Server Sent Events and Rails Streaming - ruby-on-rails

I'm experimenting with Rails 4 ActionController::Live and Server Sent Events. I'm using MRI 2.0.0 and Puma.
For what I can see, each connected client keeps an active connection to the server. I was wondering if it is possible to leverage SSEs without keeping all response streams running.
Puma manages multiple connections using threads, and I imagine there is a limit to the number of cuncurrent connections.
What if I want to support a real-world scenario with thousands of clients registering to my Rails app for SSE events?
Is there any example?
Also, I usually run Rails app servers behind an nginx reverse proxy. Would it require any particular setup?

The way that SSEs are built is by the client opening a connection to the server, which is then left open until the server has some data to send. This is part of the SSE spec, and not a thing specific to ActionController::Live. It's effectively the same as long-polling, but with the connection not being closed after the first bit of data is returned, and with the mechanism built into the browser.
As such, the only way it can be implemented is by having multiple open client connections to the webserver which sit there indefinitely. As to what resources are required to deal with them, I'm not sure, as I've not yet tried to benchmark this, but it'll need enough servers for Puma to keep open thousands of connections if you have that many users with a page open.
The default limit for puma is 16 concurrent connections. Several blogs posts about setting up SSEs for Rails mention upping this to a larger value, but none that I've found suggest what this higher value should be. They do mention that the number of DB connections will need to be the same, as each Rails thread keeps one running. Sort of sounds like an expensive way to run things.
"Run a benchmark" is the only answer really.
I can't comment as to reverse proxying as I've not tried it, but as SSEs are done over standard HTTP, I shouldn't think it'll need any special setup.


Rails Action Cable with Postgresql adapter on Heroku?

I'm making a new web app (Rails 6) that I would like to use websockets with. This is the first time I've attempted to use ActionCable with Rails. Ideally to start I would toss the app up on Heroku, since it is generally a fast and convenient way for me to get started with an app project.
If my app is successful I wouldn't be surprised if it had 200 concurrent users. This doesn't seem like a lot to me. I assume many of them would have open other tabs, so my estimate would be roughly 500 websocket connections for 200 users. If my site were more successful, I could see this going to 500 active users so more than 1000 websocket connections.
After preliminary research, it is recommended to use Redis on Heroku for ActionCable. I was dismayed to see that a Redis plan (Redistogo) with 500 websocket connections would cost $75/month and 1000 connections $200/month. More than dismayed, really. Shocked. Am I missing something? Why is this so expensive? It seems like these plans are also linked to large amounts of storage space, something that (my understanding) ActionCable doesn't even need.
I've seen that it's also possible (in theory) to configure ActionCable to use Postgresql as its adapter, though looking online I didn't see any examples of anyone doing this successfully on Heroku. So my questions are these:
Is it possible to use ActionCable on Heroku without paying through the nose? I assume this would mean Postgresql adapter...
How many connections could such a setup handle, what are the limitations, bottlenecks, etc?
I wasn't able to find much information about ActionCable and Postgresql, except that the number of pools has to match. I assume the pool number is not the same as the websocket connection count?
Thanks for any info...

Is it necessary to use Nginx when deploy a Rails API ONLY app?

Currently I've already read a lot tutorials teaching about Rails App deployment, almost every one of them use Nginx or other alternatives like Apache to serve static pages. Also in this QA Why do we need nginx with thin on production setup? they said Nginx is used for load balancing.
I can understand the reasons mentioned above, but I write a Rails App as a pure API backend service, the only purpose is to serve JSON formatted data for other client-side apps, no pages rendering at all. So my questions are:
In my situation, do I really need Nginx just to deploy a pure API Rails App?
If not, how should I deploy my app? just running it (with unicorn in production env) at background is good enough? like rails server -e production -d?
I'm so curious about these two question, hope someone can explain the details or show me some good references for me, thanks in advance.
See basically, Unicorn or thin are all single threaded servers. Which in a way means they handle single requests at a time, using defering and other techniques.
For a production setup you would generally run many instances of unicorn or thin ( depending on your load etc ), you would need to load balance b/w those rails application server instances, thats why you need Nginx or something similar on top.
to serve JSON formatted data for other client-side apps, no pages rendering at all
You see, it makes no difference. These tasks are similar: format certain data into a specific text-based structure. Much like rendering a view in HAML, ERB or whatever.
The difference is, you won't be serving static assets. At least, it's not practical for pure JSON APIs.
If you aim for compact JSON responses, your best bet is Unicorn (several workers) + nginx.
Unicorn is simpler and aims for fast single-client response. That is, a slow client could force Unicorn to waste a lot of time serving him a response. When backed by nginx though, it fires the entire response into nginx's buffer and heads for the next one only waiting for nginx to accept the response (since it's usually on the same machine, it's blazing fast). nginx then hands out responses. There could possibly be multiple instances of Unicorn, if one is not enough: but using only one could eliminate any kinds of data races on app level (which are possible in multithreaded apps).
Thin is designed by itself to handle multiple clients concurrently by itself, through use of threads and workers. Keep in mind though that MRI ("classic" Ruby) doesn't have "truly concurrent threads" because of GIL. Technoligies it's based on (Ruby+C) make it inferior to nginx (pure C) in terms of resource usage efficiency. nginx is even used sometimes to counter DDoS attacks, efficiency is proven in the wild (<1> <2> <3> and many more).
You could benefit from Thin if your app implied concurrent service for multiple clients, like Server-Sent Events or WebSocket usage, that require maintaining a constant connection. This one doesn't seem to. Don't count on concurrency too much where it's not required.

How to properly use/plug Redis with Rails?

I have a Rails application that I want to connect to a Redis data structure server. I'm wondering how I should proceed. I'm using a global variable $redis locate at config/initializers/redis.rb to make queries across the entire application.
I believe this approach it is not suitable for a application with 80+ simultaneous connections, because it uses one single global variable to handle the Redis connection.
What should I do to overcome this problem? am I missing something about Rails internals?
Tutorial I'm following
This depends on the application server you will use. If you're using Unicorn which is a popular choice you should be fine.
Unicorn forks it's workers and each one will establish it's own database connection. And since each worker can only handle one request at a time it will only need one connection at a time. Adding more connections won't increase performance, it just will open more (useless) connections.
ActiveRecord (which is the DB-part of Rails) or DataMapper support connection pooling which is a common solution to overcome the problem you've mentioned. Connection pooling however only make sense in a threaded environment.
On top of that Redis is mainly single threaded (search for "Single threaded nature of Redis") so there might be no advantages anyway. There was an request to add connection pooling but it got closed, you might get more information from there.

Rails Webbrick simultaneous connections are they supposed to stack?

Im using the standard Ruby-on-Rails WEBBRICK server.
Im testing and If I have two or three connections simultaneously on very intensive scripts (which I let fully execute without timeouts) is it normal for them to stack (i.e complete the next task once the previous one completes - many simultaneous connections but only one is processed at a go)?
1) Is this behaviour normal?
2) How would I escape this, is Thin recommendable?
The rails server (webrick) is really only intended for local testing in development; a single instance runs, and requests will block on each other. Thin is a better choice as it does know how to handle multiple processes. Some people use Apache or Nginx in front of Thin for production servers. Passenger is a similar option that is also popular.
So yeah, install Thin for more realistic testing.
P.S. If you are hosting on Amazon EC2, their micro- and small instances only have a single CPU, so even if you have multiple processes accepting requests, if they are bound by the CPU, they'll act as though they are blocking on each other. (This may not be relevant to your question, but several long days of my life were spent figuring this out :-).

Blocking IO / Ruby on Rails

I'm contemplating writing a web application with Rails. Each request made by the user will depend on an external API being called. This external API can randomly be very slow (2-3 seconds), and so obviously this would impact an individual request.
During this time when the code is waiting for the external API to return, will further user requests be blocked?
Just for further clarification as there seems to be some confusion, this is the model I'm anticipating:
Alice makes request to my web app. To fulfill this, a call to API server A is made. API server A is slow and takes 3 seconds to complete.
During this wait time when the Rails app is calling API server A, Bob makes a request which has to make a request to API server B.
Is the Ruby (1.9.3) interpreter (or something in the Rails 3.x framework) going to block Bob's request, requiring him to wait until Alice's request is done?
If you only use one single-threaded, non-evented server (or don't use evented I/O with an evented server), yes. Among other solutions using Thin and EM-Synchrony will avoid this.
Elaborating, based on your update:
No, neither Ruby nor Rails is going to cause your app to block. You left out the part that will, though: the web server. You either need multiple processes, multiple threads, or an evented server coupled with doing your web service requests with an evented I/O library.
#alexd described using multiple processes. I, personally, favor an evented server because I don't need to know/guess ahead of time how many concurrent requests I might have (or use something that spins up processes based on load.) A single nginx process fronting a single thin process can server tons of parallel requests.
The answer to your question depends on the server your Rails application is running on. What are you using right now? Thin? Unicorn? Apache+Passenger?
I wholeheartedly recommend Unicorn for your situation -- it makes it very easy to run multiple server processes in parallel, and you can configure the number of parallel processes simply by changing a number in a configuration file. While one Unicorn worker is handling Alice's high-latency request, another Unicorn worker can be using your free CPU cycles to handle Bob's request.
Most likely, yes. There are ways around this, obviously, but none of them are easy.
The better question is, why do you need to hit the external API on every request? Why not implement a cache layer between your Rails app and the external API and use that for the majority of requests?
This way, with some custom logic for expiring the cache, you'll have a snappy Rails app and still be able to leverage the external API service.
