WSO2 ESB URL parsing issue - url

I am receiving HTTP/SOAP request with some query parameters. Those query parameters are in repeated format as key=value as /q=key1=value1&key2=value2 etc...
I would like to retrieve all the keys from above URL and check if they are valid or not.
1. Is there any way to define global array which can hold these keys
2. How to validate if keys are present or not. Does ESB supports java "contains" API ?

I believe you are doing a GET request..
You can retrieve all the query parameters in a sequence.
For a request url; http:// localhost:8280/getSimpleQuote?symbol=IBM
<property name="symbol" expression="$url:symbol"/> will return the symbol 'IBM'.
After getting all keys, you can validate them

you can get the query parameters with the xpath expression get-property{''} with xxx is the name of the query parameter you need to get.
When a resource is defined with a URL mapping, only those requests that match the given URL mapping will be processed by the resource. Alternatively one could configure a resource with a URI template. A URI template represents a class of URIs using patterns and variables. Some examples of valid URI templates are given below.
All the identifiers within curly braces are considered variables. A URL that matches the template “/order/{orderId}” is given below.
In the above URL instance, the variable orderId has been assigned the value “A0001”. Similarly following URL adheres to the template “/dictionary/{char}/{word}”.
In this case the variable “char” has the value “c” and the variable “word” is given the value “cat”. When a resource is associated with a URI template, all requests that match the template will be processed by the resource. At the same time ESB will provide access to the exact values of the template variables through message context properties. For an example assume a resource configured with the URI template “/dictionary/{char}/{word}”. If the request “/dictionary/c/cat” is sent to the ESB, it will be dispatched to the above resource and we will be able to retrieve the exact values of the two variables using the get-property XPath extension of WSO2 ESB:


limit query params in swagger

is there a way to limit swagger query params? for example - if somebody submits a GET request like:
and accidentally typed in /users/bob?products=10 - is there a swagger property I can add that will then throw an error?
Swagger allows you to describe the REST APIs. If product is the only query parameter allow, then the server should throw an exception if it finds other query parameters in the request from the client.
In other words, there's no way in Swagger to say parameters with certain names are not allowed as other parameters not documented in Swagger are disallowed by default.

URL Query String without Question Mark?

I cannot find documentation anywhere regarding whether the following URL that has a query string is valid.
I know that ? starts a list of key-value pairs separated by &.
Is the ? required?
? appears to be required for the trailing part to be called query.
Query string is defined in RFC 3986. Section 3.3 Path says:
The path component contains data, usually organized in hierarchical
form, that, along with data in the non-hierarchical query component
(Section 3.4), serves to identify a resource within the scope of the
URI's scheme and naming authority (if any). The path is terminated
by the first question mark ("?") or number sign ("#") character, or
by the end of the URI.
Section 3.4 defines query:
The query component contains non-hierarchical data that, along with
data in the path component (Section 3.3), serves to identify a
resource within the scope of the URI's scheme and naming authority
(if any). The query component is indicated by the first question
mark ("?") character and terminated by a number sign ("#") character
or by the end of the URI.
RFC 1738 for URL has a section for HTTP URL scheme. It says in section 3.3 that:
An HTTP URL takes the form:
where and are as described in Section 3.1. If :
is omitted, the port defaults to 80. No user name or password is
allowed. is an HTTP selector, and is a query
string. The is optional, as is the and its
preceding "?". If neither nor is present, the "/"
may also be omitted.
Within the and components, "/", ";", "?" are
reserved. The "/" character may be used within HTTP to designate a
hierarchical structure.
You can use tricks to take the URI as you mention and then split it as if it was a query string. Frameworks like Laravel, Django etc. allow you to handle routes in a query string like manner. There's more to it than what I say; I was just giving an example about Frameworks' handling of URIs.
Look at this example from Laravel documentation: It shows how Laravel takes a route like https://site/posts/1/comments/3 and handles the post id 1 and comment id 3 through a function.
Route::get('posts/{post}/comments/{comment}', function ($postId, $commentId) {
You can, perhaps, handle routes like http://site/webapp/somekey/somevalue.

Should a client handle an url ending with "?" but no parameters?

A url without parameters but with a question mark appended at the end is passed to the client to be parsed and used.
I've been told the client should be robust enough to handle such url and proceed. But shouldn't this be fixed server-side?
An empty query part is not an error, so it definitely needs to be accepted by the client. (Reference: RFC 3986 section 3.4 which shows the syntax of the query as 0 or more allowable characters.)
An empty query is different from an undefined query (i.e., the URI does not contain a ?). If the base URI contains a query component, merging a relative URI with an empty query will override the base URI's query, whereas merging a relative URI without a query will copy the base URI's query into the merged result.

How do I add a parameter to a URL like '?=website-name'

Like the question says, how do I add a parameter to a URL?
When you click on a link to get a featured product on Product Hunt, the URL is appended with ?ref=producthunt.
Can I just add a parameter like this manually to the few links that I have on my website? Are there any scenarios where this might be suboptimal to do?
The parameters in the URL correspond to the superglobal $_GET array.
It means that if your URL is in the form ,
then $_GET[key1] contains val1 , and so on.
It is perfectly legitimate to add these parameters manually in a link (a typical use case would be a login button, which redirects you to the current URL and appends &todo=login . You can then add a bit of PHP code that triggers the login process when $_GET contains the value 'login' at the key 'todo').
The other way of adding these parameters is forms. In an HTML form, you specify a 'method' which can be 'get' or 'post'.
If you choose 'get', when the form is submitted, the URL will automatically be appended with the form answers.
NB: It is generally NOT SAFE to directly read values from the $_GET, as the user can fill it with any value (just by changing the URL) so it is good practice to use filters that ensure inputs are safe. Check for more on filters
The parameters added to the url is called query string and they have a format
it must start will ?
every paraper will be seperated with &
The mistake you did is by putting ?= which is not converted by your web server.
you can pas like '?websitename=website-name'
Querystring parameters are key value pairs that are separated from the URL's domain and path with a ? and separated from each other with an &, i.e ?key=value&key2=value2.
The values can be accessed client-side (in Javascript) and server-side by the webserver or by a server-side language is being used, PHP, ASP.NET, Java.
Some values should be encoded using a function such as encodeURIComponent to ensure that they are valid.
You need to be careful that the querystring does not contain any sensitive information such as a sequential order number, i.e ?order=5 as someone could manually change the value to see another user's order (?order=6, if no other authentication in place). The order value should be encrypted so it cannot be guessed. Also, do not execute any code passed in on the querystring with eval() as the contents could be changed by a malicious user to execute a crosssite scripting (XSS) attack on another user and steal their cookie or login credentials.

Camel recipientList param order

I have a route defined like this:
.setHeader("HTTP_METHOD", constant("GET"))
When the log endpoint gets called the EBAY_URL is correct, I can copy and paste it into a browser and it works.
However when the http request is made, the url parameters are in completely the wrong order and thus causing a 500 response to be returned from the server.
Is there a way to tell camel to not mess about with the ordering of the url?
No the query parameter ordering should NOT matter. Any HTTP server should accept query parameters in whatever order they are, eg a=1&b=2 is the same as b=2&a=1
Camel validates and normalizes the URI and the query parameters is listed in A..Z order. (nor random).
