remote code execution in ruby with constantize - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to wrap my head around remote code execution vulnerabilities in ruby/rails when contantize is used.
I understand that being able to provide any class name to the server could be potentially dangerous, but I'm wondering if this by itself is dangerous.
for example, if a rails controller code looks something like this (i.e. executes a hardcoded method on the instantiated object):
klass = params[:class].classify.constantize
klass.do_something_with_id(params[:id]) if klass.respond_to?('do_something_with_id')
Is this code vulnerable? Or only in combination with being able to also specify the method to be called on the class?

Turning a string into a constant isn't dangerous in itself, but how that constant is used is potentially dangerous (i.e. the method that is then called).
If you really need to do this, then it's probably best to provide a list of classes that are allowed. E.g.
klass = params[:class].classify
if %w(Class1 Class2 Class3).include? klass
raise 'Forbidden'
However it's done, it helps you to sleep at night to know that the input is considerably limited.
Another way of controlling the creation, which is more explicit but also more verbose, is to use a case statement:
def create_klass(option)
case option
when "option1"
when "option2"
when "option3"
raise "Unknown option"
This way, you don't need to expose the internals of your system to the client. If there are many options, then you could use a hash with options mapping to classes.


RIght way of writing module methods in Ruby

what is right way of writing module? is it only used to stock some peace of code to minimize the number of lines, or is it something much more important than that
I have used and seen ways of writing module, I am working on setting up correct way to define and standardised module. this example is kind of controller code that we use in rails
Way 1 :-
module B
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
def process_items
# do somthing...
Class A
include B
def index
#items = Item.all
#item_names = process_items
Way 2 :-
module B
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
def process_items(items)
# do somthing...
Class A
include B
def index
#items = Item.all
#item_names = process_items(#items)
Way 1 :-
When I see this independently, its not much readable as I don't know how #items appeared in this method
Unit testing would be hard for method as its dependent
Way 2 :-
Looking at method I can see input is coming we are processing it and returning it back (readablity is good)
Unit testing is easy to this, we wll call method pass what it needs and expect
The way I see modules should be independent, self explanatory, it should be generic so that can be used in any class, kind of helpers. But other way could be dependent on where we use modules
We are using modules like in rails
We use conccern in models, when we call module method we can use self.<field> we don't need to pass anything because instance variable is supposed to be accesssable in every instance method
View helpers are modules I see they put logic into it hard to understand how the variable come from may be instance variable or params, what about making it method which accept somthing and return it back
Concerns on controllers, like the example I have given
I would like to have thoughts on this, what is best approach out of it? is it something which can be standarise or it is more situational or I don't know yet :)
Note: -
I was looking at this question but answer given on this question is no more valid as referenced links are not working.
Right Way to Use Module
The difference here is practically academic, as if you have attr_reader :x then both #x and x will have the same meaning.
It's understood that within a mixin module you will be referencing methods and/or variables that are part of the class or module doing the "mixing in". As such, seeing #x, or in your case, #items, should not come as a real surprise.
If you want to add it as an explicit argument you're sort of missing a lot of the benefits of using a mixin in the first place. You don't need to mix it in at all, you can just use it like B.process_items(...). In other words, your second approach is having an identity crisis. Is it a stand-alone module that includes Concern for no reason, or a weak mixin?
When it comes to testing, you must test the mixin in a module or class which implements the required features. In this case you need either an #items variable, or an items method, and that must have a value of the expected type.
This should be documented somewhere for clarity, but is effectively an implicit contract with anyone using this module.

Why isn't the args parameter used in ActionController::Instrumentation::render?

I am new to Ruby and to Rails, and am trying to understand fully what I'm reading.
I am looking at some of the Rails source code, in this case action_controller/metal/instrumentation.rb.
def render(*args)
render_output = nil
self.view_runtime = cleanup_view_runtime do { render_output = super }
I understand that *args is using the splat operator to collect the arguments together into an array. But after that, it stops making much sense to me.
I can't fathom why render_output is set to nil before being reassigned to equal super and then called with no arguments. I gather that some speedtest is being done, but coming from other languages I'd expect this to just be something more like or perhaps Benchmark.start followed by render_output followed by Benchmark.end. I'm having a hard time following the way it works here.
But more importantly, I don't really follow why args isn't used again. Why bother defining a param that isn't used? And I mean, clearly it is getting used-- I just don't see how. There's some hidden mechanism here that I haven't learned about yet.
In this context, it is important to note how super works, because in some cases it passes implicitly arguments and you might not expect that.
When you have method like
def method(argument)
then super is calling the overridden implementation of method implicitly with the exact same arguments as the current method was called. That means in this example super will actually call super(argument).
Of course, you can still define a method call that explicitly sends other arguments to the original implementation, like in this example:
def method(argument)
super(argument + 1)
Another important edge-case is when you want to explicitly call super without any arguments although the current method was called with arguments then you need to be very explicit like this
def method(argument)
super() # note the empty parentheses
Let me try to describe you what I think this code does.
is using the splat operator to collect the arguments together into an array
that is totally correct, however they don't use it, and if you will go to master branch, they just changed it to *. Asking why it is defined and not used, I think that's question about bad design. They should have called it _args or at least like it is now just single splat *.
render_output is set to nil because of scopes, it has to be explicitly defined out block, lambda, proc in order to store value in it, otherwise its visibility will be locked only to those lambda, proc, block execution. Refer to this article
Benchmark.start. Blocks are great ruby construction. You are totally correct that speedtest is done, we can see it is just decorator for benchmark library.
You are wondering why we cannot just pass it as, that's because what will be given to benchmark ms function? It will be given result, like <div> my html </div. And how we can measure this string result - no how. That's why we calling super right in this block, we want to access parent class function and wrap it inside block, so we are not calling it, we just construct it, and it will be called inside benchmark lib, and measured execution like
class Benchmark
def realtime # :yield:
r0 = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) - r0
So here we can count realtime of function execution, this is the code from original library

Rails Memoization of Helper method

I have a helper method that does expensive calculations and returns a Hash, and this Hash is constant during my entire application lifespan (meaning it can only change after a re-deploy) and it also doesn't take any arguments.
For performance, I wish I could 'cache' the resulting Hash.
I don't want to use Rails cache for this, since I want to avoid the extra trip to memcached and I don't want the overhead of de-serializing the string into a hash.
My first idea was to assign the resulting hash to a Constant and calling .freeze on it. But the helper is an instance method, the constant lives on the class, and I had to do this ultra hacky solution:
module FooHelper
def expensive_calculation_method
This is due to the helper method being an instance method, the helper being a Module (which leads to the fake Class extend so I can call the instance method) and I also must declare the constant AFTER the instance method (if I declare it right after module FooHelper, I get an undefined method 'expensive_calculation_method'.
The second idea was to use memoization, but at least for Rails Controllers memoization is the persistance of a variable over the lifecycle of a single request, so it's only valuable if you reuse a variable many times from within a single request, which is not my case, but at the same time Helpers are modules, not Classes to be instanciated, and by this point I don't know what to do.
How would I cache that Hash, or memoize it in a way that persists over requests?
Per your comments, this will only change at application boot, so placing it in an initializer would do the trick.
# config/initializers/expensive_thing.rb
$EXENSIVE_THING_GLOBAL = expensive_calculation
# or
EXPENSIVE_THING_CONSTANT = expensive_calculation
# or
Rails.application.config.expensive_thing = expensive_calcualatioin
If you want to cache the result of some painful operation at launch time:
module MyExpensiveOperation
COMPUTED_RESULT = OtherModule.expensive_operation
def self.cached
Just make sure that module's loaded somehow or it won't initiate. You can always force-require that module if necessary in environment.rb or as a config/initializer type file.
If you want to lazy load the basic principle is the same:
module MyExpensiveOperation
def self.cached
return #cached if (defined?(#cached))
#cached = OtherModule.expensive_operation
That will handle operations that, for whatever reason, return nil or false. It will run once, and once only, unless you have multiple threads triggering it at the same time. If that's the case there's ways of making your module concurrency aware with automatic locks.

ActiveJob: how to do simple operations without a full blown job class?

With delayed_job, I was able to do simple operations like this:
Is it possible to do the same with Rails' new ActiveJob? (without creating a whole bunch of job classes that do these small operations)
ActiveJob is merely an abstraction on top of various background job processors, so many capabilities depend on which provider you're actually using. But I'll try to not depend on any backend.
Typically, a job provider consists of persistence mechanism and runners. When offloading a job, you write it into persistence mechanism in some way, then later one of the runners retrieves it and runs it. So the question is: can you express your job data in a format, compatible with any action you need?
That will be tricky.
Let's define what is a job definition then. For instance, it could be a single method call. Assuming this syntax:
Model.find(42), 2)
We can use the following format:
class: 'Model',
id: '42', # whatever
method: 'foo',
args: [
1, 2
Now how do we build such a hash from a given call and enqueue it to a job queue?
First of all, as it appears, we'll need to define a class that has a method_missing to catch the called method name:
class JobMacro
attr_accessor :data
def initialize(record = nil) = {}
if record.present?[:class] = record.class.to_s[:id] =
def method_missing(action, *args)[:method] = action.to_s[:args] = args
The job itself will have to reconstruct that expression like so:
data[:class].constantize.find(data[:id]).public_send(data[:method], *data[:args])
Of course, you'll have to define the delay macro on your model. It may be best to factor it out into a module, since the definition is quite generic:
def delay
It does have some limitations:
Only supports running jobs on persisted ActiveRecord models. A job needs a way to reconstruct the callee to call the method, I've picked the most probable one. You can also use marshalling, if you want, but I consider that unreliable: the unmarshalled object may be invalid by the time the job gets to execute. Same about "GlobalID".
It uses Ruby's reflection. It's a tempting solution to many problems, but it isn't fast and is a bit risky in terms of security. So use this approach cautiously.
Only one method call. No procs (you could probably do that with ruby2ruby gem). Relies on job provider to serialize arguments properly, if it fails to, help it with your own code. For instance, que uses JSON internally, so whatever works in JSON, works in que. Symbols don't, for instance.
Things will break in spectacular ways at first.
So make sure to set up your debugging tools before starting off.
An example of this is Sidekiq's backward (Delayed::Job) compatibility extension for ActiveRecord.
As far as I know, this is currently not supported. You can easily simulate this feature using a custom-defined proxy-job that accepts a model or instance, a method to be performed and a list of arguments.
However, for the sake of code testing and maintainability, this shortcut is not a good approach. It's more effective (even if you need to write a little bit more of code) to have a specific job for everything you want to enqueue. It forces you to think more about the design of your app.
I wrote a gem that can help you with that But be aware that I believe that having methods all around your code that might be executed in workers is the perfect recipe for disaster is not handled carefully :)

Is there any built-in way to automatically enforce a type/class on an instance variable in Ruby?

I'm working with Ruby and Rails, so any Rails extension of Ruby should be fine too.
I'm wondering if there's a way to effectively force a type on instance variables (rather, their setters and getters) that's easier than manually defining them.
The class method attr_accessor and the like don't enforce a type. I noticed for instance that Rails' ActiveRecord::Base class does automatic casting on setters. It knows from the database that a particular active record variable is an integer, and setting it with #record.integer_variable = '1' automatically casts the argument and allows further access through #record.integer_variable # => 1.
Is there a way to tap into this?
I could write my own getters and setters as class methods, but if smarter folk have already done the heavy lifting, I'd rather not have to trust myself.
I don't know if there's already something about it, but you can solve this problem with just a few lines of meta-programming:
module EnforceTypes
def attr_accessor_of_type(name, type)
send :define_method, name do
send :define_method, "#{name}=" do |v|
raise ArgumentException unless v.is_a? type
instance_variable_set("##{name}", v)
class MyClass
extend EnforceTypes
attr_accessor_of_type :some_string, String
Of course you can make it a little smart by changing the 2nd emitted method, performing some conversions, etc.
Here's a nice reference:
And remember, almost anything that you can do by manually copy-and-pasting lots of code, can be solved with meta-programming.
