Copy and paste url parts in forms - copy-paste

How can I get a part of a string from the specific starting position to end. Like for example I want to copy v=mQUr2RkjykU from the given url:
If url is writen into form, how can i copy and paste that part.
And write it in a link thats generated.
<input id="Form" name="Form" type="text" /><input id="Button" type="button" value="" />
Thank you

You can use substr() and strpos()
In your case , you can check the position of '?' in your URL>>
$oldUrl = '';
$newUrl = substr($oldUrl, 1, strpos($oldUrl, '?')-1);
$newUrl would be your answer,
anyway , try to search more before asking question here :)


How to get last inserted ID and send again

How can I send the lastInsertId again to another php document?
Explanation why:
After someone sends a form (form.html) to a database (send.php) he will get an ID for that form. This ID I show in the send.php to the person via PDO:
<p>Your ID:<?php echo $dbh->lastInsertId(); ?></p>
At this confirmation page I want give the person the possibility to print the data from his form as an pdf. So I wrote:
<form action="print.php" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="ID" value="<=htmlspecialchars($_POST['lastInsertId']);?>"/>
<input type="submit" name="Print" value="Print" >
But I he doesn't send the lastInsertId -> I guess the problem is here:
Can you help me to solve that problem?
Your code should be like this:
<form action="print.php" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="ID" value="<?php echo $dbh->lastInsertId(); ?>"/>
<input type="submit" name="Print" value="Print" >
Not sure if it's the best way, but I once needed the last ID of a person who registered.
I did the following after inserting the info into the DB (My table has Auto Increment Primairy Key ID):
$lastId = mysqli_insert_id($con);
You can store the ID anywhere you want. (In the URL or cookie)
Hope this helps (:
Thank you very much! That helped.
Is their an easy way that after he press print (now gets with the ID all the data from the database to show it at the site print.php - that part all works) and NOW DIRECTLY asks to save as pdf?

Grails and form input multiple

I didn't find the part about this in the documentation, so I will be very happy if someone can help me =)
I have this form on my page to upload multiple pictures, using multiple for my input:
<g:uploadForm controller="photo" action="add" autocomplete="off">
<label for="files">Files to upload:</label>
<input type="file" id="files" name="files" multiple="multiple" />
<input type="hidden" id="MAX_FILE_SIZE" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="300000" />
<g:submitButton name="add" class="save button medium" value="ADD" />
And now, I don't know how to "separate" files in my controller.
It is ok for one file, using request.getFile(..), but how can I handle the "multiple" property of my field ?
Thanks for reading,
You can do this within your controller:
List fileList = request.getFiles('files') // 'files' is the name of the input
fileList.each { file ->
println 'filename: ' + file.getOriginalFilename()
request.getFiles(<param>) returns a list of CommonsMultipartFile objects. You can use these objects to get the file names (like in the example) or the file content (file.getInputStream())
You got the answer, but this just for a record
request.multiFileMap?.each { name, map ->
//do the logic

Can't get onclick on a button to be accepted

I currently have a link in the below form:
In order to fit the look of the site in which I'm adding this link, I want to change it to a button input, as so:
<input type="button" value="Change" onclick="changeNumbers('Numbers', '#Url.Action("ChangeNumbers")')" />
However, I'm running into a snag with this second form: the single quotes around #Url.Action("ChangeNumbers") are being flagged as Unterminated string constant. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing incorrectly and how to fix it?
It didn't occur to me to just try the page - it looks like the second form works. So now my question is - why is Visual Studio flagging this as incorrect?
You're not doing anything "incorrectly" per se, it's just that Razor isn't perfect, and things like quotes within quotes tend to cause it to freak.
One quick fix would be to store the URL in a variable and then use the variable:
#{ var url = Url.Action("ChangeNumbers"); }
<input type="button" value="Change" onclick="changeNumbers('Numbers', '#url')" />
However, an even better fix is to not use the onclick attribute at all. Put this where it belongs: in JS.
$('#myButton').on('click', function () {
changeNumbers('Numbers', '#Url.Action("ChangeNumbers")');
Used jQuery above, since it's included in MVC by default
I've found that to make Visual Studio happy in this scenario, the easiest thing to do is simply change the <input /> element to a <button></button> element and the error will resolve itself:
<button type="button" onclick="changeNumbers('Numbers', '#Url.Action("ChangeNumbers")')">Change</button>
Otherwise, to continue using an <input /> the markup will need to be changed to the following:
<input type="button" value="Change" onclick="#("changeNumbers('Numbers', '" + Url.Action("ChangeNumbers") + "')")" />

Automatically search website field and get resulting URL

I want to automatically search a string at and get the resulting URL (the search field is at the top of the page). The website can't be searched just by manipulating the URL. Is there a server-based way to do this? I want to create my own webpage with an input field and button to "Search DrugBank for X and get the URL".
You need to get the contents of:
You can't do this with javascript it's not allowed by the browser to query sites of different domains (due to:
I would do it with php and create a file like searchDrugBank.php:
$urlContent = file_get_contents('' . $_GET['q']);
// process $urlContent however you want
And then you put on your site:
<form method="get" action="searchDrugBank.php">
<input type="text" name="q" />
<input type="submit" value="Search drugbank"/>
(Since you asked)
To find what URL I was gonna query I went to the site, and looked at the form that was submitted when I pressed search (look at the source, or in it's easy to do "inspect element" on for example the searchbox or searchbutton).
I find that the form is:
<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="/search" method="get"><div style="margin:0;padding:0;display:inline"><input name="utf8" type="hidden" value="✓"></div>
<input id="query" name="query" placeholder="Search DrugBank" size="30" type="search">
<input name="commit" type="submit" value="Search">
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Which means that when you press search, exactly what happends is that you will do a GET request, since method="get" and get request means to ask for an url, and if parameters is required, they should be in the URL (
The URL that will be queried is /search since action is action="/search" the rest of the url will then be built using provided parameters here it's just:
<input id="query" name="query" placeholder="Search DrugBank" size="30" type="search">
And there you can see that name of the parameter that should be provided to do a search, namely "query"!

Redirect user to directory based on form input

I know enough about the coding end of web design to be embarrassed by what I don't know. What I want to do is to have various print promotions in newspapers and what not along the lines of: for more information please visit
If the visitor doesn't enter the entire url in the nav bar and ends up at the main index, I want to have a text field there so they can enter "2345", hit enter or submit, then be redirected to wherein the folder's index page will load.
I usually search and find the coding info I'm looking for, but I can't figure out a concise way to search this particular problem. Can anyone help with this or point me in the right direction for help elsewhere?
Pretty simple with JavaScript, here's a working example:
<form onsubmit="location.href='' + document.getElementById('myInput').value; return false;">
<input type="text" id="myInput" />
<input type="submit" />
You can do it using javascript. Here's a terribly ugly example but should give you an idea.
<input type="text" id="number" name="number" />
<input type="submit" onclick="window.location = window.location + '/' + number.value; return false;"/>
Ideally you'd also handle it in whatever server side language you're using as well. Here's a PHP example:
header('Location: http://www.yourdomain.tld/'.$_POST['number']);
Very simple example with PHP, so that you can understand how it works. Very simple.
if (isset($_POST['bt']))
header("Location: http://localhost/" . $_POST['folder']);
<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
<input type="text" name="folder" id="folder" />
<input type="submit" name="bt" id="bt" value="Go To" />
This is you index.php File, in your htdocs/www folder.
The PHP notices when you click the button and it will redirect you to
You can also do it with JavaScript, but with PHP it will work even if your visitor browser has JavaScript disabled.
