I just tried to check the code coverage using cover story in Xcode 4.6 and I am able to generate .gcda and .gcno files and check the overall and individual coverage of each file.
But, I want to exclude some classes in the cover story while checking the code coverage. I am not able to do so as it is again covering all the classes. I tried to exclude files from:
CoverStory->Preferences->SDK Files ........and included the file I want to exclude. But it is not working.
I followed this link : http://iosunittesting.com/configuring-coverstory/
Can anyone please help me out.
I know its a bit late but I just wanted to let you know that I got the solution. The problem that I was facing was probably due to the Xcode corruption. So, as soon as I reinstalled the Xcode, it started working fine and I was able to check the code coverage of the individual files through cover story.
I am attempting to extend some functionality to a plugin designed for use in Unreal Engine 4. Using the documentation available and reviewing the solution I've encountered something I do not understand and cannot figure out a way to research it.
In this plugin, the original developer has 2 different files *.embeddedframework.zip, in each of these files there are some binary files, module maps, and *.h files. These *.h files are able to include iOS modules.
I have been able to create .framework builds using Xcode, unfortunately, the do not seem to contain the same format as the *.embeddedframework.zip file.
I apologize for the vague question; I'm new to iOS and I'm quite stumped, any leads whatsoever would be appreciated! (code available on request but it's really quite boilerplate)
YourFramework.embeddedframework.zip is just a zip archive of the Xcode products that takes the following form:
> YourFramework.embeddedframework/
> YourFramework.framework/
After you link it and build, you can verify that the unzipping worked by checking here:
/Users/Shared/Epic Games/UE_4.17/Engine/Intermediate/UnzippedFrameworks/
I'm having a problem with breakpoints in the source code of a specific library / framework (new to Xcode - i'm not sure what the correct term is) in a fairly large iOS project. I have all the code for this library. Breakpoints are working fine everywhere else, but in this one specific library, all breakpoints are ignored.
I can put a breakpoint in a function called from within one of those source files, and it will trigger, but then the callstack shows "__lldb_unnamed_function" for the location in the file i'm interested in, as if the symbols have been stripped.
I have the following settings for the library in question
Generate Debug Symbols = YES
Strip Debug Symbols During Copy = NO
Strip Linked Product = NO
Dead Code Stripping = NO
I have been using a lot of #ifdefs to test alternate implementations of a few functions so i thought some stuff might be getting marked as dead code by accident (hence that last setting). I already tried clean/rebuild. I tried completely removing the app from the target iPhone. I tried deleting intermediate file folder under
The code is definitely executing because all my NSLog calls show up properly.
I don't have much experience with Xcode so i'm hoping i'm just missing something simple
Some part of your build process must be stripping this binary. If you were generating an unstripped binary with no debug information, then you would see full symbol names in backtraces and the like, you just wouldn't have debug information for them.
The only good way to figure out who is doing this is to look at the full build log in Xcode, and expand each of the stages and grub through all the build stages to figure out who is doing this. You expand the stages by hovering over each build line on the RHS and you'll get a disclosure dingus that looks like a bunch of lines on a page; click that to see the real commands.
Another way to finesse this may be to build the dSYM for this framework (by setting the Debug Format to "DWARF + dSYM".) That should get made before anything gets stripped, so unless whoever is stripping this is being awfully clever this should preserve the debug information.
First of all, I've never worked on iOS, so this may or may not be a stupid question, I don't know :)
I have an iOS App, and I need to run it.
In the 'Project Navigator' I have a folder/package called 'Reuse and Platform Libraries'. Inside, I have another four folders but 3 of them seem like missing.
I am not sure if this is the case. I've tried googling their name but without results so I assume they are not some open source libraries.
Can someone clear this up for me? Do I need to install some XCode packages?
I suggest you search the folder of the project for those files, sometimes when copying a project the paths get screwed up because they were set as absolute paths and not relative paths.
If you can't find the files, it's most likely that the library is a private one used by the previous developers, and usually kept out of the project folder so they probably forgot to send it along. I'd suggest simply asking them to send the files over :).
There is also a slight chance they are not needed to run the file, in which case, just deleting them from the sidebar should make the project run.
I am trying to get the code coverage statistics from the .gcda file.
I know similar questions are there but I did not get what I want then.
Till now, I got the .gcda files after some googling on how to do it.
Got Coverstory to read them. Now when I open one .gcda file it will give me the code coverage of that particular file.
Can any one tell me on how to get the statistics of the entire project in a form of matrix?
are there any tools available to read those gcda file and auto generate the report.
Are there any better way to get the code coverage?
Any sort of help would be really helpful
I find this to be very helpful.
Xcode code coverage
Try the Alcove gem:
Full disclosure: I'm the author of this gem. Please give it a try and let me know what you think.
I've been building a static library to share between multiple iOS projects, and I want to use gcov (or any code coverage analysis tool) to tell me where I'm missing my tests. However, when I enable gcov by following these directions: http://supermegaultragroovy.com/blog/2005/11/03/unit-testing-and-code-coverage-with-xcode/
I get this error from Libtool:
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/libtool: can't locate file for: -lgcov
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/libtool: file: -lgcov is not an object file (not allowed in a library)
For some reason XCode4 can't find the libgcov.a file. It is in many places on my system but for some reason it can't be found. I'm fairly new to XCode, and gcc based programming in general, so I'm not sure how I can fix this, my guess is that I just have to tell it specifically where to find libgcov.a but I'm not sure how to go about that.
Looks like I found a solution. Crazy XCode seems to treat static libraries completely different when invoking gcc. And I thought MSBuild was a build system from hell... it's a snap and at least there are books about it.
Anyway, here's how you do it:
Add $(PLATFORM_DEVELOPER_USR_DIR)/lib to your "Library Search Paths" build setting for your static library and tick the "Recursive" check box.
Works for me, let me know if it works for you.
This may help in solving your issue, have a look in to it