Indy IMAP4 does not display German symbols correctly - delphi

I am using TIdIMAP4 component to fill the string grid with the messages of my GMail mailbox.
var IMAPClient: TIdIMAP4;
Some messages have German umlauts. When I call IMAPClient.RetrieveAllHeaders(MyMsgList) the string grid is populated as expected (all umlauts are displayed) but there are no UIDs however (I guess that RetrieveAllHeaders just doesn't fetch UIDs).
When I call IMAPClient.UIDRetrieveAllEnvelopes(MyMsgList) all additional attributes of a Messages are there, but the headers are displayed in abracadabra (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?_Die_Br=FCcke_von_Arnheim?=) // Shall be 'Die Brücke von Arnheim'.
I've read many supportive posts but could not find the answer why IndyIMAP4 treats German symbols incorrectly.
Any ideas?

RetrieveAllHeaders() decodes the raw data it retrieves. UIDRetrieveAllEnvelopes() retrieves the raw data only, it does not decode. You can decode the raw headers manually by calling Indy's DecodeHeader() function in the IdCoderHeader unit.


Delphi TIdHTTP POST does not encode plus sign

I have a TIdHTTP component on a form, and I am sending an http POST request to a cloud-based server. Everything works brilliantly, except for 1 field: a text string with a plus sign, e.g. 'hello world+dog', is getting saved as 'hello world dog'.
Researching this problem, I realise that a '+' in a URL is regarded as a space, so one has to encode it. This is where I'm stumped; it looks like the rest of the POST request is encoded by the TIdHTTP component, except for the '+'.
Looking at the request through Fiddler, it's coming through as 'hello%20world+dog'. If I manually encode the '+' (hello world%2Bdog), the result is 'hello%20world%252Bdog'.
I really don't know what I'm doing here, so if someone could point me in the right direction it would be most appreciated.
Other information:
I am using Delphi 2010. The component doesn't have any special settings, I presume I might need to set something? The header content-type that comes through in Fiddler is 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.
Then, the Delphi code:
Request:='hello world+dog';
URL :='http://............./ExecuteWithErrors';
IdHTTP1.ReadTimeout :=5000;
You are using an outdated version of Indy and need to upgrade.
TIdHTTP's webform data encoder was changed several times in late 2010. Your version appears to predate all of those changes.
In your version, TIdHTTP uses TIdURI.ParamsEncode() internally to encode the form data, where a space character is encoded as %20 and a + character is left un-encoded, thus:
In October 2010, the encoder was updated to encode a space character as & before calling TIdURI.ParamsEncode(), thus:
In early December 2010, the encoder was updated to encode a space character as + instead, thus:
In late December 2010, the encoder was completely re-written to follow W3C's HTML specifications for application/x-www-form-urlencoded. A space character is encoded as + and a + character is encoded as %2B, thus:
In all cases, the above logic is applied only if the hoForceEncodeParams flag is enabled in the TIdHTTP.HTTPOptions property (which it is by default). If upgrading is not an option, you will have to disable the hoForceEncodeParams flag and manually encode the TStringList content yourself:

QR Code possible data types or standards

I am developing an iOS Application for scanning QR Codes. I am successfully able to scan and get code from QR code.
My question is what are possible data types and format I can expect from QR Codes?
During my search on google I found QR Code can be used for
Contact data
Calendar data
Email address
Phone number
Plain text
Geo location
Is this the complete list and is there same standard to represent above data in QR Codes? Means same way of generating QR Code for above QR types.
Is there any standard way of generating and representing data in QR Code?
Basically your text information has to be identifiable for what it is:
There is a very good summary here.
Contact data - use MeCard, or vCard (much more verbose), e.g.: MECARD:Surname, First;ADR:123 Some St., Town, Zip Code, Country;;TEL:+11800123123;BDAY:19550231;;
Calendar data - There are two formats about iCalendar (.ics) & vCalendar (.vcs). These formats can also include location, alarm, to-do items, etc. Note that these are both verbose formats and you may be better off using a short URL to an online file in the file format but the person scanning needs to have internet connectivity and be willing to trust the QR code not to be doing anything bad.
URL: Start your url with the standard format specifier such as http://, e.g.:
Email address - Start with gives:
Phone number - Start with tel: e.g. tel:+1-212-555-1212 gives:
SMS - See the RFC 5724.
Plain text - Just include the text.
Geo location - Use the geo:lat,long,alt format URI: geo:40.71872,-73.98905,100 (100 feet above Googles offices) gives:
WIFI - (ssid is 'abc' and password is '1234'). For WEP encryption: WIFI:S:abc;T:WEP;P:1234;;. For WPA/WPA2: WIFI:S:abc;T:WPA;P:1234;;. Without encryption: WIFI:S:abc;T:nopass;P:1234;;.
All the above example were generated with the Python qrcode package from the command line.
Basically, QR Code returns text data that can be of any type. You can put any type of data in any string format in QR Code. It totally depends on you.
You can consider it as
[NSString stringWithFormat].
Github - Zxing (Barcode Contents) has a summary.
There may or may not be a standard.
If you are looking for non-standard formats,
please update your documentation and contribute to open source.

Using MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP to access data from a web page returns truncated data in Lua

I am trying to download a source code file from a web site which works fine for small files, but a couple of larger ones get truncated.
The example below should be returning a file 146,135 bytes in size, but returns one of 141,194 bytes with a status of 200.
I have tried winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1 as well, but both seem to truncate at the same point.
I have also found quite a few people with similar problems, but have not been able to find a solution.
http = luacom.CreateObject('MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP')
print('Status: '..http.Status)
headers = http:GetAllResponseHeaders()
data = http.Responsetext
print('Data Size = '..#data)
I finally worked out what was going on so will post it here for others.
To avoid the truncation I needed to use ResponseBody and not ResponseText, what appears to be happening is the file is being sent in binary format, the ResponseText data is the same number of bytes as the ResponseBody one, but is in UTF-8 format, this means the number if special characters in the file (which are double byte in UTF-8 are dropped from the end of the ResponseText. I am not sure at what level the "mistake" in the length is made, but the way to avoid it is to use ResponseBody.

XML Parsing with parseFromString with portuguese characters

I have a Blackberry app developed using PhoneGap. I am using suds client to call web service. There are some Portuguese character in the webservice XML. I am not able to parse to XMLDoc using the DOMParser.
I am using
xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(_xml, "text/xml");
The encoding type is UTF-8. Without the Portuguese character, parsing is working perfectly.
"I am using is UTF-8 encoding type." - this can mean several things, so it is unclear what exactly you do in order to support UTF-8 end-to-end.
E.g. you should check:
your web service really sends data in UTF-8 (when it converts string chars into bytes to be sent into output stream it should use UTF-8)
the device code that reads data from web really uses UTF-8 to convert bytes to string _xml
P.S. I'm not familiar with phonegap API so this is just a general plan.

Send an e-mail with rtf text in delphi

I would like to perform the following task: converting a TRichEdit content (an rtf text) into a not-plain-text e-mail message body.
MAPI doesn't support rtf, but is there a way to do it maybe with Indy?
The problem is that rtf is rtf and emails are plain text or HTML.
Can someone suggest a trick? Is it possible to convert rtf to text using TWebBrowser?
Basically the scenario is:
1) User writes email in a delphi form,
2) The email is then sent with MAPI to the default mail client (so a new email window is generated, and the message body is the same I had in delphi form)
3) User sends the email from mail client
Anyway MAPI accepts only plain text.
Trying with Indy I wrote this but still it doesn't work, as I send a mail it to my gmail account I recieve a message with empty body and NONAME fake attachment.
uses IdMessageBuilder;
procedure SendMail;
MBuilder: TIdMessageBuilderRtf;
MyMemoryStream: TMemoryStream;
MBuilder := TIdMessageBuilderRtf.Create;
MyMemoryStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
MBuilder.RtfType := idMsgBldrRtfRichtext;
// RichEdit1 has PlainText set to False
// at design time I pasted some formatted text onto it
Indy supports sending RTF emails. Send an email the same way you would send an HTML email, just use the "text/rtf", "text/enriched", or "text/richtext" Context-Type, and send the raw RTF codes that are generated by TRichEdit when its PlainText property is set to false. Also, if you are using Indy 10, look at its TIdMessageBuilderRtf class to set up the TIdMessage structure correctly.
Apparently (googled this myself, as I mail some from Delphi, but not in this case), the PR_RTF_COMPRESSED option of (extended) MAPI may help you here. Also look at this.
Is it possible to convert rtf to text using TWebBrowser?
You can convert RTF to Text using TRichEdit - but obviously this loses all formatting:
Using TRichEdit at runtime without defining a parent
2: You can find a number of RTF to HTML converters online - some free, some not. Like these:
3: You can rename the noname attachment as NONAME.MHT and it should then be openable with internet explorer.
However you might want to consider using an HTML edit control, rather than a TRichEdit. Then you have no conversion to worry about. Something like this question:-
WYSIWYG HTML Editor Component for Delphi
