create new workbook from selection in excel - copy-paste

I have a monthly workbook with the detail of about 37000 lines and say 350 clients.
The clients must get their detail in a separate workbook which I will attach with their Pastel invoice.
I want a macro to:
After selecting a clients range.
Open a new workbook and paste the selection in A1
Then save the workbook in a seperate directory (example: C:\Aug2013Detail)
Save the workbook with the name of the client in A2 of the new book (client name always in A2 after pasting)
Thus ending up with 350 seperate workbooks in that directory
Thank you very much.
Hennie Koch

I fiddled around a bit and this works perfect!!!!!
Sub Macro13()
' Macro13 Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+s
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
ThisFile = Range("A2").Value
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=ThisFile
End Sub


Google Sheets Query Including Blank Inputs

I want to run a query based off of several user inputs but I would like for the query to still run even if one of the inputs is left blank.
For example, my current query will run if the fields "Square Footage", "Property Type" and "ARV" are filled in but if I leave one or more blank it will not run. I would like for me to be able to leave them blank and it would then that field would essentially be a wildcard and the query wouldn't take that field into consideration.
My current query code is: =QUERY(Test!A2:L1000, "select * where L contains '"& E2& "' and K contains '"& D2& "' and D contains '"& B2& "' ")
enter image description here
It is extremely difficult to write formulas when we don't have access to your sheet and data as described in forum rules. A picture is not much help, which is why the rules ask that people share a link to their sheet (or a copy of it) with share permission set to "Anyone with the link can edit."
That said, you can try this:
=QUERY(Test!A2:L1000, "select * where A Is Not Null"&IF(E2="",""," and L contains '"&E2&"'")&IF(D2="",""," and K contains '"&D2&"'")&IF(B2="",""," and D contains '"&B2&"'"))
If that doesn't work, please do share a link to your sheet or a copy of your sheet with permission set as described above.

Automatically sync copied google spreadsheet with original spreadsheet

After making a copy of a google spreadsheet, I would like to have the copied spreadsheet automatically sync any changes made to the original spreadsheet. Is this already being done? If not, how do I make it so?
The syncing is only one-way -> from original to copied.
It will be a hassle make copies of the original spreadsheet whenever new changes are made.
To start, open up the spreadsheet or tab you want to copy to the new Sheet > copy the sheet’s URL
Make a note of the cells you want to import
Open the new sheet where you want the data to appear
In the cell begin to type > =IMPORTRANGE (you’ll see the code as you begin to type)
Type > quotation “ (very important) then paste the URL from the sheet and add another quotation mark at the end of the URL
Then add a comma , > quotation mark again “ > then type the exact name of the specific tab you want to copy followed by an exclamation mark!
Finally, type the range of cells you want to import eg: A1:A19 followed by “ quotation marks
Press > Enter and your data will now appear in your new Sheet
IMPORTRANGE("", "sheet1!A1:C10")
For more information look HERE or HERE

Google Sheets Export to Excel values instead of formulas

I have a google sheet where the cells in the first tab pull data from cells on the second tab.
for example Sheet1 cell A1 has =Sheet2!A1
This is true for every cell on Sheet1
When I do a File - Download As - Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
It exports the cells with formulas. Is there a way to export the sheets as values and not formulas
In this case, Sheet1 cell A1 would not contain =Sheet2!A1 but the value of =Sheet2!A1?
You can copy your original google spreadsheet and, in the copy, change the formula for the first cell for each tab to import data from the original one:
=IMPORTRANGE("spreadsheet id","'tab name'!range")
=IMPORTRANGE("1C-PS4wAHS8ssCNgVDfOsssREAz7PjuQGX23Rk0sssss","'measurement with spaces'!A12:F44")
The ID you can get via original spreadsheet URL:
The exported xlsx file from the copy will have only the values
#fabceolins answer is simple and good for normal scenarios, i noticed however Excel will still contain reference to IMPORTRANGE formula which can cause access issues.
I created Google App script to copy in the following method.
If you can use Google App scripts, add the following functions:
function update_view(dup_id, TL="A1", BR="Z991") {
// Open current Sheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
// Supply a duplicate google doc ID. This document will be exported to excel
var ds = SpreadsheetApp.openById(dup_id)
// UI element for notifying in the google sheets
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi()
//Copy each sheet one by one
var sheets = ss.getSheets();
for (i=0; i<sheets.length; i++) {
src_sheet = sheets[i];
sheet_name = src_sheet.getName();
// If same sheet exists in the destination delete it and create an empty one
dst_sheet = ds.getSheetByName(sheet_name);
if (dst_sheet != null) {
dst_sheet = ds.insertSheet(sheet_name);
//set column width correctly
for(j=1; j<=src_sheet.getLastColumn(); j++){
dst_sheet.setColumnWidth(j, src_sheet.getColumnWidth(j))
src_range = src_sheet.getRange(TL + ":" + BR);
dst_range = dst_sheet.getRange(TL + ":" + BR);
//Note: DisplayValues is set as Values, formulas are removed in dup sheet
//Nice to haves for formatting
dst_contents_range = dst_sheet.getDataRange();
dst_contents_range.setBorder(true, true, true, true, true, true);
//Completed copy, Now open the dup document and export.
ui.alert("Backup Complete, Please open " + dup_id + " sheet to view contents.")
function update_mydoc_view(){
To run the function, go to tools->macros->import , import the function and run update_mydoc_view().
After it is completed, export the google sheet into an excel document.
If you want to download a single sheet spreadsheet, instead of download it as .XLSX, download it as .CSV.
If by open the .CSV file by double clicking it shows strange characters, the default encoding of your computer is different from the one used by the Google servers, to fix this do the following:
Open Excel
Click File > Open
Select the .CSV file
The import wizard will be shown. One of the steps will allow you to select the file encoding, select UTF-8.
Once you finish with the import wizard save your file as .XLSX
Microsoft Excel mangles Diacritics in .csv files?
Is it possible to force Excel recognize UTF-8 CSV files automatically?
I did the following and it worked for me :
Duplicate the file
CTRL+A > CTRL+X > CTRL + V Paste Value only (from the paste icon displayed after pressing CTRL+V)
If you want to keep only the values from Sheet1, just select the data in the sheet, copy it, open a new Excel work book and when you paste, rather than using the conventional hotkeys Ctrl+V, right click cell A1 and select Paste values under the Paste options category of the right click menu.
If the problem is that the downloaded Excel does not have functional formulas that take information from your second sheet and instead show the formulas as text, do what the previous commenter said. check your view to make sure you are not in formula view. use the hotkey Ctrl+ ~, or go to the view tab to check your view options.
By default this is what happens - you will see the values not the formula.
Are you sure you are not in formula view in Excel?
If you check "Show formula" it will switch in formula view.
Or generally speaking you can try those:
MS Excel showing the formula in a cell instead of the resulting value
I would be surprised if it was indeed a google sheet problem - it's about Excel display.

Apply 3-color scale to an entire row in Excel 2010.

I have an table in an MS Excel 2010. The table has two columns. The first column is a name of a person (Col A), the second column is the marks that the person secured in an exam (Col B).
I am applying conditional formatting. If I choose the following wizard
Home > Conditional Formatting > Format all cells based on their values
I can color the Col B on a 3-color scale. This is exactly what I want. However, I want it for the entire row and not only the cell in Col B. I want the name also to be formatted in the same color as the marks.
Anyone knows how to do this?
I have already looked around a bit. The following came close to did not solve the particular problem that I am trying to.
Conditional Formatting Rows Based on Date
You're probably going to have to use VBA code for this.
Right click the worksheet label and select 'View Code'
Inside the code window, paste in the following code:
Sub RunMe()
Dim xRng As Range, xCell As Range
With Me
Set xRng = .Range(.Cells(2, 2), .Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp))
' Change the first '2' above to reflect the starting row of your data
For Each xCell In xRng
xCell.Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = xCell.DisplayFormat.Interior.Color
Next xCell
End With
End Sub
Now every time you run the macro (Alt-F8, select macro), column A will be formatted with the conditional formatting assigned to column B.
If you want this process to be automatic, change:
Sub RunMe()
to something like:
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
' This will run the macro whenever the worksheet is selected
or you could assign the code to a keyboard shortcut or a command button etc.
If you would like the code to run every time the file is opened, saved closed etc, add the code instead to the ThisWorkbook code window (although you'd have to alter the code slightly as 'Me' is referencing the particular worksheet in which the code is placed).

Hyperlink to a specific sheet

I would like to open a specific sheet of a Google Sheets from a hyperlink in another spreadsheet.
I have different links in my master spreadsheet and each should have a hyperlink to the same slave spreadsheet but to a different sheet.
I know hyperlink function but it doesn't go to a specific sheet.
You can use this custom script (Tools > Script Editor) function and connect it with e.g. custom drawing (Insert > Drawing... > Save and Close, then right click on new drawing> Assign Script... > "goToSheet2")
function goToSheet2() {
function goToSheet(sheetName) {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName(sheetName);
In the newest version you can select cell and add link (Insert > Link) and select link to specific sheet directly:
The HYPERLINK function can link to another sheet in the same workbook; if you observe the URL of the spreadsheet, at the end of it there is #gid=x where x is unique for each sheet.
The problem is, it will open the sheet as a new instance of the spreadsheet in another tab, which is probably not desirable. The workaround would be to insert images or drawings as buttons, and assigning a script to them that will activate specific sheets.
I personnaly did this based on what #rejthy said:
In scripts I created this function:
* Return the id of the sheet. (by name)
* #return The ID of the sheet
* #customfunction
function GET_SHEET_ID(sheetName) {
var sheetId = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName(sheetName).getSheetId();
return sheetId;
and then in my sheet where I need the link I did this: =HYPERLINK("#gid="&GET_SHEET_ID("Factures - "&$B$1);"Année en cours")
So what I understand from the OP is that you have one master spreadsheet that you want to have links to individual sheets, where one or more of those sheets may be in single or multiple spreadsheet files.
The HYPERLINK function only turns a URL into a hyperlink and is really only useful when you want to have hypertext instead of just a link. If you enter the raw URL as the data, it's automatically turned into a hyperlink, so there's no additional work.
As mentioned in other answers, the solution is to have the spreadsheet's URL then use the gid value to calculate the link to the desired sheet within the spreadsheet. You can write a simple app that collects all of the individual sheets' links and writes them into the master.
Below are some snippets of pseudocode (Python) that can help you get started. I'm leaving out all the boilerplate auth code, but if you need it, see this blog post and this video. The code below assumes your API service endpoint is SHEETS.
This reads a target spreadsheet to build links for each of its sheets:
# open target Sheet, get all sheets & Sheet URL
res = SHEETS.spreadsheets().get(spreadsheetId=SHEET_ID,
sheets = res.get('sheets', [])
url = res['spreadsheetUrl']
# for each sheet, dump out its name & full URL
for sheet in sheets:
data = sheet['properties']
print('** Sheet title: %r' % data['title'])
print(' - Link: %s#gid=%s' % (url, data['sheetId']))
Instead of printing to the screen, let's say you stored them in a (name, URL) 2-tuple array in your app, so bottom-line, it looks something like this list called sheet_data:
sheet_data = [
('Intro', ''),
('XData', ''),
('YData', '')
You can then write them to the master (starting from the upper-left corner, cell A1) like this:
spreadsheetId=SHEET_ID, range='A1',
body={'values': sheet_data},
Some caveats when using gid:
The first default sheet created for you (Sheet1) always has a gid=0.
Any sheets you add after that will have a random gid.
Don't bank on a gid=0 for the 1st sheet in your spreadsheets however as you or someone else may have deleted the original default sheet, like my example above.
If you want to see more examples of using the Sheets API, here are more videos I've made (along with posts that delve into each code sample):
Migrating SQL data to a Sheet plus code deep dive post
Formatting text using the Sheets API plus code deep dive post
Generating slides from spreadsheet data plus code deep dive post
Then when you open up the master in the Sheets UI, you can clickthrough to any of the individual sheets, regardless of which spreadsheet files they're in. If you want them automatically opened by another app or script, most programming languages offer developers a ways to launch a web browser given the target URL. In Python, it would be the webbrowser module (docs):
import webbrowser
webbrowser.open_new(url) # or webbrowser.open_new_tab(url)
Alternatively, you can try creating a custom function. With the spreadsheet open, click the Tools menu, then Script editor.... Paste the code into the editor:
* Gets the Sheet ID from Sheet Name
* #param {string} input The Sheet Name
* #return The Sheet ID
* #customfunction
function SHEETID(input) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var tab = ss.getSheetByName(input);
return tab.getSheetId();
Save, refresh the spreadsheet, and then type in your custom function
=SHEETID("Your Custom Sheet Name")
And voila! The unique ID for the tab (in the current spreadsheet) is output. You can hyperlink to it by using the following formula:
In case you want to create a link to another sheet which will open the sheet in the same browser tab here is what you want to do:
1. Get the id of the sheet. Check the link in your browser and you will see #gid=x where x is the sheet id
2. Then you want to set the formula (hyperlink) to the cell and make it show as a hyperlink
If you don't use setShowHyperlink(true) it will be shown as a regular text.
This is basically a code version for the update provided by #rejthy above
