Use of Jenkins environment variable in directory path - jenkins

I'm relatively new to the Jenkins world and I'm having issues with the use of environment variables.
I'm currently running builds from code I check out from a git repository. I have an environment variable called GIT_BUILD_NUMBER that I pull from the checkout and use successfully in a Windows Batch Command Block:
::Build Project
python --branch %Branch% --bin_src %WORKSPACE% --build_number %GIT_BUILD_NUMBER%
This executes successfully with the proper git build number. In the very next "Execute Windows Batch command" block, I simply try to use that same variable in a directory path and this causes the build to fail:
I've also tried this:
When I echo this line, I just get:
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


Extract user information from the build

Jenkins ver. 2.73.3
I have a sample build task that is triggered by a commit to a Github repository. This is how the build information looks:
We need to write this username to a separate file and store it in a particular location. How can I achieve it?
Added a build step that executes a shell command to write the variable GIT_COMMITTER_NAME to a file. This fails(empty file) but if I write, say JENKINS_URL, it is written to the file:
I guess the github plugin doesn't set, by default, the variables like GIT_AUTHOR_NAME, GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL etc.
Taking a cue from this answer, I proceeded with using the placeholders of the 'pretty option' of git show command. I added the following command in the 'Execute Shell' build step of Jenkins job:
The output:
GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=LastName FirstName
Instead of echo $variable name execute env in shell, it will give you all environment variables at the time of execution and then you can pick the correct variable. (From Gitlab to Jenkins its $gitlabUserName)

Jenkins Workflow. Can't execute batch script with git command

I have installed instance of Jenkins on Windows and I use Workflow plugin to configure build steps of job.
Now I'am trying to get list of tags available in my branch.
It seems that the only way to do that is to call batch command(I've omitted specific options)
node('master') {
stage concurrency: 1, name: 'Test & Build'
git branch: branchName, credentialsId: bitbucketCredentialsId, url: repositoryUrl
bat 'call git.exe tag'
// bat 'git tag'
But when I build the job I always get the following error:
'git.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Jenkins is configured to work with GIT.
System PATH variable contains path to git binary.
Running above command by using cmd directly in workspace folder gives successful result.
Could someone please suggest another points which I should check?
Thanks to all who have tried to help.
I found the issue.
I've forgot to reboot my machine after system PATH variable update.
Can you try this solution? (Setting Up section)
Delete your Git installation and add Jgit?

setting Environment from a file in Jenkins

My question is there any way to set up environment variables from a file during Jenkins build. I have a file called .xyz which has env variables.
I know there is a jenkins plugin but can we do it inside the execute shell box in jenkins??
I tried . .xyz but that doesn't work!
Thanks in advance
If you want to do it from inside Execute Shell step, you've got to write a shell script that will read the file line by line and add them to environment variables.
Assuming your properties file is of format:
A very basic version of the script would be:
while read line; do
export $line
done <your_props_file_name
The problem is, these variables will only be retained for the duration of that "Execute Shell" build step. Once you move to a different Build step or Post-build step (within the same job), they will be gone. This is Jenkins's cleanup by design.
That's why there is that EnvInject plugin, it takes care of maintaining the environment variables between the build steps.

Preserve environment variables in Jenkins between Windows build commands

I am trying to set up Jenkins to continually check out and build code and verify that the code is compilable.
Our build system works like this: we have several different .bat files that set up environment variables for different build configurations, and then we execute gmake to actually build the code.
When I created Jenkins job, in Build part of the job I set up two "Execute windows batch command" commands: one that calls the script to set up env. variables, and gmake to build it.
Problem is, when gmake step runs, all environment variables are forgotten. How can I prevent env. variables from being cleared?
What if you set it up to call only one bat file instead? That one file can then call the two you're currently calling with Jenkins.

Run Jenkins ant build within special shell environment

Our internal build system uses a shell script to setup the environment for building projects. Then the actual build tools (ant or make) can reference environment variables for configuring various things. In essence, it does:
$ /path/to/ .
[build env] $ ant compile
Note that the first command launches and initializes a new shell and expects all subsequent build operations to be performed in that shell.
Now I am trying to replicate the same within Jenkins. How do I run a shell script and then have the subsequent ant build step take place in the same environment?
The 'Execute Shell' built-in as well as the EnvInject plugin didn't help since they discard any changes to the environment before moving to the next build step.
I'd prefer not to modify the ant build file since the same should continue to work in the current internal build system.
This is a "solution" that worked out for us. The key idea is that the script launches a new shell in which it exports a bunch of environment variables. What we needed was access to those variable definitions. So we did a three part Jenkins Build:
Step 1 - Execute Shell
Use the 'Execute Shell' Jenkins built-in to run our script. Then feed the newly launched shell a simple python script that dumps the environment to a file.
/path/to/ . <<< 'python <<SC
print "Exporting env to file"
import os
f = open("", "w")
env = os.environ
for k in env:
f.write("%s=%s\n" % (k, env[k]))
print "Done exporting env"
Step 2 - Inject Environment Variables
Now we use the EnvInject Plugin to inject environment variables from the file dumped in the previous step. The config here is simple, just specify the dumped properties file name as the Properties File Path field value.
Step 3 - Invoke Ant
Here, we kick off the normal ant build. Since the environment now contains all the required definitions, the build completes as normal.
Try EnvInject Plugin.
