Neo4j PHP Acquire wirte lock - neo4j

Sinking in big trouble,
Well can anyone tell me , how can i acquire write lock through cypher.
Note : I will use REST APIs , So my cypher would in php.
I am using Neo4j REST server and PHP to access it.
Now i have created a node say 'counter-node' which generates new user id. Logic is just add 1 to previous value.
Now If two users are coming simultaneously then first user read 'counter-node' value BUT before it can update it to 1 , second user read it . Thus value in 'counter-node' is not as expected.
Any Help

You don't need to acquire write locks explicitly. All nodes that you modify in a transaction are write-locked automatically.
So if you do this in your logic:
start tx
increment counter node
read the value of the counter node and set it on the user node as ID
commit tx
no two users will ever get the same ID.

The popular APOC plugin for Neo4j has a selection of explicit Locking procedures that can be called via Cypher such as call apoc.lock.nodes([nodes])
Learn more at
Note: as far as I can tell, this functionality doesn't exist natively in Cypher so APOC is probably your best bet.


Set a transient property on a node neo4j

Is there way to set a transient property on nodes returned by a cypher query such that it is only visible to the user running the query.
This would allow us offload some controller logic directly into Neo4j and reduce business logic queries.
Currently I have a list that is returned by
List<Post> newsFeed (Long uid) {}
Post is a relationship between a User and News node.
I have two sub-classes of the Post object:
I have two cypher queries that return the posts that a user should see.
List broadcasts obtained from
MATCH (user:PlatformUser)-[:BROADCASTED]->post RETURN post;
List mentionedPost obtained from
MATCH (user:PlatformUser)-[:MENTIONED]->post RETURN post;
I then use Java instanceof to determine what kind of post this is. Depending on the type I am able to do some further application logic.
This however is inefficient because I should be able to combine both queries into one super query using the UNION operator
i.e List newsFeed is obtained directly by querying
MATCH (user:PlatformUser)-[:BROADCASTED]->post RETURN post UNION MATCH (user:PlatformUser)-[:MENTIONED]->post RETURN post;
However, how can I tell what kind of post this. I was hoping I could use the SET operator transiently to know which kind of post this is but I believe this is used to persist a property.
Neo4j 2.2 recently added authentication, which it had lacked in previous releases, but it's still only really one user; you set a login/password to secure access to the database, but adding additional users takes extra work and isn't something obvious to do out of the box.
Now what you're asking for has to do with securing per-user access to particular types of data. Since neo4j doesn't have much of a user management feature right now, what you're asking for can't be done inside of neo4j because in order to secure this data away from Joe or Bob, the DBMS would have to know that it's dealing with Joe or Bob.
What you're trying to do is usually enforced by the application layer by people writing neo4j applications right now. So it can be done, but it's done within your custom code and not by the database directly.

Is it possible to execute read only cypher queries from java?

I'd like to know just what the title says.
The reason I'd want this is to permit constrained read-only cypher queries to be executed; the data results would later be interpreted and serialized by a separate API layer.
I've seen code that makes basic assumptions in an attempt to mimic this behavior, e.g. the code might filter out any Cypher query that contains certain special words associated with write query structures (merge, create, delete, set, and so on).
This approach tends to be limited and naive though; if it very simply looks for those tokens, it would prevent a query like MATCH n WHERE n.label =~ '.*create.*' RETURN n even though it's a read-only query.
I'd really prefer not to do a full parse on a candidate query and then descend through the AST trying to figure out whether something is read-only or not (although I would gladly accept an answer that shows how to do this easily in java)
EDIT - I'm aware it's possible to start the entire database in read-only mode via the configuration property read_only=true, but this would be undesirable; no other aspect of the java API would be able to change the database.
EDIT 2 - I found another possible strategy, but I'm not sure of its advisability. Comments welcome on this, and potential downsides:
try (Transaction ignore = graphDb.beginTx()) {
ExecutionResult result = executionEngine.execute(query);
// Do nifty stuff with result, then...
// Force transaction to fail.
The idea here is that if queries happen within transactions and the transaction is always force-failed, then nothing can ever be written to the DB no matter what the result.
Read-only Cypher is (not yet) directly supported. However I can think of two workarounds for that:
1) assuming you're running a Neo4j enterprise cluster: you can set read_only=true on one instance. That instance is then used for the read only queries where the other cluster instances are used for r/w. A load balancer in front of the cluster can be set up to send the requests to the right instance.
2) Use a TransactionEventHandler that vetos a transaction if its TransactionData contains write operations. Just for fun I've invested some minutes to implement that, see - feedback is appreciated.

Importing data from oracle to neo4j using java API

Can u please share any links/sample source code for generating the graph using neo4j from Oracle database tables data .
And my use case is oracle schema table names as Nodes and columns are properties. And also need to genetate graph in tree structure.
Make sure you commit the transaction after creating the nodes with tx.success(), tx.finish().
If you still don't see the nodes, please post your code and/or any exceptions.
Use JDBC to extract your oracle db data. Then use the Java API to build the corresponding nodes :
GraphDatabaseService db;
try(Transaction tx = db.beginTx()){
Node datanode = db.createNode(Labels.TABLENAME);
datanode.setProperty("column name", "column value"); //do this for each column.
Also remember to scale your transactions. I tend to use around 1500 creates per transaction and it works fine for me, but you might have to play with it a little bit.
Just do a SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 1000 OFFSET X*1000 with X being the value for how many times you've run the query before. Then keep those 1000 records stored somewhere in a collection or something so you can build your nodes with them. Repeat this until you've handled every record in your database.
Not sure what you mean with "And also need to genetate graph in tree structure.", if you mean you'd like to convert foreign keys into relationships, remember to just index the key and in stead of adding the FK as a property, create a relationship to the original node in stead. You can find it by doing an index lookup. Or you could just create your own little in-memory index with a HashMap. But since you're already storing 1000 sql records in-memory, plus you are building the transaction... you need to be a bit careful with your memory depending on your JVM settings.
You need to code this ETL process yourself. Follow the below
Write your first Neo4j example by following this article.
Understand how to model with graphs.
There are multiple ways of talking to Neo4j using Java. Choose the one that suits your needs.

Neo4j and Php handle counter within transaction

Well scenario is like this:
I create a one node called counter node. Its initial value is 0 and incremented as user create its account on my website.
So there are three operation happen to operate this:
Read counter node value
Do some logic in php . Here like +1 to previous value of counter node
Write new value of counter node
Now problem is, If two or more users are coming exactly same time and creating such a condition that
Before first user write new value to counter node , it is being read by second user. Thus this will leave value of my 'counter node' in unstable condition.
Hope you got what I meant..
Any Solution ??
I am using neo4j 1.9.5 and php
Php Jadell :‎
I heard of batch processing but not sure whether it will work. If any solution , Can you please give me a short example.
Thanks Amit Aggarwal
You can't do that with the pure REST API. I would try it with Cypher, maybe something like:
START n=node(123)
SET n.noOfUsers = n.noOfUsers + 1
RETURN n.noOfUsers
This should work in the latest version of Cypher
Neo4j 2.0 has mandatory transactions. If you incremented your counter property noOfUsers in a transaction, I'd think that would help you with your concurrency issue.
Just a thought, but first a question: What's the purpose of the counter? Is it for assigning user IDs, or is it strictly informational? If the latter, must you have an exact count? Eg if you wanted the total number of twitter or facebook users, would it matter if the count was off by a few? If the count doesn't need to be exact (or exact at a particular instance in time), you could run a periodic process to return the count of user nodes, like:
MATCH n:User
return count(*)
This would also help you deal with deleted nodes.

after clearing the neo4j database,when creating new node it starts to count from where the increment was before [duplicate]

Is there a possibility to reset the indices once I deleted the nodes just as if deleted the whole folder manually?
I am deleting the whole database with node.delete() and relation.delete() and just want the indices to start at 1 again and not where I had actually stopped...
I assume you are referring to the node and relationship IDs rather than the indexes?
Quick answer: You cannot explicitly force the counter to reset.
Slightly longer answer: Generally speaking, these IDs should not carry any relevance within your application. There have been a number of discussions about this within the Neo4j mailing list and Stack Overflow as the ID is an internal artifact and should not be used like a primary key. It's purpose is more akin to an in-memory address and if you require unique identifiers, you are better off considering something like a UUID.
You can stop your database, delete all the files in the database folder, and start it again.
This way, the ID generation will start back from 1.
This procedure completely wipes your data, so handle with care.
Now you certainly can do this using Python.
