Ruby on Rails jsonparse error - ruby-on-rails

Already I have spent a lot time to resolve the issue but not getting the actual reason.
I have a issue during parsing the json, below is the my josn which i am trying to format.
ERROR: 757: unexpected token at '"{\"requestId\":\"2323423432\",\"bids\":\"[ {\\"adId\\":50000001, \\"bidNative\\":100,\\"clickPayload\\":\\"clickPayload-1\\", \\"impressionPayload\\":\\"236|458795|12345\\"}, {\\"adId\\":60000002, \\"bidNative\\":200,\\"clickPayload\\":\\"clickPayload-2\\", \\"impressionPayload\\":\\"236|458795|12345\\"}, {\\"adId\\":60000002, \\"bidNative\\":300,\\"clickPayload\\":\\"clickPayload-3\\", \\"impressionPayload\\":\\"236|458795|12345\\"}]\"}"'
actually wherever it shows 2 slashes there are actually 3, but i dont know why stack overflows editor shows like this.


For what reason can an error occur periodically in the client-side?

I have a Rails application that has several components written in Vue. All components are included in the "pack" file.
These two errors occur periodically in the browser (Safari):
SyntaxError: Unexpected token '|'
TypeError: Object(i.a) is not a function. (In 'Object(i.a)()', 'Object(i.a)' is an instance of Object)
The first error points to this line:
<meta name="csrf-token" content="qRbwC3xngly9Y5hRVLA86upHTEkVwIk10PiOtDWCw00RUkIhGK8UvEIhtUXebkzWaqlxsHPSBaheR1moaY-b9w"/>
I don't understand what the second line points to. The error refers to some function "c" in "node.js:15".
Clicking on it jumps to the comment:
In general, I do not understand what it is.
If reload the page, then everything will be fine. Well, that is the problem occurs randomly.
On the Sentry side, I get nothing. Apparently, this does not reach Sentry, the error is not caught and is not transmitted to Sentry.

Is there a list of JSON parse error codes?

I'm trying to provide a good experience to users that are using JSON and the parser is on the backend (Ruby).
Most of the time, when you get a badly formatted JSON payload the error is of the format XXX unexpected token at '<entire payload here>'. That's not very user-friendly nor practical.
My question is: Is there a list of the XXX error codes that could help create better error messages that could be understood by beginners and not-really-tech-people?
XXX in this kind of errors is not a special code of the error. It is just a line number from the file where this error was raised. For example, for Ruby 2.5.1 you'll get JSON::ParserError (765: unexpected token at
You can find a list in the documentation for the module.
Think this covers it:
# The base exception for JSON errors.
# This exception is raised if the required unicode support is missing on the system. Usually this means that the iconv library is not installed.
# This exception is raised if the nesting of parsed data structures is too deep.
# This exception is raised if a parser error occurs.
# This exception is raised if a generator or unparser error occurs.
JSON::JSONError is the parent class, so you can rescue from that and provide per-error-class messages as needed.
I feel it's worth noting that in my experience the vast majority of errors relating to JSON are of the class JSON::ParserError. Another common issue worth considering is getting ArgumentError if nil is passed as an argument.
As an example of how this could be used, you could work with something like the following:
rescue JSON::JSONError, ArgumentError => e
{ error: I18n.t(e.to_s) } # <- or whatever you want to do per error
Hope that helps - let me know how you get on :)

bad argument in call to crypto:aes_cfb_128_crypt

This is the code snippet at line 461 which is giving badarg error ,please help me solve this error guys.
ejabberd_odbc:escape(base64:encode(crypto:aes_cfb_128_encrypt(<<"abcdefghabcdefgh">>, <<"12345678abcdefgh">>, xml:element_to_binary(NewPacket)))),
bad argument in call to crypto:aes_cfb_128_crypt(<<"abcdefghabcdefgh">>, <<"12345678abcdefgh">>, <<">, true) in mod_offline:'-store_offline_msg/6-fun-2-'/2 line 225
One of the things I like about functional languages is that you generally have an easier time reproducing errors in a controlled environment. In your case, it seems like
is the call that's failing, so you should write
io:format("XML=~p~n", [XML]),
the first line will print out the contents of XML in Erlang syntax, and the second line will fail when you get to the bad input.
Once you see the string you're trying to decode, the problem will probably be obvious (it's not a string or it's not a base64 string). If it is a correctly-encoded base64 string, then you can post that problem as a StackOverflow question and get a more useful response.

S22.Imap.BadServerResponseException - IMAP xm003 BAD [CLIENTBUG] Command syntax error

Problem with the S22.Imap:
xm003 BAD [CLIENTBUG] Command syntax error
my Search Condition from the Example:
IEnumerable<uint> uids = client.Search(SearchCondition.SentSince(new DateTime(2015, 10, 20)));
oll other SearchCondition's work fine. Pls Help.
The problem is that S22.Imap is sending an incorrectly formatted date string in the SENTSINCE search query.
Since S22.Imap is a dead project, I would recommend switching to my open source MailKit library instead.
Hope that helps.

Weird rails error while loading the application

I am having this bizarre error and I don't know what to do.
This code runs fine on my development and staging machine but crashes on production.
All I have to do is load the page or call script/server to trigger the following error:
Error message:
interning empty string
Exception class:
Full Stack trace: Code
Sorry for this short description, but this is all that i am able to show to you. =/
Thank you.
This could be because you have an invalid filename for a partial (a filename with two consecutive zeros).
For example
_partial..html.erb (invalid)
This blog post mentions this error:
