html2pdf and local (latvian) language characters - character-encoding

I am using Html2PDf to convert html to pdf.
But I am not able to achieve that it shows local (latvian) language letters. It shows ? instead.
I do understand that I should somehow add appropriate fonts, but I do not know where to get those fonts (which one support latvinan language) and how to add them into html2pdf.
Html2Pdf is based on tcpdf and currently there is font folder.
I think that is seems trivial question, but I was searching via google, but have not found answer that works for me.
$html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P','A4','en');
$pdf_output .='<page style="font-size: 11px; >';
$pdf_output .= '<img src="images/raka_pdf_logo.png" alt="logo"/><br><br><br><br>';

You may find the right font-family in html2pdf>tcpdf>fonts


TCPDF Embedded Base64 Encoded Images in HTML String

I have read several posts on this subject but didn't want to piggy-back on any of them with additional questions.
Specifically this post: TCPDF and insert an image base64 encoded
I am generating a PDF from within a custom theme in Wordpress. I'm using TCPDF 6.2.3 (latest stable release, I believe).
I am building this PDF from the same HTML I am using to display on the page. If I embed the full base64 encoded string, it works correctly in the browser, but the image is missing from the PDF.
If I use the "#" method described in the linked post, I get a broken image in the browser (expectedly) but still nothing in the PDF.
All the rest of my HTML markup is rendering in the PDF, images are just not showing.
Is there some other setting or option I need to set in order to get the images to appear in the PDF, and/or can you spot anything I'm doing wrong here? No errors, the images are just not visible in the PDF.
This is how I set the image up:
$imageLocation = $img_root.$imgsrc;
$ext = end(explode(".", $imageLocation));
$image = base64_encode(file_get_contents($imageLocation));
//$response .= "<img src='data:image/$ext;base64,$image'>"; //works in browser but not in PDF
$response .= "<img src='#$image' class='socf_image'>"; //does not work in browser or PDF
And here is the method to create the PDF:
function createPDF($response)
// Include the main TCPDF library (search for installation path).
// create new PDF document
// set document information
// set default header data
$pdf->SetHeaderData(PDF_HEADER_LOGO, PDF_HEADER_LOGO_WIDTH, PDF_HEADER_TITLE.' 001', PDF_HEADER_STRING, array(0,64,255), array(0,64,128));
$pdf->setFooterData(array(0,64,0), array(0,64,128));
// set header and footer fonts
$pdf->setHeaderFont(Array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
$pdf->setFooterFont(Array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));
// set default monospaced font
// set margins
// set auto page breaks
$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
// set image scale factor
// set default font subsetting mode
// Set font
$pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 14, '', true);
// Add a page
$html = $response;
$pdf->writeHTML($response, true, false, true, false, '');
return $pdf;
Well, fortunately, I was able to figure it out on my own. Perhaps this isn't the best forum for seeking help with this library? If anyone can suggest a better place to get help, I'd appreciate the direction.
Ultimately, the issue was two-fold:
The "#" notation is required for the PDf while the approach is what works for displaying the HTML in browser. So a string replace before creating the PDF solves that.
This is the tricky part. The HTML needs to use double-quotes around the properties, not single quotes. My code was using double quotes for the PHP strings, so the HTML properties were surrounded with single quotes and that was the issue. Swapping the two quote types was the last piece of the puzzle to get the images to appear in the PDF.
Hopefully this will help someone else who is pulling their hair out trying to blindly find their way through this library like me.

Custom font faces in jsPDF?

Is it possible to include custom fonts in jsPDF ?
With the basic library, if I console log 'doc.getFontList()' I get:
Courier, Helvetica, Times, courier, helvetica, times
But, say I want to use 'Comic Sans' ( not that I would ;o) ) can it be done ?
Even better, could I use a font is locally stored and has been declared in the site with #font-face ?
I found this was possible by modifying jsPDF.js to expose the existing addFont method in the public API.
In jsPDF.js, look for:
// Public API
Add the following:
API.addFont = function(postScriptName, fontName, fontStyle) {
addFont(postScriptName, fontName, fontStyle, 'StandardEncoding');
I put this method near other font methods for clarity - API.setFont, API.setFontSize, API.setFontType, etc.
Now in your code, use:
doc.addFont('ComicSansMS', 'Comic Sans', 'normal');
doc.setFont('Comic Sans');
doc.text(50,50,'Hello World');
This works for me with #font-face fonts included with css before loading jsPDF, as well as system fonts. There's probably a better way to do this using jsPDF's plugin framework, but this quick and dirty solution should at least get you going.
Note that doc.getFontList() will not show added fonts:
// TODO: iterate over fonts array or return copy of fontmap instead in case more are ever added.
It seems to be a lot easier with the latest version of jsPDF (1.5.3):
If you look in the folder jsPDF-master > fontconverter, there's a file fontconverter.html. Open in your browser and use the Browse... button to navigate to, and select your .ttf font file.
Click 'Create'.
The page will offer a "download" to be saved. This will produce a .js file called [something like] RopaSans-Regular-normal.js. This needs to be included in your page producing the PDF's. Personally, I've done it in the main page's header (and please note the order of the scripts):
<!-- pdf creation -->
<script src="FileSaver.js-master/src/FileSaver.js"></script>
<script src="jsPDF-master/dist/jspdf.debug.js"></script>
<!-- custom font definition -->
<script src="path-to-the-file-just-saved/RopaSans-Regular-normal.js" type="module"></script>
Now in your PDF generation method in js:
Here is the solution I'm using...
First, as others have mentioned - you need these two libraries:
Next - the second library requires that you provide it with at least one custom font in a file named default_vfs.js. I'm using two custom fonts - Arimo-Regular.ttf and Arimo-Bold.ttf - both from Google Fonts. So, my default_vfs.js file looks like this:
(function (jsPDFAPI) {
"use strict";
jsPDFAPI.addFileToVFS('Arimo-Regular.ttf','[Base64-encoded string of your font]');
jsPDFAPI.addFileToVFS('Arimo-Bold.ttf','[Base64-encoded string of your font]');
Obviously, you version would look different, depending on the font(s) you're using.
There's a bunch of ways to get the Base64-encoded string for your font, but I used this:
It lets you upload a font .ttf file, and it'll give you the Base64 string that you can paste into default_vfs.js.
You can see what the actual file looks like, with my fonts, here:
So, once your fonts are stored in that file, your HTML should look like this:
<script src="js/jspdf.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jspdf.customfonts.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/default_vfs.js"></script>
Finally, your JavaScript code looks something like this:
const doc = new jsPDF({
unit: 'pt',
orientation: 'p',
lineHeight: 1.2
doc.addFont("Arimo-Regular.ttf", "Arimo", "normal");
doc.addFont("Arimo-Bold.ttf", "Arimo", "bold");
doc.text("Hello, World!", 100, 100);
doc.text("Hello, BOLD World!", 100, 150);"customFonts.pdf");
This is probably obvious to most, but in that addFont() method, the three parameters are:
The font's name you used in the addFileToVFS() function in the default_vfs.js file
The font's name you use in the setFont() function in your JavaScript
The font's style you use in the setFontType() function in your JavaScript
You can see this working here:
Hope this works as well for you as it did for me.
I'm using Angular 8 and Todd's answer worked for me.
Once you get the .js file from fontconverter.html, you can import it in typescript like so:
import fontref = require('path/to/font/CustomFont-normal.js')
Then all you have to do to load the font is 'call' fontref:
makePdf() {
let doc = new jsPDF();
fontref; // 'call' .js to load font
doc.getFontList(); // contains a key-value pair for CustomFont
doc.setFont("CustomFont"); // set font
doc.text("Hello", 20, 20);'bloburl')); // open pdf in new tab
After looking at the fontconverter.html, and seeing that it does nothing more than package the TTF files into a base64 string inside a JS file, I came up with the following method that I call before creating my document. It basically does what the individual files resulting from fontconverter.html do, just on-demand:
async function loadFont(src, name, style, weight) {
const fontBytes = await fetch(src).then(res => res.arrayBuffer());
var filename = src.split('\\').pop().split('/').pop();
var base64String = btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(fontBytes)));
var callAddFont = function () {
this.addFileToVFS(filename, base64String);
this.addFont(filename, name, style, weight );
};['addFonts', callAddFont]);
Call it like this:
await loadFont("/css/fonts/exo-2-v9-latin-ext_latin-italic.ttf", "Exo-2", "italic", 400);
await loadFont("/css/fonts/exo-2-v9-latin-ext_latin-regular.ttf", "Exo-2", "normal", 400);
await loadFont("/css/fonts/exo-2-v9-latin-ext_latin-500.ttf", "Exo-2", "normal", 500);
await loadFont("/css/fonts/exo-2-v9-latin-ext_latin-500italic.ttf", "Exo-2", "italic", 500);
It loads the font from the URL, and adds it to the VFS and font manager. Important: the font name cannot include spaces. You won't get any warnings, but the resulting PDF will either not open or the text will look funny.
Some of these answers are outdated, so I am linking the readme file from Mr. Rio himself regarding the latest release as of this post. Below is a copy of the paragraph from that readme file followed by a link to the readme file itself. Hope this additional resource is helpful:
Use of UTF-8 / TTF:
The 14 standard fonts in PDF are limited to the
ASCII-codepage. If you want to use UTF-8 you have to to integrate a
custom font, which provides the needed glyphs. jsPDF supports
.ttf-files. So if you want to have for example chinese text in your
pdf, your font has to have the necessary chinese glyphs. So check if
your font supports the wanted glyphs or else it will show a blank
space instead of the text.
To add the font to jsPDF use our fontconverter in
/fontconverter/fontconverter.html . The fontconverter will create a
js-file with the content of the provided ttf-file as base64 encoded
string and additional code for jsPDF. You just have to add this
generated js-File to your project. You are then ready to go to use
setFont-method in your code and write your UTF-8 encoded text.
//use necessary config, read the docs
import MuliSemiB64 from "../functions/MuliSemiB64";
let doc = new jsPDF({
orientation: "p",
unit: "px",
format: "a5",
doc.addFileToVFS("MULI-SEMIBOLD.TTF", MuliSemiB64());
//MuliSemiB64() is a function that returns the Muli ttf file in its base64 string format, convert your font ttf file and copy the string, save to a variable and use the function to return the string. Use a site like for the conversion
doc.addFont("MULI-SEMIBOLD.TTF", "Muli-Semi-Bold", "Semi-Bold");
doc.setFont("Muli-Semi-Bold", "Semi-Bold");
doc.text("Have Fun :*", 35, 25);
The easiest way that I have found by far is using the jspdf-customfonts package.
Simply install the package by
npm i jspdf-customfonts
then add the following files in the head tag of your index.html for default configurations
script src=""></script>
<script src="dist/jspdf.customfonts.min.js"></script>
<script src="dist/default_vfs.js"></script>
Now you can download the ttf file of whichever font you want. Then go to this site, select your font and copy the code, and you are done!

BlackBerry webworks native dialog unicode

I have been searching for an answer all around the web, but couldn't find anything.
I am developing Blackberry Webworks application and the problem is with dialog and unicode. For example:
when I use simple javascript alert(unicodeMsg); unicode works fine, I can use any character including Russian or Lithuanian. The problem is that the alert box has title "JavaScript Alert" and it annoys a bit.
when I use native alert either phonegap or webworks like:
blackberry.ui.dialog.D_OK, {
title : unicodeTitle,
size: blackberry.ui.dialog.SIZE_MEDIUM,
position : blackberry.ui.dialog.CENTER
it doesn't show any unicode characters. I tried pretty much everything (setting my document in utf-8, using \uxxxx characters, changing meta tags from utf-8 to windows-1257 but nothing works)
I suppose the problem is not with html or js documents neither with the script. Can someone help me?
You need to encode the unicode characters like so text: unescape(encodeURIComponent(unicodeStr)) .
There is an example here -

setting font-size in jquery-mobile

I am developing an app with jquery-mobile. (yes, and app, it'll run within cordova(aka phone gap))
On the nexus 7 (the target device for the app), The font displays for many things are way too small. I can barely read it and I'm young. Many of the users of this app will have poor eyesight.
Is there any simple way to change the font-size with jquery-mobile?
When I try to add entries in a custom css file, there are unexpected results (Formatting goes out, etc) I have also tried theme-roller, but that only allows you to change the font-family, not the font-size.
body p {
font-size: 1.5em;
Even just a general explanation about how to write a css file for jquery-mobile would be very helpful.
OK, I've worked it out.
In the jquery-mobile-1.2.0.css file is the styling for query-mobile. You modify this stuff.
There's some cryptic info on the jquery-mobile website that will make sense once you've read this.
So, to change the font-size for within all you go to the jquery-mobile-1.2.0.css file and add:
.ui-li p {
font-size: 1.5em;
It seams that most of the jquery-mobile elements have .ui- in from of their normal html tags. They have a special class or something. (If anyone wants to elaborate on this it'd be great.)
Setting global <body>'s font-size should be enough:
body {
font-size: 15px; // You can even use !important

Overwriting old sifr.js file results in uppercase text

I'm using sIFR 2.0.6 with the sifr.js file from 2.0.7 to resolve this issue:
In all browsers, before overwriting the sifr.js file, the sIFR displayed with initial caps. With the new sifr.js file in place, the text is all uppercased.
This is the only code I am customizing:
if(typeof sIFR == "function"){
named({sFlashSrc: "frutiger.swf",
sColor: "#042e66", sCase: "lower",
sWmode: "transparent",
background-color: "transparent"})); };
sCase doesn't appear to be doing the trick. How else can I control the uppercasing?
You can't have background-color like that in the replacement syntax. You sure that's correct?
Try inspecting the Flash movie's embed element to see if the text is uppercase or normal case when going into the Flash movie. You might want to try recreating the Flash movie as well.
