What is the major scenario to use Socket.IO - ios

I just wonder why and for what kind of application or case we need the Socket.IO.
I am the iOS developer of a known open source project socket.IO-objc
Usually, we need HTTP or HTTPS to communicate with server. The socket aims to conduct real time communication (It should always keep a live HTTP connection.)

Libraries like socket.IO are needed when we need real-time in our app. Let me explain this in little more detail. Let's assume that you are developing a game, which is multiplayer and 2 or more users can play that simultaneously. Then, in that case, you won't be making HTTP or HTTPS calls because of many reasons and one of them is that their packet size is large and other is that these calls are very slow. In such scenarios we use libraries like sockets to send and receive data to and from the server. Sockets are really fast and are capable of sending only those data packets which are needed. Using HTTP programming you can never create any multiplayer game or any app which will be interacting with a server on a realtime basis.
Let's take another example. Let's assume that you are working on a chat application. When user A is typing something then user B should know that A is typing (similar to gtalk of facebook messenger). If you will use HTTP calls at that point of time then "B" will never be able to see the actual status of the other person because of the delay. So what we can use is sockets so that when user A is typing anything then his device will send only one data packet which will just notify the server that he is typing and will be delivered to user B, this process is really fast (almost realtime) and will reduce the data transfer also.

I'm working on chat application using socket.io also. So it seems to replacing everythings with socket.io. This is making me in doubt and curiousness. I totally agree with real-time app like chat suits for socket.io. However there is round-trip communication (such as user login) that's more suitable for HTTP.

Socket.io uses web socket to pass data among users who are all connected to a web server. With web socket, there is no negotiation protocols and connection remain open as long as users concerned are registering for service with the web server. As pointed out also, the payload is significantly less than http/https protocol.

Socket.IO is a JavaScript library for realtime web applications. It enables realtime, bi-directional communication between web clients and server. It has two parts: a client-side library that runs in the browser, and a server-side library for node.js. Both components have a nearly identical API.


Smart home device integration with Google home and Alexa

I am trying to integrate smart home devices with Google home and Alexa but I am facing following issue.
Communication between Google Home/Alexa and our device cloud server is HTTP.
Communication between smart home device and our device cloud server is MQTT.
How do I keep track of synchronous request-response? Is there a better way to implement this system?
Perfectly possibly to do with HTTP to MQTT and back again.
I've done it for both Alexa & Google Home for my Node-RED nodes.
You just need to keep track of on going requests and include a unique id in the request/response MQTT messages while also running a timer to handle no response from the device.
The project gBridge (https://github.com/kservices/gBridge; https://about.gbridge.io) basically implements plain Google Assistant/ Alexa to MQTT bridging.
Regarding your questions, there are two points that help to implement these solutions:
Think in terms of devices or endpoints, rather than requests. When you just want to "translate" HTTP to MQTT, you are inducing a lot of issues like you've figured out. You probably want to implement a logic that allows MQTT topics to control/ query your actual deviecs - not ones that respond to HTTP requests. This makes thing a whole lot simpler.
Caching is essential. Allow your bridge to have a local copy of your device's states. When having the properly implemented cache, you won't need for any response. Just use the cached data.

iOS 9 - open resource in web browser on another computer, triggered by tablet

If you had to open a resource from a database in a web browser on another computer, using an Apple tablet app as a remote control, how would you implement such a feature? This is basically what WhatsApp Web does, so it should be technically possible. But how would you go about it?
I'm assuming that you mean a situation where the app modifies something on the server, and the browser then updates automatically to reflect this. If you mean something like the iOS Remote app, then you may have to use another method (and you may not be able to do it from the browser).
To do this you'll have to have a server that both the iOS app and the browser are connected to. When the app does something, it updates the server, e.g. by submitting an HTTP request to a REST API. The server then updates the database.
Now you have to get the browser to update, and there are two ways of going about this. One is by polling the server periodically, using AJAX to update parts of the page dynamically without refreshing the whole page. This works, but there's a lot of overhead and it can be a drain on a laptop battery.
The better, but slightly more difficult to setup, alternative is to use WebSockets. WebSockets allow for two-way communication between server and client, and the connection stays open until one party closes it (or it times out after a long time). The client can submit information to or pull information from the server as before, but the server can also push information to the client without the client having to request it. This would typically be how games, chat clients, etc. can operate nearly in real time.
Setting this up isn't necessarily that difficult, but it's a very broad, open-ended topic that's beyond the scope of just iOS development. Beyond the iOS app and the web client, you'll also need a backend that's capable of using sockets. Node.js is a popular JavaScript-based backend for this sort of application; there are numerous others out there as well. You'll have to do your own research to determine what's right for you.

Sending messages to iPhone : PushSharp or SignalR

A web application acts as a backend to process request coming from the iPhone. To send messages to iPhone from web application while processing a request(e.g., for payment), I want to send messages to iPhone when something interesting happens on the server or else if everything is successful, sending them transaction details. Which one is better to use PushSharp or SignalR? Does they both serve the same purpose? Either way, enlighten me on this topic. Its confusing to me.
SignalR is a great way to send real time information to a web client, essentially having server-side code push information to the client and call client-side code (i.e. javascript) in realtime.
PushSharp is a great way to send push notifications to native mobile apps. For iOS, this means using Apple's infrastructure. It also means that the message will be shown as a notification in the iPhone and not just inside the browser.
Essentially, if the iPhone request you mention is coming from a native app, try PushSharp. If it's a web app running in a browser, use SignalR.
PushSharp appears to leverage the native messaging for each platform. Azure Notification Hubs provide native messaging similar to what PushSharp appears to do. The native messaging platforms scale out very well, but do not give you direct access between client/server code, and messages can be delayed in some cases up to minutes. Messaging like this works really well when you want to send messages to millions of devices. Example: all users who want an alert when their favorite sports team wins a game - not time sensitive to the minute.
If you want your push message to be strictly between your server-side code and your client-side code, SignalR can achieve that. SignalR also has a .Net implementation, so it isn't just for javascript/web pages. SignalR is will leverage approaches like web sockets / long polling / etc. If you are sending a response to tell your client that a query has finished, or that a message was received, and it doesn't help to have that message arrive minutes later... SignalR may be a better approach.

Instant messaging implementation?

I want to build a instant messaging application using Ruby on Rails but I'm confused about the implementation.
How is a IM application (like the one on Facebook) usually implemented? I think we can use a push server (server pushes to client) or polling (client asks the server), but is there any other ways? And what are the corresponding advantages of these two approaches? Which one is usually more efficient and less demanding?
Thanks in advance.
Polling: In case of Polling, browser makes the request to server at a regular interval to check for updates. It will increase your server load.
Server Sent Events: server sent events.
Server-Sent Events have been designed from the ground up to be efficient. When communicating using SSEs, a server can push data to your app whenever it wants, without the need to make an initial request.
WebSockets: WebSockets on the other hand, require full-duplex connections and new Web Socket servers to handle the protocol.
For IM best suited is websocket, as using websocket you can do bi-directional communication.
A similar example of IM using websocket is Applozic chat SDK. It Uses web sockets for Real Time Messaging.
I don't know specifically how Facebook implements their IM service, but most web-based IM clients use either a push server or a Jabber client. Jabber is good if you want the users to be able to communicate with the service through their own IM client, and not just through the web frontend; push is good if you're doing something interesting with the received messages on the server-side. Polling isn't used anywhere near as widely nowadays. It requires the same JavaScript support as server push, but is much more resource-intensive for your server.
For getting started with push, I would recommend looking into Faye or Juggernaut.
If you're interested in Jabber options, check out the JavaScript Jabber Client Library.

iOS app with real-time updates from server: Socket (using streams) or Apple Push Notification service?

I'm trying to make an iOS 5 app that features real-time things coming from the server. It will only use these whilst the app is running.
To make it real-time without polling I have been evaluating two design routes:
Creating a socket from the app to the server, and exchanging information via streams.
Pros: Relatively simple and would not involve a 3rd party.
Cons: Battery life drain.
For an overview of how this might work, check
out this excellent tutorial:
Using standard HTTP to communicate with the server, and with each request from the app let the server know what they are viewing. If something new is available for user, send an Apple Push Notification (with no visible alert) to let app know it can go and download new thing.
Pros: Not opening up a new TCP connection, so battery life not drained unnecessarily.
Cons: Feels like a poor hack.
The official docs on APNs http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/RemoteNotificationsPG/ApplePushService/ApplePushService.html
I think a socket would be the way to go, but before I commit to it I wanted a second opinion, as this is the first time I've made anything like this!
Sockets would be my choice. I do not know how time critical your application is, but sockets might perform better as APNs if realtime is a must.
Does it really need to be "full real time"? From my point of view i would prefer http since it is already well integrated into the iOS SDK. Its easy to understand, maintain and implement and plenty of documentation is on the web. So maybe a http poll every minute or so will be enough (depending on the app and the number of users). Please consider firewalls too! Traffic to unknown ports maybe denied due to firewall policies of provider or local wifi. So if you really need realtime connectivity I guess you have to use sockets.
