Received memory warning source - ios

After getting numerous memory warnings in the console , I tried using the memory profile tool to understand the root cause. But I don't see any strange behavior in memory allocations.
Is there a way to know what exactly is causing the warning?
Print screen of profiler
Thanks for any guidance
sorted By "Overall Bytes" and "Created and Still living"
and added some detail to that:
and the code detail:

There is no single reason for memory warning. First of all you should always profile on real device - never simulator.
Add a profiler gadget called "leaks" to search for memory leaks on profiler while doing profiling.
You can get memory warning depending on a device even at around 10 - 12MB used by your application. Unfortunately there is no official information from Apple how much you can safely use.
In profile check also Total Living bytes. Try optimizing your code with autoreleasepools (if you are doing lot's of object allocation in "for" loops for example.
You can also check in Profile which objects takes most space.
Without real project to play with - it will be really hard to point a problem. Depending if it's a game and how much images you're using - problem may be different.


Using instruments to find memory leaks

I've tried to read almost every decent tutorial in the internet, but still can't understand what is really happening here:
I've "Hide System Libraries" and "Invert the call tree", but I do not understand how to find actual code responsible for for example this leak. Any tips are appreciated. May be I am missing something obvious. I am getting hundreds of leaks, however I am using weak in closures, I do not have classes referencing each other etc. But it looks like I am missing something fundamental.
The problem shown in your screenshot is Instruments can't find your app's debug symbols. Instruments is showing memory addresses instead of function names. You are not going to be able to find the source of your memory leaks in Instruments without function names, even if you invert the call tree and hide system libraries.
Make sure your project is generating debug symbols. Check that the Generate Debug Symbols build setting is set to Yes. If your project is generating debug symbols, Instruments may be unable to find the dSYM file that contains the debug symbols. In Instruments choose Instrument > Call Tree > Locate dSYM. The dSYM is usually in the same directory as the release version's application bundle. The following article has additional information:
Instruments: Locating dSYM Files
Memory leaks can be difficult to track down. This is likely going to be a time consuming process, so be prepared. In the end, there is usually a lot of trial and error with debugging memory leaks. The "Memory Leaks" instrument has actually only detected one leak for me in the past. I've always had to track them down myself using the "Allocations" instrument.
One of the things that has helped me in the past is to start by trying to figure out what objects are actually being leaked. Click on the allocations instrument (the row above "Leak Checks"). Now try sorting by number of objects released or amount of memory used. See if there are any objects that have a count of 0 released when they shouldn't be sticking around. See if there is an object type that is taking an abnormal amount of memory.
Memory leaks are always due to developer mistakes with memory management. There are some minor memory leaks that exist in some of the lower level private APIs in Foundation and UIKit. At those lower levels, they are dealing with a lot more manual memory management, so its much easier to make tiny mistakes. You can't really do anything about those, but they are relatively rare.
If your application is working just fine, you may not need to worry about fixing these. There is some cost benefit analysis you want to do here. If this isn't impacting performance or stability, is the time investment in fixing these right now worth the minor benefits it will provide you and your users?
However it is worth nothing that memory leaks can add up, so if a user has your app open for a long time, the amount of leaked memory will eventually become a problem if you continue to leak more objects over time. At some point the application will crash and the user will have to re-open. But if your memory leaks are small enough that this doesn't become an issue unless the app has been open for HOURS, is it really that much of a problem anyways? That's always a judgment call on your part.

iOS ARC ram grows up only [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Problems with memory management, autorelease, permanent heap is sometimes 250+ kb on iOS
(2 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Hello my question is maybe General I am not asking for code etc.
I developing only for iPhones with iOS6.1 and above
When I run my application the RAM it uses only grows up(when I switching between views (I have like 15 views)).
However after I ran test with analyzer it didn't find any leaks.
also no leaks were found in instrument leaks.
Despite my application doesn't exceed 20 mb of RAM I am still worried that something may be just not ok there.
I am using ARC ,but the ram still goes up.
Is there any way I can check what can cause 1 sided ram allocation ?
If the memory continues to go up, it could be a variety of different things, but "strong reference cycle" is the prime suspect. Sadly, this won't necessarily show up in Leaks tool in Instruments, either.
Do snapshots/generations in the Allocations tool and identify what's not getting released (notably if it consists of any of your classes) and go from there. Specifically, run the app through its paces, then mark snapshot/generation, do a bit more, and then mark another snapshot/generation. Look at that second snapshot and see what's been allocated (but not released) captured since the prior snapshot, with a focus on your classes. You'll find the culprit pretty quickly that way.
See WWDC video iOS App Performance: Memory for practical demonstration.
For example, here is a healthy app that I profiled through the Instruments' "Leaks" tool, but I'm going to focus on the "Allocations" tool:
In this profile, I waited for the app to quiet down, tapped on "Mark Generation" button (resulting with "Generation A", the first flag in my timeline). I then went to a view and then dismissed it, and did "Mark Generation" again, getting "Generation B". The "Growth" column is telling me that between Generation A and B, 100kb was consumed, but not released. But I'm not worried about this yet because there might be some iOS internal cache of UIKit elements. So, I repeat this process one more time to get "Generation C". Now that's interesting, now reporting a growth of only 8.26kb, which is negligible. This, combined with a clean bill of health from the Leaks instrument makes me feel pretty good about the risk of any serious memory problems.
Now, let's contrast that with some code that has a seriously problematic "strong reference cycle":
Now this is a completely different picture, even though the process was the same "present and dismiss" process, repeated twice. This is now telling me that I had a 14mb growth between generations, and more notably, I can clearly see the problematic growth curve. What's remarkable is that while the Allocations tool is clearly catching a serious problem, the Leaks tool reports nothing.
Now, in practice, the real-world experience with the Allocations tool will probably rest somewhere between these two extremes. Your app may have its own caches or model objects that slowly take up memory, but if you're properly responding to memory warnings, you should be recovering that memory. Frankly, though, most well designed apps should not be generating memory warnings at all (usually accomplished by properly configuring caches, avoiding imageNamed where appropriate, moving to persistent storage for large or infrequently accessed data, etc.). The goal is to get to a point where the app stabilizes around some reasonable baseline memory allocation level, consistently returning back to that baseline.
But it's going to be impossible for us to advise you until you do some basic profiling of your app and diagnose the sorts of memory issues that you're having.

app works fine on iPad 2, crashes on iPad 3, with low memory warning

as the title says, I have an app which works on iPad 2, but crashes on iPad 3. when running it the console gives me a low memory warning message. When the crash happens I symbolicate it, but there's really nothing that I can relate to the code, like it shows
process name, UUID, rpages, recent_max, [reason] (state)
and under those column headers just hexadecimal stuff, nothing showing method calls or lines in the project.
Any ideas? am I missing some flags in the code that allows for a better crash log?
If you're getting low memory warnings and fail to release enough memory to resolve the issue, your app will almost certainly crash. The thing is, I don't think that the particulars of how or why it crashed can possibly be illuminating. At that point, you're evaluating secondary symptoms. You really need to go back and figure out why you got the low memory warning in the first place and fix that problem.
As Daniel said, you can look at Technical Note 2151, but as it says:
When you see a low memory crash, rather than be concerned about what part of your code was executing at the time of termination, you should investigate your memory usage patterns and your responses to low memory warnings. Memory Allocations Help lists detailed steps on how to use the Leaks Instrument to discover memory leaks, and how to use the Allocations Instrument's Mark Heap feature to avoid abandoned memory. Memory Usage Performance Guidelines discusses the proper ways to respond to low-memory notifications as well as many tips for using memory effectively. It is also recommended that you check out the WWDC 2010 session, Advanced Memory Analysis with Instruments.
So, a couple of thoughts:
Have you looked for leaks? The Finding Leaks article walks you through how to use instruments to find your leaks.
If you turned on zombies, have you turned them off? Zombies is a great diagnostic tool, but just consumes memory.
Have you run your code through the static analyzer (shift+command+B or select "Analyze" on the "Product" menu)? Especially if using non-ARC code, this can find lots of memory issues.
Have you examined your allocations for unexplained increases without offsetting decreases with the Instrument's Allocations tool. Using that, you can run the program, look at the consumption of memory on the graph and see if you see any increases that aren't offset at some point by the corresponding decreases. And if so, highlight those increases in the graph:
For example, when running the Allocations tool, hold down the option key and then click-and-drag with your mouse to highlight a portion of the timeline, to identify what you want to inspect. You probably want to focus on one of your spikes in allocations. For example, I found a bump in my allocations and highlighted it as such (this was a ludicrously simple example where I create a huge array in viewDidLoad, but hopefully it give you the idea):
Note, I find it useful to show the call tree in the lower panel, it's often useful to select "Hide System Libraries", to focus on your code (and "Invert Call Tree", too). And if you double click on the method name in Instruments (in my example, here, it would be viewDidLoad), Instruments will then show you your code that's doing the allocation:
Low memory warnings generate a different kind of log than standard crashes. Take a look at the "Understanding Low Memory Reports" section of this article to understand what happened with your application and how you can debug it using Instruments:

iOS Memory malady madness

I recently ported a project over to ARC as I was having trouble with crashes and actually determining the cause, whether it was leaks or retain cycles etc., Now I have ported it over, I have not done massive testing to see whether it still crashes as I have not managed to get passed the activity monitor giving me the heeby jeebies when it shows my application doing This (activity monitor profiler)
whereas in allocations tools it looks something like
That real memory usage is not even the worst of it, at one point it shot up to around 90 odd MBs, I am unsure on how to proceed as I am not 100 percent sure what to do with the information given here, Except assume that I might be dong something, very wrong, And I have also run the leaks instrument, I have a few but they are minimal, they are all in bytes.
Does anyone have an explanation? or at the very least are able to clarify what I am possibly looking at? what's the difference between real memory usage and live bytes and overall bytes? Also these results were gotten doing exactly the same actions once and then showing you at the end of it.
I have been trying to reduce the real memory usage as pre ARC conversion I was having memory warnings and silent crashes frequently, I have not run into these again after converting, but I have not done any prolonged testing as I cannot conceive of even trying when the real memory usage looks like that. Which actually looks a lot higher than before ARC...Although the live bytes does look lower post ARC...Madness!
Something that confused me for a while is that ARC - wonderful as it is - does not necessarily avoid the need for #autoreleasepool.
I ran very large memory usage in an app until someone suggested:
#autoreleasepool {
// lots of allocating of objects returned from methods then discarded
} // and the closing brace of the autoreleasepool block causes their memory to be recovered here
Maybe that will help you.
A good explanation of the meaning of the various columns in the profiler is at Instruments ObjectAlloc: Explanation of Live Bytes & Overall Bytes

iPhone memory warnings and crashes - but Instruments showing lowish memory use

I have a strange memory issue I'm having problems resolving and would appreciate some advice as to where else to look.
The program I have (iPhone App) has a function whereby it basically downloads loads of files, processes those that are JSON, and stores the rest to disk. The JSON processing is CPU intensive and can take several seconds per file, so I have a NSOperationQueue with maxConcurrency limited to 1 that handles all the heavy lifting, and a queue that manages the multiple files to download.
Ever since iOS5 came out, the App has had problems completing the download sequence without crashing and so far what I have tried is;
1) Changed the performSelectorOnBackgroundThread JSON processing to use a single NSOperationQueue so as to limit the number of background threads working with large objects.
2) Added NSAutoReleasePools inside loops that create multiple, large, transient objects.
3) Flushed the sharedURLCache to ensure the files aren't hanging around in the system cache.
4) Stored the JSON objects to disk using NSKeyedArchiver and passed the filenames between threads rather than the actual objects, to again try to mitigate the number and size of retained objects currently in use.
All of these at first seemed to make a difference, and when I look at the memory allocations, I've now got the peak usage down from just over 20MB (hence no wonder it was crashing) to under 10MB, and yet the app is still crashing with low memory as before.
I'm trying to trace what is eating the memory causing the app to crash and on this occasion I'm having real problems persuading Instruments to tell me anything useful.
Here's a typical trace (on an iPhone 3GS running iOS 4.3.5)
You can see that the PEAK usage was a tad over 7MB and yet shortly after, you can see the 2 flags pertaining to low memory, and then low memory urgent, followed by the app terminating shortly thereafter.
If I use the memory monitor, the cause of the crash seems clear enough - physical memory is being exhausted - look at the light green trace below. The low memory warnings co-incide (not surprisingly) with the physical memory running out.
There are no leaks showing FWIW either (I've done that in other runs).
It's not image caches or NSURLConnection caches and the only thing I can think of is that perhaps there are some bad leaks that aren't being detected ... but I'm having issues identifying them because if I click into all allocations to see the objects that are live, and then do a command-A to select them all (in order to paste them into a spreadsheet to see where the memory seems to be), at the point I hit command-C to copy them, Instruments beachballs and never recovers.
I really cant figure out what's going on. Does anyone have some advice on how to persuade instruments to show me some more useful information about what is using this memory?
Sorry I can't post any meaningful code fragments ... hopefully the instruments screenshots at least give you an idea about where I'm coming from.
The Leaks instrument isn't terribly useful for figuring out anything but the obvious leaks in your app.
What you are describing is an ideal candidate for heapshot analysis.
tl;dr Heapshot analysis allows you to see exactly how the heap of your application grows between any two points of time (where you determine the points).
