I have 2 domain classes: Project and User.
Project hasMany on User via a SortedSet called allowedUsers. User does not belong to Project.
I want to find all Projects that a particular user is allowed to see. So trying syntax like:
Project.findAll{ it.allowedUsers.contains( userA ) }
Project.findAll{ userA in it.allowedUsers }
These dont work. And the find notation doesn't appear to support something like a ThatContains operator.
How can I achieve my aim?
Criteria should work, take a look at the "querying associations" section in http://grails.org/doc/latest/guide/GORM.html#criteria. Can you try the following:
def c = Project.createCriteria()
def results = c.list {
eq('id', userA.id)
You can also try where queries
def query = Project.where{
allowedUsers{id == userA.id}
def results = query.list()
or HQL
def query = """
select p from Project as p
inner join p.allowedUsers as user
where user.id = :user
def results = Project.executeQuery(query, [user: userA.id])
I created a simple web form where users can enter some search criteria to look for venues e.g. a price range. When a user clicks "find" I use active record to query the database. This all works very well if all fields are filled in. Problems occur when one or more fields are left open and therefore have a value of null.
How can I work around this in my controller? Should I first check whether a value is null and create a query based on that? I can imagine I end up with many different queries and a lot of code. There must be a quicker way to achieve this?
def search
#venues = Venue.where("price >= ? AND price <= ? AND romance = ? AND firstdate = ?", params[:minPrice], params[:maxPrice], params[:romance], params[:firstdate])
You may want to filter out all of the blank parameters that were sent with the request.
Here is a quick and DRY solution for filtering out blank values, triggers only one query of the database, and builds the where clause with Rails' ActiveRecord ORM.
This approach safeguards against SQL-injection, as pointed out by #DanBrooking. Rails 4.0+ provides "strong parameters." You should use the feature.
class VenuesController < ActiveRecord::Base
def search
# Pass a hash to your query
#venues = Venue.where(search_params)
def search_params
# Optionally, whitelist your search parameters with permit
permit(:min_price, :max_price, :romance, :first_date).
# Delete any passed params that are nil or empty string
delete_if {|key, value| value.blank? }
I would recommend to make method in Venue
def self.find_by_price(min_price, max_price)
if min_price && max_price
where("price between ? and ?", min_price, max_price)
def self.find_by_romance(romance)
if romance
where("romance = ?", romance)
def self.find_by_firstdate(firstdate)
if firstdate
where("firstdate = ?", firstdate)
And use it in your controller
.find_by_price(params[:minPrice], params[:maxPrice])
Another solution to this problem, and I think a more elegant one, is using scopes with conditions.
You could do something like
class Venue < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :romance, ->(genre) { where("romance = ?", genre) if genre.present? }
You can then chain those, which would work as an AND if there is no argument present, then it is not part of the chain.
Try below code, it will ignore parameters those are not present
conditions = []
conditions << "price >= '#{params[:minPrice]}'" if params[:minPrice].present?
conditions << "price <= '#{params[:maxPrice]}'" if params[:maxPrice].present?
conditions << "romance = '#{params[:romance]}'" if params[:romance].present?
conditions << "firstdate = '#{params[:firstdate]}'" if params[:firstdate].present?
#venues = Venue.where(conditions.join(" AND "))
I have a one to many relationship between User and Task and want to get all of the tasks for that user, but my query isn't returning any results. Here's what I have:
def getByStatus(String findBy) {
// either get by Open/Closed or by All.
def sortPref = [sort: "deadline", order: "asc"]
def u = User.get(session.user.id) // session.user is a user domain object
if (findBy != "All")
tasks = Task.findAllByUserAndStatus(u, findBy, sortPref)
tasks = Task.findAllByUser(u, sortPref)
I also tried searching by .findByUserIdAndStatus, but got an error saying that there was no UserId property on task. If I remove the user part, then I get all of the tasks.
Assuming there is no issue with lazy loading (assuming # of tasks per user is not considerably high), you can directly get required tasks based on user (from 1:M relationship) as:
def getByStatus(String findBy) {
// either get by Open/Closed or by All.
def u = User.get(session.user.id) // session.user is a user domain object
def tasks = findBy == 'All' ? u.tasks.sort{it.deadline} :
u.tasks.findAll{it.status == findBy}.sort{it.deadline}
If interested, you can have the sort set in the mapping of the domain class.
I have a Rails site that logs simple actions such as when people upvote and downvote information. For every new action, an EventLog is created.
What if the user changes his or her mind? I have an after_create callback that looks for complementary actions and deletes both if it finds a recent pair. For clarity, I mean that if a person upvotes something and soon cancels, both event_logs are deleted. What follows is my callback.
# Find duplicate events by searching nearly all the fields in the EventLog table
#duplicates = EventLog.where("user_id = ? AND event = ? AND project_id = ? AND ..., ).order("created_at DESC")
if #duplicates.size > 1
The above code doesn't quite work because if any of the fields happen to be nil, the query returns [].
How can I write this code so it can handle null values, and/or is there a better way of doing this altogether?
If I understood this correctly,
some of the fields can be nil, and you want to find activity logs that have same user_id, same project_id or project id can be nil.
So I guess this query should work for you.
ActivityLog.where(user_id: <some_id> AND activity: <complementary_id> AND :project_id.in => [<some_project_id>, nil] ....)
This way you would get the complementary event logs where user_id is same and project id may or may not be present
class ActivityLog
QUERY_HASH = Proc.new{ {user_id: self.user_id,
activity: complementary_id(self.id),
and so on....
} }
How about:
# event_log.rb
def duplicate_attr_map
def duplicates
attribs = duplicate_attr_map.reject_if(&:blank?)
query = attribs.map { |attr| "#{attr} = ?" }.join(' AND ')
values = attribs.map { |attr| self.send(attr) }
EventLog.where(query, *values).order("created_at DESC")
def delete_duplicates(n)
duplicates.limit(n).delete_all if duplicates.size > 1
# usage:
# EventLog.find(1).delete_duplicates(2)
not tested, could be improved
I have a Spock test case, in which the setup block looks like this :
setup: "set the required objects"
def company = new Company(shortName:"infyyy",fullName:"infoysys",
region:"tamilnadu" ,email:"a#ac.com" ,telphone:34343433,fax:34343433).save(failOnError:true)
def project = new Project(name:"testing")
def userInstance = new User(username:username,password:password,
def tasksInstance = new Tasks(title:"testingwork",startDate:(new Date()-4),endDate:(new Date().clearTime()-6),description:"blah blah",project:project,completed:true,user:userInstance).save(failOnError:true)
And more over, the Tasks domain class looks like this :
class Tasks {
static belongsTo = [ user : User, project: Project ]
//other code
And User class is like this :
class User {
static hasMany = [ holidays : Holiday, tasks : Tasks, pt:String, project: Project ]
//other code
But when I run my test and my test fails(not with an error message, but it fails in the then block of my Spock test) and I find a error in it. My setup doesn't create any relationship between User and Tasks, which makes my test to fail.
The controller code, which I'm trying to test is :
def todaysTasks() {
def user = User.get(springSecurityService.principal.id)
def choice = params.managersProject
params.max = Math.min(params.max ? params.int('max') : 10,100)
def search = Tasks.createCriteria().list(max: params.max as Integer, offset: params.offset as Integer, order: params.order as String, sort : params.sort) {
and {
project {
eq('endDate', new Date().clearTime())
println "todays task selected project is " + search
[tasksInstanceList : search, tasksInstanceTotal: search.getTotalCount() ]
The println in the above test prints 0. Why does this happen even though I'm making the endDate in my test less than today's date?
Thanks in advance.
As far as I know, GORM does not auto-populate relationships, by following a belongsTo relationship.
I always do the following.
def u=new User(...)
startDate:(new Date()-4),
Note that I have not created a task object. I have passed the Map of values directly to addToX... this emphasizes that the added object belongs to User and should be instantiated and saved by GORM.
You cannot (and you shouldn't) test criteria queries in your unit tests. Criteria queires are not supported in grails (and spock) unit tests. Read this question for possible solutions.
I have admin user with following five roles[ROLE_ADMIN,ROLESWITCHUSER,ROLE_DOCTOR,ROLE_USER]
and some normal users with only one role i.e ROLE_USER ,now my question is how can i get only normal users from my secuser table i tried with somne iterations
def roleId=SecRole.findByAuthority("ROLE_USER")
userInstance = SecUserSecRole.findAllBySecRole(roleId).secUser
here i got userInstance with all users along with adminuser now i tried to elminate adminuser from my userInstance and saved it in selectUserMap but am getting result for sometime and sometimes its giving all users. I think the sort() function not sorting the userinstansce roles please help me
for(int i=0;i<userInstance.size();i++)
println( "am in loop "+i+userInstance[i].username+"roles"+userInstance[i].getAuthorities())
def x=(userInstance[i].getAuthorities().sort())
for(a in x )
{ //println(a.getAuthority())
if((a.getAuthority() == use))
if((a.getAuthority() == adm))
abc=(abc && (a.getAuthority() == use))
println("am in true if ")
println("am in else")
println("==============all users "+selectUserMap)
One thing that would help is to use hierarchical roles - see section "14 Hierarchical Roles" at http://grails-plugins.github.com/grails-spring-security-core/docs/manual/ - and then you wouldn't grant ROLE_USER to anyone but "real" users. If you define your hierarchy like this:
grails.plugins.springsecurity.roleHierarchy = '''
then you don't need to explicitly grant ROLE_USER in the database to either a doctor or an admin, but the role will be inferred as granted. Then your original query will work:
def userRole = SecRole.findByAuthority("ROLE_USER")
def usersWithUserRole = SecUserSecRole.findAllBySecRole(userRole).secUser
If you can't or don't want to do this, then you should use a proper database query. It's extremely and unnecessarily expensive to load every user and every user's roles from the database and filter them out in your application. Use this HQL query:
def userRole = SecRole.findByAuthority("ROLE_USER")
def users = SecUserSecRole.executeQuery(
'select u from SecUser u where ' +
'(select count(ur.user) from SecUserSecRole ur where ur.user=u)=1 and ' +
'(:r in (select ur.role from SecUserSecRole ur where ur.user=u))',
[r: userRole])
Oh, you've choosen really complicated way, can understand your algorhitm :( Maybe this is enough:
List selectUserList = userInstance.findAll {
List roles = it.authorities*.authority
return roles.contains('ROLE_USER') && !roles.contains('ROLE_ADMIN')
I guess you can build selectUserMap from this selectUserList list (can't understand where you get j)
PS maybe it's better to rename userInstance to userInstances, because it's a list actually, not one instance?