How to check if user installs a mobile app within a web page? - ios

I know this is possible because today I browsed a mobile web page that said I have installed their native app, and prompted me to read their content in the app. (I haven't logged in, so they must have used some native checking mechanism.)
I know the web page can call out a native app by loading a custom url scheme like 'myapp://some/path', but how does it check if the url scheme exists before loading it? I want to do the same thing with my web app.
And I was seeing this on iOS, is this possible in Android, too?

The native checking mechanism is called Smart Banner. Apple added it to MobileSafari in iOS 6 and higher.
You add the following to your web page:
<meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=myAppStoreID, affiliate-data=myAffiliateData, app-argument=myURL">

The custom URL scheme is the way to go.
They probably delivered a transparent image by that custom URL, and checked if their image delivery mechanism was hit.
So in essence:
You download page
The page prompts your browser to hit their "checking service" (image with custom URL scheme?)
The page checks if the call to the checking service succeeded. If so, it prompts you to use the native app


Custom URL scheme without confirmation prompt (Swift)

I've found two options to open my app from a Safari web page: a custom URL scheme created in my app project's Info.plist or Apple's Universal Linking. Obviously the custom URL scheme is the easiest one to set up, but the problem I'm having with this is that Safari shows a confirmation window asking "Open myapp?" first and the user has to tap OK before the app actually opens. I want my app to open automatically as the scheme is opened, and I'm being told the only way to do this is through Universal Linking (please correct me if this is not true). If this is true, however, I would like to know if it's possible in any way to put the required apple-app-site-association file on a http:// domain instead of https://? According the official Apple documentation the format of a correct Universal Link starts explicitly with https:// but my domain name can't be loaded on https:// without redirecting a few times and that messes up the web services I've written to execute other tasks in my app. The two main questions I'm left with after this issue:
1) Is it really impossible to work around the confirmation prompt using a custom URL scheme (myscheme://)? If it's not impossible, how can I do this?
2) If I have to use Apple Universal Linking, can I use a http:// domain? If so, how do I do it? Right now if I load up the universal link, it just shows the dictionary inside the apple-app-site-association file, which I'm pretty sure is not supposed to happen. I'm told it's supposed to send a NSUserActivity object to my app delegate. How can I accomplish this with a http:// link?
It is not possible to trigger a custom URI scheme without showing an alert to the user. This used to be possible in iOS 8, but iOS 9 started showing the alert for all apps. And iOS 10.3 has extended that even to the App Store itself. You cannot bypass this. Universal Links were created to replace URI schemes for this behavior, so you do need to use them instead.
From your description, I believe you may be misunderstanding how Universal Links work. To answer the literal questions you asked first, no the Universal Link URL itself does not need to be on the https:// protocol, and yes, the apple-app-site-association must be served over https:// without redirects.
However, it sounds like you're trying to serve the content of the apple-app-site-association file for every Universal Link. That is not the correct implementation — the AASA file is hosted only at, and iOS automatically retrieves it when the app is installed. After that, any URL on that matches the criteria in the AASA file will be eligible for Universal Links.
All of that said, you really don't want to built out this system on your own. I suggest looking into Firebase Dynamic Links or (full disclosure: I'm on the Branch team).
Is it really impossible to work around the confirmation prompt using a custom URL scheme (myscheme://)? If it's not impossible, how can I do this?
That is possible with some hacky tricks and BAD user experience. It requires user to press "add to home screen" button, so I don't recommend this solution in most cases.
set your app scheme like myapp
create the following html file and put it into the web
window.onload = function() {
if (("standalone" in window.navigator) && window.navigator.standalone) {
window.location.href = 'myapp://open'
open the html file with safari and "add to home screen"
open the home screen icon and your native app will launch
The point is the meta tag.
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
Without this, safari will launch and confirmation prompt will appear.

Open iOS App by http:// link

I found a lot of tutorials about opening an app by a custom url scheme like:
Thats nice but it would be great to open an app by registering the real app domain over the http link like
So - for example - if a visitor comes to a webpage (on her/his mobile) it is normally opened in the browser, excepts the installed app is listening to the opened URL and opens itself instead of the browser.
How is this done (i've seen this at another app). Any help would be great. Thanks in advance!
It is a new feature in iOS9. It is explained in the WWDC15 talk Seamless linking to your App.
You could also add a small piece of javascript to each page that opens your custom URL-scheme.

Web service for deep linking

This is my first time create an ios application that required deep linking. I need to create a web service for my custom url scheme for ios in order to publish it online. Please give some pointer on regarding which web service i should use or is there an alternative way to create a deep linking for custom url scheme for iOS. Thanks.
You can do it yourself with any server platform - Rails, PHP, Dot.Net, etc.
Here is a very simple PHP snippet. Replace "myappname" with your app's URL scheme. The param/value query is optional - you can use any other text and parse it in your App Delegate's openUrl method.
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'iPhone OS') !== FALSE) {
// redirect
header("location: myappname://?key=value");
Client use-cases:
iOS Safari, your app installed - will open your app.
iOS Safari, your app not installed - Safari will complain that it cannot open the link.
Another iOS app, your app installed - will switch to your app.
Another iOS app, your app not installed - same as Safari. However, if the other app is implementing UIApplication's canOpenURL: - it may gracefully take the user to the App Store, but it's up to the other app developer.
Any other device or browser - will continue to render the page, where you can add your html including AppStore links.
If you don't want to create the server code, you can use a tool I created for this purpose. You have it here:
It's mainly a short link tool that checks for user device and give him the right url based on his devices. With this tool you don't need to write any server code and it also takes care of different devices, operating systems and browsers.
Take care of Tal answer as latest versions of Chrome has changed the way to open app and now you need to provide a link in different format, they use something like "intent://..."

break website out of iframe/uiwebview on iphone twitter client?

when we click on a link to our site,, from inside the twitter iphone client (search for on the twitter mobile client), the site appears in a boxed area.
is this an iframe or something we can break out of? we tried iframe-busting code, but it fails. we suspect this is a uiwebview. if true, can we bust out and open the site in safari/chrome via javascript?
When you click on a link within the official Twitter iOS app, it opens up a new modal view that contains a UIWebView. There is no way that you can break out of this view and into a different app since Twitter controls the experience. iOS only supports fast app switching via registered URL schemes such as fb://1234567890, not via javascript, etc.
The only way would be if they had an additional button that gave the user the option to open the page in a different app.

Adding "Do Not Track" to iOS browser app with UIWebView

How would you enable/support "Do Not Track" for a browser app that uses UIWebView? Is this something that every app on iOS has to include by itself or is this already enabled in UIWebView?
Simple tools are coming like the one linked below -- add a line of JS at the top of the page and it turns off the tracking tags when the user has the DNT preference enabled. Should work on a mobile web view if you have a typical ad tag installation.
