:CGRectMake(0,0,320, 480)];
//now create and add your image
UIImageView *subView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"exampleimage.png"]];
subView.ContentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit;
subView.Frame = CGRectMake(0,130,320,180);//adjust these, so that your text fits in
[actionSheet addSubview: (subView)];
[subView release];
[actionSheet release];
