ASP.NET MVC, Layers, Models, Repositories etc -

I have some questions after reading an article called Layered Application Guidelines (
For example, I have an ASP.NET MVC application. In my application I have some Entities (Models), Repositories, UnitOfWork and DbContext. And some Views and Controllers as well.
How to split them into layers according to an article above?
As far as I understand, Views and (maybe) Controllers reside in a Presentation Layer. Entities (Models) in Business Layer and Repositories, UnitOfWork and DbContext in Data Layer.
Am I right or mistaken? I'm very-very unsure about it.
Thanks in advance!

Views and Controllers should reside in the presentation layer. Your models should also reside in the presentation layer. Models reflect a view model that is used for presentation only. Entities should represent data and should not be sent to the View. In the presentation later, the models should be populated from the entities. You are correct in that your DbContext and UnitOfWork should be in the data layer.

The way the layers are separated will depend on the scope of your application. For a small one, Areas may suffice. For a larger project, or a project which may become large, you should look into creating separate solutions for each layer. This is known as an n-tier approach, and can be seen when looking at the excellent example at

View models/Views/Controllers - presentation layer
Entities - business layer
The repository mediates between the data source layer and the business layers of the application
The DbContext Represents a combination of the Unit-Of-Work and Repository patterns, so if you are implementing a repository and unit of work on top of it could mean that you should consider to limit your abstractions. (This last point may not apply in your case, I couldn't say without knowing more about your design).

Entity Framework entities (along with the framework) are your data layer. In many applications they also become part of your business layer - and it is debatable whether or not this is good (I personally don't like that, but when you abstract it with say the repository model there is a good argument that you are losing some of the benefits provided by EF).
Depending on how you separate out your code (and it sounds like you are using the repository pattern) you may have a repositories containing some business logic, or have a services layer as well (my preference for 3 tier applications) where business logic (mostly) happens.
I would argue that you should be considering View Models as well as part of your presentation model - but if you are using MVC and data-annotations (which are excellent for this job) to validate your model you have just piled a bunch of business logic in to them.
The most important place to prevent business logic from creeping into is your presentation layer, and most importantly your Views and Controllers. The approach to how you structure the rest of your application depends heavily on the framework you choose, the scale of your application and the deployment structure of the application.
So to be as clear as possible this is what I do*:
Views <--Presentation layer only
Controllers <--Presentation layer only (might end up with slightly 'fat' controller in some instances, e.g. .NET Membership login)
View Models <--Presentation layer, but if doing validations here often business rules are also being tested.
Service Layer <--Business Layer if used
Repositories <--Could be Data layer only, or mix of business layer. If you do the repository pattern try and avoid exposing your DbSets directly, as this immediately defeats the abstraction you are attempting to provide (potential exceptions to this, e.g. - .Net Membership)
Entities <--Data layer, possibly with also business logic depending on how you structure your application.
*Not to be taken as authoritative


Entity Framework and ASP.NET MVC - how to directly make use of DBContext and DBSet to behave as Repository and Unity of Work patterns?

I am in the process of making project decisions on development patterns for a solution, which involves the use of Entity Framework 6 as the ORM choice,
and ASP.NET MVC 5.
I need insight on how transactions and business logic will be implemented. In respect to layers, I came to an initial assumption for the design where
Entity Framework on top of SQL Server can be considered the Data Access Layer (DAL). On top of Entity Framework, there will be a Service Layer, where business logic and validation will be implemented. On top of the Service Layer, I will have ASP.NET MVC Controllers consuming what the service layer offers.
Let me ellaborate on this initial conclusion drawn as a starting point for defining the architecture:
I want to follow principles to achieve the minimum complexity scenario possible, in respect to layers, abstractions and all the solution components responsibilities. As an excercise, with this "simplicity" in mind, I could just embrace the template "proposed" by Microsoft as when you just create a new Visual Studio ASP.NET MVC Web application, but I believe that does not fit the minimum design scenario needed for an enterprise application, since in Microsoft's template, the controller directly makes use of Entity Framework DbContext and consumes the Data Access Layer, besides the fact that no service layer is present. This leads to several issues, such as extremely tight coupling
between the presentation and data access layer, as well as the so called "fat controller" problem, where controllers become the bloated piece of the software with all the added responsibilities of business logic, transactions, and so on, making it truly a mess to software maintainability with, for example, the most basic principle of DRY (don't repeat yourself) being violated since you would get duplicated code and logic all over your fat controllers.
Ramping up the next stage on the path from simplicity to complexity, I assume it is fair to add a Service Layer to the design, because this way ASP.NET MVC controllers would talk only to this service layer, who would be responsible for all CRUD and validation of CRUD operations, and all other more complex business logic operations. This Service Layer then would talk to the data access layer being represented by Entity Framework.
I would stop there and say the design with these proposed layers is enough, but that's where I need more insight on how to proceed. I need to resolve the question on how would transactions be implemented, if you think of them as a wrapper for a series of individual operations performed by methods responsible for validation and business logic residing in classes inside the service layer. In terms of implementation using Entity Framework, if I get every individual operation performed by a service layer method to issue a .SaveChanges(), I would lose the ability of having DBContext to behave like a Unit of Work, wrapping up a single .SaveChanges() for many individual DBSet operations. In this case, the DBSets may behave like repositories. Many people argue that Entity Framework's DBContext and DBSet are implementations if Unit of Work and Repository pattern, respectively.
In a more objective question then, how can I implement these patterns using directly DBContext and DBSet, without any further abstraction into new generic or specific entity repository classes and unit of work generic class? The implementation needs to rely on the consumption of a service layer for the reasons I have already stated.
I think an answer to that would be just the last complexity leap I feel necessary to get my "least complex viable design".
Let me put a more concrete example to illustrate:
In my service layer, I have 2 methods to implement validation logic for 2 insert operations, with a programmer defined method Insert such as:
Each of these methods in their corresponding service layer classes would have access to a DBContext and use DBSet.Add to signal they should be persisted,
in case all validation and/or business logic passes. The desired scenario is that I can use each service layer method call in an isolated way, and/or in groups, such as in a new different service layer class method, such as:
This new method would implement calls to EntityOneService.Insert and EntityTwoService.Insert, IN A TRANSACTION-LIKE FASHION.
By transaction-like I mean that all calls must succeed, not violating any validation or business rule, in order to have the persistence layer to commit the operations.
DBContext.SaveChanges() apparently would have to be called only once for this to happen, OUTSIDE of any service layer Insert method implementation. In the
context of an ASP.NET Controller consuming service layer methods, how could that be achieved, without actual implementation of a Unit of Work and Repostory abstraction over DBContext and DBSet?
Any advice please would be very much appreciated. I am not posting this to argue the value of a real abstraction and implementation of Repository and Unit of Work patterns, or if Entity Framework's DBContext and DBSet are or are not equivalent to proper Repository and Unit of Work patterns, that's not the point. My project requirements do not involve in any way the need to decouple the application from Entity Framework, or to ideally and fully promote testability.
These are not concerns and I am well aware of consequences and future maintainability impacts on not adopting full fledged implementations of half a dozen layers and all design patterns possible to make a big world-class enterprise solution.
desired scenario is that I can use each service layer method call in an isolated way ... but that behave IN A TRANSACTION-LIKE FASHION.
This is rather simple with EF, assuming your services are not remote (in which case transactions are not advisable in the first place).
In the simplest implementation, each service instance requires a DbContext to be passed in its constructor, and contributes its changes to that DbContext. The orchestrating controller code can control the lifetime of the DbContext and control its use of transactions.
In practice interfaces, rather than concrete service types are typically used, and Dependency Injection is often used instead of constructors. But the pattern is the same.
using (var db = new MyDbContext())
using (var s1 = new SomeService(db))
using (var s2 = new SomeOtherService(db))
using (var tran = db.Database.BeginTransaction())

Should services always return DTOs, or can they also return domain models?

I'm (re)designing large-scale application, we use multi-layer architecture based on DDD.
We have MVC with data layer (implementation of repositories), domain layer (definition of domain model and interfaces - repositories, services, unit of work), service layer (implementation of services). So far, we use domain models (mostly entities) across all layers, and we use DTOs only as view models (in controller, service returns domain model(s) and controller creates view model, which is passed to the view).
I'v read countless articles about using, not using, mapping and passing DTOs. I understand that there's no any definitive answer, but I'm not sure if it's ok or not returning domain models from services to controllers. If I return domain model, it's still never passed to the view, since controller always creates view-specific view model - in this case, it seem legit. On the other hand, it doesn't feel right when domain model leaves business layer (service layer). Sometimes service needs to return data object that wasn't defined in the domain and then we either have to add new object to the domain that isn't mapped, or create POCO object (this is ugly, since some services return domain models, some effectively return DTOs).
The question is - if we strictly use view models, is it ok to return domain models all the way to controllers, or should we always use DTOs for communication with service layer? If so, is it ok to adjust domain models based on what services need? (Frankly I don't think so, since services should consume what domain has.) If we should strictly stick to DTOs, should they be defined in service layer? (I think so.) Sometimes it's clear that we should use DTOs (e.g., when service performs lot of business logic and creates new objects), sometimes it's clear that we should use just domain models (e.g., when Membership service returns anemic User(s) - it seems it wouldn't make much sense to create DTO that is the same as domain model) - but I prefer consistency and good practices.
Article Domain vs DTO vs ViewModel - How and When to use them? (and also some other articles) is very similar to my problem, but it doesn't answer this question(s). Article Should I implement DTOs in repository pattern with EF? is also similar, but it doesn't deal with DDD.
Disclaimer: I don't intend to use any design pattern only because it exists and is fancy, on the other hand, I'd like to use good design patterns and practices also because it helps designing the application as a whole, helps with separation of concerns, even though using particular pattern isn't "necessary", at least at the moment.
it doesn't feel right when domain model leaves business layer (service layer)
Makes you feel like you are pulling the guts out right? According to Martin Fowler: the Service Layer defines the application's boundery, it encapsulates the domain. In other words it protects the domain.
Sometimes service needs to return data object that wasn't defined in the domain
Can you provide an example of this data object?
If we should strictly stick to DTOs, should they be defined in service layer?
Yes, because the response is part of your service layer. If it is defined "somewhere else" then the service layer needs to reference that "somewhere else", adding a new layer to your lasagna.
is it ok to return domain models all the way to controllers, or should we always use DTOs for communication with service layer?
A DTO is a response/request object, it makes sense if you use it for communication. If you use domain models in your presentation layer (MVC-Controllers/View, WebForms, ConsoleApp), then the presentation layer is tightly coupled to your domain, any changes in the domain requires you to change your controllers.
it seems it wouldn't make much sense to create DTO that is the same as domain model)
This is one of the disadvantage of DTO to new eyes. Right now, you are thinking duplication of code, but as your project expands then it would make much more sense, specially in a team environment where different teams are assigned to different layers.
DTO might add additional complexity to your application, but so are your layers. DTO is an expensive feature of your system, they don't come free.
Why use a DTO
This article provides both advantage and disadvantage of using a DTO,
Summary as follows:
When to Use
For large projects.
Project lifetime is 10 years and above.
Strategic, mission critical application.
Large teams (more than 5)
Developers are distributed geographically.
The domain and presentation are different.
Reduce overhead data exchanges (the original purpose of DTO)
When not to Use
Small to mid size project (5 members max)
Project lifetime is 2 years or so.
No separate team for GUI, backend, etc.
Arguments Against DTO
Duplication of code.
Cost of development time, debugging. (use DTO generation tools
You must synchronize both models all the time. (personally, I like this because it helps know the ripple effect of the change)
Cost of developement: Additional mapping is necessary. (use auto mappers like
Why are data transfer objects (DTOs) an anti-pattern?
Arguments With DTO
Without DTO, the presentation and the domain is tightly coupled. (This is ok for small projects.)
Interface/API stability
May provide optimization for the presentation layer by returning a DTO containing only those attributes that are absolutely required. Using linq-projection, you don't have to pull an entire entity.
To reduce development cost, use code-generating tools
I'm late to this party, but this is such a common, and important, question that I felt compelled to respond.
By "services" do you mean the "Application Layer" described by Evan's in the blue book? I'll assume you do, in which case the answer is that they should not return DTOs. I suggest reading chapter 4 in the blue book, titled "Isolating the Domain".
In that chapter, Evans says the following about the layers:
Partition a complex program into layers. Develop a design within each layer that is cohesive and that depends only on the layers below.
There is good reason for this. If you use the concept of partial order as a measure of software complexity then having a layer depend on a layer above it increases complexity, which decreases maintainability.
Applying this to your question, DTOs are really an adapter that is a concern of the User Interface / Presentation layer. Remember that remote/cross-process communication is exactly the purpose of a DTO (it's worth noting that in that post Fowler also argues against DTOs being part of a service layer, although he isn't necessarily talking DDD language).
If your application layer depends on those DTOs, it is depending on a layer above itself and your complexity increases. I can guarantee that this will increase the difficulty of maintaining your software.
For example, what if your system interfaces with several other systems or client types, each requiring their own DTO? How do you know which DTO a method of your application service should return? How would you even solve that problem if your language of choice doesn't allow overloading a method (service method, in this case) based on return type? And even if you figure out a way, why violate your Application Layer to support a Presentation layer concern?
In practical terms, this is a step down a road that will end in a spaghetti architecture. I've seen this kind of devolution and its results in my own experience.
Where I currently work, services in our Application Layer return domain objects. We don't consider this a problem since the Interface (i.e. UI/Presentation) layer is depending on the Domain layer, which is below it. Also, this dependency is minimized to a "reference only" type of dependency because:
a) the Interface Layer is only able to access these Domain objects as read-only return values obtained by calls to the Application layer
b) methods on services in the Application Layer accept as input only "raw" input (data values) or object parameters (to reduce parameter count where necessary) defined in that layer. Specifically, application services never accept Domain objects as input.
The Interface Layer uses mapping techniques defined within the Interface Layer itself to map from Domain objects to DTOs. Again, this keeps DTOs focused on being adapters that are controlled by the Interface Layer.
In my experience you should do what's practical. "The best design is the simplest design that works" - Einstein. With that is mind...
if we strictly use view models, is it ok to return domain models all the way to controllers, or should we always use DTOs for communication with service layer?
Absolutely it's ok! If you have Domain Entities, DTO's and View Models then including database tables you have all the fields in the application repeated in 4 places. I've worked on large projects where Domain Entities and View Models worked just fine. The only expception to this is if the application is distributed and the service layer resides on another server in which case DTOs are required to send across the wire for serialization reasons.
If so, is it ok to adjust domain models based on what services need? (Frankly I don't think so, since services should consume what domain has.)
Generally I'd agree and say no because the Domain model is typically a reflection of the business logic and doesn't usually get shaped by the consumer of that logic.
If we should strictly stick to DTOs, should they be defined in service layer? (I think so.)
If you decide to use them I'd agree and say yes the Service layer is the perfect place as it's returning the DTOs at the end of the day.
Good luck!
It seems that your application is big and complex enough as you have decided to go through DDD approach.
Don't return your poco entities or so called domain entities and value objects in you service layer. If you want to do this then delete your service layer because you don't need it anymore! View Model or Data transfer objects should live in Service layer because they should map to domain model members and vice versa.
So why do you need to have DTO? In complex application with lots of scenarios you should separate the concerns of domain and you presentation views, a domain model could be divided into several DTO and also several Domain models could be collapsed into a DTO. So it's better to create your DTO in layered architecture even it would be the same as your model.
Should we always use DTOs for communication with service layer?
Yes, you have to return DTO by your service layer as you have talk to your repository in service layer with domain model members and map them to DTO and return to the MVC controller and vice versa.
Is it ok to adjust domain models based on what services need?
A service just talks to repository and domain methods and domain services, you should solve the business in your domain based on your needs and it's not the service task to tell the domain what is needed.
If we should strictly stick to DTOs, should they be defined in service layer? Yes try to have DTO or ViewModel just in service later because they should be mapped to domain members in service layer and it's not a good idea to places DTO in controllers of your application(try to use Request Response pattern in your Service layer), cheers!
Late to the party, but I’m facing the exact same type of architecture and I’m leaning towards “only DTOs from service”. This is mainly because I’ve decided to only use domain objects/aggregates to maintain validity within the object, thus only when updating, creating or deleting. When we’re querying for data, we only use EF as a repository and maps the result to DTOs. This makes us free to optimize read queries and not adapt them to business objects, often using database functions as they are fast.
Each service method defines its own contract and is therefore easier to maintain over time. I hope.
So far, we use domain models (mostly entities) across all layers, and we use DTOs only as view models (in controller, service returns domain model(s) and controller creates view model, which is passed to the view).
Since Domain Model provides terminology (Ubiquitous Language) for whole your application it is better to use Domain Model widely.
The only reason to use ViewModels/DTOs is an implementation of MVC pattern in your application to separate View (any kind of presentation layer) and Model (Domain Model). In this case your presentation and domain model are loosely coupled.
Sometimes service needs to return data object that wasn't defined in the domain and then we either have to add new object to the domain that isn't mapped, or create POCO object (this is ugly, since some services return domain models, some effectively return DTOs).
I assume that you talk about Application/Business/Domain Logic services.
I suggest you return domain entities when you can. If it is needed to return additional information it is acceptable to return DTO that holds several domain entities.
Sometimes, people who use 3rd part frameworks, that generates proxies over domain entities, face difficulties exposing domain entities from their services but it is only a matter of wrong usage.
The question is - if we strictly use view models, is it ok to return domain models all the way to controllers, or should we always use DTOs for communication with service layer?
I would say it is enough to return domain entities in 99,9% cases.
In order to simplify creation of DTOs and mapping your domain entities into them you can use AutoMapper.
If you return part of your domain model, it becomes part of a contract. A contract is hard to change, as things outside of your context depend on it. As such, you would be making part of your domain model hard to change.
A very important aspect of a domain model is that it is easy to change. This makes us flexible to the domain's changing requirements.
I'd suggest analyzing these two questions:
Are your upper layers (i.e. view & view models / controllers) consuming the data in a different way of what the domain layer exposes? If there is a lot of mapping being done or even logic involved I'll suggest revisiting your design: it should probably be closer to how the data is actually used.
How likely is it that you deeply change your upper layers? (e.g. swapping ASP.NET for WPF). If this is highly unlike and your architecture is not very complex, you may be better off exposing as many domain entities as you can.
I'm afraid it is quite a broad topic and it really gets down to how complex your system is and its requirements.
In my experience, unless you are using an OO UI pattern (like naked objects), exposing the domain objects to the UI is a bad idea. This because as the application grows, the needs from the UI change and force your objects to accommodate those changes. You end up serving 2 masters: UI and DOMAIN which is a very painful experience. Believe me, you don't want to be there. The UI model has the function of communicating with the user, the DOMAIN model to hold the business rules and the persistence models deals with storing data effectively. They all address different needs of the application. I'm in the middle of writing a blog post about this, will add it when it's done.

How can I use MVC pattern with 3-layer?

I would like to separate my MVC (.Net) website in different projects following 3-layer architecture:
Data Access: Model
Business Logic: Repositories
Presentation: Controller, View
Is my structure correct?
MVC and a layered architecture can be used in different ways, so it's not about right or wrong here. The common ground is that the view part is always in the presentation layer.
Then you can have your controllers either in the presentation layer or in the business layer. For simpler applications, there is sometimes no distinction between a business layer and the controllers.
There can be several model parts in a tiered application. The data access layer definitely needs a model. This model can be shared among the layers, or can be transformed into different models that may be better suited for the presentation layer.
Often the MVC pattern is used inside the presentation layer only, or rather the presentation layer is realized using the MVC pattern.

ASP.NET MVC best practices using EntityFramework and mapped ViewModels

I've never worked with MVC design pattern before and recently I started to work on the project using ASP.NET MVC.
I'm using ActiveRecord as my data layer.
I'm also using view models (unique for each view) and AutoMapper to map my view models to EntityFramework entities.
In a few days reseaching about MVC, EntityFramework and reading different articles I came up with the following design:
In my solution I have Web project (Presentation Layer) which contains Views and Controllers.
I have Core project where I define my ViewModels and Services (Business layer where all business logic goes)
I have EntityModels project where all me EF entities live (Data layer)
This design allows me to keep my Data layer separate from my Presentation layer, Web project doesn't know anything about EntityModels project and vise versa, all the logic lives in business layer.
From my controllers (after validation checks) I pass viewModels to Service layer where mapping and all necessary busines logic is executed.
Is this design correct at all?
My consern is that I've read that ViewModels should be defined in Presentation Layer. I saw examples where Presentation Layer has references to Data layer and mapping is done in controllers (good practice?). in this case controllers pass domain models to business layer. I don't have any experience here but I don't like it.
So, can anyone point out where I'm right and where wrong?
thanks in advance.
Overall the architecture looks good. The decision on where to place you view models hinges on one factor in my opinion.
Do you plan to have other clients in the future that may benefit from reusing those view models (iPad, Android, etc.)?
If so, definitely keep them out of the MVC assembly and put them in their own assembly. Otherwise, you're safe putting them in the MVC app as long as you're ok with moving them and changing code if you ever decide to make a second client.
For the record, I always put my view models in their own assembly. It doesn't take more time up front, but it pays dividends down the road if things change.
FWIW, I am doing the same thing - but I am new to MVC, so not 100% sure I'm on the right path also. But, it just "feels right", which more often than not tells me it is correct.
The only thing I would add is that I use automapper (, which almost eliminates the overhead of having the layers. Definitely check it out IMO.
I have to say the only thing that doesnt feel 100% correct is that with this pattern, we are creating a whole lot of ViewModels -> one per View. I assume you mean that Create, Index, Update, Details for each domain entity EACH have their own ViewModel? Or are you sharing one ViewModel between the views?
Lastly, I dont buy jfars argument that it creates lots of complexity/build time. At the very least, it conceptually separates the layers that much more. It strikes me as a much better job of separating the concerns, with very little overhead.
I have a pipe dream of reusing the viewmodels for a silverlight implementation, but havent really thought that one through yet. But it makes sense that if you do a good job of factoring out all "non-UI" code into the viewmodels and services, then doing a new UI should be "trivial", right? we'll see :-)

ASP.NET MVC Model & Business Objects

I am looking for some guidance on how to incorporate business rules into an mvc application and how they relate to the model.
First a little background so we know what kind of solutions are relative for this question. At work we use WinForms, MVP, BusinessObjects, DataAccessObjects, and DataTransferObjects. The boundaries of the layers use DTOs to send parameters to methods and as return types, or return List types.
Right now we are adding a facade layer to translate the DTOs into Domain Objects for the UI to work with, since the architect does not like how using DTOs in the PresentationLayer is working currently. I am comfortable about all of this in theory aside from it being practical or not.
I am making a website for fun, but for considerations lets say it serves the same amount of traffic as SO, something like 60,000 hits a month last I heard. I am comfortable with the mechanics of the controllers and the views, and how the model integrates with the two.
I am using NerdDinner as a sample for building the site and I follow the Repository pattern implementation in the examples. What I don't get is how to incorporate business objects into the mix.
I hear people talk about LINQ as the DataAccessLayer/DataAccessObjects. If I force all of my requests though the business objects as I am used to I have introduced some weird dependencies. Both my UI and my BO have to know about my DAO.
What would kind of make sense is to use the LINQ classes as a true DAO layer, hide it behind the BO, and have the BO transform between POCO and LINQ objects.
My only concern there is I am fine with binding my UI to LINQ classes, and don't really need all the extra work, I am happy with a thin lightweight approach as in NerdDinner.
So what I have essentially is the Repository that is instantiated in the controllers that takes and return LINQ objects. My business objects have static methods that just take LINQ classes and perform some calculation, say apply a certain states tax %, or w/e.
Since a lot of these calculations have to be done across the results of the repository I am thinking of combining them into one central area, like a facade layer, but one that just does transforms against the data and not translating to other objects sets (DomainObjects <-> DTOs).
Should I do that, or should I say that those business methods really are part of my model and that they should be in the repository methods that return the objects?
From a design standpoint I would design it like this. Of course naming is just for the purpose of this post you don't have to name your DAL and BLL ..Repository and ..Service.
Have repositories (or one) where your data access/queries should be happening. It should ideally just contain queries (compiled or not). I personally have a repository for each data type to help keep queries separated.
The next layer should be your business layer which I like to call services. These classes are responsible for all logic regarding validation, prep steps and anything else needed to be done to get the consumer of the service the information it needs. As with an ASP.NET MVC app I have my services return view models which are then directly passed into strongly-typed views. With my services I usually group them logically together instead of one for each data type.
This is a great design because it keeps your data access code and presentation code nice and thin and most of the logic where things can go wrong is in your service (or business) layer.
