ejabberd live run toolbar start, but failed - erlang

I open a shell, and run "ejabberdctl live";
it return "ejabberd 2.1.13 is started in the node ejabberd#localhost", when run "toolbar:start().", it return "** exception error: undefined function toolbar:start/0"


Hyperledger Caliper on Sample Repo

I'm setting up Hyperledger Caliper and using it to test the sample repo. While performing this:
npx caliper launch manager --caliper-workspace . --caliper-benchconfig benchmarks/scenario/simple/config.yaml --caliper-networkconfig networks/ethereum/1node-clique/networkconfig.json
I got these errors:
2022.05.30-13:14:17.377 error [caliper] [caliper-utils] Unsuccessful command execution. Error code: 1. Terminating signal: null
2022.05.30-13:14:17.377 error [caliper] [caliper-engine] An error occurred while executing the start command: Error: Command failed: cd .; docker-compose -f ./networks/ethereum/1node-clique/docker-compose.yml up -d && sleep 60s
2022.05.30-11:47:31.196 error [caliper] [cli-launch-manager] Benchmark failed with error code 3
What's Benchmark failed with error code 3?

I am getting error throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event when try to install NYC code coverage tool using terminal

I am installing NYC code coverage tool and setting report path, getting "throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event" when try to set up.
I am hitting following command and getting above error
NODE_ENV=TEST APPLICATION=TEST VAULT_ROLE_ID=$TEST VAULT_SECRET_ID=$TEST VAULT_PATH=TEST PORT=1234 /usr/local/bin/nyc cover --report=json-summary --report=html --report=text node $LOCATION_OF_APP.js

Robot framework - How do I see the output of a command executed in a shell?

I would like to use the Robot framework to automate a step where the next command is executed in a cmd:
docker-compose logs --no-color --tail=1 the-server
The output of the previous command will be the log of the server named the-server in the docker-compose.yml file.
After I would like to check if the response of this command has the string Started the-server, to check if the server is up.
I'm using the next robot file:
*** Settings ***
Library Process
Library OperatingSystem
Suite Setup log running on ${properties.hostname}
Suite Teardown Terminate All Processes kill=True
Variables C:/Users/TheUser/Desktop/CheckOutRegression/properties.py
*** Test Cases ***
Check if the-server is up
${result} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10x 20s Check The-Server
*** Keyword ***
Check The-Server
${resultOfcmd} Run Process docker-compose logs --no-color --tail\=1 the-server shell=yes cwd=${properties.pathToDocker}
Should Contain ${resultOfcmd} 'Started the-server' PASS
Log To Console ${resultOfcmd}
The test-case is always failing with the error:
Keyword 'Check The-Server' failed after retrying 10 times. The last error was: TypeError: 'ExecutionResult' object is not iterable
also I'm not sure if the variable {resultOfcmd} contains the output of the command docker-compose logs --no-color --tail\=1 the-server.
Can anyone help?
Check Process library documentation about Result object from Run Process keyword:
You get your results from ${resultOfcmd.stdout}.
You should also use Log To Console before failing keyword to see result before test fails.
Log To Console ${resultOfcmd.stdout} console=yes

BrowserifyRails::BrowserifyError in Pages#index

I am new to Ruby on Rails. I have upload code from local to aws with nginx (passanger). Everytime I facing this error(showing in picture enter image description here).
Error while running `/var/www/4free-backend/node_modules/.bin/browserifyinc -t babelify --fast --list --cachefile=/var/www/4free-backend/tmp/cache/browserify-rails/browserifyinc-cache.json -o "/var/www/4free-backend/tmp/cache/browserify-rails/output20180813-6665-tzjoay" -`:
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: EMFILE: too many open files, open '/var/www/4free-backend/node_modules/material-ui/package.json'
at Error (native)

Recompiling src file from cowboy prompt gives undefined function compile

I have my server running with
make run
Then I edited a file. Back in the cowboy terminal I type
(tunnel#> c(clock).
Recompiling /root/tunnel/src/clock.erl
** exception error: undefined function compile:file/2
in function c:compile_and_load/2 (c.erl, line 259)
in call from c:safe_recompile/3 (c.erl, line 235)
(tunnel#> compile(clock).
it seems that the shell recognizes the compile shortcut but it lists it as undefined.
How do I recompile while the server is running?
I also tried erlc src/clock.erl, which gave me a warning using export all but didn't respond with any error.
