Using Rails 3.2 and Paperclip 3.4.2. I have the following:
# photo.rb
has_attached_file :data,
:styles => {
:picture_lightbox => ["600x450>", :jpg],
:picture_preview => ["250x250^", :jpg],
:picture_thumb => ["76x76^", :jpg]
:default_url => "placeholder_:style.png"
# shop.rb
has_many :photos
# show.html.erb
<% if ! %>
<%= image_tag([0].data.url(:picture_thumb)) %>
<% else %>
<%= image_tag('placeholder_picture_thumb.png') %>
<% end %>
While this works, but it defeats the purpose of specifying :default_url in photo.rb, because I don't know a way to show the default image when (which is an array of photo objects) is blank.
This is not about asset pipeline. It's about how can I detect that is blank, then it returns the default image url, instead of explicitly specifying the default image url. What should I change?
The purpose of :default_url on Paperclip in your case is to set a default url for photo object. But you have a problem with showing a default "cover photo" of shop. This is additional logic in your code. You cannot achieve this only with Paperclip's :default_url option. If you want to take advantage of :default_url option, I will suggest you to create a method in shop.rb which looks something like this:
def cover_url
# I guess you want to use first photo based on your code
Then in your view you will have just <%= image_tag(shop.cover_url) %>
Actually the default URL will work when you have a relation like
class User
has_attached_file :photo
when is nil, default will return default URL.
What you have done in your case seems correct to me.
When integrating my RoR application with AWS to store a user's Facebook photo, the photo is stored as "original" rather than "medium".
Here is the relevant information from my User model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :avatar,
:storage => :s3,
:style => {:medium => "370x370", :thumb => "100x100"}
validates_attachment_content_type :avatar, :content_type => /\Aimage\/.*\Z/
Calling the original photo is successful, but I need the medium thumbnail, because displaying the photo as original presents an aesthetic issue.
Here is the relevant information from my _user.html.erb user file:
<div class="img"><%= image_tag user.avatar.url(:original), height: "370", width: "370" %> </div>
however, like I said, I do not want to put original, I would like to call the file from AWS, like so:
<%= image_tag user.avatar.url(:medium)
When I inspect the page, I see that ":medium" it is not being saved, so I would assume this is a problem with the model user.rb, but any and all help is greatly appreciated, as I've been stuck on this issue for quite some time.
I assume you need to first set the validator. I think PaperClip cares about the image size. So in your model:
validates_with AttachmentSizeValidator, :attributes => :avatar, :less_than => 1.megabytes
That worked for me.
In my application I have the option for a user to upload an image for a profile picture through paperclip.
Want I want to do in the index.html.erb page is to display all users with their display pictures, and if they have not uploaded one then it should display a default picture.
Now I have tried coding it in but at the moment the users who have pictures have the displayed but those who don't get nothing.
I have the following code in my user model:
def user_photo
(photo.url.present?) ? photo.url : '/images/guest.png'
and the following code in my index.html.erb
<% for user in #users %>
<%= image_tag user.user_photo, :height => 50, :width => 50 %>
<% end %>
Any ideas on what my problem might be?
Have something like this in your user model:
has_attached_file :photo,
:default_url => '/images/guest.jpeg',
:styles => {
:large => "300x300>",
:thumb => "100x100>",
:tiny => "32x32>"
The :default_url option is used if there is no attached file for a model. If a user doesn’t have any uploaded photo you could use this option to set a default photo to show.
In the view:
<%= image_tag %>
Read Paperclip usage guide
Since this is view logic, I would put it in a helper instead of in the model. So in a relevant helper:
def user_photo(user) ? image_tag user.user_photo : image_tag 'guest.png'
Then call that helper from the view. Of course you can add other parameters to image_tag for the dimensions and so on. This way you get the benefit of using the image_tag helpers consistently.
I have used the following tutorials:
This tutorial walks you through downloading files through the controller rather than as static files. I did this to control access to the files.
This tutorial walks you through the process of creating a model for your files and using that to allow multiple file uploads
So, for the most part I got the uploading to work fine, however, the problem is in the downloading.
A little background. I have the following key models.
class VisualSubmission < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :assets
accepts_nested_attributes_for :assets, :allow_destroy => true;
class Asset < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :visual_submission
has_attached_file :image, :styles => { :original => "100%", :large => "600x600>", :small => "150x150>", :thumb => "50x50>"}, :convert_options => {:all => "-auto-orient"},
:path => ':rails_root/secure/system/:attachment/:id/:style/:basename.:extension',
:url => '/:class/:id/:attachment?style=:style'
In order to download files through the controller, an action is created as such:
def images
visual_submission = VisualSubmission.find(params[:id])
style = params[:style] ? params[:style] : 'original'
send_file visual_submission.image.path(style), :type => visual_submission.image_content_type, :disposition => 'inline'
So, as I said above, uploading is just fine. One thing that is different but expected, when it stores the file it uses the ID from the assets model. This is all well and good, however, I am having trouble getting the URL correct now. I created a route to my images:
resources :visual_submissions do
member do
get :images
And this is what my route looks like.
images_visual_submission GET /visual_submissions/:id/images(.:format) {:action=>"images", :controller=>"visual_submissions"}
Now the piece of code that in theory is supposed to access the image.
This is from my edit form. It is supposed to show the current images stored.
<%= f.fields_for :assets do |asset_fields| %>
<% unless asset_fields.object.new_record? %>
<%= asset_fields.object.image.url %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Now this is obviously not going to work. I am not sure what object is doing here, but what I do know is, my images should be going through my visual_submissions controller which this is not touching. I am not entirely sure if I am asking this questions correctly, but I am stuck. One idea I had was to create a assets controller and move the images method into there but I am not sure how much that will help.
Any thoughts?
#Raymond, just put the last code snippet inside the _form.html.erb corresponding to your visual_submissions. Just be sure that you put it before the <%= f.submit %>, inside the form_for, of course. Hope that helps,
I'm implementing a generic media gallery using Ruby on Rails. I've chosen ActiveAdmin to handle the administration portion of my task and it's worked well so far, except for one thing: It's not displaying the "Choose file" dialog as intended.
This is a form for my "Media" section of ActiveAdmin. I have a model called "Medium" with the following fields (in addition to id and timestamp:
My Medium model looks like this:
class Medium < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :galleries
has_and_belongs_to_many :entities
has_attached_file :asset, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x100>" }
attr_accessible :asset
And I'm adding it to the ActiveAdmin form like this:
form :html => { :enctype => "multipart/form-data" } do |f|
f.input :asset, :as => :file
Here's a screencap of my ActiveAdmin page:
I see nothing wrong with how I'm implementing this. I've read that Formtastic has historically had issues with paperclip and I'm not averse to switching to attachment_fu or any other suitable solutions.
I should also note: I know that I can add in a custom partial. It's not my ideal solution, as I'd like to keep everything in the Formtastic DSL.
Formtastic requires that you wrap all calls to #input in a call to #inputs. It's definitely something that I would like to see fixed in Active Admin.
It should work if you wrap your input in a call to inputs:
form :html => { :enctype => "multipart/form-data" } do |f|
f.inputs do
f.input :asset, :as => :file
Let me know if this works for you.
Or you can do:
form :html => {:multipart => true} do |f|
which is easier to remember, imho.
the latest active admin handle it automatic
I use carrier wave with active admin and works as above.
This should be a simple thing to do, but I'm running into a wall and I'm not sure how to debug this response.
In my Image model, I have:
class Image < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :image, :styles => { :display => "500x500>",
:thumbnail => "95x95>"}
Then in my Views, my form contains this:
-form_for #image, :html => { :multipart => true } do |image|
=label_tag :image, 'photo to upload', :class => 'required'
=image.file_field :image
In my Mysql table, I have a column called "image_file_name" (string).
However, when I try to upload an image and submit it, I see
2 errors prohibited this from being saved
There were problems with the following fields:
Image Paperclip::CommandNotFoundError
Image Paperclip::CommandNotFoundError
What am I doing wrong? Thank you for your help!
Paperclip relies on external tools to resize the images. It looks like you either don't have the tools installed or they are not found.
I've used ImageMagick but other tools may be usable by Paperclip.
Which environment are you running on?