I thought these two function were the same, but it seems that I was wrong.
I define two function f and g in this way:
let rec f n k =
match k with
|_ when (k < 0) || (k > n) -> 0
|_ when k = n -> 100
|_ -> (f n (k+1)) + 1
let rec g n k =
match k with
|_ when (k < 0) || (k > n) -> 0
| n -> 100
|_ -> (g n (k+1)) + 1
let x = f 10 5
let y = g 10 5
The results are:
val x : int = 105
val y : int = 100
Could anyone tell me what's the difference between these two functions?
Why does it work here?
let f x =
match x with
| 1 -> 100
| 2 -> 200
|_ -> -1
List.map f [-1..3]
and we get
val f : x:int -> int
val it : int list = [-1; -1; 100; 200; -1]
The difference is that
match k with
when k = n -> 100
is a case that matches when some particular condition is true (k = n). The n used in the condition refers to the n that is bound as the function parameter. On the other hand
match k with
n -> 100
is a case that only needs to match k against a pattern variable n, which can always succeed. The n in the pattern isn't the same n as the n passed into the function.
For comparison, try the code
let rec g n k =
match k with
|_ when (k < 0) || (k > n) -> 0
| n -> n
|_ -> (g n (k+1)) + 1
and you should see that when you get to the second case, the value returned is the value of the pattern variable n, which has been bound to the value of k.
This behavior is described in the Variable Patterns section of the MSDN F# Language Reference, Pattern Matching:
Variable Patterns
The variable pattern assigns the value being matched to a variable
name, which is then available for use in the execution expression to
the right of the -> symbol. A variable pattern alone matches any
input, but variable patterns often appear within other patterns,
therefore enabling more complex structures such as tuples and arrays
to be decomposed into variables. The following example demonstrates a
variable pattern within a tuple pattern.
let function1 x =
match x with
| (var1, var2) when var1 > var2 -> printfn "%d is greater than %d" var1 var2
| (var1, var2) when var1 < var2 -> printfn "%d is less than %d" var1 var2
| (var1, var2) -> printfn "%d equals %d" var1 var2
function1 (1,2)
function1 (2, 1)
function1 (0, 0)
The use of when is described in more depth in Match Expressions.
The first function is ok, it calls recursively itself n-k times and returns 100 when matches with the conditional where k = n. So, it returns all the calls adding 1 n-k times. with your example, with n=10 and k=5 it is ok the result had been 105.
The problem is the second function. I tested here. See I changed the pattern n->100 to z->100 and it still matches there and never calls itself recursively. So, it always returns 100 if it does not fail in the first conditional. I think F# don't allow that kind of match so it is better to put a conditional to get what you want.
Directly using recursion, write a function truesAndLength : bool list -> int * int that
returns both the length of the list (in the first component of the pair), and the number of
elements of the list that are true (in the second component). Your function must only iterate
over the elements of the list once. (Do not use any of the functions from the List module.)
this is my code so far:
let rec length bs =
match bs with
| [] -> 0
| b::bs -> 1 + length bs
let rec trues bs =
match bs with
| [] -> 0
| b::bs -> if b = true then 1 + trues bs else trues bs
let truesandlength bs =
let l = length bs
let t = trues bs
(l, t)
truesandlength [true; true; false]
This works by im iterating through the list 2 times, i can't figure out how to iterate only 1. Any tips?
Based on your comments, here's how I suggest you think about the b::bs case:
Call truesAndLengths recursively on the tail of the list. This gives you tTail (the # of trues) and lTail (the length) of the tail.
Compute t and l for the full list based on the value of b. (E.g. l is one more than lTail.)
Return t, l.
The key is to call truesAndLengths recursively in only one place in your code, passing it the tail of the list.
let rec truesAndLength bs =
let sum a b = (fst a + fst b, snd a + snd b)
match bs with
| [] -> 0, 0
| head::tail ->
if head then sum (1,1) (truesAndLength tail) else sum (1, 0) (truesAndLength tail)
I'm trying to write Taylor series in F#.
Have a look at my code
let rec iter a b f i =
if a > b then i;
else f a (iter (a+1) b f i)
let sum a b = iter a b (+) 0 // from 0
// e^x = 1 + x + (x^2)/2 + ... (x^n)/n! + ...
let fact n = iter 1 n (*) 1 // factorial
let pow x n = iter 1 n (fun n acc -> acc * x) 1
let exp x =
iter 0 x
(fun n acc ->
acc + (pow x n) / float (fact n)) 0
In the last row I am trying cast int fact n to float, but seems like I'm wrong because this code isn't compileable :(
Am I doing the right algorithm?
Can I call my code functional-first?
The code doesn't compile, because:
You're trying to divide an integer pow x n by a float. Division has to have operands of the same type.
You're specifying the terminal case of the wrong type. Literal 0 is integer. If you want float zero, use 0.0 or abbreviated 0.
Try this:
let exp x =
iter 0 x
(fun n acc ->
acc + float (pow x n) / float (fact n)) 0.
P.S. In the future, please provide the exact error messages and/or unexpected results that you're getting. Simply saying "doesn't work" is not a good description of a problem.
I am building a function that counts of many times a character appears in a string after the nth position.
countCh ("aaabbbccc", 3, 'b')
val it: int = 2
In C, I would use an accumulator with a while loop. But I am trying to learn the F# functional face, where this approach is discouraged.
So I used guards to test few conditions and build the function:
let rec countCh (s:string, n:int, ch:char) =
match s, n, ch with
| (s, n, ch) when n > s.Length -> 0 //p1
| (s, n, ch) when n < 0 -> 0 //p2
| (s, n, ch) when s.[n] <> ch -> countCh(s, n + 1, ch) //p3
| (s, n, ch) when s.[n] = ch -> 1 + countCh(s, n + 1, ch) //p4
The coexistence of patterns 3 and 4 is problematic (impossible, I am afraid). Even if it compiles, I have not been able to make it work. How can this task functionally be handled?
First, the coexistence of these branches is not problematic. They don't conflict with each other. Why do you think that it's problematic? Is it because you get an "Incomplete pattern match" compiler warning? That warning does not tell you that the branches conflict, it tells you that the compiler can't prove that the four branches cover all possibilities. Or do you think that for some other reason? If you want your questions to be answered accurately, you'll have to ask them more clearly.
Second, you're abusing the pattern matching. Look: there are no patterns! The patterns in every branch are exactly the same, and trivial. Only guards are different. This looks very counterintuitively within a match, but would be plainly expressed with if..elif:
let rec countCh (s:string) n ch =
if n >= s.Length || n < 0 then 0
elif s.[n] = ch then 1 + countCh s (n + 1) ch
else countCh s (n + 1) ch
NOTE 1: see how I made the parameters curried? Always use curried form, unless there is a very strong reason to use tupled. Curried parameters are much more convenient to use on the caller side.
NOTE 2: your condition n > s.Length was incorrect: string indices go from 0 to s.Length-1, so the bail condition should be n >= s.Length. It is corrected in my code.
Finally, since this is an exercise, I must point out that the recursion is not tail recursion. Look at the second branch (in my code): it calls the function recursively and then adds one to the result. Since you have to do something with the result of the recursive call, the recursion can't be "tail". This means you risk stack overflow on very long inputs.
To make this into tail recursion, you need to turn the function "inside out", so to say. Instead of returning the result from every call, you need to pass it into every call (aka "accumulator"), and only return from the terminal case:
let rec countCh (s:string) n ch countSoFar =
if n >= s.Length || n < 0 then countSoFar
elif s.[n] = ch then countCh s (n+1) ch (countSoFar+1)
else countCh s (n+1) ch countSoFar
// Usage:
countCh "aaaabbbccc" 5 'b' 0
This way, every recursive call is the "last" call (i.e. the function doesn't do anything with the result, but passes it straight out to its own caller). This is called "tail recursion" and can be compiled to work in constant stack space (as opposed to linear).
I agree with the other answers, but I'd like to help you with your original question. You need to indent the function, and you have an off by one bug:
let rec countCh (s:string, n:int, ch:char) =
match s, n, ch with
| s, n, _ when n >= s.Length-1 -> 0 //p1
| s, _, _ when n < 0 -> 0 //p2
| s, n, ch when s.[n+1] <> ch -> countCh(s, n+2, ch) //p3
| s, n, ch when s.[n+1] = ch -> 1 + countCh(s, n+2, ch) //p4
I'd suggest to not write it yourself, but ask the library functions for help:
let countCh (s: string, n, c) =
|> Seq.filter ((=) c)
|> Seq.length
Or use Seq.skip, along with the fact that you can drop the conversion to character array:
let countCh (s: string, n, c) =
|> Seq.skip (n + 1)
|> Seq.filter ((=) c)
|> Seq.length
I'd like to take a List or Array, and given two elements in the collection, get all elements between them. But I want to do this in a circular fashion, such that given a list [1;2;3;4;5;6] and if I ask for the elements that lie between 4 then 2, I get back [5;6;1]
Being used to imperative programming I can easily do this with loops, but I imagine there may be a nicer idiomatic approach to it in F#.
Here is an approach I came up with, having found the Array.indexed function
let elementsBetween (first:int) (second:int) (elements: array<'T>) =
let diff = second - first
|> Array.indexed
|> Array.filter (fun (index,element) -> if diff = 0 then false
else if diff > 0 then index > first && index < second
else if diff < 0 then index > first || index < second
else false
This approach will only work with arrays obviously but this seems pretty good. I have a feeling I could clean it up by replacing the if/then/else with pattern matching but am not sure how to do that cleanly.
You should take a look at MSDN, Collections.Seq Module for example.
Let's try to be clever:
let elementsBetween a e1 e2 =
let aa = a |> Seq.append a
let i1 = aa |> Seq.findIndex (fun e -> e = e1)
let i2 = aa |> Seq.skip i1 |> Seq.findIndex (fun e -> e = e2)
aa |> Seq.skip(i1+1) |> Seq.take(i2-1)
I am not on my normal computer with an f# compiler, so I haven't tested it yet. It should look something like this
[Edit] Thank you #FoggyFinder for showing me https://dotnetfiddle.net/. I have now tested the code below with it.
[Edit] This should find the circular range in a single pass.
let x = [1;2;3;4;5]
let findCircRange l first second =
let rec findUpTo (l':int list) f (s:int) : (int list * int list) =
match l' with
| i::tail ->
if i = s then tail, (f [])
else findUpTo tail (fun acc -> f (i::acc)) s
// In case we are passed an empty list.
| _ -> [], (f [])
let remainder, upToStart = findUpTo l id first
// concatenate the list after start with the list before start.
let newBuffer = remainder#upToStart
snd <| findUpTo newBuffer id second
let values = findCircRange x 4 2
printf "%A" values
findUpTo takes a list (l'), a function for creating a remainder list (f) and a value to look for (s). We recurse through it (tail recursion) to find the list up to the given value and the list after the given value. Wrap the buffer around by appending the end to the remainder. Pass it to the findUpTo again to find up to the end. Return the buffer up to the end.
We pass a function for accumulating found items. This technique allows us to append to the end of the list as the function calls unwind.
Of course, there is no error checking here. We are assuming that start and end do actually exist. That will be left to an exercise for the reader.
Here is a variation using your idea of diff with list and list slicing
<some list.[x .. y]
let between (first : int) (second : int) (l : 'a list) : 'a list =
if first < 0 then
failwith "first cannot be less than zero"
if second < 0 then
failwith "second cannot be less than zero"
if first > (l.Length * 2) then
failwith "first cannot be greater than length of list times 2"
if second > (l.Length * 2) then
failwith "second cannot be greater than length of list times 2"
let diff = second - first
match diff with
| 0 -> []
| _ when diff > 0 && (abs diff) < l.Length -> l.[(first + 1) .. (second - 1)]
| _ when diff > 0 -> (l#l).[(first + 1) .. (second - 1)]
| _ when diff < 0 && (abs diff) < l.Length -> l.[(second + 1) .. (second + first - 1)]
| _ when diff < 0 -> (l#l).[(second + 1) .. (second + first - 1)]
let rec f n =
match n with
| 0 | 1 | 2 -> 1
| _ -> f (n - 2) + f (n - 3)
Without CPS or Memoization, how could it be made tail recursive?
let f n = Seq.unfold (fun (x, y, z) -> Some(x, (y, z, x + y))) (1I, 1I, 1I)
|> Seq.nth n
Or even nicer:
let lambda (x, y, z) = x, (y, z, x + y)
let combinator = Seq.unfold (lambda >> Some) (1I, 1I, 1I)
let f n = combinator |> Seq.nth n
To get what's going on here, refer this snippet. It defines Fibonacci algorithm, and yours is very similar.
UPD There are three components here:
The lambda which gets i-th element;
The combinator which runs recursion over i; and
The wrapper that initiates the whole run and then picks up the value (from a triple, like in #Tomas' code).
You have asked for a tail-recursive code, and there are actually two ways for that: make your own combinator, like #Tomas did, or utilize the existing one, Seq.unfold, which is certainly tail-recursive. I preferred the second approach as I can split the entire code into a group of let statements.
The solution by #bytebuster is nice, but he does not explain how he created it, so it will only help if you're solving this specific problem. By the way, your formula looks a bit like Fibonacci (but not quite) which can be calculated analytically without any looping (even without looping hidden in Seq.unfold).
You started with the following function:
let rec f0 n =
match n with
| 0 | 1 | 2 -> 1
| _ -> f0 (n - 2) + f0 (n - 3)
The function calls f0 for arguments n - 2 and n - 3, so we need to know these values. The trick is to use dynamic programming (which can be done using memoization), but since you did not want to use memoization, we can write that by hand.
We can write f1 n which returns a three-element tuple with the current and two past values values of f0. This means f1 n = (f0 (n - 2), f0 (n - 1), f0 n):
let rec f1 n =
match n with
| 0 -> (0, 0, 1)
| 1 -> (0, 1, 1)
| 2 -> (1, 1, 1)
| _ ->
// Here we call `f1 (n - 1)` so we get values
// f0 (n - 3), f0 (n - 2), f0 (n - 1)
let fm3, fm2, fm1 = (f1 (n - 1))
(fm2, fm1, fm2 + fm3)
This function is not tail recurisve, but it only calls itself recursively once, which means that we can use the accumulator parameter pattern:
let f2 n =
let rec loop (fm3, fm2, fm1) n =
match n with
| 2 -> (fm3, fm2, fm1)
| _ -> loop (fm2, fm1, fm2 + fm3) (n - 1)
match n with
| 0 -> (0, 0, 1)
| 1 -> (0, 1, 1)
| n -> loop (1, 1, 1) n
We need to handle arguments 0 and 1 specially in the body of fc. For any other input, we start with initial three values (that is (f0 0, f0 1, f0 2) = (1, 1, 1)) and then loop n-times performing the given recursive step until we reach 2. The recursive loop function is what #bytebuster's solution implements using Seq.unfold.
So, there is a tail-recursive version of your function, but only because we could simply keep the past three values in a tuple. In general, this might not be possible if the code that calculates which previous values you need does something more complicated.
Better even than a tail recursive approach, you can take advantage of matrix multiplication to reduce any recurrence like that to a solution that uses O(log n) operations. I leave the proof of correctness as an exercise for the reader.
module NumericLiteralG =
let inline FromZero() = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
let inline FromOne() = LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne
// these operators keep the inferred types from getting out of hand
let inline ( + ) (x:^a) (y:^a) : ^a = x + y
let inline ( * ) (x:^a) (y:^a) : ^a = x * y
let inline dot (a,b,c) (d,e,f) = a*d+b*e+c*f
let trans ((a,b,c),(d,e,f),(g,h,i)) = (a,d,g),(b,e,h),(c,f,i)
let map f (x,y,z) = f x, f y, f z
type 'a triple = 'a * 'a * 'a
// 3x3 matrix type
type 'a Mat3 = Mat3 of 'a triple triple with
static member inline ( * )(Mat3 M, Mat3 N) =
let N' = trans N
map (fun x -> map (dot x) N') M
|> Mat3
static member inline get_One() = Mat3((1G,0G,0G),(0G,1G,0G),(0G,0G,1G))
static member (/)(Mat3 M, Mat3 N) = failwith "Needed for pown, but not supported"
let inline f n =
// use pown to get O(log n) time
let (Mat3((a,b,c),(_,_,_),(_,_,_))) = pown (Mat3 ((0G,1G,0G),(0G,0G,1G),(1G,1G,0G))) n
a + b + c
// this will take a while...
let bigResult : bigint = f 1000000