heightForRow not equal cell height in UITableView? - ios

I have created a viewController which displays a plain style UITableView. Sometimes I have enough cells to fill up the table view, sometimes I don't. When I don't have enough cells I want to make the table view smaller, in order to fill the rest of the screen with a view that displays the same background color as the color of my cells.
To do that I multiply the heightForRow with the number of cells that the table view is about to display. I have set the heightForRow to 70 and I have set the height of my custom cells to 70. This does make my table view smaller than even one of my cells.
Is the tableView height calculated in a different way, or what am I doing wrong?
EDIT: The answer below did not answer my question, but it solved my problem.

I use:
[yourtable setTableFooterView:[[UIView alloc] init]];


How to scroll the UICollectionview from particular cell

I have a collection view. I need to scroll only cell4, cell5, cell 6 so on. First two cells are remain same. Is is possible using only UICollectionview. How to achieve this.
FYI: the height of the cell is more than the screen height.
One of options would be to subclass UICollectionViewLayout and update frames in attributes of first three cells every time when scroll offset changes. So the cells would look static.

How to make a particular static cell in UItableview self adjusting according to the constraints of the contents inside it

I've done some research on self adjusting static cells but they seem to apply to the entire table view as a whole.
what if I'm only interested in targeting a specific cell like the picture below? How do I go about doing it?
edit: What I intend is for the tableview cell to expand when the collectionview gets populated with more cells. Thus allowing the entire page to scroll accordingly.
Are the images in the collection view always the same height ? If the images in the view are a static size, you could just divide the number of images, by the number that will fit on a line. Then multiply that by the height of the lines to set the tableview cell height.
This might be helpful:
Dynamic Sized Tableview Cells

How to get height of UITableView placed in another UITableView in Cell as childViewController

I'm struggling with wired kind of problem. I have UITableView with one cell. This cell is only holding containerView with childViewController (second tableView). My problem is that, first tableView(parent) must have UITableViewAutomaticDimension row height but it doesn't work (It dosen't know correct size of that cell with second tableView).
How to get correct size of second tableView) ?
Second tableView (inside Cell) have scrollingEnabled turned off (tableView.scrollEnabled = false), first tableView must have correct size of second tableView in order to provide correct scrolling experience.
Since a UITableView inherits from UIScrollView you can use the contentSize property to get this information. This is how the scrollbar works on the side.
I have done a similar thing before (long ago), so the following is somewhat hazy/ irrelevant/ unessecary. There might be some gotchas with unknown/unrendered cell heights in the embedded tableview. I rememeber having to set the tableview height to a large number (forcing all cells to render) fetching the contentSize then resetting the tableview height to the contentSize.height.
Are you shure you really need second table view? If you have just one cell probably you don't need it. I recommend you to calculate table view height as the summ of it's cells heights. If cells of embedded table view have constant height it could be simple. In other case you also could calculate cells height.

UITableView powered by FetchedResultsController with UITableViewAutomaticDimension - Cells move when table is reloaded

Current set up:
TableView with automatically calculated heights:
self.tableView.sectionHeaderHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension;
self.tableView.rowHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension;
self.tableView.estimatedRowHeight = 152.0;
self.tableView.estimatedSectionHeaderHeight = 50.0;
Whenever the fetched results controller updates its data the tableview is reloaded:
- (void)controllerDidChangeContent:(NSFetchedResultsController *)controller {
[self.tableView reloadData];
The cell is configured using a Xib. The first label is pinned to the top of the cell, each following label is pinned to the top of the label above it and the label at the bottom is pinned to the bottom of the cell.
The Issue:
Each time i set a "Favourite" property on an item in the table view, the fetched results controller is fired to reload the table and the scroll position is changed. It is this change in the scroll position that i am trying to fix.
Additional Info
If i use fixed cell heights it resolves the issue BUT i require UITableViewAutomaticDimension because the first label can wrap over two lines and the remaining labels may or may not be present.
Note - As i select the Fav button it sets the fav property in Core data and reloads the table. Why is the table jumping around?
It happens because of the following sequence:
UITableView initialized and showing 5 cells. Height of each of that cells is known to UITableView. It asks its delegate for exact height before displaying each cell by calling a method -tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:.
UITableView scrolled exactly 3 cells from top. Heights of this cells are known to be exactly [60, 70, 90] = 220 summarily. UITableView's contentOffset.y is now 220.
UITableView gets reloaded. It purges all its knowledge about cells. It now still knows its contentOffset.y which is 220.
UITableView asking its data source about general metrics - number of sections and number of rows in each section.
UITableView now beginning to fill its contents. First it needs to know size of its contents to correctly size and position its scroll indicators. It also needs to know which objects - table header, section headers, rows, section footers and table footer - it should display according to its current bounds, which position is also represented by contentOffset. To begin placing that visible objects it first needs to skip objects that falls in invisible vertical range of [0…220].
If you haven't provided values for any of estimated… properties and haven't implemented any of tableViewController:estimated…methods then UITableView asks its delegate about exact height of headers, footers and rows by calling appropriate delegate methods such as -tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:. And if your delegate reports the same number of objects and the same heights for them as before reload, then you will not see any visual changes to position and size of any table elements. Downside of this "strait" behavior became obvious when your table should display large number of rows, lets say 50000. UITableView asks its delegate about height of each of this 50000 rows, and you have to calculate it yourself by measuring your text for each corresponding object, or when using UITableViewAutomaticDimension UITableView doing the same measuring itself, asking its delegate for cells filled with text. Believe me, it's slow. Each reload will cause a few seconds of interface freeze.
If you have supplied UITableView with estimated heights, then it will ask its delegate only for heights of currently visible objects. Objects in vertical range of [0…220] are counted by using values provided in estimatedRowHeight or -tableView:estimatedHeightForRowAtIndexPath: for rows and by corresponding methods for section headers and footers. By setting estimatedRowHeight to 60, you telling UITableView to skip three rows (60 * 3 = 180) and to place row 4 with offset of -40 from top visible edge. Hence visual "jump" by 40 pixels up.
A "right" solution here would be not to call reloadData. Reload rows only for changed objects instead, use -reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation:. In case of NSFetchedResultsController + UITableView use this classic scheme.

How to avoid cells background image from hiding the separator line between rows

In my table view I am using custom image for the UITableView cell's background. It works perfectly except for the fact it hides the row separator. And now there is no row visible.
Is there a way to increase the distance so that cells will get separated.
Please help!!!
Without seeing what you are seeing, it's a bit hard to tell. That said, you could try adding the separator to the image so that it shows up in the cell.
If you want to change the height of the cell, implement the -tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: method in the table view delegate. Just return the correct height for the row at indexPath. I believe there is also a way to set the rowHeight in the table view properties in interface builder if all cells will be the same, but I tend to stay away from IB when possible.
As far as my knowledge you can add a line image to the cell as a footer.So that you can see the separator
I believe you have to override the -setFrame: method in your custom cell and return the same frame with height minus 1 pixel.
Also be sure to call [super layoutSubviews]; in your -layoutSubviews method if you have overridden this method with some custom implementation.
LineSeparator may be invisible to you because of your background image in your cell. Try to change the style of your separator.
Alternative Way:
Otherwise You have to add a one pixel line to the bottom of your Custom cell background image by your designer and if it's still not visible in your tableView, then you have to increase a height for your cell in heightForRowAtIndexPath: method.
Make sure your view if you have one that is inside your Cell is exactly the same size as your cell's size.
Make sure:
-(CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
is setting your cell heights correctly for all cells.
