secure communication with the server - solution - ios

I am currently facing problem with secure server communication. I am a mobile developer and I try to design REST (JSON output). To understand the problem let me show you a flow in my application:
First user login to the application
Then may download some personal information
When user moves in application i want to communicate with a server all the time.
So i figure that login & password will be send throught SSL (right? wrong? this is Question number one, maybe i should choose OAuth?), but then what? I receive login & password, store it into my Keychain, and any other services should be open for all users? I think this SSL in first request gime only semblance of security, not a real security.
Let me show you my REST so far:
And there i put in header username=root&password=pass
"status":100, /*This status tell me that everything is OK */
"userId: 342
Later requests:
And there i put in header userId=342&key=432fdsf732fds7fstsw87frd7s5fd
Or maybe i should ask for it that way: ?
I am looking for advice is that secure or it is (like i said before) semblance of security. I know you hate that question, but - what is right way for doing that?

I would advice using headers.
The headers are purely encrypted. The only information going over the network 'Plaintext' is related to the SSL setup and D/H ( key exchange. This exchange is designed in a way not to yield any useful information to any third person or an unauthorized person and once it has taken place, all data is encrypted.


Limit the server to only respond to HTTP requests made from an iOS app - without username and password

I have an iOS app where the user can makes HTTP requests from their phones and the HTTP returns information based on the zip code that the user provides through the phone.
My issue is that anyone can type the URL and the server would respond with the information that corresponds to the zip code they input e.g.
My questions is, can I limit the server to only respond to requests made from my iOS app without the user having to create a user and password? In other words, if someone types directly in a browser I want the server to ignore the request but if the request comes from my iOS app I want the server to respond accordingly.
For the HTTP request I'm using Laravel.
Here is my Laravel code.
Route::get('zip-code/{zipCode}', 'AppsAPIController#information');
class AppsAPIController extends Controller
public function information($zipCode)
$info = CityInfo::where('ZipCode', $zipCode)->get();
return ($info);
Again, the question is, how can I limit the server to only respond to requests made from my iOS app without the user having to create a username and password?
This package seems to do that
Basically, you are adding a middleware that reads the user agent out of the request, and denies the rest.
There is no foolproof way to respond only to requests made by your app.
User agent sniffing, navigator feature detection, and like measures may deter most basic attempts to load information from that url (like search engine bots), but anyone with a little time can learn to replicate the HTTP requests made by your app, defeating those measures.
Even requiring a login will not prevent external request (they can send requests matching your login workflow to obtain a valid token, then request the restricted url with it).
(via the comments) I just don’t want to overload the server with unnecessary requests.
In that case, there's a much better solution. Laravel ships with a throttle middleware, which you can use to limit the number of requests per minute per IP (or per logged-in user, if they're authenticated).
Just add throttle:60,1 to your route's middleware and it'll max out at 60 requests per minute for a particular IP address. Set it to something relatively high (so normal use doesn't hit it), but it'll prevent millions of requests from the same IP from using up too many resources.

Authenticate Username and Password iOS

I have a website that users can log into to see their account info.
I would like to build functionality into my iOS app that allows them to log in and see their info in the app. The usernames and passwords are stored in a SQL database.
How can I authenticate the username and password the user types into the app with the database?
If you have better atuthentication system in your web..
then i would prefer you to use the WEBVIEW for your login page. and continues the other using the normal app flow.
there are lot of tutorials for creating username and password login Function in IOS. i dont know whther you are basic or new progrmmer. But try this you may get some idea.
You can go with JSON serialisation, if you experienced to load data from server.
There are multiple ways you can go about this but at the end of the day you need an endpoint for your iOS application to talk to your web server. This can be done with a TCP connection (little more complicated) or with a RESTful HTTP API endpoint which is generally the way most developers will go.
To get you running up and quickly on the client side have a look at AFNetworking to do the heavy lifting on your HTTP requests. You will then need a URL on your website that the iOS application can query. Abstract things to keep your API on a different subdomain, say for instance by creating a subdomain to handle your API requests. A login example could look like this
For a PHP based REST API here is a tutorial for you, PHP API or you could use a Node.js framework such as Restify
The general practise is to use JSON encoded data when sending requests back and forth from the server, iOS 7 has built in JSON encoding/decoding, node and PHP also have pretty good support.
Once you are able to send and receive HTTP request from your iOS device to your web server it is just a matter of checking the username and password match up on the server side (seems you already know how to do this?) to the ones in your database and sending back a authentication BOOL and option error message if failed.

"Remember this approval" when using dotNetOpenAuth and Google Apps doesn't work as expected

I'm using dotNetOpenAuth to provide SSO to my app via a user's Google Apps account. Besides just simple authentication I also ask Google to return the user's email, first name and last name. When a user first goes in they get redirected to the typical Google Accounts page telling them that the app is asking for this info and do they want to allow it. There is the checkbox there to Remember This Approval. The problem is, the approval isn't being remembered. It does remember them if they go back to the site without closing their browser. But if they close their browser and then open it later and go back in, they are again prompted to allow it.
If I look through my Google account page that shows me connected sites, apps, and services, I see my app listed multiple times. It's like it doesn't recognize that it's the same app and keeps adding it.
I know I must be missing something obvious, but I'm not sure what it is. Any ideas?
You can find my code here
I see several problems in your code. To first answer your direct question, the reason Google doesn't remember you on return visits is because you are passing a random GUID in as part of your Realm each time you log in. The symptom is actually much worse than you realize. It's not just that Google prompts the user on return visits, your site won't recognize the user at all on return visits because Google will give them a new claimed identifier on each visit.
The fix is that you should use the exact same Realm for every login request:
Realm realm = "";
var req = openid.CreateRequest(discoveryUri, realm, URIbuilder.Uri );
Or my personal favorite:
var req = openid.CreateRequest(discoveryUri, Realm.AutoDetect, URIbuilder.Uri );
Realm.AutoDetect will work for you unless your site is available both via HTTP and HTTPS, in which case you need to lock it down to just one or the other of these so that Google recognizes your site as always the same.
You must also remember that the returnTo URL that you pass in as the 3rd parameter to CreateRequest must always be based on the realm. So if your realm is HTTPS, so must your returnTo parameter be.
I also want to call out that you seem to have some GUID code and complex URL manipulation around trying to ensure that every OpenID response you accept comes from a request you sent out. I'm not sure why you're trying to do this in the first place, although there certainly can be legitimate reasons. The way you did it is insecure and can be circumvented. I suggest you delete all this code, in favor of adding this to your web.config file:
<security rejectUnsolicitedAssertions="true" />
The library has support for requiring all responses to come from your requests built in, and it does so securely so that the security exploit I alluded to earlier isn't possible.
But if you're only trying to apply this restriction so that you know it's coming from Google, may I recommend that instead of rejecting unsolicited assertions, you instead check the IAuthenticationResponse.Provider.Uri property when you receive responses and verify that it is coming from the Google OP Endpoint? Then, if Google ever supported sending unsolicited assertions it would work on your site, and ultimately your security gate is exactly where you intended it to be anyway.

iphone: is there any secure way to establish 2-way SSL from an application

I need to establish a HTTPS 2-way SSL connection from my iPhone application to the customer's server.
However I don't see any secure way to deliver the client side certificates to the application (it's an e-banking app, so security is really an issue).
From what I have found so far the only way that the app would be able to access the certificate is to provide it pre-bundeled with the application itself, or expose an URL from which it could be fetched (IPhone app with SSL client certs).
The thing is that neither of this two ways prevent some third party to get the certificate, which if accepted as a risk eliminates the need for 2-way SSL (since anyone can have the client certificate).
The whole security protocol should look like this:
- HTTPS 2-way SSL to authenticate the application
- OTP (token) based user registration (client side key pair generated at this step)
- SOAP / WSS XML-Signature (requests signed by the keys generated earlier)
Any idea on how to establish the first layer of security (HTTPS) ?
Ok, so to answer my own question...
It turned out that the security has no fixed scale of measurement.
The security requirements are satisfied as long as the price for braking the system is significantly above the prize that one would get for doing so.
In my situation we are talking about e-banking system, but with somewhat low monthly limits (couple of thousands USD).
As I mentioned in my question there would be another layer of security above the HTTPS which will feature WSS XML-Signatures. The process of registering the user and accepting the his public key is also done in several steps. In the first step the user sends his telephone number together with a cod retrieved somehow from my client. Then an SMS is sent to the user with a confirmation code. The user enters the confirmation code into a OTP calculator that would produce OTP code which will identify the user. Then the public key is sent to the server together with the OTP code. From here on every request would be signed by the private counterpart of the public key sent to the server earlier.
So the biggest weakness for the whole process is that of someone reverse engineers the application and retrieves the client certificate used for the SLL. The only problem arising from this is that someone might observe users' transactions. However in order for someone to make a transaction he would need the user's private key, which is generated, encrypted and stored into the keychain. And the price for braking this security level is VERY HIGH.
We will additionally think on how to protect the users' data on a higher level (e.g. using WSS Encryption), but for the start I thing we are good with the current solution.
any opinion ?
https doesn't really work this way. In a nutshell, you attach to a secure server where the certificates are signed by a well known authority.
If you use Apples (iPhone) classes for this, they will only accept 'good' certificates. By good, I mean what Apple deems as acceptable. If you don't use them (there are alternatives in the SDK), you won't be able to connect (except, maybe, in the case where you have an 'Enterprise' developers license - but I can't say that with 100% certainty as I haven't looked enough at this license to be sure)
To continue, use your https connection to your correctly signed website and then institute some sort of login with a built in username/password, or challenge/response based upon the unique ID of the iPhone (for example) and exchange keys using that connection.
Note that this means that your application will have to query for new certificates at (each connection/every X connections/every month/application specified intervals) to keep them up to date. You can then use these certificates to connect to the more secure server.
Check this post - may have more information about what you're asking to do
Please note that the request is iphone, not OSX - app store approval is an issue

How to test the twitter API locally?

I'm trying to write a web application that would use Twitter via OAuth.
I run my local server as 'localhost', so I need the callback URL to be something like http://localhost/something/ but Twitter doesn't like that: Not a valid URL format
I'm probably going to do a lot of tests, but once I've approved my app with my username, I can't test again can I? Am I supposed to create multiple twitter accounts? Or can you remove an app and do it again?
You can use instead of localhost.
You can authorize your app as many times as you like from the same twitter account without the necessity to revoke it. However, the authenticate action will only prompt for Allow/Deny once and all subsequent authenticate requests will just pass through until you revoke the privilege.
Twitter's "rate limiting" for API GET calls is based on IP address of the caller. So, you can test your app from your server, using the same IP address, and get (once approved) 15,000 API calls per hour. That means you can pound on your app with many different usernames, as long as your approved IP address remains the same.
When you send the e-mail to Twitter to ask for an increase to your rate limit, you can also ask for the increase to apply to your Twitter username too.
I believe Twitter requires you - if you need to change your IP address, or change the username that is using the app - to send in another request asking for the rate limit increase for that new IP address or username. But, in my experience, Twitter has been pretty quick at turning around these requests (maybe less than 48 hours?).
use like this
for Website :
and for callback URL:
or any of your page address like
Have you tried creating your own caching mechanism? You can take the result of an initial query, cache it on thread local, and given an expiration time, refresh from Twitter. This would allow you to test your app against Twitter data without incurring call penalties.
There is also another solution (a workaround, rather) which requires you to edit your hosts file.
Here is how you do it on a linux box:
Open your /etc/hosts file as root. To do this, you can open a terminal and type something like sudo vi /etc/hosts.
Pick a non-existent domain to use as your local address, and add it to your hosts file. For example, you will need to add something similar to the following at the end. localhost.cep # this domain name was accepted.
So, that's pretty much it. Pointing your browser to localhost.cep will now take you to your local server. Hope that helped :)
In answer to (1), see this thread, in particular episod's replies:
It doesn't matter what callback URL you put in your app's management page on (as long as you don't use localhost). You provide the 'real' callback URL as part of your request for an OAuth token.
1.) Don't use localhost. That's not helpful. Why not stand up another server instance or get a testing vm slice from slicehost?
2.) You probably want a bunch of different user accounts and a couple different OAuth key/secret credentials for testing.
You were on the right track though: DO test revoking the app's credentials via your twitter account's connections setting. That should happen gracefully. You might want to store a status value alongside the access token information, so you can mark tokens as revoked.
