Unable to create course via api - desire2learn

I am trying to create a course in a semester through the api in valence d2l. I keep getting a 404 not found error, both in my program and in the "getting started" application. The call I am making is to /d2l/api/lp/1.0/courses/ using post. I pass the following JSON object along with it:
"Name": "COMM291 - Test A",
"Code": "C-COMM291",
"Path": "/enforced/C-COMM291/",
"CourseTemplateId": 20992,
"SemesterId": 20993,
"StartDate": "2013-08-22T19:41:14.0983532Z",
"EndDate": "2013-08-27T19:41:14.0993532Z",
"LocaleId": 4105,
"ForceLocale": false,
"ShowAddressBook": false
I have also tried passing null for the fields that say they accept null values, but no luck. The course template and the semester ID are correct - I have tripled checked that they exist, I am enrolled in them and I am using the correct ID numbers.

Try reducing the precision in your start and end dates to three decimals after the final point (e.g., "2013-08-22T19:41:14.0983532Z" becomes "2013-08-22T19:41:14.098Z").

If your org is configured to automatically enforce, and generate, paths for course offerings, then you should not provide one in your CreateCourseOffering block at all. The following structure works on our test instance: notice the empty string for path (shouldn't be null, but an empty string, I believe):
{ "Name": "Extensibility 104",
"Code": "EXT-104",
"Path": "",
"CourseTemplateId": 8082,
"SemesterId": 6984,
"StartDate": "2013-09-01T19:41:14.098Z",
"EndDate": "2013-12-27T19:41:14.098Z",
"LocaleId": 1,
"ForceLocale": false,
"ShowAddressBook": false }
The other thing to note is that if your CreateCourse form doesn't have a form element to provide a Semester ID, then your API call should pass null for that property.

I found that part of my problem was with the call if I change it to /d2l/api/lp/1.3/courses/ instead of 1.0 it works, (1.0 will work but it seems that you can only pass null for the semester).
The dates were also picky and did prefer milliseconds to only 3 decimal places.
Then passing null for LocaleId also helped.


How to return friendly field names for zapier trigger (zapier developers)

I am working on a Zapier integration for an online form builder. Each unique form for our users has lots of long, auto-generated field names.
We have a trigger called “New form entries”, which polls our server for form entries, and comes back like this:
"id": "6209aee326baa600224d822c",
"email_907058157108782": "test#test.com",
"phone_589083232390193": "12345",
"id": "61fd629f19408200225e1893",
"email_907058157108782": "test#test2.com",
"phone_589083232390193": "54321",
However, this results in end users seeing these really long, gross field names in the Zapier interface:
My question: how do I get Zapier to display friendly labels to the user, whilst using the unique field IDs behind the scenes?
I’m thinking of returning something like the following (each object represents a form entry, , but I need to know how to actually use “friendlyFieldName” and “value” in Zapier!-
// the id for the entry
"id": "62179ec5ab9daa0022df7d1d",
// the id for the first field entry
"text_576692390099896": {
// a friendly name and value for zapier
"friendlyFieldName": "What is your favourite colour?",
"value": "Blue"
Thank you :)
You can define output fields labels in outputFields. Here are the reference document that you can follow: Output Fields

Can't Update Sharepoint Managed Meta Data Field from Microsoft Graph Explorer

I'm trying to update the fields associated with a list item via Graph Explorer, https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/graph-explorer (or a REST API call). For one of the fields, its value can be one item from a term set (managed meta data). I can see each of the elements in the term set and get each termguid when I visit https://XXX.sharepoint.com/Lists/TaxonomyHiddenList/AllItems.aspx.
I'm trying to do a PATCH request with a URL of something like https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/sites/XXX.sharepoint.com,FOO,BAR/drive/root/children/Test%20Document.txt/listItem/fields (or https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/XXX.sharepoint.com,FOO,BAR/drive/list/items/1/fields) to identify the fields associated with a specific item
To update the CakeType field, I've set the request body to the following:
"CakeType": {
"Label": "Apple",
"TermGuid": "3a3ad73f-94ca-4d1e-a25c-XXXX",
"WssId": -1
When I then press the Run Query button, I get an InvalidClientQueryException with a message of "A value without a type name was found and no expected type is available. When the model is specified, each value in the payload must have a type which can be either specified in the payload, explicitly by the caller or implicitly inferred from the parent value."
So, I've been trying to figure out what datatype to specify and how to... In various examples online, I've seen adding a field named __metadata and others adding #odata.type, like CakeType#odata.type for the case here. I've tried adding these lines within the CakeType JSON and outside it, for the whole structure. Neither worked...
"CakeType": {
"__metadata" : {"type" : "SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue" },
"Label": "Apple",
"TermGuid": "3a3ad73f-94ca-4d1e-a25c-XXXX",
"WssId": -1
"__metadata" : {"type" : "SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue" },
"CakeType": {
"Label": "Apple",
"TermGuid": "3a3ad73f-94ca-4d1e-a25c-XXXX",
"WssId": -1
I've also tried using the field name in the type which I thought I saw somewhere...
"__metadata" : {"type" : "SP.Data.CakeType" },
and tried
"CakeType#odata.type" : "SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue" ,
"CakeType#odata.type" : "SP.Data.CakeType",
"#odata.type" : "SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue" ,
The only things that gave a different error message was when I put "CakeType#odata.type" : "SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue" , immediately after the opening { or without the CakeType part within the CakeType...
"CakeType#odata.type" : "SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue" ,
"CakeType": {
"Label": "Apple",
"TermGuid": "3a3ad73f-94ca-4d1e-a25c-XXXX",
"WssId": -1
"CakeType": {
"#odata.type" : "SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue" ,
"Label": "Apple",
"TermGuid": "3a3ad73f-94ca-4d1e-a25c-XXXXX",
"WssId": -1
Each gave an error of "A type named 'SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue' could not be resolved by the model. When a model is available, each type name must resolve to a valid type."
This makes me think that I have the right field name but the wrong type...
So... what should I be naming the type so I can update the managed meta data field? or... what must the JSON be if the above structure is so far off... or how can I update the field strictly using the Graph API.
I thought looking at schema extensions might help (GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/schemaExtensions) but it didn't...
Ultimately, I'm trying to update the managed meta data field from Java with the classes in com.microsoft.graph.... so if I can figure out the right stuff with Graph Explorer, I can then move over to Java. I've seen some examples of such in other languages but can't figure out the right way to do same in Java.
Here is how I was finally able to do this.
First you need the id of the hidden field which is the displayName corresponding to your field CakeType which should be CakeType_0.
I used this REST call to get find the id:
This will return all your fields and you want the one with the _0 suffix:
..."displayName": "Cake_0",...
"name": "d39a5181f12f41a483acb1a4e47477b1"...
It is this name id you need to use to update the field.
So then the PATCH call on your item is like this:
Then the payload syntax is like this:
So it would look like this (assuming Apple is the 4th tag although I think -1 might work there too):
For more than one tag separate them with ;# all within the same quoted string
I was having the same issue, and found this: https://microsoftgraph.uservoice.com/forums/920506-microsoft-graph-feature-requests/suggestions/33421180-support-for-setting-sharepoint-managed-metadata-t
The feature request:
Support for setting SharePoint Managed Metadata (taxonomy) column values and other complex column types on items via the Graph API
The response:
Thank you for your feedback! This work is on the backlog and currently isn’t scheduled. The feature will be updated here once dev work has started. -EY

/beta MS Graph /sites/lists lastModifiedDateTime is wrong?

Using MS Graph API /beta endpoint to figure out if the list has been updated/changed.
Used the following query first:
https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/sites/xxxxx.sharepoint.com:/sites/xxxxx?$expand=lists(select=id, name, system, lastModifiedDateTime)
And did get the following date:
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2018-10-08T10:23:37Z",
But when going against the items and see the dates on the latest item with the following query:
you can see the dates:
"createdDateTime": "2018-10-08T10:23:37Z"
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2018-10-08T10:29:14Z",
You can see that lastModifiedDateTime property on the list looks like actually lastCreatedDateTime?
Best Regards,
First graph request gets the SitePages list and its lastModifiedDateTime:
"id": "b9c39323-076a-4ae7-942b-1d0060a6b352",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2018-10-08T10:23:37Z",
"name": "SitePages",
"system": {}
But if we then look at the items of the list, we can see that it has an item with a higher lastModifiedDateTime (second graph request):
"createdDateTime": "2018-10-08T10:23:37Z",
"eTag": "\"27e03a98-9321-4586-8ef1-0b5323c26730,6\"",
"id": "8",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2018-10-08T10:29:14Z",
We can also see that the createdDateTime of the listitem is the same as the list lastModifiedDateTime. Looks like a bug in the api to mee. The date in the first request should be "2018-10-08T10:29:14Z". Dont you agree?
As your description, I assume you want to know why the LastModifyDateTime is different.
Base on my test, your first link is to get the lastModifyDateTime of the special site,
but your second link is about the items of the b9c39....
We can use the MS Graph Explore to check whether this two site has some differences.
Indeed, it appears to be a bug, for List resource lastModifiedDateTime property returns invalid value, it seems to be mapped to the last list item date and time when the item was created (ListItem.createdDateTime)
It could also be confirmed as a bug using the following endpoints (in both examples a valid lastModifiedDateTime value is returned):
Meanwhile as a workaround the following solution could be considered to enumerate site lists:
where root/lastModifiedDateTime returns a valid value
Limitation: Only returns document libraries

Microsoft Graph present #nextlink even with $top=1?

We are querying data using MS Graph OData API, but I found msGraph presents nextlink unexpectedly.
For example, even though I intend to query only one record by specifying $top=1:
in the response there is a #nextlink, which leads to another query to this link by our tool.
"#odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#users",
"**#odata.nextLink**": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users?$top=1&$skiptoken=X%2744537074020001000000223A4164616D73404D333635783231343335352E6F6E6D6963726F736F66742E636F6D29557365725F36653762373638652D303765322D343831302D383435392D343835663834663866323034B900000000000000000000%27",
"value": [
"id": "6e7b768e-07e2-4810-8459-485f84f8f204",
"businessPhones": [],
"displayName": "Conf Room Adams",
"givenName": null,
"jobTitle": null,
"mail": "Adams#M365x214355.onmicrosoft.com",
"mobilePhone": null,
"officeLocation": null,
"preferredLanguage": null,
"surname": null,
"userPrincipalName": "Adams#M365x214355.onmicrosoft.com"
One can reproduce it in graph-explorer
Is it working as expected?
I think there should be no nextlink since I only want one record. Is this a bug?
Using $top=x doesn't actually mean
I want you to show me only first x record(s) and ignore the rest
Its role (based on the query parameter docs) is:
Sets the page size of results.
What you saw is the expected outcome, as using $top is one of the cases where paging is used:
Some queries against Microsoft Graph return multiple pages of data either due to server-side paging or due to the use of the $top query parameter to specifically limit the page size in a request.
And further:
When a result set spans multiple pages, Microsoft Graph returns an #odata.nextLink property in the response that contains a URL to the next page of results.
Which precisely answers your question. If you want. feel free to read more about paging here.
Also remember that while using $top query parameter it's a good practice to remember about sorting (source: OData official documentation).

Pre-setting values to Docusign template

I am new to Docusign api and I am trying to post values from my form into a template. To be honest, I am not sure if I even created the custom fields properly or if there is some special way to set them into the form other than just creating a text field with a name.
I have read through the docs and recipes and about a dozen or more stack posts.
I am using rails and my fields post just fine but it's my tabs that do not. I read somewhere that I am supposed to use tabs and not custom_fields. Not sure if that's totally correct but that's how I've interpreted it.
Here is my current code:
body: {
"emailSubject": "DocuSign API call - Request Signature - Boom",
"templateId": "e1d5bce1-9757-4ffe-881b-054aa9139f2f",
"templateRoles": [{
"email": "#{renter.email}",
"name": "#{renter.background.legal_name}",
"roleName": "Lessee"
"email": "#{#manager.email}",
"name": "#{#manager.name}",
"roleName": "Lessor",
"tabs": {
"texttabs": [{
"tabLabel": "Rent",
"value": "#{#lease.rent}"
"tabLabel": "Address",
"value": "987 apple lane"
"status": "sent"
baseUrl that I am sending to:
In your texttabs section, you should be passing in the following parameters at a minimum per tab: tablabel & value.
tablabel is the name of the tab that you have defined on the template. So from what I can tell, you have a text box on your template called Address. So you should put "tablabel":"Address".
value is what you would like to pre-populate in the tab. Looks like you have that correct.
You do not want to use tabID as that is not a valid parameter in this flow. The API documentation details what parameters you can use: https://www.docusign.com/p/RESTAPIGuide/RESTAPIGuide.htm#REST%20API%20References/Tabs/Text%20Tab.htm?Highlight=data%20tab
I also see an extraneous parameter of "Rent" under templateRoles section. That value will be ignored since it is not a valid parameter.
Turns out the problem was not with the code but with the setup within docusign. Make sure that you are setting up your tabs correctly and if you want to replicate a field multiple times make sure that they all share the same exact name.
