dart mdv databinding does not update on change - dart

I am trying to get databinding to work in dart. Basically im doing the same as in this video. Using pseudo code it looks like this:
var p = new Person('john');
query('#someId').model = p;
In the html file i also have a template which works correctly. For now i am only trying to get one way databinding to work and although the template is correctly initialized, subsequent changes to the variable p are not visible in the template. I tried to trigger an update like this
node.model = null;
node.model = p;
This does not trigger an update however. But if i'm using a delay it does work:
node.model = null;
new Timer(new Duration(milliseconds:20),(){
node.model = p;
So i have a couple of questions about this:
Why does a change in the variable not reflect a change in the template ?
Is the template not supposed to update the way i'm doing it? Or is mdv/polymer not working the way it is intended?
Is it possible manually trigger an update of the template?
Would it be possible to easily convert one-way to two-way databinding (i.e. by making the Person class in the psuedocode observable or something)?
PS i searched and tried several things before posting here. I found a topic in which a custom polymer element is created, which seems more of an hassle then i would like it to be. I also tried the fancy-syntax lib (this did't improve it) and databinder (compile error). I also read a couple of pages about polymer, but i'm not sure what is relevant to dart and has not been deprecated (or 'stale' as the warning above the page mentions).

You need one of the following packages, to update bindings automatically on change.
documentation (Observables)
I would still recommend you to just add "polymer" as a dependency (remove mdv) to your pubspec.yaml. This way you won't have to handle version issues and you would have a guarantee of a "confirmed" set of packages working together.


Enable Vorto text in Archetype - Umbraco 7

I have Archetype in umbraco 7.4.3
When I set vorto text box in the archetype I get:
Its look like the vorto box is disabled.
whenever I set the vorto (translated) text box in simple document type it work's perfect
Vorto nested in an Archetype doesn't work ootb they both have to be modified in order to work this way. An alternative is to wrap Vorto around your Archetype. However if this isn't suitable for you setup see the following issue on the Archetype github, which has a pull request which should show you want needs to be changed. https://github.com/imulus/Archetype/issues/235
I find answer that works perfect for me.
In the "vorto.js" file their is a function named "getDataTypeById".
In this function their is a call to another function named "getDataTypeByAlias".
After the inner function call the parameter "dataType2" is returned as "null" so we need to set "if" statement that checks if "dataType2" is "null" and if the code returns "true" we will assign:
dataType2 = dataType;
Their only one problem left.. when the data type is "rich text editor" it's trow exception so i added to the condition another check and now its look like this:
if (dataType2 && dataType.propertyEditorAlias != "Umbraco.TinyMCEv3") {
dataType2 = dataType;
I hope its helps others...

Set the Visitor ID in Adobe Analytics through DTM

I'm trying to set the Visitor ID in Adobe Analytics through DTM.
Above the s_code I have:
var visitor = new Visitor("xxxx")
visitor.trackingServer = "xxx.xx.xx.omtrdc.net"
I've created a data element where the legacy code used to call the
and set the Visitor ID to %Visitor ID%
That's not working however, and my visitor ID is always just set to %Visitor ID% and obviously not reading any values. I'd really appreciate any input that someone can give me.
The Visitor ID pops s.visitorID and is in general related to visitor id, but is not the same as s.visitor which is what gets popped for the VisitorAPI integration. DTM does not currently have a built-in field for the s.visitor variable, so you will have to set it yourself within the config, either in the Library Management code editor (assuming you are opting to c/p the core lib and not the "Managed by Adobe" option) or else in the Custom Page Code section.
Since you are popping it in a data layer first, you can reference the data layer like this:
s.visitor = _satellite.getVar('Visitor ID');
NOTE: A separate potential issue you may have is with whether or not the Visitor object is available for your data element. Since data elements are the first thing to be evaluated by DTM, you will need to ensure that the VisitorAPI.js library is output before your top page DTM script include.
If this is a problem for you, or if you are wanting to host VisitorAPI.js within DTM, then you may need to adjust where you are popping that stuff. For example, place the VisitorAPI core code above the custom code as the first stuff within the data element, before:
var visitor = new Visitor("xxxx") visitor.trackingServer = "xxx.xx.xx.omtrdc.net
Or, don't use the data element at all. Instead, put the VisitorAPI code within the Adobe Analytics custom code or core lib section and pop all that stuff (aboove the s.visitor assignment). Or a number of other methods; point is, VisitorAPI stuff must be loaded before the data element can make use of it, same as it must be loaded before Adobe Analytics can make use of it.
So DTM is changing pretty fast and furious right now. They have a "Marketing Cloud Service ID" that works well. Before I used that, however, I did find a way to fix the code. Crayon Violent was right, as usual, that the problem was that the script wasn't available yet. I fixed this by putting the following code in between the VisitorAPI.js and the AppMeasurement stuff in the DTM managed library.
var aA = new AppMeasurement();
aA.visitor = Visitor.getInstance("companyname");
In addition, there were also some issues using my localhost for testing while trying to see if I had this correct or not. If you are having issues and think you have it correct, it may be worthwhile to elevate it to a different environment.

Directly modify a specific item in a TKinter listbox?

This is one of those just-making-sure-I-didn't-miss-anything posts.
I have a TKinter GUI in Python 2.7.3 that includes a listbox, and there are circumstances where I'd like to directly modify the text of a specific item at a known index. I've scoured the documents and there's no lb.itemset() method or anything like it. As best I can tell I have two options, either of which would work but just seem kind of klunky to me:
lb.delete() the old item and lb.insert() the new value for it at the same index (including a step to re-select the new value if the old deleted one happened to be selected).
Create a listvariable for the listbox, then use get() and set() on it -- with a pile of replace/split/join acrobatics in between to handle the differing string formats involved.
Is there some simpler, more direct way to do it that I'm missing? Or have I turned up all the available options?
Assuming from silence that there's nothing I missed. I went with option 2 -- the acrobatics weren't quite as complex as I'd thought. I just created a behind-the-scenes list wrapped up in a class; every time I update the list, the class syncs up the content of the listbox by doing a ' '.join on the list then setting the listbox's listvariable to the resulting string.

Bind functions to elements inserted in the DOM? (Implicitly?)

This is probably jquery basics, but I can't find a solution after much googling.
How do you attach "non-events" to elements inserted in the DOM?
For events, like click, we can use live() or bind().
How would you, for instance, initialize tabs() or addClass() to a new element?
Specifically, I'm trying to get tabs() to work in the content of an ajax loaded dialog, but I think the correct solution should be applicable to any situation.
I did see a trick that involved $('body').mousemove() which did work, but that is still binding to an event and obviously a hack.
For instance, how would you get addClass() to fire on a newly inserted table row?
I mean to do this implicitly, meaning that I don't want to write out specific instructions for every event that adds nodes to the dom, I just want it to "run in the background".
Let me know if this needs clarification, I see many similar questions on SO but no answers that have helped.
EDIT: Simple example: A page calls $('a').addClass('highlight') which works on all anchors in the page. A new anchor is then added to the page dynamically by jQuery, but does not get the class added.
EDIT: I have tried all kinds of bind(), trigger() and change() methods but I'm afraid I'm barking up the wrong tree.
you need to look at livequery it will allow you to apply things to newly added elements
also if your adding the element you can do
$('body')append('<div>some content</div>').tabs();
or something like that
I know that I may contradicting your "non-event" rule here, but just by saying that you want something "triggered", you're already implying some kind of event.
In that case, may I suggest jQuery custom events? You may want to create a custom event, then trigger it manually somewhere in your code. It's not automatic (like when you add a row, BOOM, it fires™), but that's the closest thing I can think of with what you were describing.
Specifically, you may want to look at jQuery's .bind() and .trigger() methods.

Is there a way to automatically grab all the elements on the page using Selenium?

When creating tests for .Net applications, I can use the White library to find all elements of a given type. I can then write these elements to an Xml file, so they can be referenced and used for GUI tests. This is much faster than manually recording each individual element's info, so I would like to do the same for web applications using Selenium. I haven't been able to find any info on this yet.
I would like to be able to search for every element of a given type and save its information (location/XPath, value, and label) so I can write it to a text file later.
Here is the ideal workflow I'm trying to get to:
button_elements = grab_elements_of_type(button) # this will return an array of XPaths and Names/IDs/whatever - some way of identifying each grabbed element
That code can run once, and I can then re-run it should any elements get changed, added, or removed.
I can then have another custom function iterate through the array, saving the info in a format I can use later easily; in this case, a Ruby class containing a list of constants:
LOGIN_BUTTON = "//div[1]/loginbutton"
EXIT_BUTTON = "//div[2]/exitbutton"
I can then write tests that look like this:
log_in # this will use the info that was automatically grabbed beforehand
current_screen.should == "Profile page"
Right now, every time I want to interact with a new element, I have to manually go to the page, select it, open it with XPather, and copy the XPath to whatever file I want my code to look at. This takes up a lot of time that could otherwise be spent writing code.
Ultimately what you're looking for is extracting the information you've recorded in your test into a reusable component.
Record your tests in Firefox using the Selenium IDE plugin.
Export your recorded test into a .cs file (assuming .NET as you mentioned White, but Ruby export options are also available)
Extract the XPath / CSS Ids and encapsulate them into a reusable classes and use the PageObject pattern to represent each page.
Using the above technique, you only need to update your PageObject with updated locators instead of re-recording your tests.
You want to automate the record portion? Sounds awkward. Maybe you want to extract all the hyperlinks off a particular page and perform the same action on them?
You should use Selenium's object model to script against the DOM.
public void GetAllHyperLinks()
IWebDriver driver = new FireFoxDriver();
ReadOnlyCollection<IWebElement> query
= driver.FindElements( By.XPath("//yourxpath") );
// iterate through collection and access whatever you want
// save it to a file, update a database, etc...
Update 2:
Ok, so I understand your concerns now. You're looking to get the locators out of a web page for future reference. The challenge is in constructing the locator!
There are going to be some challenges with constructing your locators, especially if there are more than one instance, but you should be able to get far enough using CSS based locators which Selenium supports.
For example, you could find all hyperlinks using an xpath "//a", and then use Selenium to construct a CSS locator. You may have to customize the locator to suit your needs, but an example locator might be using the css class and text value of the hyperlink.
// selenium 2.0 syntax
public void GetAllHyperLinks()
IWebDriver driver = new FireFoxDriver();
ReadOnlyCollection<IWebElement> query
= driver.FindElements( By.XPath("//a") );
foreach(IWebElement hyperLink in query)
string locatorFormat = "//a[contains(#class,'{0}')][.='{1}']";
string locator = String.Format(locatorFormat,
// spit out the locator for reference.
You're still going to need to associate the Locator to your code file, but this should at least get you started by extracting the locators for future use.
Here's an example of crawling links using Selenium 1.0 http://devio.wordpress.com/2008/10/24/crawling-all-links-with-selenium-and-nunit/
Selenium runs on browser side, even if you can grab all the elements, there is no way to save it in a file. As I know , Selenium is not design for that kinds of work.
You need to get the entire source of the page? if so, try the GetHtmlSource method
