Want to count number of visits on my blogs - ruby-on-rails

I want to count the number of visits on my blog? Can someone please suggest the overall method to implement this feature?

It is just an idea. You can add a count_view column in the database into blogs table with default value 0.
And in the show action of BlogsController add the following code
def show
#blog = Blog.where('id = ?', params[:id]).first
#blog.update_column('count_view', #blog.count_view + 1) if #blog.present?
You can modify this logic as per your requirement.

You can check the hit counter gem or the impressionist gem.

You could also use an existing (free) analytics solutions if you want to get much more data than the number of times the action was called (please note that if the same user refreshes the browser 5 times, you get 5 hits):
Using these you can get data like unique visitors, referral URL, locations data, browser, OS, and a lot of different stuff to make informed decisions. There are several other options (paid, free, real time) available as well:


How do I calculate values for the current user in ruby on rails?

I have an application with a series of tests (FirstTest, SecondTest etc.)
Each test has a calculation set out its relevant model that gets calculated before being saved to the database set out like this:
before_save :calculate_total
def calculate_total
I then have an index page for each user (welcome/index) which displays the current user's results for each test. This all works fine, however I want to work out various other things such as each users average score overall etc.
Is it possible to access the current user from the welcome model?
Currently my welcome.rb is accessing the data follows:
def self.total
This obviously access the last overall test NOT the last test from the current user.
I feel like I may have just laid the whole application out in a fairly unintelligent manner...
Thanks in advance x
Well you need to save user_id in a column for each record in FirstTest. Then you can find the total for current user
FirstTest.where(:user_id => current_user.id).last.total

How to get a display in descending order

I know there is a simple answer to this question but I have searched for 2 days trying to find it. I have a program in rails that lists workers in the home building industry. I ask for the following informatio occupation, first name, second name,telephone number, email address. This information is displayed without any editing of my code. I would like to display this information using the order query and showing the information using the occupation column in descending order. Please tell me the code to use and where it goes.
I assume you have a method named index inside your controller. Ok, inside the index method, you can use .order method.
Make it like this:
def index
#users = User.order(occupation: :desc)

Rails query caching without refresh on element update

I put many question about caching in here but no one answer. So mayby i will have answer on this.
I have in my search model code like this:
users = users.where('id >?', my_value)
Rails.cache.fetch('my_cached',expires_in: 3.minutes) do
users = users.order('current_sign_in_at DESC')
Can somebody explain me what this do. I thought that this will return sorted users table and put it in cache for 3 minutes so when i require next search it will return me my_cached result if it doesnt expired.
But it does not work like that. When some user login and current_sign_in_at is changed - cache is override and new query is returned.
I am not very experienced with the caching procedure for RoR, but I think what you say is right.
I thought that this will return sorted users table and put it in cache
for 3 minutes so when i require next search it will return me
my_cached result if it doesnt expired.
Then, I think that the caching should be done in this matter:
Rails.cache.fetch('my_cached',expires_in: 3.minutes) do
User.where('id >?', my_value).order('current_sign_in_at DESC')
Remember, that can exist some rules that can expire the cache before the expiration time assigned. This depends how the User model is configured.
Again, the query will not be executed only if you use the variable my_cached. Maybe the query you see is coming from another procedure (maybe from Devise itself if you use it?)
If the variable my_value changes frequently (can be an aleatory value), then the cache will be used only if the my_value is the same as a previous (in 3 minutes) value.
Maybe an alternative solution for a variable my_value can be:
Rails.cache.fetch('my_cached',expires_in: 3.minutes) do
User.all # cache all users
# then filter the cached value by the my_value and order it

Devise invite code

I would like to add a invite code requirement for users to register in my application. I investigated the devise_invitable gem for devise and this looks very promising. However, It should not be possible to continuously invite people to the application, like devise_invitable does.
To solve the problem, I need to implant user levels in my application. I found this project on github and now I got the following idea: Once a user registers (invited by another existing user) it starts in level 1 and must complete tasks in order to archive experience points. He works his/her way up to the next level where he can invite 1 new member and then in the next level he can invite 1 other and in the next level, the user can invite 2 members, so on, so on.
I am fairy new to Ruby and I'd like to know how to encomplish this and to know if this is even possible to insert in my users controller.
Thank you for reading and have a nice day.
This should be a fairly straight forward process, as the number of invitations a user has is just an integer stored in your database. It could be something as simple as:
def level_up(level)
self.invitation_limit += level
While a very simple implementation, you just pass in the users level, add it to their current number of invitations, and save the user. It all really depends on how fancy you want to get, but it really comes down to basic math, and saving it to the database.
I'm not sure if this changed since the question was asked in 2012, but devise_invitable has an invitation_limit parameter:
invitation_limit: The number of invitations users can send. The default value of nil means users can send as many invites as they want, there is no limit for any user, invitation_limit column is not used. A setting of 0 means they can't send invitations. A setting n > 0 means they can send n invitations. You can change invitation_limit column for some users so they can send more or less invitations, even with global invitation_limit = 0.
You can see how this parameter is used by looking at the source here. One important part:
# Return true if this user has invitations left to send
def has_invitations_left?
if self.class.invitation_limit.present?
if invitation_limit
return invitation_limit > 0
return self.class.invitation_limit > 0
return true

RESTful nested conventional routing

I have the model:
User -1---n- Transaction(amount,description, date)
User -1---n- TransactionImport -1---n- TransactonImportField(name,value)
(personal expense tracking app).
What I want to achieve is this:
User opens URL and pastes the CSV with the list of transactions.
User submits it.
System extracts data from CSV into TransactionImport (row) + TransactionImportField (cell).
User can choose which column means what (amount, description, date) from the imported data in TransactionImport(Field).
User click save and the system transfers TransactionImport into the Transaction.
What I can't seem to get right is the fact that step 3 creates multiple records of TransactionImport (and related TransactionImportField).
So doing POST /transaction_imports?csv=abcd is expected to produce one record if we would be RESTful. But the code is supposed to be something like this:
# TransactionImportsController
def create
result = TransactionImports.parse(params[:csv])
flash[:notice] = result.message
redirect_to transaction_imports_path
I am probably approaching the task from a wrong angle as I feel that implementation doesn't fit in tp the inherited_resources.
Could you please advise what would be the most conventional way of implementing this?
REST/HTTP has no expectation that doing POST will only create one record. That maybe the default rails behaviour, but you should not constrain your design because of that.
