Validates the presence of an option - ruby-on-rails

I have a form that I want to validate if an option has been selected.
I do not want to accept the default starting option, "Please Select a Product"
I using this now and get a uninitialized contant error. I believe I am writing the syntax wrong.
validates :product_name, :presence => { :unless => (product_name = "Please Select a Product")}
<span class="span5 pagination-right">
<%= f.label "Product" %>
<%= :product_name, options_for_select([ ["Please Select a Product"] ]) %>
How am I supposed to have the option written?
Thank you
The product_name is changed like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#ticket_product_name').html("<option>Please Select a Product</option>");
$('#ticket_firmware_version_string').html("<option>Please Select a Firmware</option>");
$('#ticket_product_name').html("<option>Please Select a Product</option>");
$('#ticket_firmware_version_string').html("<option>Please Select a Firmware</option>");
if ($('#category').val() == "blah")
else if ($('#category').val() == "another category")
$('#ticket_product_name').append("<option>blah product</option>");
until end of options, end script.

I think what you are looking for is a placeholder for this select. In this case, I used a disabled option:
<% options = options_for_select(["Select an option", ["Product #1",1], ["Product #2",2]], disabled: "Select an option") %>
<%= :product_name, options %>

You should use include_blank from the select helper, like this:
<%= :product_name, options_for_select([["opt1",1],["opt2",2]]), include_blank: true %>
and then, on model
validates :product_name, :presence => true
#MrYoshiji commented something truthful in my answer - if you are not allowing it to be blank, the easy way is simply not add a blank option in the select

I would recommend to use the :prompt option for your select helper (the documentation on this isn't quite straight forwward, but it's ok in this version of the same thing: This allows you to define a helper string of text to encourage the user to select an option, but will submit a nil value back when the form is submitted.
<%= :product_name, PRODUCT_NAME_OPTIONS, prompt: 'Select an option' %>
The next thing I'd recommend is... instead of validating presence of on the model, do a validates_inclusion_of. This way you can define the set of options in the model and then use that same set of options in the select helper, above, as well is in your validation. This way you know the form wasn't manipulated to include a different option and it actually keeps things a bit DRYer.
PRODUCT_NAME_OPTIONS = {'opt 1' => 'opt1', 'opt 2' => 'opt2'}
validates_inclusion_of :product_name, :in => PRODUCT_NAME_OPTIONS.values, :message => 'choose from the available options'

Instead of making this too complicated, I just added a length validation since the default is much longer then the product names. Simple is best, however there should be a string validator option.
validates :product_name, presence: true, length: {
maximum: 21,
too_long: ": Must select a product"


Select option not preselected after validation using collection in formtastic field

I'm 90% sure I'm doing something obviously wrong here, but when I'm using a select with a collection:
<%= f.input :description,
:label => "Which best describes who you are?",
:prompt => "Select an option...",
:collection => [[ "I am working for a company", "working"],["I am a freelancer", "freelancer"],["I am studying", "studying"],["I have recently graduated", "graduated"],["I teach", "teach"],["None of these things","none"]]
and the form fails validation, the previously selected value is not selected, even though it is saved and is being passed to the params[:user][:description] as expected. Any ideas where I'm going wrong?
It's described there, so following should work :description,
options_for_select([[ "I am working for a company", "working"],["I am a freelancer", "freelancer"],["I am studying", "studying"],["I have recently graduated", "graduated"],["I teach", "teach"],["None of these things","none"]], f.object.description)
:label => "Which best describes who you are?",
:prompt => "Select an option...",
Also I would suggest moving collection to a separate helper method

options_for_select selected value not working

I have a form for projectuser data, but when I edit the projectuser, the selected projectuser stays empty, what is going wrong? This is the code:
= :user_id, options_for_select({ |u| [u.full_name,] }, selected: #projectuser.full_name), include_blank: true
The documentation states:
options_for_select(container, selected = nil) public
(million examples)
So you shouldn't pass selected: something, but just something. Also, this something needs to be selected value, not text:
= :user_id, options_for_select(#users.pluck(:name, :id),, include_blank: true
following your answer I wrote something like this. :relationship,
options_for_select({|rel| [,]}, ),
prompt: 'Please select', class: "form-control"
I get an Called id on nil error as this is trying to set a selected value which doesn't exist yet.
I'm on rails 3.13
my Order model has a belongs_to relationship with the Relationship model
Thanks for your help.

need to add default value in field to existing ones - rails 3.2

With the code I have below in the select field I have all the public_campaigns:
<%= :campaign_id,{|x| [,]} %>
public_campaigns is defined in controller with:
#public_campaigns = #logged_in_user.campaigns.order('created_at desc')
In the form I select the campaign and fill up the rest of the form and at the submit action an invitation is created with campaign_id taken from the campaign I selected in the form, it can be anything from 1 to n
What I need now is to have a default item in select field that will have the value of 0 and named "No campaign", it means I invite someone to a campaign that I have not created yet and in invitation the campaign_id field will be 0.
Thank you for your time.
Do you really need 0? I think use of {:include_blank => "No campaign"} should be enough?
Try this:
<%= :campaign_id, ({|x| [,]} << ["No campaign",0]), {:selected => 0} %>
Well, the fastest way you can do this is something like this:
#public_campaigns = #logged_in_user.campaigns.order('created_at desc')
no_campaign = => '0', :name => 'No Campaign')
I'm not sure why you are unable to do it this way:
<%= f.collection_select :campaign_id, #public_campaigns, :id, :name, prompt: 'No campaign' %>
Just check if campaign_id.nil? instead of assigning any value to campaign_id

Set Selected Value on Dropdown Based on Model Property

i have a simple dropdown like :
<%= collection_select("user_cities", "city_id", current_user.cities, :id, :name ) %>
current_user.cities is an array of the user cities. Each city has a field named "is_primary" and only one city has it set as true.
My question is, how can i make the above collection_select(or transform it if needed), so that it picks the selected option, based on City.is_primary ?
From the docs:
By default, post.person_id [in your case user_cities.city_id] is the selected option. Specify :selected => value to use a different selection or :selected => nil to leave all options unselected.
Armed with that knowledge we can pass the appropriate option to collection_select:
<%= collection_select "user_cities", "city_id", current_user.cities, :id, :name,
:selected => current_user.cities.detect(&:is_primary).id
collection_select("user_cities", "city_id", current_user.cities, :id, :name,{:selected => current_user.cities.where(:is_primary => 1)})
I would start by defining a method called primary_city in your User model.
def primary_city
cities.where(:is_primary => true).first
<%= collection_select("user_cities", "city_id", current_user.cities, :id, :name, { :selected=> } ) %>

Not setting anything in Rails' collection_select

I have a Rails 2.3 web application that uses the collection_select helper with :multiple => true to handle a habtm relationship. This is working fine to set one or multiple values, however I have not figured out how to allow to REMOVE all selections.
<%= f.collection_select :category_ids, Category.find(:all), :id, :name,
{ :selected => #entry.category_ids },
{ :multiple => true, :name => 'entry[category_ids][]' }
Once the user has ever set a category for an entry, how would I go about allowing it to be removed, so that this entry has no category? Is this possible with collection_select or would I need to add a checkbox to handle this specially?
P.S: I already tried with :prompt, :include_blank and :allow_blank, but as far as I could see neither of them did anything.
In your controller's update action, put in the following line:
params[:entry][:category_ids] ||= []
before the call to Entry.find.
