How to get the target class of a groovy mixin? - grails

I'm trying to do the following in Grails:
class I18nEnum implements MessageSourceResolvable {
public Object[] getArguments() { [] as Object[] }
public String[] getCodes() { [ this.class.canonicalName+'.'+name() ] }
public String getDefaultMessage() { "?-" + name() }
and then use this class like this:
class MyDomainClass {
public static enum MaritalStatus {
MaritalStatus maritalStatus
Then MyDomainClass is used with scaffolding to generate an HTML select field, and to have the options translatable in like this:
my.package.MyDomainClass.MaritalStatus.SINGLE = Single
my.package.MyDomainClass.MaritalStatus.MARRIED = Married
But I cannot find a way to get the name of the target class (my.package.MyDomainClass.MaritalStatus), and instead I get the name of the mixin class (my.package.I18nEnum#1dd658e9)
How can I get the target class of a groovy mixin?
Is there a way to do something like this?
public String[] getCodes() { [ this.targetClass.canonicalName+'.'+name() ] }
Or like this?
public String[] getCodes() { [ this.mixinTargetClass.canonicalName+'.'+name() ] }
Note: For the moment the only way that I made this enum internationalization feature to work was by just copy-pasting this for every enum class defined in the application:
public static enum MaritalStatus implements MessageSourceResolvable {
public Object[] getArguments() { [] as Object[] }
public String[] getCodes() { [ this.class.canonicalName+'.'+name() ] }
public String getDefaultMessage() { name() }
MaritalStatus maritalStatus
But I would like to not repeat the same code for every enum, but instead just mixin the required methods implementing MessageSourceResolvable.

Mixins do not work with enums. May be it will be useful for you:
class Mix {
def enumClazz
Mix(def clz) { enumClazz = clz }
def getCode() { println "---> ${}"}
enum MaritalStatus {
#Delegate Mix mixClz = new Mix(this)


Polymorphism with swagger not working as expected

I am using springfox version 2.9.2 and swagger annotations 1.5.x. The ApiModel annotations support the discriminator, subTypes and parent attribute which are required to make polymorphism work but I am not seeing the correct apidocs generated to enable polymorphism.
Here is my annotated code.
public class VehicleController {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VehicleController.class);
#PostMapping(consumes = {MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE})
void post(#RequestBody Vehicle anyVehicle) {"Vehicle : {}", anyVehicle);
#ApiModel(discriminator = "type", subTypes = {Car.class, Bike.class})
public class Vehicle {
String brand;
String type;
public String getBrand() {
return brand;
public void setBrand(String brand) {
this.brand = brand;
public String getType() {
return type;
public void setType(String type) {
this.type = type;
#ApiModel(parent = Vehicle.class)
public class Car extends Vehicle {
int noOfDoors;
boolean powerWindows;
public int getNoOfDoors() {
return noOfDoors;
public void setNoOfDoors(int noOfDoors) {
this.noOfDoors = noOfDoors;
public boolean isPowerWindows() {
return powerWindows;
public void setPowerWindows(boolean powerWindows) {
this.powerWindows = powerWindows;
#ApiModel(parent = Vehicle.class)
public class Bike extends Vehicle {
boolean pillion;
public boolean isPillion() {
return pillion;
public void setPillion(boolean pillion) {
this.pillion = pillion;
When the docs get generated is basically shows one endpoint which handles a POST request and takes in a Vehicle as the model.
Is what I am doing here supposed to work? Can someone point me to a working example of this with SpringFox that I can look at?
Support for discriminator is not available in Swagger UI yet. You can follow these issues for status updates:
Discriminator does not switch schema
subTypes not displayed in model

Dagger - Is it possible to select a Provider based on inheritance?

At the moment I have a Base class that contains a member I would like to inject. However, I would like the concrete type of this member to depend on the Subclass being instantiated. What I am aiming for is something along these lines:
public interface StringInterface {
public String getString();
public class HelloStringConcrete implements StringInterface {
public String getString() {
return "Hello";
public class WorldStringConcrete implements StringInterface {
public String getString() {
return "World";
public abstract class Base {
#Inject StringInterface member;
public Base() {
// Assume access to object graph
public void printSomething() {
public class SubclassHello extends Base {}
public class SubclassWorld extends Base {}
#Module(injects = {SubclassHello.class})
public class HelloModule {
#Provides StringInterface provideStringInterface() {
return new HelloStringConcrete();
#Module(injects = {SubclassWorld.class})
public class WorldModule {
#Provides StringInterface provideStringInterface() {
return new WorldStringConcrete();
So now what I would like to do is something along the lines of:
includes = {
public class BigModule {}
// Somewhere in another piece of code...
objectGraph = ObjectGraph.create(new BigModule());
// In yet another piece of code...
SubclassHello hello = new SubclassHello();
SubclassWorld world = new SubclassWorld();
// Hopefully would result in :
// Hello
// World
This type of setup won't work though, because including two modules with the same provider will result in a duplicate provider error at compile time. It would be cool to see a solution to this problem without introducing #Named or #Qualifer annotations, or using scoped graph extensions via because these strategies necessarily introduce coupling to the subclasses
This is possible but I think the code I've attached below is more coupled than using scoped graphs or annotations. Basically you can use constructor injection to inject concrete dependencies to your
SubclassHello and SubclassWorld.
public abstract class Base {
private final StringInterface member;
public Base(StringInterface member) {
this.member = member;
#Module(injects = {SubclassWorld.class})
public class WorldModule {
WorldStringConcrete provideStringInterface() {
return new WorldStringConcrete();
public class SubclassWorld extends Base {
public SubclassWorld(WorldStringConcrete worldStringConcrete) {
#Module(injects = {SubclassHello.class})
public class HelloModule {
HelloStringConcrete provideStringInterface() {
return new HelloStringConcrete();
public class SubclassHello extends Base {
public SubclassHello(HelloStringConcrete helloStringConcrete) {
// Somewhere in another piece of code...
ObjectGraph objectGraph = ObjectGraph.create(new BigModule());
// In yet another piece of code...
SubclassHello hello = objectGraph.get(SubclassHello.class);
SubclassWorld world = objectGraph.get(SubclassWorld.class);
I don't think there are other solutions. How could Dagger find out which StringInterface implementations should be injected to the concrete classes?

Serialize IList property on model when passed into Html.ActionLink

I'm trying to generate an Html.ActionLink with the following viewmodel:
public class SearchModel
public string KeyWords {get;set;}
public IList<string> Categories {get;set;}
To generate my link I use the following call:
#Html.ActionLink("Index", "Search", Model)
Where Model is an instance of the SearchModel
The link generated is something like this:
Because it obviously is only calling the ToString method on every property.
What I would like to see generate is this:
Is there any way I can achieve this by using Html.ActionLink
In MVC 3 you're just out of luck because the route values are stored in a RouteValueDictionary that as the name implies uses a Dictionary internally which makes it not possible to have multiple values associated to a single key. The route values should probably be stored in a NameValueCollection to support the same behavior as the query string.
However, if you can impose some constraints on the categories names and you're able to support a query string in the format:|Cat2
then you could theoretically plug it into Html.ActionLink since MVC uses TypeDescriptor which in turn is extensible at runtime. The following code is presented to demonstrate it's possible, but I would not recommend it to be used, at least without further refactoring.
Having said that, you would need to start by associating a custom type description provider:
public class SearchModel
public string KeyWords { get; set; }
public IList<string> Categories { get; set; }
The implementation for the provider and the custom descriptor that overrides the property descriptor for the Categories property:
class SearchModelTypeDescriptionProvider : TypeDescriptionProvider
public override ICustomTypeDescriptor GetTypeDescriptor(
Type objectType, object instance)
var searchModel = instance as SearchModel;
if (searchModel != null)
var properties = new List<PropertyDescriptor>();
objectType, "KeyWords", typeof(string)));
properties.Add(new ListPropertyDescriptor("Categories"));
return new SearchModelTypeDescriptor(properties.ToArray());
return base.GetTypeDescriptor(objectType, instance);
class SearchModelTypeDescriptor : CustomTypeDescriptor
public SearchModelTypeDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor[] properties)
this.Properties = properties;
public PropertyDescriptor[] Properties { get; set; }
public override PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties()
return new PropertyDescriptorCollection(this.Properties);
Then we would need the custom property descriptor to be able to return a custom value in GetValue which is called internally by MVC:
class ListPropertyDescriptor : PropertyDescriptor
public ListPropertyDescriptor(string name)
: base(name, new Attribute[] { }) { }
public override bool CanResetValue(object component)
return false;
public override Type ComponentType
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override object GetValue(object component)
var property = component.GetType().GetProperty(this.Name);
var list = (IList<string>)property.GetValue(component, null);
return string.Join("|", list);
public override bool IsReadOnly { get { return false; } }
public override Type PropertyType
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override void ResetValue(object component) { }
public override void SetValue(object component, object value) { }
public override bool ShouldSerializeValue(object component)
throw new NotImplementedException();
And finally to prove that it works a sample application that mimics the MVC route values creation:
static void Main(string[] args)
var model = new SearchModel { KeyWords = "overengineering" };
model.Categories = new List<string> { "1", "2", "3" };
var properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(model);
var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
foreach (PropertyDescriptor p in properties)
dictionary.Add(p.Name, p.GetValue(model));
// Prints: KeyWords, Categories
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", dictionary.Keys));
// Prints: overengineering, 1|2|3
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", dictionary.Values));
Damn, this is probably the longest answer I ever give here at SO.
with linq of course...
string.Join("", Model.Categories.Select(c=>"&categories="+c))

How to configure ObjectFactory to call parameterized constructor structuremap

PLEASE: If my question isn't clear, please tell me and I'll try to rephrase it
I need [Default Constructor] in LogOnModel, so it can't be removed.
LoadModel+ModelFactory and LogOnModel are physically in different files in different projects AND project2 has reference to project1 and NOT vice versa.
1 - Let say that
type=typeof(LogOnModel). When ObjectFactory.GetInstance(t) is called I want it to call the
parameterized constructor of LogOnModel and pass it the #params
2 - If I'll add to the parameterized constructor of LogOnModel another parameter,for example
public LogOnModel(string param, IPageService pageService)
so ObjectFacytory should call this constructor without any problems
How to configure/initiate ObjectFactory, so this will work?
Thank you
public void LoadModel(Type type, string param)
var factory = new ModelFactory();
var model = factory.Get(type, **param**);
public class ModelFactory : IModelFactory
public PageModel Get(Type t, **string param**)
return ObjectFactory.GetInstance(t) as PageModel;
public class LogOnModel : PageModel
public LogOnModel()
public LogOnModel(string param)
public class Model2 : PageModel
public LogOnModel()
public LogOnModel(string param)
public class Model3 : PageModel
public LogOnModel()
public LogOnModel(string param)
StructureMap will use the constructor with the most parameters by default, so that part is easy. Then you just need to configure the value of param like so:
ObjectFactory.Initialize(i => {
When you call the container, use the with method to pass in your parameter:
return ObjectFactory.With("param").EqualTo(param).GetInstance(t) as PageModel;

What's wrong with my AutoMapper Customer ValueResolver Hook?

I have the following hook in my Global.aspx
protected void Application_Start()
AutoMapper.Mapper.CreateMap<FormCollection, Models.IAmACustomer>().ForAllMembers(form => form.ResolveUsing<Models.FormCollectionValueResolver<Models.IAmACustomer>>());
In My controller:
public ActionResult Create(FormCollection formCollection)
var customer = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<FormCollection,Models.IAmACustomer> (formCollection,null);
This line executes but my custom resolver is never called.
The resolver looks like this:
public class FormCollectionValueResolver<TDestination>:ValueResolver<FormCollection,TDestination>
//Code removed for brevity
The application compiles and runs, however without the custom resolver, nothing comes into the object, it just creates a mock object with exception throwing get accessors.
The reason the FormCollectionValueResolver<Customer> never gets called is that the ForAllMembers() method iterates over all your property mappings, as defined by the ForMember() method, applying the specified member options. However, in the code sample you supplied no property mappings have been defined, thus the resolver never gets called.
Here is an example of how the ForAllMembers() method could be used.
public void AutoMapperForAllMembersTest()
Mapper.CreateMap<Source, Destination>()
.ForMember(dest => dest.Sum,
opt => opt.ResolveUsing<AdditionResolver>())
.ForMember(dest => dest.Difference,
opt => opt.ResolveUsing<SubtractionResolver>())
.ForAllMembers(opt => opt.AddFormatter<CustomerFormatter>());
Source source = new Source();
source.Expression = new Expression
LeftHandSide = 2,
RightHandSide = 1
Destination destination = Mapper.Map<Source, Destination>(source);
Assert.That(destination.Sum, Is.EqualTo("*3*"));
Assert.That(destination.Difference, Is.EqualTo("*1*"));
public class Expression
public int LeftHandSide { get; set; }
public int RightHandSide { get; set; }
public class Source
public Expression Expression { get; set; }
public class Destination
public string Sum { get; set; }
public string Difference { get; set; }
public class AdditionResolver : ValueResolver<Source, int>
protected override int ResolveCore(Source source)
Expression expression = source.Expression;
return expression.LeftHandSide + expression.RightHandSide;
public class SubtractionResolver : ValueResolver<Source, int>
protected override int ResolveCore(Source source)
Expression expression = source.Expression;
return expression.LeftHandSide - expression.RightHandSide;
public class CustomerFormatter : IValueFormatter
public string FormatValue(ResolutionContext context)
return string.Format("*{0}*", context.SourceValue);
You should consider ditching FormCollection altogether:
Basically, you'll lean on strongly-typed views + custom-created ViewModel types for forms. These forms have things like validation attributes on them so you can run them through validation frameworks. If it's valid, only then do you update your persistence model from the posted form. We stay away from creating domain objects directly from the posted form.
