Thread 1 : EXC_BAD_ACCESS (Code = 1, address = 0x30000008) - ios

I still stuck on this problem even followed all the answer from this forum. can anyone tell me what to do in simple way? I'm new learner in xcode. I have enable the zombie object.
this is my coding that got crash
if ([[[AryStoreknowItem objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] objectForKey:#"action"] isEqualToString:#"a1"]) {
NSString *t1 =[[AryStoreknowItem objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] objectForKey:#"title"];
NSString *a1 = [[AryStoreknowItem objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] objectForKey:#"action"];
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
// saving an NSString
[defaults setObject:a1 forKey:#"a1"];
[defaults setObject:t1 forKey:#"t1"];
JournalPage *journal=[[JournalPage alloc]initWithNibName:#"JournalPage" bundle:nil];
[self presentModalViewController:journal animated:YES];
In my Application, I have multiple ViewController. when i click on back button of UINavigationBar then this type of issue generated , i can't explain my problem because all the functionality work proper.
Example :-
1 - fitstVController (work properly)
=> it have UITableView , when i click on specific row then it will be go on another UIViewController (SecoundViewController)
2 - SecoundViewController (work properly)
=> it have UITableView and UIActionSheet. when i select button of UiActionSheet then another UIViewController (ThirdViewController) is open
3 - ThirdViewController (cannot open)
=> error came when i click on row three. same goes if i click on other cell, the third cell that i click will got crash before in goes to other pages

I don’t think we've got enough here to diagnose any particular problem (and it’s hard to follow your description). Nonetheless, I would recommend:
I would suggest running your code through the static analyzer (shift+command+B or “Analyze” on the Xcode “Product” menu) and making sure that doesn't provide any warnings. That will (amongst other things) identify many routine memory issues that can easily plague non-ARC code. There's no point in going further until you get a clean bill of health here.
I would suggest turning on the Exception Breakpoint and see if that identifies a particular line of code that is the source of the issue. Sometimes that can identify the line of code without having to reverse engineer where the error occurred by looking at the stack trace.
Given that you're doing non-ARC code, you might also want to temporarily turn on zombies. You can see this setting the the Scheme Configuration settings.
Beyond that, I’d refer you to Ray Wenderlich article My App Crashed, Now What?.
If you continue to have errors, share the stack trace with us.

You might have dismissed a ViewController while an object is still accessing it. That was my issue and reading Rob's answer helped.

This type of problem usually happens due to memory release/allocation
Go to
Product -> Clean
will fix this problem in most cases

I got this error when I was utilizing a reusable view /XIB and had the combination of two errors:
I forgot to specify the name of the custom class in the identity inspector
I cast the view as my specific view class in its outlet
Specifying the view class in the Identity Inspector corrected the error


iOS Document Sharing: "Save to Dropbox" always fails

Posting after finding answer
After "rubber duck debugging" this answer a bunch, I finally came across the correct answer on a question that appears to me to be unrelated. I think this question (and its answer) are still relevant, so I'm posting the question and will post my own answer to hopefully help others like me.
I am creating a PDF in my iOS app that I would like to allow the user to export. For the purposes of this testing, I'm trying to save it to my personal Dropbox on a physical device.
I have turned on iTunes file sharing, and I can verify that the PDF file is being generated correctly, and when I copy it off of my device (iPad Pro Gen. 2 running iOS 11), I can open the PDF and it has the expected content and appearance.
I am able to get the document pop-up to display correctly, and I have options to share via:
Line 1: AirDrop
Line 2: Message, Mail, Add to Notes, (Facebook) Messenger, etc.
Line 3: Copy, Print, Save to Files, Save to Dropbox, etc.
No matter what I try to select (Save to Dropbox is the one I want to solve, but the issue seems universal), it fails. Of note, when I click Save to Dropbox, I do see the Dropbox panel display, but there is immediately a modal over top of the Save to Dropbox modal that says, "An unknown error occurred."
I have tried to look around and see how to get more information about this error, but I'm stumped. I'm not sure if it's correlated, but I get this message in the console:
[AXRun-PID] Client requesting unsuspension of PID:813 Name:<redacted>
Trying to google that error has proved unfruitful.
Here's the code where I generate the PDF and show the menu:
#pragma mark • Sharing Methods
- (void)showShareMenu {
NSArray *bookList = [BookManager bookList];
NSURL *pdfUrl = [PdfGenerator generatePdfFromBooks:bookList];
UIDocumentInteractionController *vc = [[UIDocumentInteractionController alloc] init]; = #"Booklet.pdf";
vc.URL = pdfUrl;
vc.UTI = #"com.adobe.pdf";
[vc presentOptionsMenuFromBarButtonItem:self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem animated:YES];
I've tried using UIDocumentInteractionController *vc = [UIDocumentInteractionController interactionControllerWithURL:pdfUrl]; instead of the one above, but the results are the same.
I tried making self the delegate of vc and then tried to implement the following methods:
- (void)documentInteractionController:(UIDocumentInteractionController *)controller
willBeginSendingToApplication:(nullable NSString *)application;
- (void)documentInteractionController:(UIDocumentInteractionController *)controller
didEndSendingToApplication:(nullable NSString *)application;
Neither of those methods ever fired.
Interestingly, though I think I've supplied the file name correctly based on what I've read, the name in the File textbook in the Save to Dropbox modal is a current timestamp (e.g., File Oct 28, 11 12 22 PM). The Dropbox modal stays up until I click "OK" on the "An unknown error occurred" modal, and then disappears immediately.
It seems like I'm somehow not providing the right information, but I'm not sure how. It seems like there ought to be a delegate method to indicate an error to me, but I don't see anything like that in the docs. (It is late, and I have been looking at this for hours, including reading several related tutorials, so I could have missed something obvious.)
I came across this answer as an example question while asking this current question.
It doesn't really ask the same question I have, nor did that user have the same error outputs I did. But, the linked answer did work for me, too.
The problem I had in the code above was that I was not keeping the UIDocumentInteractionController around after I created it. Adding a private property fixed this issue. So, the following code now works:
#pragma mark • Sharing Methods
- (void)showShareMenu {
NSArray *bookList = [BookManager bookList];
NSURL *pdfUrl = [PdfGenerator generatePdfFromBooks:bookList];
self.docController = [UIDocumentInteractionController interactionControllerWithURL:pdfUrl]; = #"Booklet.pdf";
self.docController.UTI = #"com.adobe.pdf";
[self.docController presentOptionsMenuFromBarButtonItem:self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem animated:YES];

Can not access the programatically added UIView in XCTest

Below is my recorded XCTest
let app = XCUIApplication()
let tablesQuery = app.tables
app.buttons["Popout Video"].tap()
app.children(matching: .window).element(boundBy: 0).children(matching: .other).element(boundBy: 1).tap()
When I am trying to run the test the last part that is:
app.children(matching: .window).element(boundBy: 0).children(matching: .other).element(boundBy: 1).tap()
is not accessible. It does not throw any error but the last line of code is not executed.
I have tried solving the issue by referring to the following stackoverflow question :
Xcode UI Tests can't find views that are added programatically
Also , I have referred to the following Apple Documentations:
But all these doesn't seem to solve the issue. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
The line in question is very brittle. It's possible that your app's views are not always available in the same order every time the app launches, depending on race conditions, so what was recorded in your recording session does not necessarily work for all launches of the app. You'll probably find that the code is actually running, but isn't tapping the element you expected.
To make your code less brittle, add an accessibility identifier to the UIView in your app code, and use the otherElements query to find the UIView.
// app code
let view: UIView!
view.accessibilityIdentifier = "myAccessibilityIdentifier"
// UI test code

App crashing when trying to setValue in NSMuableDictionary

My app is crashing when I try to set value in NSMutableDictionary.
Here is the code below which demostrate the crash, I am not able to find out any crash log also in the console.
NSArray *b =[[a objectAtIndex:1] valueForKey:#"value"];
NSMutableDictionary *b1 =[b objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *str = self.tes;
[b1 setValue:str forKey:#"value"];
Please help me regarding this.
b1 Dictionary log
question = "vale";
type = a;
setValue:forKey: is part of the NSKeyValueCoding protocol, which among other things, lets you access object properties from the likes of Interface Builder. setValue:forKey: is implemented in classes other than NSDictionary.
setObject:forKey: is NSMutableDictionary's reason to exist. Its signature happens to be quite similar to setValue:forKey:, but is more generic (e.g. any key type).
So in your case just replace all setValue:forKey with setObject:forKey and valueForKey: with objectForKey:
Difference between objectForKey and valueForKey?
So you said you are getting EXC_BAD_ACCESS crash. Try turning on Zombies in Xcode’s Scheme editor. See Enable and Debug Zombie objects in iOS using Xcode 5.1.1. That question explains how to use it, but you don’t need to run Instruments as mentioned there.
Then just run the app and Xcode will show you the reason of EXC_BAD_ACCESS. Don’t forget to turn Zombies off after you don’t need it.
The name Zombie comes from the fact that under this mode all deallocated objects will be marked and will be kept as special regions of memory (not live, not dead, zombies). Once your code attempts to use such deallocated object, Xcode will notice and print helpful message.

Sharing an array of custom objects with Today Extension (widget) with NSUserDefaults

this is my first stack post so please be constructive when reviewing my posting technique!
Basically, my problem is that I have an array of custom objects that I need to share with a today extension. The objects represent tasks in a to-do list, and their properties are used to store info about each task (name, location, dueDate, thumbnail, etc). The objects are stored in an array which is used to populate my to-do list. All I want to do is pass this array to my widget so that I can populate a second tableview which will act as a condensed version of the first (for the widget view).
I should point out that my widget is properly set up, as in I have properly linked it and the containing app together in 'groups'. I have also successfully used NSUserDefaults to pass an array of NSStrings to the widget, however, when I try to pass the array of objects to the widget, it crashes and my log reads:
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException', reason: '*** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver decodeObjectForKey:]: cannot decode object of class (Xitem)'
I understand that this crash is related to archiving the object (Xitem), which seems to be a necessary step towards saving custom objects in NSUserDefaults. However, I have tested saving/loading the array within the same class of the containing app, and that works fine! (code below)
NSData *encodedObject = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:self.Xitems];
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [[NSUserDefaults alloc] initWithSuiteName:#"group.AaronTest"];
[defaults setObject:encodedObject forKey:#"myArray"];
[defaults synchronize];
NSUserDefaults *defaults2 = [[NSUserDefaults alloc] initWithSuiteName:#"group.AaronTest"];
NSData *encodedObject2 = [defaults2 objectForKey:#"myArray"];
NSArray *array2 = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:encodedObject2];
for (Xitem *t in array2){
NSLog(#"*****%#*****", t.itemName);
Okay so as explained, the above code works as expected. However, when i insert the second 'unarchiver' half of this code into my today widget, i get the aforementioned error. Below is my code to show how I encode/decode the object (it may be worth noting that this object was created for the simplicity of my debugging and only contains a NSString property):
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface Xitem : NSObject <NSCoding>
NSString *itemName;
#property NSString *itemName;
#import "Xitem.h"
#implementation Xitem
#synthesize itemName;
[encoder encodeObject:self.itemName forKey:#"iName"];
self = [super init];
self.itemName = [decoder decodeObjectForKey:#"iName"];
return self;
I could also post my widget and containing app code, but it doesn't differ from the first set of code i posted (apart from the renamed variables such as 'defaults2'). I should point out that I really have exhausted resources while trying to solve this problem, but the fact that using NSKeyedArchiver solely in the containing app works, has left me stumped.
I realise that this post is very similar to my own problem, but the author decides to opt for a workaround, whereas I would actually like to know why this doesn't work. I'm a new developer and I'm doing my best to pickup on the best working practices so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I think it's also possible to replace my object (class) with an NSDictionary? However I would like to avoid this if possible because it would cause many conflicts in the main app, but obviously if that is the correct method I will tackle that problem. On a side note, if a dictionary would be better than an object for my requirements (to-do list with properties of UIImage, CLLocation, etc) for any other reasons (memory or accessibility for example) please do elaborate and help me to understand why!
Many thanks for anyones time :)
Okay so I just fixed this. Incase anyone has the same problem, go to: 'Targets' > 'Widget' > 'Build Phases' > 'Compile Sources' > add custom class there (Xitem.m)

All of a sudden: -[__NSArrayM popObjectForKey:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance

I was developing an app, at some stage this error came out:
-[__NSArrayM popObjectForKey:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance
I've undone the latest edits to see what was wrong...but the error was still there.
So I've undone even more edits, but the error was still there.
Tried to delete and add back the framework where I thought the error could come from, error still there. (it's KinveyKit framework)
Tried to substitute the line of code where the app would throw the error with another one that was surely working: even that one was throwing the error.
I downloaded an older Git of the app (that was definitely working a few days ago) on a different folder, run that and: same error.
Uninstalled and reinstalled Xcode: error still there.
But: if I run other apps with similar code, nothing goes wrong.
Does anybody have any idea?
I post here the code, that throws me the error, just to give you an idea...but I don't think there's anything wrong in the code since it's always been working before.
#property (strong, nonatomic) KCSAppdataStore *store;
- (void)viewDidLoad
_store = [KCSAppdataStore storeWithOptions:#{ KCSStoreKeyCollectionName : #"AnEntity",
KCSStoreKeyCollectionTemplateClass : [AnEntity class]}];
[_store queryWithQuery:[KCSQuery query]
withCompletionBlock:^(NSArray *objectsOrNil1, NSError *errorOrNil) { ... }];
Cool -- being sarcastic
I spent the afternoon rebuilding the app from a new project, copy pasting the code...
Now I opened the older one once again, tried to run it just...just to try once again, knowing it would crash cause I haven't change a word it already crashed every other time I tried earlier this morning, and.... surprise: runs again. No errors.
-.-'' Solution to my question then? No idea. Still thinking it was some cache problem that eventually got solved through out the day but not while I was trying to solve it.
If anybody has had similar experiences or has some further idea, feel free to add something, always good to be prepared for next time something like this happens.
I had a similar issue that appeared to be caused by a corrupted KCSUser object written to the keychain. The popObjectForKey method appears to get called any time you call [KCSUser activeUser]. I was able to get this fixed by adding the code below first thing in application DidFinishLaunchingWithOptions:. Be sure you aren't calling [KCSUser activeUser] at any point before the following code has a chance to run.
NSArray *secItemClasses = #[(__bridge id)kSecClassGenericPassword,
(__bridge id)kSecClassInternetPassword,
(__bridge id)kSecClassCertificate,
(__bridge id)kSecClassKey,
(__bridge id)kSecClassIdentity];
for (id secItemClass in secItemClasses) {
NSDictionary *spec = #{(__bridge id)kSecClass: secItemClass};
SecItemDelete((__bridge CFDictionaryRef)spec);
This appears to clear/reset the keychain. After you run it once, remove it and you app should operate normally.
