Parsing ALL Highcharts Options from JSON - highcharts

I am currently wanting to specify all Highcharts chart options via a JSON file. I've seen plenty of examples on how to pull just the data series from JSON and understand that.
Here is an example of some chart options that I would like to convert to JSON
var optionsChart2 = {
chart: {
renderTo: 'container',
type: 'column'
title: {
text: 'Year End Rating: Distribution'
xAxis: {
categories: [
yAxis: {
min: 0,
title: {
text: 'Percentage'
series: [{data: 25,50,65,32,78}]
What is the best JSON format for that (for the purpose of pulling in via AJAX and then parsing back into options)?
I've seen the following code for parsing just the data:
$.getJSON('data.json', function(data) {
options.series[0].data = data;
var chart = new Highcharts.Chart(options);
How would I then use the new version of the JSON file (as above)?
I'm sorry if this is too vague. I'm relatively new to this and need some help!

Well, it should be valid json, not valid javascript.
So strip the var and start immediately with the opening brace, remove the ; at the end and add double quotes around each property name.
So it looks like this:
"chart" : { ...
Then do the same as your example, just pass the response as is to the HC constructor:
$.getJSON( 'options.json', function( options ) {
new Highcharts.Chart(options);


Highcharts series not loading

The highcharts chart is not showing.
hc.xAxis[0].categories are loaded ok, but hc.series are not
r.forEach(x => {
var hc = Highcharts.chart('chart_div', {
xAxis: { categories: x.categories },
series: x.series,
console.log(hc.series); // 1st
console.log(x.series); // 2nd
The 1stconsole.log shows no data and the 2nd one shows this:
[{name: 'DE Shaw Comp (75;Q)', data: [100,100.5,101.91,103.03,104.37,103.85,103.22,104.77,105.71,105.5,107.08,107.51,106.33,107.18,107.18,108.68,109.44,110.87,110.53,111.75,115.21,116.83,117.41,116.82,116.24,118.21,119.99,121.79,121.54,122.88,122.27,123.86,124.6,126.22,128.36,124.77,129.14,], color: '#33a', label:{enabled:false}},{name: 'SPX', data: [100,94.93,94.53,100.77,101.05,102.59,102.69,106.34,106.21,106.08,104.02,107.58,109.54,111.49,115.64,115.6,116.65,118,118.57,120.86,120.93,123.26,125.99,129.53,130.81,138.16,132.77,129.2,129.56,132.36,133,137.79,141.96,142.57,132.67,135.04,122.65,119.76], color: '#a33', label:{enabled:false}},{name: 'HFRI RV: MULTI-STRATEGY', data: [100,98.37,97.83,99.53,101.19,102,102.66,103.99,104.87,105.72,106.02,106.54,107.66,109.08,109.73,110.07,110.37,110.38,110.58,111.34,111.51,111.95,112.37,112.46,113.29,114.53,114.13,113.48,114.48,115.17,114.97,116.2,116.26,116.68,115.32,114.95,,], color: '#aa3', label:{enabled:false}}]
which looks like a proper input.
series: eval(x.series) is the solution
without eval x.series was interpreted as a string, not as an array of Object as I thought

Fetching all the Project Name for a Project Cumulative Flow Chart in Rally

I am generating a Project Cumulative Flow Chart, which is based on the Project name that I fetch using a "find," however I can't get it working.
Here is the Problem:
1) The "Find" in my code is just fetching one kind of project name, "FE," however, I have a lot of other Project name such as FE, BE, VisualRF, etc. I am not sure what's going on
2) I return this to "storeConfig" inside the chart and then I want try to give "Name" to the "stateFieldName." This is not working! I don't see any graph at all.
Here is the code.
_chart2: function() {
var projectName = this.getContext().getProject()._refObjectName;
console.log(projectName); <<<<<<<<<< This always prints one name'FE' (My project name are FE, BE, etc)
this.chart = {
xtype: 'rallychart',
storeType: '',
storeConfig: this._getStoreForChart2(),
calculatorType: 'Rally.example.CFDCalculator',
calculatorConfig: {
stateFieldName: this.getContext().getProject()._refObjectName, <<<<< I think usage is not fetching name of all projects
stateFieldValues: ['FE','BE','VisualRF']
width: 1000,
height: 600,
chartConfig: this._getChart2Config()
_getStoreForChart2: function() {
var obj1 = {
find: {
_TypeHierarchy: { '$in' : [ 'Defect' ] },
Children: null,
_ProjectHierarchy: this.getContext().getProject().ObjectID,
_ValidFrom: {'$gt': Rally.util.DateTime.toIsoString(Rally.util.DateTime.add(new Date(), 'day', -30)) },
State: "Open",
fetch: ['Severity','Project','ObjectID','FormattedID'],
hydrate: ['Severity','Project','ObjectID','FormattedID'],
sort: {
_ValidFrom: 1
context: this.getContext().getDataContext(),
limit: Infinity,
val: this.Name,
return obj1;
Though this should not matter but here is the code for the high chart function I am calling above
_getChart2Config: function() {
console.log("starting chart config");
return {
chart: {
zoomType: 'xy'
title: {
text: 'Chart2'
xAxis: {
tickmarkPlacement: 'on',
tickInterval: 20,
title: {
text: 'Date'
yAxis: [
title: {
text: 'Count'
plotOptions: {
series: {
marker: {
enabled: false
area: {
stacking: 'normal'
Down below you can see 'FE' getting printed:
Thanks a lot!
stateFieldName is the field which is used to calculate the CFD- usually ScheduleState or a custom dropdown field like KanbanState that captures your process. The stateFieldValues should be the values of that field (Defined, In-Progress, Accepted, Completed, etc.) This doesn't deal with projects at all. Definitely remember to include that field in your hydrate and fetch as well.

HighCharts SyntaxError: missing ] after element list

I am trying to write a script that produces a col chart. The data is from an MySQL query that produces the following array content:
When I run the script I get an error:
SyntaxError: missing ] after element list
I have tracked down to where I thik the error is but can not see whats wrong.
Inside the jQuery function I have an PHP echo statement which populates the $data variable with the data, $data[] = $row_An['AValue'];.
The values are correct as seen in FireFox dev console. Can anyone see why I am getting the error.
$(function () {
$data[] = $row_An['AValue'];
chart: {
type: 'column'
title: {
text: 'AN'
xAxis: {
categories: ['Inbound', 'Outbound', 'InService']
yAxis: {
title: {
text: ''
series: [{
data: [97.2,63.9,33.4,28.9,325.2,114.9,46.1,56.7,104.9,4.5,42.2,56.4,10.5],
pointStart: 0,
Many thanks in advance
what's value in pointInterval ? its wrong to leave that without any value
series: [{
data: [97.2,63.9,33.4,28.9,325.2,114.9,46.1,56.7,104.9,4.5,42.2,56.4,10.5],
pointStart: 0,
pointInterval //here is error you should provide value or remove it
Also, these two properties PointInterval and PointStart are part of plotOptions.series
your number of categories don't match with number of data points ,correct them
categories: ['Inbound', 'Outbound', 'InService']

Trying Highstock to convert very old graph application but no display

I am in the process of moving from a built in graph library to HighStock.
I have to comply to crasy implementations. So at the end I got this configuration :
$(function() {
chart = new Highcharts.StockChart({
chart : {
renderTo : 'div_#divid#'
rangeSelector : {
selected : 0,
buttons: [{
type: 'day',
count: 7,
text: '7j'
}, {
type: 'day',
count: 15,
text: '15j'
}, {
type: 'day',
count: 30,
text: '30j'
}, {
type: 'all',
text: 'Tous'
series : [{
type : 'column',
name : 'valeur',
data : data,
tooltip: {
valueDecimals: 2
Here is the fiddled version.
I don't get whats wrong with my data. (but I think I did correctly the conversion for the dates.)
[[1362355200000,672],[1362441600000,9764],[1362528000000,9839],[1362614400000,9906], [1362700800000,9973],[1362787200000,9906],[1362873600000,10592],[1362960000000,11236], [1363046400000,13233],[1363132800000,0],[1363219200000,0],[1363305600000,0],[1363392000000,0],[1363478400000,0],[1363564800000,0],[1363651200000,0],[1363737600000,0],[1363824000000,0],[1363910400000,0],[1363996800000,0],[1364083200000,0],[1364169600000,0],[1364256000000,0],[1364342400000,0],[1364428800000,0],[1364515200000,0],[1364601600000,0],[1364688000000,0],[1364770800000,0],[1364857200000,0],[1364943600000,0],[1365030000000,0],[1365116400000,0],[1365202800000,0],[1365289200000,0],[1365375600000,0],[1365462000000,0],[1365548400000,0],[1365634800000,0],[1365721200000,0],[1365807600000,0],[1365894000000,0],[1365980400000,0],[1366066800000,0],[1366153200000,0],[1366239600000,0],[1366326000000,0],[1366412400000,0],[1366498800000,0],[1366585200000,0],[1366671600000,0],[1366758000000,0],[1366844400000,0],[1366930800000,0],[1367017200000,0],[1367103600000,0],[1367190000000,0],[1367276400000,0],[1367362800000,0],[1367449200000,5490]]
Thanks for your help.
I'm not sure, the problem is that you can't see the chart? That's cause your data contains '
Check the jsFiddle:
You have this:
data = '[[1362355200000,672],[1362441600000,9764],[1367103600000,0],[1367190000000,0],[1367276400000,0],[1367362800000,0],[1367449200000,5490]]';
Must be this:
data = [[1362355200000,672],[1362441600000,9764],[1362528000000,9839],[1362614400000,9906],[1367103600000,0],[1367190000000,0],[1367276400000,0],[1367362800000,0],[1367449200000,5490]];

Highcharts to populate data for pie chart using json object

hi my json object looks like this
How to populate the series points to make a pie chart using highcharts
Try this below code. This will parse all the values and create an array called dataArrayFinal .
var d = [{"name":"Tokyo","data":3.0},{"name":"NewYork","data":2.0}, {"name":"Berlin","data":3.5},{"name":"London","data":1.5}]
var name = Array();
var data = Array();
var dataArrayFinal = Array();
for(i=0;i<d.length;i++) {
name[i] = d[i].name;
data[i] = d[i].data;
for(j=0;j<name.length;j++) {
var temp = new Array(name[j],data[j]);
dataArrayFinal[j] = temp;
And your series stuff should look like below. i.e, you should pass the array dataArrayFinal like below.
series: [{
type: 'pie',
name: 'Browser share',
data: dataArrayFinal
Actually the only difference between your data definition and the format that Highcharts requires, is that yours has a property called "data" where Highcharts expects "y". So you just need to loop over the data and set that property. See it live at
// Original data
var data = [{
"name": "Tokyo",
"data": 3.0
}, {
"name": "NewYork",
"data": 2.0
}, {
"name": "Berlin",
"data": 3.5
}, {
"name": "London",
"data": 1.5
// Highcharts requires the y option to be set
$.each(data, function (i, point) {
point.y =;
var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
chart: {
renderTo: 'container',
type: 'pie'
series: [{
data: data
