Setting an appropriate environment to work - ruby-on-rails

Here begins the road. I need to configure a working environment manageable and accessible. I've been reading a bit about environment variables. Windows have an easy configuration, as can be easily changed through window panes. In unix is different ...
export environment_variable = argument
eg. export DISPLAY = localhost: 0.0.
The question is: should I declare the environment variables when I install rvm? need to work with ruby, and not have to be writing the source myvar each time I start the console.
Same question for node and git.
Obviously I ask because in windows if I had to do, and I have unix doubt.

The short answer to your question is No. During the installation, setup and use of rvm, you will not be setting any environment-specific variables that relate to your application, nor for the rubies/gemsets/gems that rvm will be managing for you.
Once rvm is up and running, and you have installed at least one version of ruby (managed by rvm), there are a few options available to you for conveniently managing your environment variables.
a) You can use your unix shell config files (.bashrc, .bash_profile, etc.) to set env variables, but I don't recommend it. This is the equivalent of the Windows scenario you quoted in your question, but is not the common practice in the ruby-unix community.
b) If you are using Rails, environment-specific configurations can be managed in the source code itself, in environment files. For example, production.rb, development.rb, test.rb. etc.
c) If this is a Ruby codebase (i.e. no Rails) then, you can define your environment variables in an 'initializer' file, which can be invoked at the entry point of your ruby project. I typically put my application-specific variables in a yaml file like below.
In file: env_vars.yaml
:env_var_b: 1111
:env_var_c: foo
:env_var_d: bar
To load these environment variables for use in your codebase,
require 'yaml'
env_vars = YAML.load('env_vars.yml')))
If you prefer to not use YAML, you can save the configs in a text file, and use ruby's native File class to access them. I like YAML because it easily creates a hash for me.
Regardless of which option you choose, there is no way you will need to type source every time you start a session


Rails secrets.yml VS Dotenv VS Figaro with Capistrano on AWS

There are several posts ans Stack Overflow questions about how to manage API tokens on the web, but I see a lot of people repeat what they read somewhere else, often with contradictions...
How do you deal with API Tokens, secrets and the like ?
Here's what I have read so far using 3 different gems
Introduced with Rails 4.1, then updated to encrypted secrets around rails 5
When initially released on rails 4, they were (or were not ?) meant to be pushed on repositories. However I often saw examples using environment variables for production
# config/secrets.yml
secret_key_base: super_long_secret_key_for_development
secret_key_base: <%= ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"] %>
And at this point someone asked "Why do we use ENV for production ?". A legit question back then, often answered "We don't want production token to be hard coded in the application" (hence how it is not clear anymore if the secrets should have been committed or not).
Later, with Rails 5, secrets became encrypted with a master key, so the encrypted secrets.yml file could be committed to the repository, but then the problem remained the same with the master key used to read the secrets.
Rails convention.
Easy deploy with capistrano-secrets gem and cap [stage] setup (and it only deploys stage secrets nice) or similar gems
YML data structure (array/hash ok) + can use Ruby code via ERB
With encrypted secrets since rails 5, easy to collaborate/share the secrets
Need to use
Many services like AWS still read from ENV to automatically setup their gems/services
Is not the 12 factors way (or is it ?)
Quite new, so not really used yet ?
If using encrypted secrets, need to manage the master key
Bkeepers dotenv
Simply defining a .env file at the root that is read by Rails on startup
Plugins like capistrano-env allow to easily inject environment specific ENV on servers, and secrets can still must be managed using .env.staging, .env.production
ENV is in 12factor rules
3.5k stars... maybe not for nothing ?
the dotenv approach is now available on almost all other languages (JS, Go, etc)
Recent versions allow reusing variables (API_ROOT=X, SOME_ENDPOINT=${X}/endpoint)
No Ruby interpolation (unless extra code is added to parse the .env with the ERB templating engine for example)
limited to string-string key/val
Some sort of hybrid secrets/ENV. With 12factors/Rails/Heroku in mind, but in the end doesn't seem better than the rest...
From the above and the rest I didn't write, it would seem like secrets.yml would be a great winner if those secrets were put in ENV instead (and tbh I feel lazy about writing Rails.Application.secrets each time).
So, suppose I start a quite new Rails app, and also based on your experience. Which one would you choose ?
(My particular stack uses AWS + Capistrano, no Heroku)
I personally think that the "right" approach depends on your environment.
In my case, I have servers which are managed by IT and I don't have access to the vhost or anything else to easily set environment variables. Because of this, I commit a secrets.yml file which doesn't contain the production stanza, then set up Capistrano to add this file to shared_files. On each server, I add the file.
If I had easy access the the vhost, and I was managing the server vhosts with Puppet, Chef, Ansible, or similar, I would use the environment variable approach like the default secrets.yml file.
Your case with AWS appears to be the latter. Ultimately, either option is fine. There is little downside to committing the secrets.yml file without a production stanza.
First, all three methods can be 12-factor compatible. It is compatible if you pass the config value by ENV variable, instead of copying one file to the server first.
My thoughts are each of these solutions:
Rails secrets
Developers are forced to go 12-factor, either manually set it on production server, or have another file on local machine and then pass it as ENV every time during deploy. (Didn't know about capistrano-secrets, it probably handles this)
(I think what you said in CON #2 and #3 are the opposite to secret.yml solution)
The accessor is also quite long as you mentioned.
It does not encourage 12-factor, and was not originally designed for production env anyways. Either you write code to pass its value as ENV to production during deploy (making it 12 factor compatible), or you copy your .env.production file to the production server.
Also it forces you to use the flat key:value configuration. No nesting.
Though it uses YAML, it does not allow nested hash.
It is 12 factor compatible, e.g. it includes code to transfer the config to heroku.
My Solution
I wrote a gem, in which settings are stored in gitignored YAML file. Nesting is allowed. When accessing some value, do Setting.dig(:fb,:api).
It provides mechanism for 12-factor app deploy, by serializing the whole YAML file into a string and pass it to production as ENV.
I no longer have to distinguish between secret config and non-secret config. They are in one place and secret by default. I get benefit of 12-factor app while using easy to namespace YAML files.

Setting Test environment variables in rails without putting in source code

I'm using Twilio for an app and on production I set the auth token using heroku's CLI. I'm using sms-spec ( to test my app's Twilio integration locally. I want to set ENV['TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN'] to my token in the test environment.
I use guard to auto-run my tests whenever I make changes so I don't want to have to manually set the ENV variable each time I run tests. I also don't want to put the token in my source code for security reasons.
Is there a way I can set the ENV variable for my local test environment such that it is permanent and not in my source? I've spent a few hours researching this and can't seem to find a good explanation of how to do this. Any help is much appreciated :)
Two approaches:
Use a gem like Dotenv (link). This is the approach I use in most of my applications for development. Simply include the gem in your gemfile, bundle install and then store any environment variable settings in a top level file called .env. Restart your rails server and ENV will be automatically loaded. Very easy to use and convenient.
If you are flexible on the ENV part, and you are running Rails 4.1+, you can use config/secrets/yml. This is documented very well in the Rails 4.1 release notes, Section 2.2. So, in your case, you would set it up like so:
twilio_auth_token: verysecretstring
Then, in your initializer, instead of referencing ENV['TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN'], you would use Rails.application.secrets.twilio_auth_token. I haven't tried this myself, but it is on my list as I would rather use native Rails functionality than a separate gem.
Of course, any files which contain your secrets needs to be safeguarded carefully. At a minimum, make sure you include in .gitignore so that your secrets do not find their way into your code respository.

Use Ruby on Rails environment config based on URL/Machine Name

I have a RoR3 app with multiple environment configs, development.rb, test.rb and production.rb.
Is there a way I can instruct the application to used a specific config based on a value in the URL or machine name??
For instance if the machine name contains "dev", then use development.rb.
If that is not possible, is there a way I can access the request URL from the application.rb or environment.rb files maybe. If so, I could probably use a regex on the URL to determine and set the environment settings dynamically within if blocks.
In the end, we'll end up having many more than just 3 environments, all with certain differences. So I need a very flexible way to set the config.
Probably not. By the time the rails app is running (and can look at the machine name) it's already picked an environment. Unless you hack the boot script...
It'd be much easier to just put the environment into the startup-command-line for each machine.

Adding urls api keys in environment variable in ruby

I have a url that I am using in one of the controllers. Is there a better place to put this url? The url uses an API key and I was wondering if there is a better place to add this url and/or api key such that its not added in the controller class code and ergo more editable? If i add it as an environment variable or anything else how do i access it from my controller class? thank you. ITS A RUBY AND RAILS PROJECT
Using environment variables might be a good idea if you want to keep things like API keys and passwords out of your source code. Accessing them from within your code is done with the ENV object:
my_api_key = ENV['MY_API_KEY']
To use this technique, you need to set up the variables in your environment before launching your app, and how you do this depends on your local setup, and will likely also vary between development and production.
In development, you can simply set the environment vars in your shell, e.g. with bash:
$ export MY_API_KEY=foobar123abc
$ rails s
Now rails will start and have access to this environment variable. You can also set variables for just a single command:
$ MY_API_KEY=foobar123abc rails s
Depending on what the sevice/api is, you could set some of them to default development/test values in config/environments/development.rb (or test.rb):
ENV['MY_API_KEY'] = 'non_secret_api_key_that_can_be_shared_around'
Setting up environment variables in production will depend on how you're deploying your app. Phusion have an article on using environment variables in Passenger if your using that. There's also a useful article on using environment variables with Heroku which is worth a read even if you're not using them for deployment.
You can add it to application.rb file as
config.service {
:api_key => 'api_key'
Or better yet, add it to development.rb and production.rb files so that you can test it better.
You can access this api_key from controller like

How to use a Rails environment variable in Capistrano deploy script?

If I have a constant in my Rails environment.rb, for example...
Is it possible to access this in my capistrano deploy.rb somehow? It seems simple but I can't figure out how.
This ended up working:
created a file config/initializers/my_constant.rb
put my constant in there (rails automatically loads files there so I can use the constant in my app)
then in deploy.rb added load 'config/initializers/my_constant' so it could be used there as well.
You should access it via the ENV[] hash (this is a Ruby thing), here is an example using the TERM environmental variable.
puts "Your Terminal is #{ENV['TERM']}"
If you need a ruby constant, from your rails environment, you should load it:
require 'config/environment'
Beware that this will load your whole application environment, you should think to use something like AppConfig, or SimpleConfig (insert other tool here) to store configurations, then you need only load the tool, which processes your config files.
Why not define these constants in a file in lib/ and then require the file in both your Rails app and your Capfile?
As the value is not only used by the rails app, I would probably store such configuration information in a language agnostic format (yaml, json, ini, xml) which can be easily parsed by different tools without fear of possible side effects.
