I'm using Single Table Inheritance using the following structure:
class Business < ActiveRecord::Base
class Restaurant < Business
class Bar < Business
and wanted to get a list of subclasses as a string array, so for Business -> ['Restaurant', 'Bar']
Any ideas on how I would go about this?
Here's one way to handle it.
Opinion I personally like this approach because the parent can define specific behavior or configuration when a child class is inheriting from the parent
class Business
##children = []
def self.inherited(klass)
##children << klass
def self.children
class Restaurant < Business; end
class Bar < Business; end
Let's see it work
#=> [Restaurant, Bar]
You can do:
Business.descendants.map {|klass| klass.name.demodulize } #generally I nest descendant in the main class namespace, hence the demodulize
Btw, due to Rails dev environment principles, you could have issues when developing.
Example, if you use a scope: Business.a_scope you could encounter issues.
It's known and the known way to proceed id to add at the bottom of your main class (Business here) something like:
your_children_types.each do |type|
require_dependency "#{Rails.root}/app/models/#{ path_to_your_child(type) }"
Don't have the reputation to comment on #naomik's answer, but if you're using Rails please remember to also add 'super' after your additions to the inherited method, like:
def self.inherited(klass)
##children << klass
super # this is 'super' important to not wipe out Rails' descendant tracker
I am trying to keep the namespace of a class when including a module.
Lets say I have these Models:
class Shop < ApplicationRecord
self.abstract_class = true
class A::Shop < ::Shop
class B::Shop < ::Shop
And this controller:
module A
class ShopController < AuthenticatedController
include Basic::Features
def test
p Shop.new #YES! its a A::Shop
And this Module:
module Basic
module Features
def test
p Shop.new #Shop (abstract)
In the above example, the namespace is overwritten when including the module.
As I want to use the Basic::Features module at multiple places in my codebase, I would like to automatically switch between A::Shop and B::Shop when including it in the controller.
Anybody any idea if this is possible, and how.
Here is one option:
module Basic
module Features
def test
p Object.const_get('::' + self.class.to_s.split('::').first + '::Shop')
It will not work if you have deeper namespaces, e.g. A::B::Shop, but it could be made to work. Also in rails you could use deconstantize instead of split.
I think the reason you code does not work is because it is looking in A::ShopController namespace and since not found it then tries the root namespace, ::, and finds Shop.
I want to define 3 classes:
a MotherClass (abstract, can not be inferred)
a SubClassA (inherits from MotherClass)
a SubClassB (inherits from MotherClass)
What is the best solution to declare it in Rails ?
1. Put everything in app/models/
MotherClass < AR::Base in app/models/mother_class.rb
SubClassA < MotherClass in app_models/sub_class_a.rb
SubClassB < MotherClass in app/models/sub_class_b.rb
Advantage: not very complicated to implement
Inconvenient: a big mess in models folder
2. Create a module for the two subclasses
MotherClass < AR::Base in app/models/mother_class.rb
MotherModule::SubClassA < MotherClass in app/models/mother_module/sub_class_a.rb
MotherModule::SubClassB < MotherClass in app/models/mother_module/sub_class_b.rb
Advantage: same than Solution 1
Inconvenient: naming MotherModule and MotherClass with different names, but they mean almost the same thing
3. Create a module for the 3 classes
MotherModule::Base < AR::Base in app/models/mother_module/base.rb
MotherModule::SubClassA < MotherModule::Base in app/models/mother_module/sub_class_a.rb
MotherModule::SubClassB < MotherModule::Base in app/models/mother_module/sub_class_b.rb
Advantage: very clean
Inconvenient: need some functions in Base to override (table_name for example)
So my question is: What is the best practice in Rails and
- how to name my classes?
- what are their directories?
First of all, I think you must already realize that ruby does not have true abstract classes. But we can approximate the behavior. And while doing so, it sounds like you have a preference toward organizational structure which I will attempt to address.
I must start by saying, however, that I'm surprised that you're coming at the problem so strongly from the organizational angle. First on my mind would be whether I really wanted to implement single table inheritance or not and then let that drive the organizational problem. Usually the answer here is that Single Table Inheritance is not what you actually want. But... let's dive in!
Using Single Table Inheritance
Here's the standard way to utilize and organize models using Single Table Inheritance:
# app/models/mother_class.rb
class MotherClass < ActiveRecord::Base
# An "abstract" method
def method1
raise NotImplementedError, "Subclasses must define `method1`."
def method2
puts method1 # raises NotImplementedError if `method1` is not redefined by a subclass
# app/models/sub_class_a.rb
class SubClassA < MotherClass
def method1
# do something
# app/models/sub_class_b.rb
class SubClassB < MotherClass
def method1
# do something
Given the above, we would get an exception when calling MotherClass.new.method2 but not when calling SubClassA.new.method2 or SubClassB.new.method2. So we've satisfied the "abstract" requirements. Organizationally, you called this a big mess in the models folder... which I can understand if you've got tons of these subclasses or something. But, remember that in single table inheritance even then parent class is a model and is / should be usable as such! So, that said, if you'd really like to organize your models file system better then you are free to do so. For example, you could do:
In this, we are keeping all other things (i.e. the Code for each of these models) the same. We're not namespacing these models in any way, we're just organizing them. To make this work it's just a matter of helping Rails to find the models now that we've placed them in a subfolder of the models folder without any other clues (i.e. without namespacing them). Please refer to this other Stack Overflow post for this. But, in short, you simply need to add the following to your config/application.rb file:
config.autoload_paths += Dir[Rails.root.join('app', 'models', '{**/}')]
Using Mixins
If you decide that Single Table Inheritance is not what you want (and they often aren't, really) then mixins can give you the same quasi-abstract functionality. And you can, again, be flexible on file organization. The common, organizational pattern for mixins is this:
# app/models/concerns/mother_module.rb
module MotherModule
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
# An "abstract" method
def method1
raise NotImplementedError, "Subclasses must define `method1`."
def method2
puts method1 # raises NotImplementedError if `method1` is not redefined
# app/models/sub_class_a.rb
class SubClassA
include MotherModule
def method1
# do something
# app/models/sub_class_b.rb
class SubClassB
include MotherModule
def method1
# do something
With this approach, we continue to not get an exception when calling SubClassA.new.method2 or SubClassB.new.method2 because we've overridden these methods in the "subclasses". And since we can't really call MotherModule#method1 directly it is certainly an abstract method.
In the above organization, we've tucked MotherModule away into the models/concerns folder. This is the common location for mixins in Rails these days. You didn't mention what rails version you're on, so if you don't already have a models/concerns folder you'll want to make one and then make rails autoload models from there. This would, again, be done in config/application.rb with the following line:
config.autoload_paths += Dir[Rails.root.join('app', 'concerns', '{**/}')]
The organization with the mixins approach is, in my opinion, simple and clear in that SubclassA and SubClassB are (obviously) models and, since they include the MotherModule concern they get the behaviors of MotherModule. If you wanted to group the subclass models, organizationally, into a folder then you could still do this of course. Just use the same approach outlined at the end of the Single Table Inheritance section, above. But I'd probably keep MotherModule located in the models/concerns folder still.
Even though ruby doesn't really have abstract classes, it's powerful enough to let you implement it yourself by implementing self.included on a mixin module. Hopefully this generic example gives you enough to go on for your particular implementation.
module MotherInterface
def self.included base
required_class_methods = [:method1, :method2]
required_instance_methods = [:fizzle, :fazzle]
required_associations = [:traits, :whatevers]
required_class_methods.each do |cm|
raise "MotherInterface: please define .#{cm} class method on host class #{base.name}" unless base.respond_to?(cm)
required_instance_methods.each do |im|
raise "MotherInterface: please define ##{im} instance method on host class #{base.name}" unless base.instance_methods.include?(im)
required_associations.each do |ass|
raise "MotherInterface: please be sure #{base.name} has a :#{ass} association" unless base.reflections.key?(ass)
base.send :include, InstanceMethods
base.extend ClassMethods
# inherited instance methods
module InstanceMethods
def foo
def bar
# inherited class methods
module ClassMethods
def baz
def bat
class SubClassA < ActiveRecord::Base
include MotherInterface
# ... define required methods here ...
class SubClassB < ActiveRecord::Base
include MotherInterface
Some advantages to this approach are:
Yes, you can still technically instantiate the mixin, but it's not actually tied to active record, so it tastes more like an abstract class.
The sub classes get to define their own connection information. You have two databases? Differing columns? Cool, no problem. Just implement your instance methods and stuff appropriately.
The dividing line between parent and child is very obvious.
But, there are disadvantages too:
All the meta programming is a bit more complex. You'll have to think a little abstractly (HA!) about how to organize your code.
There are probably other advantages and disadvantages I haven't considered, kind of in a hurry here.
Now, as far as file locations, I would suggest that the mixin itself, presumably mother_interface.rb, go someplace other than your models folder.
In config/application.rb, throw in a line like this:
config.autoload_paths << File.join(Rails.root, 'app', 'lib')
...and then you can create (rails)/app/lib/mother_interface.rb. Really, you should do it however makes sense to you. I dislike the word "concerns" for this, and other people dislike the word "lib." So, use whatever word you like, or make up your own.
Using Single Table Inheritance with little bit meta programming
# app/models/mother_class.rb
class MotherClass < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.inherited(subclass)
module OnlyChildMethods
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
def child_method_one
puts 'hi one'
def child_method_two
puts 'hi two'
# app/models/sub_class_a.rb
class SubClassA < MotherClass
def some_specific_method
#some code
# app/models/sub_class_b.rb
class SubClassB < MotherClass
def some_specific_method
#some code
=> NoMethodError: undefined method 'child_method_one'
hi one
=> nil
I am using Ruby on Rails 3.2.2 and the Squeel gem. I have following statements and I am trying to refactoring the my_squeel_query method in a Mixin module (since it is used by many of my models):
# Note: 'article_comment_associations' and 'model_as_like_article_comment_associations'
# refer to database table names.
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
def my_squeel_query
article_comment_associations.article_id.eq(my{self.id}) & ...
class ModelAsLikeArticle < ActiveRecord::Base
def my_squeel_query
model_as_like_article_comment_associations.article_id.eq(my{self.id}) & ...
My problem is that I can not refactoring article_comment_associations and model_as_like_article_comment_associations statements by generating a dynamic name in the Mixin module. That is, if that was a String I could dynamically generate the related name by using something like "#{self.class.to_s.singularize}_comment_associations" as the following:
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
include MyModule
class ModelAsLikeArticle < ActiveRecord::Base
include MyModule
module MyModule
def my_squeel_query
# Note: This code doesn't work. It is just an sample.
"#{self.class.to_s.singularize}_comment_associations".article_id.eq(my{self.id}) & ...
But, since it is not my case, I cannot "build" the name and make the my_squeel_query to be "shared" across models.
How can I dynamically generate association names related to the Squeel gem? Should I think to refactoring in another way? What do you advice about?
Since the DSL is instance_evaled, you can actually say something like:
def my_squeel_query
base = self
# Note: This code does work. Because it's awesome.
You can do this if you generate the methods dynamically. The Module.included method is provided for this purpose:
module ModuleAsLikeArticle
def self.included(base)
base.send(:define_method, "#{base.to_s.singularize}_comment_associations") do
# ...
This gets triggered when the module is imported with include and allows you to create methods specifically tailored for that.
As a note you might want to use base.name.underscore.singularize for a more readable method name. By convention, method names should not have upper-case in them, especially not as the first character.
Conventional Rails type applications use a different approach, though, instead defining a class method that can be used to create these on-demand:
module ModuleAsLikeArticle
def has_comments
base.send(:define_method, "#{base.to_s.singularize}_comment_associations") do
# ...
This would be used like this:
class ModelAsLikeArticle < ActiveRecord::Base
extend MyModule
Since the method is not created until has_comments is called, you can safely extend ActiveRecord::Base and then insert the appropriate call in all the classes which require that functionality.
I think you might find what you need in the Rails Reflection class (http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Reflection/ClassMethods.html), which, as the page says, allows you to interrogate ActiveRecord classes about their associations and aggregations.
If a few of my models have a privacy column, is there a way I can write one method shared by all the models, lets call it is_public?
so, I'd like to be able to do object_var.is_public?
One possible way is to put shared methods in a module like this (RAILS_ROOT/lib/shared_methods.rb)
module SharedMethods
def is_public?
# your code
Then you need to include this module in every model that should have these methods (i.e. app/models/your_model.rb)
class YourModel < ActiveRecord::Base
include SharedMethods
In Rails 4 there is a new way to do this. You should place shared Code like this in app/models/concerns instead of lib
Also you can add class methods and execute code on inclusion like this
module SharedMethods
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
scope :public, -> { where(…) }
def is_public?
# your code
module ClassMethods
def find_all_public
where #some condition
You can also do this by inheriting the models from a common ancestor which includes the shared methods.
class BaseModel < ActiveRecord::Base
def is_public?
# blah blah
class ChildModel < BaseModel
In practice, jigfox's approach often works out better, so don't feel obligated to use inheritance merely out of love for OOP theory :)
I have an issue with Ruby on Rails.
I have several model classes that inherit from the same class in order to have some generic behaviour.
The parent class is called CachedElement.
One of the child is called Outcome.
I want an other model, called Flow to belong to any child of CachedElement.
Hence Flow has a polymorphic attributes called element, to which it belongs_to
When I create a new flow, that belongs to an Outcome, the element_type is set to "CachedElement" which is the parent class, instead of "Outcome".
This is confusing because since I have several type of CachedElement which are stored in different tables, the element_id refers to several different element.
In short I would like the element_type field to refer to the child class name and not the parent class name.
How can I do that ?
The field element_type is set to the parent class because ActiveRecord expects you to use single-table inheritance when deriving from other models. The field will reference the base class because it refers to the table that each instance is stored in.
If the children of CachedElement are stored in their own tables, it may be more helpful to replace the use of inheritance with the use of Ruby modules. The standard approach for sharing logic between classes is to use mix-ins instead of inheritance. For example:
module Cacheable
# methods that should be available for all cached models
# ...
class Outcome < ActiveRecord::Base
include Cacheable
# ...
You can now easily use polymorphic associations as you have been doing already, and element_type will be set to the proper class.
the file should go on you lib folder. but...
you could do the inheritance thing as well.
all you need to do is to tell you parent class to act as an abstract class.
# put this in your parent class then try to save a polymorphic item again.
# and dont forget to reload, (I prefer restart) if your gonna try this in
# your console.
def self.abstract_class?
and thats pretty much it, this was kinda unespected for me and actually really
hard to find in the documentation and anywhere else.
Kazuyoshi Tlacaelel.
Thanks, that's what I did, but it was kind of tricky to be able to inherits both instance and class methods from the module
Class methods can be done by:
module Cachable
def self.included(base)
module ClassMethods
def a_class_method
"I'm a class method!"
def an_instance_method
"I'm an instance method!"
class Outcome < ActiveRecord::Base
include Cacheable
if you want to add class methods and instance methods through a mixin (Module)
then I recommend you to abstract these in different modules.
module FakeInheritance
def self.included(klass)
klass.extend ClassMethods
klass.send(:include, InstanceMethods)
module ClassMethods
def some_static_method
# you dont need to add self's anywhere since they will be merged into the right scope
# and that is very cool because your code is more clean!
module InstanceMethods
# methods in here will be accessable only when you create an instance
# fake inheritance with static and instance methods
class CachedElement
include FakeInheritance