View Controller Transitions on ios - ios

I have a problem with a transition on my app. I have a menu view controller which is the root view. I have have a overview controller which is the 'main' controller offering options for users to move through the application. The overview controller has a button which slides the view to the right to display the menu controller behind it. the problem I have is that when the app launches i set the root view to the menu controller and then place the overview on top of that and when the app launches it flashes the menu controller before place the overview on top of it. My question is, is there any way to get rid of that flash? so can i push the overview on top of the menu before it appears? or show the overview and then add the menu underneath it?
Thanks in advance for the help.


How to always show a viewcontroller even when navigating screens in iOS?

I have this music player view controller that can be minimized. Thanks to LNPopupController[].
Everything is working fine, but I have no idea how to make this music player view controller stays on top even when the user navigates to the other screens (even when the main navigation controller pushes another view controller). The app doesn't use tab bar controller by the way.
So, is there a way to implement this kind of idea? Again, sticking the minimized view controller on top of every screens of the app?
Developer of the framework here.
If you present the popup bar from a navigation controller, it will appear for all pushed controllers. Likewise for a tab bar controller.
If you need to have it for all controllers, it's not easily possible. One way is the have your entire application scene appear as a child controller of a view controller, and have that controller present the popup bar. This is a difficult way to make it work, and not recommended. It has many issues.
The popup controller is not meant to appear on the screen all the time. It is meant to implement a similar functionality as Apple's.
add the minimized view controller on keyWindown which your minimized view controller always on top ,I didnot Know whether can help you,the code demo gif as is show,If anyone need Demo,give me one to 1) to get demo

How to add navigation drawer feature in later views(for ex: 2nd view) of the app?

I am trying to implement Navigation Drawer like menu on my iPhone project.
I have looked at the forums and find out there are many samples given in this link:
Stackoverflow Navigation drawer query
But, they have not helped me much. Because, all the apps are developed Navigation drawer in the Home screen(1st view) of the app itself and using window.rootViewController
My requirement is, I need Navigation Drawer like menu NOT in the home screen(1st view) of the app, rather need on the 2nd view of the app, hence I don't know how to add this feature.
Could someone please suggest me how to add navigation drawer like menu feature in later views(for ex: 2nd view) of the app?
I don't quite get how you want the menu. You can add Navigation Controller anywhere you want, all it's going to do is give you a Navigation Bar on which you can give a title and a Back button, usually with the name of the title of the previous page.
You can simply add the navigation where you want and control drag from the view or object you want to perform the segue. If it's a button you can use an IBAction with a performSegueWithIdentifier method.
Hope I could help

iOS Slide out menu, need it to be accessible on every View Controller

As title suggests, how would you go about doing that?
Basically, I need a slide out menu to be accessible from every screen.
Currently, I have a navigation stack, that you have to dismissViewController each view controller (back button) on the stack, in which then you can launch the menu. I need the menu to be launched from any screen.
Have a look at this project
It should solve your problem.
I applied it in the root view and I can slide from anywhere.

iOS: How to get a modal view to partially cover the parent view?

I am quite new in iOS development and I am facing an issue with the design of navigation. So my goal is simple: I have a view with a right navigation button which I want to open a modal view that would partially cover the parent view like on this screenshot: modal view example
Currently this is what I did: I embedded a UIViewController in a UINavigationController, then I added a right navigation button in my view controller which navigates to another UIViewController through a modal action segue. But whenever I navigate to the modal view, it fully covers the parent view.
So how can I get it to only cover partially the parent view with Interface Builder settings? Or do I need to use some code behind to achieve that?
Thanks for your help :)
NB: I don't want to use Popovers, I want it to be in the middle of the screen with no attach.
To achieve this you have to select your segue and modify the Presentation property to Form Sheet, as shown in the image below

2 tab bar controller, 2 nav bar controller linked to ONE view (storyboard)

I've got a problem with my application UI.
I want to link 2 tab bar controller to one view, but I don't know how to represent it?
To give you the context of my application, I have a series of views controller that give some useful support information for my app. I want theses view to be displayed on both of my tab bar controller menu (one tab bar controller is displayed when the user is logged in, and the other when he's not)
I thought of putting a view controller between the tab bar controller and the navigation controller, which could trigger the view I'm looking to display 'twice', but for some reasons I couldnt get it to work. (I'm not sure if it's the best implementation, too)
Here's a screenshot of what my storyboard look like right now:
