Quickly browse localized app store descriptions in other languages and/or countries? - ios

As I am writing and translating localized app store descriptions for my app, I thought it would be handy to read other same-category apps' localized descriptions. However this has become more complicated than I had hoped (e.g., don't really want to change my Mac's language setting on top of my iTunes store country preference). Plus I have had limited success doing this on with OS X and iOS.
Can someone suggest a quick and easy way to look at app store descriptions in another language? I am sure I am missing something obvious here, for example currently I am poking around App Annie to see if it has archived localized descriptions.

Yes, there is a solution. You can use the urls that Apple provides and read the app description from there:
Head over to http://linkmaker.itunes.apple.com/ and you will see that there you can select a country.
For example, searching for "Twitter" in iOS apps and US you get (after removing the trailing url garbage):
Now just change the country code. E.g., German and Italian:

The best way is to modify URL and view it in browser.
If you open an app using URL:
(for example: https://itunes.apple.com/app/zuko-monsters/id545619234?mt=8)
you can just add country code after first part:
(for example: https://itunes.apple.com/de/app/zuko-monsters/id545619234?mt=8)


How do I export text from iOS Notes app to my app?

I know this is possible and is something many big apps do, but I can't figure out among UTIs, extensions, UIActivityTypes, etc. which spell I need to use for this in particular. I'm trying to add my app to the list of apps that appear when you hit the export button in the Notes app on iOS because I want to be able to take a bunch of text inside a note and repeatedly and safely send it into my app.
I want my app to appear in this list, exporting directly from Notes. There appear to be duplicates of this question that are very old claiming that "exporting from Notes app is not possible for third party apps", but I think they're either now wrong or answering a different question because as you can see in the above screenshot, Messenger is plainly able to do this.
It does not look like registering UTIs gets this done for me. I went ahead and registered my app to all sorts of UTIs, but all that happens is my app ends up in popups like this one, which appears when trying to open a txt file, which is not what I'm looking for. Unless there is some other UTI that does not conform to public.data or public.content which I need to be using, in which case I'd be happy to hear it.
I used one of my allotted support requests to ask Apple, and after some time and back and forth I was able to get my answer! Here is what they said:
Your project is missing a Share app extension. Start by reviewing the
App Extension Programming Guide:
Information specific to the Share extension point:
You don’t need to register the text content type in your
CFBundleDocumentTypes. as you’ve done in your sample. However, you
will need to provide an activation rule for the extension point, such
as the one shown in this section of the document (the section titled
Declaring Supported Data Types for a Share or Action Extension):
See specifically the predicate example that activates the extension if
an attachment with the com.adobe.pdf UTI is present. You will need to
do something similar, to cover the UTIs for content you would like
your share extension to consume. As a starting point, you can consume
text with the public.text UTI. For more common UTIs, please see this
I also found the bits about providing an activation rule to be super confusing, and this answer helped that: How do I set NSExtensionActivationRule predicates?

iOS 9 App localization

I'm working on a "cook book" app that has multiple (language) versions.
Apple says I can't upload multiple apps that are almost the same, so how can I achieve what is mentioned below in single app release ?
multiple languages (possible)
multiple logos (possible)
different "config" file for each language - e.g. file with API URLs
Each language version "separately" on App store so a user can download both english and spanish versions
My biggest problem is #4, it has to be possible that one can decide which language version he downloads.
You're most likely still looking at one app with multiple languages included in it, which are picked based on user local. If you want the user to decide which language they'd like after install, give them an option. Many apps do this already.
I think you can follow these steps to create the app you'd like to make.
Localize your application. (This tutorial might be useful.)
Add a language parameter to your API calls and return the data based on the language parameter. Thus you won't be displaying a content which is not available in that language.
For your 4th requirement if you'd like to use versioning on each language (I do not know why but if you must) then you can use the language paramter you'll add on API calls. Just create a releation between the languages and the versions you are using then display the views and contents based on the relation.

iOS translation apps url schemes

I'm trying to enable translating some text in my app. I want user to be able to launch whichever translation tool they use on their device (Google Translate or iTranslate) and see the translation without having to type it. For this, I'm using the url schemes:
Now, I need to pass the query to those apps. I know how to do this for iTranslate:
This is cool, now I would like to know how to do the same for Google Translate. It needs to automatically detect the language and translate it to english.
It is not currently possible to prefill UI elements in the Google Translate iOS application when opening it from googletranslate:// URLs. The contents of the URL after googletranslate:// appear to be completely ignored. So the most you can get from using these links at the moment is opening the iOS application.
If this does get implemented at some point in the future, one can test by opening a link like googletranslate://example%20text/?param=value&from=zh_TW. I would strongly recommend that you let your voice be heard on the Google Translate product forum by requesting this feature.
In the meantime, you may want to consider using Translation API to provide translations within your application. This can be achieved using the REST API.
If is there anyone still looking for the answer, you can use it like this.
You can change the parameters
sl = source language
tl = translation language
text = the thing you want to translate

Blackberry AppWorld - Description language

I'm adding an application to AppWorld, and on the Description field I'm adding a spanish description (wich my application supports).
The thing is that our app it only supports english since is targeted for a local market. Unfortunately it still asks me for English details of it (like descriptions), so my question is.... is it mandatory to provide an English descriptions? Even tho our app doesn't support (or will) support any other language.
Yes, you do need to include an English description, as it is mandatory regardless of the language the application runs in.
Why? Applications are not filtered by language like they can be by device model or OS. Since any device, regardless of language, can view or download the app, English is used as a default when a language-specific description doesn’t exist.
If your application is published in Spanish, I'd highly recommend to include a statement that explains fact in a brief English description, followed by a more detailed separate description of the application submitted in Spanish.

Danish localization when publishing app

I'm trying to figure out how to localize the title and description of our app in Danish, English and German.
When i add a new app in itunes connects it asks me to enter the information in english. When i then go to manage localizations i only get a limited list of languages to add - Danish is NOT one of them.
I read the iTunes connect developer guide which mentions the following: "This is in addition to the English (or other default language you set on your defaults page) metadata you’ve
already supplied during your initial app creation."
But i can't find anywhere to set Danish as the default language to then get the option to add english and german as extra languages.
So how do i go about making sure that my app is available with a local title and description in the Danish store as well as the english and german stores?
Any help is GREATLY appreciated since I can't seem to get an answer from Apple.
Unfortunaly you cannot change the default language as far as I know (and this has created some major headache for developers in the past as the default language appears in ALL stores that have no custom language. If you for example chose your native language instead of english, you will have that displayed all over the world and can create a lot of exceptions for the countries in the list). (Edit since recently the default language can be changed per App)
As for the language list: you only get what is there and have to rely on apple to extend the list in the future (never a bad idea to send en enhancement request).
Unfortunaly probably not what you wanted to hear but localization handling is still somewhat suboptimal. The only thing you can do is enter the information in the default language in Danish (and thus create a danish page for some parts of the world as well) and fill ALL of the other languages with a localized description (or english if you cannot localize) which at least gives an english description for some of the larger markets.
I'm not sure how/if Apple allows the default description in Danish if the setting is English but I already had to fill all localizations in the list with english text (even Japanese, French etc.) and had the app approved.
