i have developed a test package using SWTbot and ant to build it , when i run it, it finds that there is a failure however in the test report it shows as an error instead of failure:
my code is :
public static void Check_TargetPack(final SWTWorkbenchBot bot,String configuration,
String targetpack) {
boolean exist=false;
String[] h=bot.comboBoxWithLabel("TargetPack").items();
int i=0;
for (i=0;i<h.length;i++){
if (h[i]==targetpack)exist=true;
assertTrue("target pack"+targetpack+" doesn't exist in targetpack list",exist);
and the result is
I can see one problem in your code.
You are matching Strings with "==" operator.
You should use following instead
I have the following Dart code:
void main() {
provide(1, 'A');
void provide<A>(A one, A two) {
print('one $one two $two');
In java the call to provide will give a compile time error as the two parameters should be both of type A. With java as soon as you pass an argument to a typed parameter that defines the type.
My understanding is that with Dart if I don't follow 'provide' with a type then the type is dynamic.
To get the above code to work correctly in dart I have to write:
void main() {
provide<int>(1, 'A');
void provide<A>(A one, A two) {
print('one $one two $two');
This will now give a compile type error as 'A' is not an int.
This however is error prone as the user is likely to forget to add the type when callng provide.
Is there anyway I can make calls to the provide method type safe without having to write provide<int>(....
I've trivialised the example, the aim is to make a call to a method such as :
void provide(Token<T> token, T value);
If T is not the correct type then the user should get a compile error.
This question concerns how to get error messages out of an ANTLR4 parser in C# in Visual Studio. I feed the ANTLR parser a known bad input string, but I am not seeing any errors or parse exceptions thrown during the (bad) parse. Thus, my exception handler does not get a chance to create and store any error messages during the parse.
I am working with an ANTLR4 grammar that I know to be correct because I can see correct parse operation outputs in graphical form with an ANTLR extension to Visual Studio Code. I know the generated parser code is correct because I can compile it correctly without errors, override the base visitor class, and print out various bits of information from the parse tree with my overwritten VisitXXX methods.
At this point, I am running a very simple test case that feeds in a bad input string and looks for a nonzero count on my list of stored parse errors. I am confident of the error-handling code because it works in a similar situation on another grammar. But the error-handling code must catch a parse exception to generate an error message. (Maybe that's not the right way to catch/detect parse errors such as unexpected tokens or other errors in the input stream.)
Here is the code that I used to replace the default lexer and parser error listeners.
// install the custom ErrorListener into the parser object
I have attached a screenshot of the graphical output showing the presence of unexpected tokens in the input string.
Q1. Why don't the unexpected tokens cause parse exceptions that I can catch with my exception handler? Are all parse errors supposed to throw exceptions?
Q2. If catching parse exceptions is not the right way, could someone please suggest a strategy for me to follow to detect the unexpected token errors (or other errors that do not throw parse exceptions)?
Q3. Is there a best practice way of catching or finding parse errors, such as generating errors from walking the parse tree, rather than hoping that ANTLR will throw a parse exception for every unexpected token? (I am wondering if unexpected tokens are supposed to generate parse exceptions, as opposed to producing and legitimate parse tree that happens to contain unexpected tokens? If so, do they just show up as unexpected children in the parse tree?)
Thank you.
Screenshot showing unexpected tokens in the (deliberate) bad input string to trigger errors:
Currently, the parser and unit tests are working. If I feed a bad input string into the parser, the default parser error listener produces a suitable error message. However, when I install a custom error listener, it never gets called. I don't know why it doesn't get called when I see an error message when the custom error listener is not installed.
I have the parser and unit tests working now. When I inject a bad input string, the default parse error listener prints out a message. But when I install a custom error listener, it never gets called. 1) A breakpoint placed in the error listener never gets hit, and 2) (as a consequence) no error message is collected nor printed.
Here is my C# code for the unit test call to ParseText:
// the unit test
public void ModkeyComboThreeTest() {
SendKeysHelper.ParseText("this input causes a parse error);
Assert.AreEqual(0, ParseErrors.Count);
// the helper class that installs the custom error listener
public static class SendKeysHelper {
public static List<string> ParseErrorList = new List<string>();
public static MyErrorListener MyErrorListener;
public static SendKeysParser ParseText(string text) {
try {
var inputStream = new AntlrInputStream(text);
var sendLexer = new SendKeysLexer(inputStream);
var commonTokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(sendLexer);
var sendKeysParser = new SendKeysParser(commonTokenStream);
Parser = sendKeysParser;
MyErrorListener = new MyErrorListener(ParseErrorList);
// parse the input from the starting rule
var ctx = Parser.toprule();
if (ParseErrorList.Count > 0) {
Dprint($"Parse error count: {ParseErrorList.Count}");
// the custom error listener class
public class MyErrorListener : BaseErrorListener, IAntlrErrorListener<int>{
public List<string> ErrorList { get; private set; }
// pass in the helper class error list to this constructor
public MyErrorListener(List<string> errorList) {
ErrorList = errorList;
public void SyntaxError(IRecognizer recognizer, int offendingSymbol,
int line, int offset, string msg, RecognitionException e) {
var errmsg = "Line " + line + ", 0-offset " + offset + ": " + msg;
So, I'm still trying to answer my original question on how to get error information out of the failed parse. With no syntax errors on installation, 1) the default error message goes away (suggesting my custom error listener was installed), but 2) my custom error listener SyntaxError method does not get called to register an error.
Or, alternatively, I leave the default error listener in place and add my custom error listener as well. In the debugger, I can see both of them registered in the parser data structure. On an error, the default listener gets called, but my custom error listener does not get called (meaning that a breakpoint in the custom listener does not get hit). No syntax errors or operational errors in the unit tests, other than that my custom error listener does not appear to get called.
Maybe the reference to the custom listener is somehow corrupt or not working, even though I can see it in the parser data structure. Or maybe a base class version of my custom listener is being called instead. Very strange.
The helpful discussion/answer for this thread was deleted for some reason. It provided much useful information on writing custom error listeners and error strategies for ANTLR4.
I have opened a second question here ANTLR4 errors not being reported to custom lexer / parser error listeners that suggests an underlying cause for why I can't get error messages out of ANTLR4. But the second question does not address the main question of this post, which is about best practices. I hope the admin who deleted this thread undeletes it to make the best practice information visible again.
The parser ErrorListener SyntaxError method needs the override modifier to bypass the default method.
public class ParserErrorListener : BaseErrorListener
public override void SyntaxError(
TextWriter output, IRecognizer recognizer,
IToken offendingSymbol, int line,
int charPositionInLine, string msg,
RecognitionException e)
string sourceName = recognizer.InputStream.SourceName;
Console.WriteLine("line:{0} col:{1} src:{2} msg:{3}", line, charPositionInLine, sourceName, msg);
The lexer ErrorListener is a little different. While the parser BaseErrorListener implements IAntlrErrorListener of type IToken, the lexer requires an implementation of IAntlrErrorListener of type int. The SyntaxError method does not have an override modifier. Parameter offendingSymbol is an int instead of IToken.
public class LexerErrorListener : IAntlrErrorListener<int>
public void SyntaxError(
TextWriter output, IRecognizer recognizer,
int offendingSymbol, int line,
int charPositionInLine, string msg,
RecognitionException e)
string sourceName = recognizer.InputStream.SourceName;
Console.WriteLine("line:{0} col:{1} src:{2} msg:{3}", line, charPositionInLine, sourceName, msg);
I have the following code
this.SafeUpdate(rate, Guid.Parse(import.myGuid), c => c.myGuid);
SafeUpdate basically takes the parsed guid value and applies it to the myGuid property on the rate object. This works fine from my front end, but throws the "CLR detected..." error when run in a unit test. What's odd is the same statement for DateTime.Parse and int.Parse works fine. It just fails for Guid and decimals. I don't believe the error is with the parsing (it has the correct parsed value when extracted into a separate variable). I don't believe it's the mocking either as the statement works fine for all other types other than guid and decimal. Any ideas?
We experienced a similar error yesterday on our build server. Our exception was thrown by the ReadObject() method of a DataContractSerializer.
System.InvalidProgramException: Common Language Runtime detected an invalid program.
at System.Xml.EncodingStreamWrapper..ctor(Stream stream, Encoding encoding)
at System.Xml.XmlUTF8TextReader.SetInput(Stream stream, Encoding encoding, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas, OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose onClose)
at System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.CreateTextReader(Stream stream, Encoding encoding, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas, OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose onClose)
at System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.CreateTextReader(Stream stream, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas)
at System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializer.ReadObject(Stream stream)
We've written a console app that does just this one thing. It runs without error, but fails in a simple unit test. We are using Gallio/MbUnit for our test framework with a target of .net 4.0.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using MbUnit.Framework;
namespace TestApp
class Program
static void Main()
public static void FooBar()
var type = typeof(string);
var foo = "foo";
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
var serializer = new DataContractSerializer(type);
serializer.WriteObject(stream, foo);
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
var deserializer = new DataContractSerializer(type);
var bar = deserializer.ReadObject(stream);
public void Test()
The application runs fine, but the test throws. Strangely, this test passes on my dev box but fails on our build server as well as the dev box of a coworker. Clearly, there is something different about my dev box that allows the test to pass, but I have not located that difference yet.
Update 1
The version of System.dll on my dev box is 4.0.30319.296 but on the build server and the dev box of my coworker it is 4.0.30319.1001. System.Xml.dll and System.Runtime.Serialization.dll are identical at 4.0.30319.1, however.
Update 2
A quick google search for "4.0.30319.1001" returns this security update, http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2742595, which was applied to both our build server and the dev box of my coworker, but not my dev box. I uninstalled the update on the build server, rebooted, and the issue went away! I guess Microsoft doesn't have a unit test for this one yet. :-)
I executed a simple test case (on jobss-ejb environment), which compares/asserts 2 strings. Unfortunately, the strings are not matching to each other (there's a bug).
But the problem is, when I execute the test case from eclipse it logs the result as failure which is correct because there's a mismatch between expected and actual objects;
whereas when I execute the same test case from ant, the result is logged as error.
This is really strange and surprising and to add more to it, this behaviour is noticed on junit 4 version only, when i execute the test case on junit 3.8, both ant and eclipse log the result as failure.
Any suggestion or pointers on what might be going wrong?
Thanks in advance :)
Ant-version: 1.6.1
Junit version: 4.10
Ok, i digged down further and found that this is not related to any specific application server. It can be reproduced on any app server.
Just create a sample (junit4) test case as mentioned below:
public void stringTest() {
org.junit.Assert.assertEquals("Comparing 2 string:", "abc", "xyz");
Now, run it from eclipse; you will see result as 1 failure.
Run the same via some app server, using an ant (or maven) target and you will get the result as error.
After going through the logs I think that this must be because the junit4 org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(String message, Object expected,Object actual) method throws ComparisonFailure instead of AssertionError.
My analysis on this is that junit4 assert() method (org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(String, Object, Object)) throws ComparisonFailure only for String instances.
Following is the code of org.junit.Assert.assertEquals (junit4 assert method):
static public void assertEquals(String message, Object expected, Object actual) {
if (expected == null && actual == null)
if (expected != null && isEquals(expected, actual))
else if (expected instanceof String && actual instanceof String) {
String cleanMessage= message == null ? "" : message;
throw new ComparisonFailure(cleanMessage, (String) expected,
(String) actual);
} else
failNotEquals(message, expected, actual);
And this is the code for junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(String, Object, Object) (i.e. junit3 assert method)
static public void assertEquals(String message, Object expected, Object actual) {
if (expected == null && actual == null)
if (expected != null && expected.equals(actual))
failNotEquals(message, expected, actual);
It can be observed that in junit4 assertEquals() an extra check is added for unequal String instances which throws ComparisonFailure for two unequal strings. For all other unequal objects i.e Integer, Long,etc. the call goes to failNotEquals() method which throws an AssertionError.
Can anyone help me to understand the design significance of adding a String instance check in junit4's org.junit.Assert.assertEquals() method. Why is it really added and why only for String?
The differences in test result behavior as mentioned in question is because of ant version issue. For lower versions of ant, you'll get such type of behavior (may be because the lower ant versions consider ComparisonFailure as error instead of failure).
I found this behavior in ant version 1.7.1 (and lower). But this issue is solved in latest ant jar i.e. 1.8.4.
When I executed the above mentioned test case on latest ant version, the result was logged as failure and not error.
So, if you encounter such a problem just update your ant jar to 1.8.4 or other latest version available.
While reading an Asp.Net MVC code sample that used MbUnit as it's testing framework, I saw that it was possible to run a single test against multiple input possibilities by using a Row attribute, like so:
[Row("sdfdf dsfsdf")]
public void Invalid_Emails_Should_Return_False(string invalidEmail)
Please I'd like to know if there is an NUnit equivalent of MbUnit's Row attribute , or otherwise an elegant way to achieve this in NUnit. Thanks.
I think you're after the TestCase attribute
public void DivideTest(int n, int d, int q)
Assert.AreEqual( q, n / d );
NUnits Sequential attribute does exactly that.
The SequentialAttribute is used on a
test to specify that NUnit should
generate test cases by selecting
individual data items provided for the
parameters of the test, without
generating additional combinations.
Note: If parameter data is provided by
multiple attributes, the order in
which NUnit uses the data items is not
guaranteed. However, it can be
expected to remain constant for a
given runtime and operating system.
Example The following test will be
executed three times, as follows:
MyTest(1, "A")
MyTest(2, "B")
MyTest(3, null)
[Test, Sequential]
public void MyTest(
[Values(1,2,3)] int x,
[Values("A","B")] string s)
Given your example, this would become
[Test, Sequential]
public void IsValidEmail_Invalid_Emails_Should_Return_False(
, "sdfdf dsfsdf"
, "sdfdf#.com")] string invalidEmail)