Is there already a way to do something like a chooseTill or a foldTill, where it will process until a None option is received? Really, any of the higher order functions with a "till" option. Granted, it makes no sense for stuff like map, but I find I need this kind of thing pretty often and I wanted to make sure I wasn't reinventing the wheel.
In general, it'd be pretty easy to write something like this, but I'm curious if there is already a way to do this, or if this exists in some known library?
let chooseTill predicate (sequence:seq<'a>) =
seq {
let finished = ref false
for elem in sequence do
if not !finished then
match predicate elem with
| Some(x) -> yield x
| None -> finished := true
let foldTill predicate seed list =
let rec foldTill' acc = function
| [] -> acc
| (h::t) -> match predicate acc h with
| Some(x) -> foldTill' x t
| None -> acc
foldTill' seed list
let (++) a b = a.ToString() + b.ToString()
let abcdef = foldTill (fun acc v ->
if Char.IsWhiteSpace v then None
else Some(acc ++ v)) "" ("abcdef ghi" |> Seq.toList)
// result is "abcdef"
I think you can get that easily by combining Seq.scan and Seq.takeWhile:
open System
"abcdef ghi"
|> Seq.scan (fun (_, state) c -> c, (string c) + state) ('x', "")
|> Seq.takeWhile (fst >> Char.IsWhiteSpace >> not)
|> Seq.last |> snd
The idea is that Seq.scan is doing something like Seq.fold, but instead of waiting for the final result, it yields the intermediate states as it goes. You can then keep taking the intermediate states until you reach the end. In the above example, the state is the current character and the concatenated string (so that we can check if the character was whitespace).
A more general version based on a function that returns option could look like this:
let foldWhile f initial input =
// Generate sequence of all intermediate states
input |> Seq.scan (fun stateOpt inp ->
// If the current state is not 'None', then calculate a new one
// if 'f' returns 'None' then the overall result will be 'None'
stateOpt |> Option.bind (fun state -> f state inp)) (Some initial)
// Take only 'Some' states and get the last one
|> Seq.takeWhile Option.isSome
|> Seq.last |> Option.get
I'm trying to write a function in F# to get the powersets of a set. So far I have written :
let rec powerset = function
|[] -> [[]]
| [x] -> [[x]; []]
|x::xs -> [x] :: ( (fun n -> [x; n]) xs) # powerset xs;;
but this isn't returning the cases that have 3 or more elements, only the pairs, the single elements, and the empty set.
You are on the right track, here is a working solution:
let rec powerset =
| [] -> [[]]
| (x::xs) ->
let xss = powerset xs (fun xs' -> x::xs') xss # xss
See you only have to use this trick:
for each element x you there half of the elements of the powerset will include x and half will not
so you recursively generate the powerset of the remaining elements xss and concat the two parts ( (fun xs' -> x::xs') xss will prepend the x to each of those)
But please note that this is not tail recursive and will blow the stack for bigger lists - you can take this idea and try to implement it with seq or make a tail-recursive version if you like
Using seq
Here is a version that uses seq and the bijection between the binary representation of natural numbers (a subset of those) and the subsets of a set (you map the elements to digits and set 1 if the corresponding element is in the subset and 0 if not):
let powerset (xs : 'a seq) : 'a seq seq =
let digits (n : bigint) : bool seq =
Seq.unfold (fun n ->
if n <= 0I
then None
else Some (n &&& 1I = 1I, n >>> 1))
let subsetBy (i : bigint) : 'a seq = xs (digits i)
|> Seq.choose (fun (x,b) -> if b then Some x else None)
seq { 0I .. 2I**(Seq.length xs)-1I }
|> subsetBy
this will work for things like powerset [1..100] but it might take a long time to enumerate them all ;) (but it should not take to much memory...)
I wrote this function which merges two lists together but as I'm fairly new to functional programming I was wondering whether there is a better (simpler) way to do it?
let a = ["a"; "b"; "c"]
let b = ["d"; "b"; "a"]
let merge a b =
// take all a and add b
List.fold (fun acc elem ->
let alreadyContains = acc |> List.exists (fun item -> item = elem)
if alreadyContains = true then
elem :: acc |> List.rev
) b a
let test = merge a b
Expected result is: ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"], I'm reverting the list in order to keep the original order. I thought I would be able to achieve the same using List.foldBack (and dropping List.rev) but it results in an error:
Type mismatch. Expecting a
but given a
'a list
The resulting type would be infinite when unifying ''a' and ''a list'
Why is there a difference when using foldBack?
You could use something like the following
let merge a b =
a # b
|> Seq.distinct
|> List.ofSeq
Note that this will preserve order and remove any duplicates.
In F# 4.0 this will be simplified to
let merge a b = a # b |> List.distinct
If I wanted to write this in a way that is similar to your original version (using fold), then the main change I would do is to move List.rev outside of the function (you are calling List.rev every time you add a new element, which is wrong if you're adding even number of elements!)
So, a solution very similar to yours would be:
let merge a b =
(b, a)
||> List.fold (fun acc elem ->
let alreadyContains = acc |> List.exists (fun item -> item = elem)
if alreadyContains = true then acc
else elem :: acc)
|> List.rev
This uses the double-pipe operator ||> to pass two parameters to the fold function (this is not necessary, but I find it a bit nicer) and then passes the result to List.rev.
I have written a function like this
let GetAllDirectAssignmentsforLists (spWeb : SPWeb) =
|> Seq.cast<SPList>
|> Seq.filter(fun l -> l.HasUniqueRoleAssignments)
|> Seq.collect (fun l -> l.RoleAssignments
|> Seq.cast<SPRoleAssignment>
|> ra -> ra.Member)
|> Seq.filter (fun p -> p.GetType().Name = "SPUser")
|> m -> m.LoginName.ToLower())
I want to return a tuple which contains the list name (taken from l.Title) in the send pipe and the m.LoginName.ToLower().
Is there a cleanway for me to get something from the above pipe elements?
One way ofcourse would be to tuple the return value in the 2nd stage of the pipe and then pass the Title all the way down.... but that would pollute the code all subsequent stages will then have to accept and return tuple values just for the sake of the last stage to get the value.
I wonder if there is a clean and easy way....
Also, in stage 4 of the pipeline (fun p -> p.GetType().Name = "SPUser") could i use if here to compare the types? rather than convert the typename to string and then match strings?
We exploit the fact that Seq.filter and can be pushed inside Seq.collect without changing the results. In this case, l is still available to access.
And the last filter function is more idiomatic to use with type test operator :?.
let GetAllDirectAssignmentsforLists(spWeb: SPWeb) =
|> Seq.cast<SPList>
|> Seq.filter (fun l -> l.HasUniqueRoleAssignments)
|> Seq.collect (fun l -> l.RoleAssignments
|> Seq.cast<SPRoleAssignment>
|> (fun ra -> ra.Member)
|> Seq.filter (fun p -> match box p with
| :? SPUser -> true
| _ -> false)
|> (fun m -> l.Title, m.LoginName.ToLower()))
To simplify further, you could change the series of and Seq.filter to Seq.choose:
Seq.choose (fun ra -> match box ra.Member with
| :? SPUser -> Some (l.Title, ra.Member.LoginName.ToLower())
| _ -> None)
While you can solve the problem by lifting the rest of the computation inside collect, I think that you could make the code more readable by using sequence expressions instead of pipelining.
I could not run the code to test it, but this should be equivalent:
let GetAllDirectAssignmentsforLists (spWeb : SPWeb) = seq {
// Corresponds to your 'filter' and 'collect'
for l in Seq.cast<SPList> spWeb.Lists do
if l.HasUniqueRoleAssignments then
// Corresponds to nested 'map' and 'filter'
for ra in Seq.cast<SPRoleAssignment> l.RoleAssignments do
let m = ra.Member
if m.GetType().Name = "SPUser" then
// This implements the last 'map' operation
yield l.Title, m.LoginName.ToLower() }
The code above corresponds more closely to the version by #pad than to your original code, because the rest of the computation is nested under for (which corresponds to nesting under collect) and so you can see all variables that are already in scope - like l which you need.
The nice thing about sequence expressions is that you can use F# constructs like if (instead of filter), for (instead of collect) etc. Also, I think it is more suitable for writing nested operations (which you need here to keep variables in scope), because it remains quite readable and keeps familiar code structure.
I want to find not just the maximum value of a function applied to a list (for which I would just use List.maxBy) but also the value in the list this occurred at. This feels like a fairly common operation and given the richness of the F# libraries in general I wouldn't be at all surprised to discover it was actually already available but I cannot seem to find it if it is!
To illustrate with an example, I want to be able to map a list domain and a function f
let domain = [0 .. 5]
let f x = -x * (x - 2)
to (1, 1) (since the function applied to an other element of the list is less than 1).
I first tried this:
let findMaximum domain f =
let candidates = [ for x in domain do
yield x, f x ]
let rec findMaximumHelper domain f currentMax =
match domain with
| [] -> currentMax
| head::tail ->
let cand = f head
match currentMax with
| None ->
let newMax = Some(head, cand)
findMaximumHelper tail f newMax
| Some(maxAt, possMax) ->
let newMax =
if cand > possMax then Some(head, cand)
else Some(maxAt, possMax)
findMaximumHelper tail f newMax
findMaximumHelper domain f None
let answer = findMaximum domain f
at which point I realised this is very close to a fold operation, and put together
let findMaximum2 domain f =
let findMaximumHelper f acc x =
let cand = f x
match acc with
| None -> Some(x, cand)
| Some(maxAt, possMax) ->
if cand > possMax then Some(x, cand)
else Some(maxAt, possMax)
List.fold (findMaximumHelper f) None domain
let answer2 = findMaximum2 domain f
My question is, are these idiomatic F# ways of solving this problem, or indeed, is there a better way of solving this?
Indeed, the F# library provides all the necessary higher order functions to express this succinctly:
|> (fun x -> x, f x)
|> Seq.maxBy snd
Note: updated to use and Seq.maxBy instead of and List.maxBy to address #ildjarn's concern about creating an unnecessary intermediate list.
An alternative to Stephen's answer, that avoids creating a second List, with the tradeoff of executing f one extra time:
|> List.maxBy f
|> fun x -> x, f x
(I am aware of this question, but it relates to sequences, which is not my problem here)
Given this input (for example):
let testlist =
let pred (s:string) = s.StartsWith("*")
I would like to be able to call MyFunc pred testlist and get this output:
This is my current solution, but I don't really like the nested List.revs (ignore the fact that it takes Seq as input)
let shunt pred sq =
let shunter (prevpick, acc) (pick, a) =
match pick, prevpick with
| (true, true) -> (true, (a :: (List.hd acc)) :: ( acc))
| (false, _) -> (false, acc)
| (true, _) -> (true, [a] :: acc)
|> (fun a -> (pred a, a))
|> Seq.fold shunter (false, [])
|> snd
|> List.rev
|> List.rev
there is a List.partition function in the F# core library (in case you wanted to implement this just to have it working and not to learn how to write recursive functions yourself). Using this function, you can write this:
> testlist |> List.partition (fun s -> s.StartsWith("*"))
val it : string list * string list =
(["*text1"; "*text2"; "*text5"; "*text6"; "*text7"], ["text3"; "text4"])
Note that this function returns a tuple instead of returning a list of lists. This is a bit different to what you wanted, but if the predicate returns just true or false, then this makes more sense.
The implementation of partition function that returns tuples is also a bit simpler, so it may be useful for learning purposes:
let partition pred list =
// Helper function, which keeps results collected so
// far in 'accumulator' arguments outTrue and outFalse
let rec partitionAux list outTrue outFalse =
match list with
| [] ->
// We need to reverse the results (as we collected
// them in the opposite order!)
List.rev outTrue, List.rev outFalse
// Append element to one of the lists, depending on 'pred'
| x::xs when pred x -> partitionAux xs (x::outTrue) outFalse
| x::xs -> partitionAux xs outTrue (x::outFalse)
// Run the helper function
partitionAux list [] []
Edit: rev-less version using foldBack added below.
Here's some code that uses lists and tail-recursion:
//divides a list L into chunks for which all elements match pred
let divide pred L =
let rec aux buf acc L =
match L,buf with
//no more input and an empty buffer -> return acc
| [],[] -> List.rev acc
//no more input and a non-empty buffer -> return acc + rest of buffer
| [],buf -> List.rev (List.rev buf :: acc)
//found something that matches pred: put it in the buffer and go to next in list
| h::t,buf when pred h -> aux (h::buf) acc t
//found something that doesn't match pred. Continue but don't add an empty buffer to acc
| h::t,[] -> aux [] acc t
//found input that doesn't match pred. Add buffer to acc and continue with an empty buffer
| h::t,buf -> aux [] (List.rev buf :: acc) t
aux [] [] L
> divide pred testlist;;
val it : string list list =
[["*text1"; "*text2"]; ["*text5"; "*text6"; "*text7"]]
Using a list as data structure for a buffer means that it always needs to be reversed when outputting the contents. This may not be a problem if individual chunks are modestly sized. If speed/efficiency becomes an issue, you could use a Queue<'a> or a `List<'a>' for the buffers, for which appending is fast. But using these data structures instead of lists also means that you lose the powerful list pattern matching. In my opinion, being able to pattern match lists outweighs the presence of a few List.rev calls.
Here's a streaming version that outputs the result one block at a time. This avoids the List.rev on the accumulator in the previous example:
let dividestream pred L =
let rec aux buf L =
seq { match L, buf with
| [],[] -> ()
| [],buf -> yield List.rev buf
| h::t,buf when pred h -> yield! aux (h::buf) t
| h::t,[] -> yield! aux [] t
| h::t,buf -> yield List.rev buf
yield! aux [] t }
aux [] L
This streaming version avoids the List.rev on the accumulator. Using List.foldBack can be used to avoid reversing the accumulated chunks as well.
update: here's a version using foldBack
//divides a list L into chunks for which all elements match pred
let divide2 pred L =
let f x (acc,buf) =
match pred x,buf with
| true,buf -> (acc,x::buf)
| false,[] -> (acc,[])
| false,buf -> (buf::acc,[])
let rest,remainingBuffer = List.foldBack f L ([],[])
match remainingBuffer with
| [] -> rest
| buf -> buf :: rest
Just reverse the list once up front, and then build the structure in order easily:
let Shunt p l =
let mutable r = List.rev l
let mutable result = []
while not r.IsEmpty do
let mutable thisBatch = []
while not r.IsEmpty && not(p r.Head) do
r <- r.Tail
while not r.IsEmpty && p r.Head do
thisBatch <- r.Head :: thisBatch
r <- r.Tail
if not thisBatch.IsEmpty then
result <- thisBatch :: result
The outer while deals with each 'batch', and the first inner while skips over any that don't match the predicate, followed by another while that grabs all those that do and stores them in the current batch. If there was anything in this batch (the final one may be empty), prepend it to the final result.
This is an example where I think locally imperative code is simply superior to a purely functional counterpart. The code above is so easy to write and to reason about.
Another version of shunt:
let shunt pred lst =
let rec tWhile pred lst =
match lst with
| [] -> [], []
| hd :: tl when pred hd -> let taken, rest = tWhile pred tl
(hd :: taken), rest
| lst -> [], lst
let rec collect = function
| [] -> []
| lst -> let taken, rest = tWhile pred lst
taken :: (collect (snd (tWhile (fun x -> not (pred x)) rest)))
collect lst
This one avoids List.rev but it's not tail recursive - so only suitable for small lists.
yet another one...
let partition pred lst =
let rec trec xs cont =
match xs with
| [] -> ([],[]) |> cont
| h::t when pred h -> (fun (y,n) -> h::y,n) >> cont |> trec t
| h::t -> (fun (y,n) -> y,h::n) >> cont |> trec t
trec lst id
then we can define shunt:
let shunt pred lst = lst |> partition pred |> (fun (x,y) -> [x;y])