How to get details from QR code? - url

I got a string from a qr generated image. But how can I get URL out of it. The string I got is the following.
Can anybody help me to get all the information out of it?

That string is encoded in Base64. The decoded version of your string is:
If you need to integrate this into your software, find a library that has a Base64 decoder to decode such strings.


Laravel 5 Intervention make base64 blob from POST API unable to init from given binary data

I'm sorry, it may be a couple issues and not sure how to phrase the question properly. OK, tried a number of solutions over 2 days to no avail...thank you in advance for your help!
A photo is sent from an iPad app using POST API in the format of base64 (no meta data, just the base64 blob). I'm trying to simply decode and save locally.
I'm testing using Postman:[base 64 image of about 400kb]
In Laravel, I am using Intervention
$jpg_url = "image-".time().".jpg";
$path = "/public/".$jpg_url;
and getting an "Unable to init from given binary data" error.
Here's what I don't quite understand and would appreciate a TIL5 explanation:
- When I save the POST from iPad directly into the DB with the following:
$photo = $customer->photo = $customer['photo']
The blob in mysql looks good, I can manually copy and paste it to a web decoder fine.
However, when I use postman, $photo has "+" in the base64 changed into spaces and the image doesn't render
Is this a datatype issue? I'm receiving a long blob that is trying to be converted into string? What is the best practice of receiving images from a mobile app?

How to read GB2312 encoded text files using Swift 3.0

My app needs to read text files encoded in GB2312. Here is the current code.
SGFString = try String(contentsOf:path)
It throws an exception.
couldn’t be opened because the text encoding of its contents can’t be
While looking into the String.Encoding values, there is no GB2312. What would be the best way to read the GB2312 text files?
Thanks for OOPer's help. I copied some of the code from the links, now it works.
Here is the code:
extension String.Encoding {
static let gb_18030_2000 = String.Encoding(rawValue: CFStringConvertEncodingToNSStringEncoding(CFStringEncoding(CFStringEncodings.GB_18030_2000.rawValue)))
Gb2312String = try String(contentsOf:path, encoding:String.Encoding.gb_18030_2000)

Ruby How to convert back binary string from smsc

my app work with SMSC, and i need to get involve in sms before it send,
i try to send from the mobile that string
"hello this is test"
And when I check the smsc I got this as binary string of my text:
userData = "c8329bfd06d1d1e939283d07d1cb733a"
the encoding of this string is:
I know that probably this userData is in GSM encoding in binary-string
so how can i get from userData back the clear text string ?
this question is for english lang, because in Hebrew I can get back the
string with this code:
but in english i got error:
Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError: "\xDA\xF3" followed by "u" on UTF-16BE
What I was try is to detect the binary string with ICU, and I got:
"ISO-8859-1" and the language that detected is: 'PT', that very strange cause my languages is English or Hebrew.
anyway i got lost with encoding stuff, so i try to encode to each name of list from Encoding.list
but without luck until now
thanks in advance
For who that also have this issue, i got the solution, thanks to someone from #ruby irc community (i missed his nickname)
The solution is:
for ascii chars that interpolate to binary:
You need that:
"c8329bfd06d1d1e939283d07d1cb733a".scan(/../) { |h| h.to_i(16) }.pack('C*').unpack('B*')[0][2..-1].scan(/.{7}/).map.with_object("") { |x, s| s << x.to_i(2) }.reverse
Remember I sent this words in sms:
"hello this is test"
And that it has become in binary to:
The reason that i got garbage in any encoding is, because the ascii chars is 7bits GSM, so only first 7bits represents the data but each another encoding uses at least 8bits, so that what the code actually do.
But this is just for ascii char set.
In another language like I use Hebrew, the SMS send as ucs2
So this code work for me:
Very important to put the binary string in array
So that all for now.
If anybody want to translate and explain what exactly happen in the code for ascii char set, be my guest and welcome.

Where is and which function does encode or decode URL in phpfox?

I'll be wonder if you tell me how phpfox handle URLs?
In details i want to know that which function gererates urls in PHPFox?
I have some problem with encoding or decoding of PHPFox. Because it transform some urls which is in Persian language to ??????.
For example it will resolve this link: 'اخبار/' to ''
This is the main library class for URLs: /include/library/phpfox/url/url.class.php
Is this what you are looking for?

Convert sxw to rml error

When I try to convert sxw file to rml file using OpenOffice , this error occurs :
Exception: 'asci' codec can't encode character u'\xe9'
what's the meaning of that error? and how can I fix it?
please check this link UnicodeEncodeError when trying to convert Django models to XML This is the same issue that we got here.
You can use yourfield.encode("utf-8") or use format() in openerp. [[format(obj.your_str_field or '')]]
We have Similar issues posted on lp:
and it has been fixed on linked branch you can take the patch apply, which will make your report to tolerate the Unicode encoding.
Thank You
